Nova Scotia Sasquatch Sighting

Editor’s Note: Jonathan Poulsen has been researching the Sasquatch since 2008, but really involved himself heavily in 2011. He has since devoted his life to the near impossible challenge of verifying the existence of the Sasquatch. Shawn refers to him as the Bigfoot encyclopedia.

Another comment proved interesting, cryptozoologically.

"When I was between 7 and 9 yrs old myself and 5 or 6 other kids were playing in a stream on the south mountain of nova scotia. On weekends most of the family would get together at my grandmothers so all the kids would always hang out at a place called aggy's pond it was shaped like a bathtub and you could lay in there and a small waterfall would run down over your neck. after running around up and down the mountain it was nice to get in and cool off.One afternoon near supper time we were just doing our usual splashing each other and stuff.It was getting late anyway something started throwing rocks all around us nobody was hit by even one rock,good thing when i look back because they were some big ass rocks.when we started to run up the animal trail that lead to my grandmothers whatever threw the rocks made a very fast exit. we got to my grandmothers to see if it was just family messing with us but they were all there playing cards and diddnt know what the hell we were talking about.I dont know what threw the rocks but by the size of them it wasnt your average person,and the speed it got up over the brook bank I mean scared kids move pretty damn fast and this thing was gone.I dont recall any smell or anything like that and we werent looking for any tracks.I never even thought about bigfoot at that time in my life.It was only years later when we were all in our teens sitting around at one of the other kids place that the possibility of it being a sasquatch came up. I dont know what it was but whatever it was diddnt try to hurt us but diddnt want us there on that day.I will never forget that."
It should be noted that the BFRO has no reports from this province.


  1. another story with no evidence?

    wheres the videos?

    1. Yes. Just another bigfoot tall tale.

    2. I concur that a logical person is skeptical when they hear of an "out of the ordinary" occurence alleging a strange event/sighting. But even a skeptical person must acknowlede that most all "off the wall" events that have happened in their lives happen when they least expect them. Whether it be a "near miss" car wreck, a huge bear/deer that crosses your path or whatever. Rarely does someone have a video recorder or camera held up to their eye as they go through life.

  2. ok, guys! guys!i got one, i got one okay, ummmm...
    what do you get when you cross Dogman & Batter

    Hush Puppies XD...ahahahahhahah!!!

  3. think it's called a samsquanch in that area

    "dont scare em, that funkers worth a lot o money " - ricky

    1. Go back to con collage Ricky! Mr. Leahy

    2. I just spilled my rum & coke reading this! Jullian

    3. I wonder if samsquanch likes chesse burgers? -Randy

    4. Not as much as that square headed caveman Sam likes hotdogs!

    5. Philadelphia Collins says jump the damn cheeseburger Randy Bo-bandy

    6. Frigen Gut Cassidy and the Sundance Cheeseburger!

  4. That would be cool if it was a Bigfoot. I grew up in that area, and always thought the idea of bigfoot was kickass. I always figured NS might be to small to support any, the reason for no reported sightings. But that might account for the fact that there is less than a million people in the whole of the province. If there could be Sasquatch in Rhode Island, why not Nova Scotia.

  5. The article above is my experience when I was a kid. there was no sasquatch sighting.It was only brought up as a possibility years later.believe it,dont believe it.its your right to think what you like but not once did I say it was a saquatch.I think it is possible because of the dense woods ,the size of the rocks that were thrown and the speed that whatever it was got out our sight.I was very surprised to come on the sight and find my comment from another article featured.

    1. Thats the luck of the draw - you give them good material...voila, published

      "I'm somebody now"

      - Navin R Johnson

    2. Only messin' GNR...

      Take me down to the Paradise City where the grass is green and Patty is Plenty

    3. If you like GnR, you probably live in a trailer park. If you don't, you should.

    4. Are u gay Anon 5:44? Looking for a date?

    5. Are you talking about the gypsum mines in the Windsor area ?

  6. I can find Bigfoot 'reports' on BFRO all day long. Is there something special about this one that we don't know yet?

  7. This reminds me of a time when I was about the same age, 7,9 maybe 10. We had a huge forest behind our house that covered thousands of acres. One summer day, my friends and I were playing, deep in the woods. We heard another group of kids walking down a trail that was near us and decided to have some fun. We all gathered up a bunch of rocks and started slinging them at the other kids, being careful not to hit any of them. We woulda been in deep sh1t if we hit one of them. Those kids got spooked and ran the hell out of there as fast as they could, it was funny. I don't remember the size of the rocks or the velocity with which we were throwing them though. Those kind of details aren't clear from that long ago and the age that I was. I could perhaps embellish although I don't really need to. It's not like I'm trying to convince you that I had a Bigfoot encounter.

    1. We did the same thing w/ whatever...dirtclawds (spelling?), small rocks, and bones. I hit someone in the head by mistake, felt really bad. Hail mary from 30-40 yards. Kid cried but luckily he was ok.

    2. Oh yeah, we did that to other kids too. We'd take clods of mud and mold them onto the end of a stick then use the stick to launch them. Wonder if the kids we were slinging them at thought they were from Bigfoot.

  8. Wow! Get ahold of all this Bigfoot evidence! I had no idea the case for Sasquatch was this good!

  9. Misleading title "Nova Scotia Sasquatch Sighting" considering witness says "I dont know what it was".

    1. i agree it should have said encounter not sighting

  10. Starting sentences with lowercase letters make the story more difficult to read.

  11. Like I said earlier never did i say it was bigfoot.there was no sighting,just something that we couldnt explain. I think most people in their life have had or will have something happen that is not fully understood or explainable. if you put 10 people in a room together and ask if anyone has ever seen a ghost I would bet that not everyone would say no,it doesnt mean they all did but that is what they thought.People that know me have known about this for years but I dont talk about it every day or run around saying holly fuck did I ever tell you about the time I saw bigfoot,because i diddnt but I can tell you it wasnt other kids throwing rocks or mud on a stick and as far as video I dont know to many kids in the mid 80s that had cell phones and such.My wife and family and friends no I am an honest person.the opinions of people that dont know me have no direct impact on my life and they are entitled to that opinion.I will say that their are probably thousands more experiences that will never be heard because of fear of ridicule.not everyone looks at it the same way I do.there are people on this and lots of other sites that are not skeptics but pretend to be so they can sound cool and insult everyone rather than admit their interest and if thats how they feel thats ok to but if the interest wasnt there you wouldnt be on the site.what I said was true what you choose to believe is cool with let the smartass remarks continue debate is a good thing.

    1. I am from N.B and have been wondering if there were any sightings in the Atlantic Provinces.. It is curious what it could have been, this is interesting.

    2. I believe you. My story starts out almost exactly the same....age twelve..out with three friends in the start flying around us...ran for our lives. But we actually saw what was throwing them. Looked like a very very large man in what looked like a fur suit. Couldn't see any features but all fur covered... we ran for our lives. Your right about something else. No one goes around bragging about seeing a bigfoot unless you want people to think your crazy. But we saw something scary and had rocks thrown at us. I wish we didn't.

    3. I believe you. My story starts out almost exactly the same....age twelve..out with three friends in the start flying around us...ran for our lives. But we actually saw what was throwing them. Looked like a very very large man in what looked like a fur suit. Couldn't see any features but all fur covered... we ran for our lives. Your right about something else. No one goes around bragging about seeing a bigfoot unless you want people to think your crazy. But we saw something scary and had rocks thrown at us. I wish we didn't.

  12. You know it's crap when it starts out with "When I was" you know they are making it up as they go. I think I would remember my age,year,who I was with and all the details if and let me say it again "IF" I saw a Bigfoot. To many story tellers out there I can tell you the year,day,conditions,etc,etc,when I first saw one. It's image is burned into my memory and all the details as well. How about getting some original material instead of this copied crap from the "Encyclopedia"! Go play with your friends or get a girl friend and a life instead of wasting your time posting . Your only a teenager one time JP enjoy it before its gone!

    1. I do plenty of that already, but sometimes I need to take a stand and fight for what's right. The Sasquatch is a serious subject and pursuing that gives me fame, notoriety, and if I prove that the Sasquatch exists (or even if it is proven to exist by anyone at all), the feeling of raw vindication I will experience will be out-of-this-world.

    2. ok every one that don't think its true just back off. they obvs seen something and had rock throw if it was a person you or them couldn't say but as I sit here nothing is imposable and if you wasn't there you wouldn't know.. let alone im a hunter have been since I was a kid. ive heard and seen a lot in the woods. and seen a bear stand and walk on its back legs, people say bear cant walk long befor stoping and going to all fours but infact every bear is different and I seen this bear walk for 10 minutes on its back legs. yes looks like al the bigfoot sightings but I know my bears and animals but for someone who hasn't been around bears and animals probable would have told a bigfoot story so for big foot being real we wont ever know unless we are the ones seeing it up close. and a lot of people still tell me bears cant walk when they can on two legs for a while but most people told me I was crazy but I took a video and its on youtube lol and it by it self made my family believe me that a bear can walk on two legs for more then a few minutes.

  13. If there is a tall tale, that is so called domination of white people on Americas, you losers.

  14. Wow, this blog has really gone downhill. Where is the lady that is always telling people to be polite because her kids read this blog? She needs to wake her fat butt up to read the crap her crusty kids are posting here while she's out "entertaining" her mailman. If you barely have or just recently grew pubic hair, please, for phucks sake go to bed! Mouth breathers!

  15. Nova Scotia has barely any record of sasquatch sightings. However, it is probably big enough to support a population and has the right food sources and forest cover to go with it. Sasquatch reports come from a wide range of locations in North America, so technically there is no reason why NS should not be one of them. The rock throwing story is valid as potential evidence - the witness is not claiming it was a bigfoot, just that it shares some features of similar rock throwing incidents which have been associated with sasquatch. The story is certainly not quality evidence, but it is worth considering if you happen to be interested in the possibilty of the species existing in NS. Is that a problem for some people posting here? Seems so.

  16. I have lived in Nova Scotia all my life and considering the low population density, large connected parcels of crown owned land and abundant natural sources of food I'm somewhat surprised that we don't have more sightings.

    I'm a Realtor and five years ago I was showing a home in Upper Sackville at about 8pm in the winter (not sure of the month but it was dark). The house was set far back into the woods and its lot backed onto a much larger parcel of crown land. My clients wanted to see the shed which was at the back of the property and we went to have a look. It was locked, so we just walked around it to see if there was a window to look in. When we walked around to the back a large tree about 25 feet away suddenly shook and the loudest grunt I've ever heard scared the living hell out of the three of us. We looked at each other for a split second and then all at once ran like hell for the back door.

    It could have been a bear, could have been a large dog, but the couple didn't buy the house and I have been left wondering what it was. Like I said, I have lived here all my life and have spent a lot of time in the woods camping, hunting and in the army. I have never heard a noise like that grunt before, it was so powerful. Was it bigfoot? Who knows, I like to think it is a possibility.

    1. All you need is a little tweaking to your story and you'll have your very own Bigfoot encounter.
      You need to send it in to BFRO because that's a winner right there.

    2. It's not easy coming forward with an encounter, especially since people like you will just joke around with them about it. Even if he/she is lying, don't waste your time heckling them because there is always a slight chance they may be telling the truth.

  17. Well, all I can say is we couldn't place the noise. It was as if someone had put a loud speaker in the tree line and played a super loud grunting sound. I mean, I could feel it it was so loud. It was very strange. Perhaps a stretch to say it was the big guy, but your right. I could easily make this story out to be Bigfoot.

  18. I am glad to hear of someone else from that area and their experience.I am sure that there are more but it is just not talked about alot because if you do talk you are crazy or a liar .enjoyed your post thanx.

  19. Anonymous NS realtor thanks for your interesting post about your experience near Upper Sackville. I hope other NS residents will be similary forthcoming with reports, if there are any more. My suggestion is that you keep a watch for unusual stick structures on the edges of or in forested areas. Sometimes they can be seen from the road. They can be an indicator of the presence of sasquatch. I note that the BFRO records online for sightings in Nova Scotia are zero right now. If NS can kick off with some genuine reports that would be encouraging.

  20. NS Realtor here, check this link out:

    Nova Scotia is an ultra conservative place, people typically have not shared such stories because they don't want to seem different.

    1. Thanks NS Realtor. Interesting reading. The Pictou County stories fit sasquatch. I can appreciate that in a conformist society bigfoot talk is likely to get you labelled as a deluded weirdo. What is shown in other parts of North America is that after a few people openly talk about it, it becomes slightly more acceptable to discuss it. It just needs to become a little more mainstream as a subject and some people will open up. A good and sensible newspaper article usually works.

  21. well august 12/2012 me and 8 other friends were out canoeing in eastern colchester county ns and we set up camp made a fire etc so about 2 -230 we all go to bed no longer then 20 mins we can here sticks breaking in the woods so being that it was nova scotia my first thought is a bear or coyotes so i fall asleep no big deal we get up early and the morning have breakfast pack up and leave we go a few kilometers down the river and pull up to a sand bar and there is there this really wide foot print but also short at the same time so we take a picture and keep on going we get home and send are picture to cryptocrew and they confirm its a juvinile big foot print and they also pointed two other foot prints in the picture that i cant see!!! a even bigger print and a smaller print
    they wish to send someone to talk to me to see if i can take them back to spot and show them where i found it

    1. Thats really neat did they send someone to talk to you about it

  22. Just watched a big foot show, and on hearing one of the noises they played, it brought back to mind what I thought at the time was a Mountain lion encounter. This along with an apparent sighting by a cousin last spring, of an over sized "Naked Man" that moved impossibly fast and vanished in a wilderness area, has me rethinking my encounter. So googled sighting here in NS and decided to post my experience.

    It was 1980 when I was 6. My Grandfather was telling neighbors about an incredible foot print he and others found at a gypsum mine, where he worked. He was a trapper and thought it must be a cougar print as it was nothing he had seen before. He described it as twice the size of his hand, round pad with almost finger like long claws (looking back sounds more like a bigfoot hand print). He thought it might have been a hoax, but 2 weeks later, me, him and his wife were checking beaver traps at night about 4 miles away from this mine. We saw that we had one. Just then 10' in front and 10' high the loudest most terrifying scream directed at us broke with what felt like hate and frustration. I took off, my grand father took up the trap and all and followed at a run with his wife to the truck. One thing that confused me later was the height of the scream as there were only 4" fir trees in the area (nothing to climb to that height). Back then we thought it was a cougar as nothing else in the woods we knew of could make this sound.

    This coupled with a 3 mile area on one side of a nearby brook where you are followed by an unseen follower. We call it "the hermits area". A few only fish this area if they have a gun with them. I always tell myself when fishing there it was an echo of my walking but knew better as it always took a few distinct steps after I stopped walking each time. There is a definite presence, feeling that you are being escorted off this area. And the extra steps after stopping was to let you know not to enter the woods here. I never did or will.

    1. I’d love to talk more give me an email f you are interested in talking more about this to someone who does reasearch in the province.

  23. last summer while i was camping out Inverness me and my two cuzens heard some unussual screams almost sounded like monkeys. There were three loud screams one after another unlike any animal ive ever heard made the hair on my back stand up. this happend around 11 at night away from any other human life. ive listend on the web to other bigfoot howls and it scares me how much they sound alike. note this was my first night out there which leads me to belive inverness is active bigfoot area

  24. There have been two documented Bigfoot encounters in Nova Scotia that I am aware of. The first occured when a very hairy "wild man" harassed early settlers in their cabin in Cole Harbour in the late 1700s, and the other was a sighting by two municiple sanitation workers at the Springhill Dump in the 1970s. These encounters have never made BFRO, likely because of the times that the occured greatly pre-date the Internet. Cheers!

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  26. I'am always interested in sightings in Nova Scotia. As that is were I'am from. Sightings on the internet are rare for this area. This is more to do with it being a conservative area that is not going to advertise sightings so as not to be labeled weirdos. Things like this can stay in entire communities and families and is largely taboo topic. Although I've heard few sightings from people you get whispers of things that people are unwilling to say. I once had one fellow tell me he used to know some game wardens in the area who legitimately believed Sasquatch was in the area. i myself as a child thought i saw something (im still skeptical as it could of been a child's imagination.)

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  28. Tons of stories and sightings coming outta the Cape Breton Highlands! Check out the older Cape Breton Magazine,some old timers,Angus(Ghandi) Fraser of Meat Cove tells of Bigfoot sightings and activety around Meat Cove and the rest of the Highlands!!! Bigfoot does exist as does Mountain Lions in the Cape Breton Highlands!!!


  29. I seen something 4 days ago cross the TCH between Barenys River and French River that was def unexplained..I swear it was a Bigfoot!!!

    1. On my way to the causeway from Truro I looked in my rear view mirror and im not sure what it was but I hunt a lot and know it was not a black bear or deer .It was large and had dark fir,This was a remote area and what ever it was I had gotten a chilling feeling it had waited for me to drive by before it crossed the highway.
      Guess ill never know for sure but
      man for the first time I feel like maybe BF is possible

  30. Im glad I found this site,im always looking for stories of any sightngs in nova scotia,I feel I seen one when I was around 11,whch was in the late 70s.It was in pictou county,a bunch of us kids were In a yard playing hide and go seek,,it was dark bu the moon was full so I could still see fairly clear.I was it so I was at the side of the house,,i spotted a friend hiding,,I was about to turn but something in the garden caught my eye,something was kneeing down,but still seemed very was very dark.When my friend ran(he didn't see it) the figure stood up ,,it was very tall,,I got scared and ran back to the front of the house screaming,my friends asked what was wrong ,just bthen something was been thrown at the back of the house or shed..I never knew what I saw but often wondered.I am curious f anyone else in pictou county had strange sightings.

  31. I seem to recall a factoid from somwhere that talked about a news clipping from the late 1800s. Some of the details were wrong but a couple were correct, such as the whistling that was reported..
    What with the reports from around moncton N.B. I have to think that there probably are other people who have seen them.
    Maine has a lot of historical accounts. And in the 1870s the limit on caribou was 14 around shelburne area. So I would not be suprised if there are more historical account in old news papers.
    However as there is not an over abundance of wildlife in the present modern sightings are probably rare..

  32. July, 1989 Cambridge, NS. I was 13 and upset at a girl's lack of interest in me earlier in the evening so i took a walk down the old railway tracks (before they were converted to trail). I had only gone four hundred feet from the track's intersection when to my left something very large bolted ahead of, and to my left at an angle. This area had always been pastured land that my family would lease to beef farmers for grazing, except that there were no cattle in our pasture that summer. Whatever I startled was big and I could not account for what sounded very clearly like a two-legged gate. I grew up around animals both wild and domesticated and this had me confused because I knew we had no cattle or horses (I counted our horses in their stalls upon my return home) in our pasture that night but something as heavy as a two year old heffer was running away with a bipedal gate. I dont know what it was but I know we hadn't any two-legged heffers either.

  33. The first BFRO report for Nova Scotia is posted. Very credible witness. Nice Class B incident. And there are more to come.


  34. The first BFRO report for Nova Scotia is posted. Very credible witness. Nice Class B incident. And there are more to come.



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