M.K. Davis Stabilizes Marble Mountain Footage

The Marble Mountain Footage, taken July 2000 on a mountain side near Ft. Jones California is FB/FB's 3rd best Bigfoot footage to date. Since Davis is on a video stabilizing spree, he took the liberty to run this one through the stabilizing machine as well.

Here's the description of the footage according to FB/FB:

Sasquatch nest/structure is found by 15 hikers which includes some disabled youths. One youth finds nest then incredibly sees Sasquatch on Ridgeline 750+ yards away. Filmed for 3 minutes and 44 seconds. Confirms on most every Morphological point.

MMF is a stunning example of an Adult Male Sasquatch. Its actions of disappointment, despair, frustration, 60% arms show graceful arm movements, an inline step is clearly seen. This is a very Large Sasquatch. Scale is achieved through measurement of the trees, branches by BFRO investigators.

Stabilized by M.K. Davis:

Breakdown by FB/FB:


  1. looks like a hiker with a back pack and a walking stick

    1. It looks like your mother, jerk.

    2. OK, so I thought Bigfoot weighed 600-1000 lbs and was a thick chunk of muscle with no neck? This is a long, tall, skinnily-perportioned human IMO.

      The shelter is weird, but anyone couldve built it...although it does match Albert Ostmans description too

    3. Why would they not have various proportions? There are different genders, most likely different breeds or races, and different living conditions may produce different builds as well. The skinny ones could be sick or old for all we know. Be very careful disqualifying new information based on what we "know", because what we know so far is precious little.

    4. Everything fits witness descriptions this is one mean and lean squatch. Timmy's right on his last point, it does look a lot like the barrelchested humped squatch old Ostman talked about. The male squatches are often described this way as slim looking but still massive and huge. Particularly impressive here is when the subject's between the trees and under the branch, when BFRO went there the scene dwarfed the guy.

  2. It definately has long arms and long skinny legs. Good job MK Davis!

    1. Based on that why do some believe this is a Bigfoot?

    2. The scale of the surrounding objects is (apparently) proof that this thing is tall. Also, if you are suggesting it is "only a human" be aware many believe bigfoot IS a type of human. This is a simple silhouette, so we will likely never know what it was that made it, but nothing in it rules out a bigfoot.

    3. Exactly. The whole reason they noticed the figure at all was because it's so tall, it's pretty far away and they'd not payed attention had it been a normal sized man or anything else but what it is, a sasquatch. The cameraman who has the best view keeps saying it's huge there's no doubt this is a sasquatch I guarantee it as future evidence undoubtedly will confirm. It's too bad we sometimes try to re-rationalize what we're seeing as something other than what it really is, a defensive denial function setting in, not only does the species exist but they're closer related to us than some would probably like to know.

  3. This is so damn bad. It is clearly a human. You can see the backpack, and in a few fleeting moments you can distinguish the clothing. The guy talking makes it even worse. He is clearly playing it up to the kids. It does NOT jump up and down, shake its fists, nor scream. It matches human shape and proportions exactly. It walks like an awkward human coming down a hill, which is a hiking trail. The only reason it looks at all like a Sasquatch is the poor lighting and backlighting, combined with a low-quality video camera. This is our famous elusive creature? Why does it spend so much time stumbling around in the open?

    1. A backpack you say? I can only distinguish a tall dark figure but I dont see anything resembling a backpack, so really this footage is inconclusive at best because I agree with you about the low quality video camera.

    2. It is a human all the way and the shelter has orange twine used on it.

    3. I'm a long-time anonymous lurker in the bigfoot community; this is the third time I've commented on the thousands pieces of media I've viewed/heard/read, but this is clearly NOT a Sasquatch.

      I'm sure my commentary means poop, but from an "average joe" who is BF friendly, this is not it...for many reasons, which have been and are again stated above/below.

    4. If you are seeing backpacks you are imagining details based on the poor visual evidence presented. You can't see that stuff in it at that distance and under such lighting.

      Also, may I remind you all, human is a term we might even apply to bigfoot. We do not yet KNOW what the thing we call "bigfoot" really is, and many think it is a kind of human.

      Keep in mind the sizes of surrounding objects have been checked out afterwards, and the things it interacts with are of a scale to mean this is, at least, a very TALL person.

    5. Steven,

      You just wrote everything I was thinking, and have always thought about this footage. Good thing they didn't shoot him. That's the scariest part about this video.

    6. Shoot him ? LOL Think not, I'm told the witnesses are a church group for pete's sake. Like many others Steven's incorrect, similar with the Patterson Film too it simply confuses most casual viewers how humanlike the species is since we've always heard they're supposed to be apes right.

      Well newsflash, they're not they are human and their proportion or shape doesn't match us but is more primal or apelike, hence the confusion. This one's no backpacked hiker he's at least eight feet tall, the popular "backpack" is in natural fact his hump these beings are no neck stooped in case we forgot.

      No hiker here nor has their species ever been done correctly in suits for obvious reasons by our limitation, so to recap, bigfoot's no ape or animal and this one has all the hallmarks in build and gait of the real deal.

    7. When FB/FB claims too see details that are blatantly incomprehensible they're "kooks". When trolls see imaginary backpacks they're not?

    8. It looks like this guy that used to hang around the old mall we called Tipsy Mcstagger.

  4. to far to tell what the hell it is... but nice work MK!

    1. Yes, like pretty much every video, it is just not "good enough", and we cannot see the details to make certain. Stabilizing always helps though.

  5. Ive seen and videotaped people like that from far away myself. Especially with how the scenary is. It is impossible to tell, humans look like they got longer anrms or legs..

  6. Davis is determined to turn all of the hoaxed videos into actual Bigfoot videos, even his own whitey Bigfoot.

    1. Except this Freeman's and Patterson's not hoaxes.

  7. Im sure fb on fb will do the six point analysis on it again,..lmao!

  8. Watch here to see the FULL video, where the leader of this youth group plays up the Bigfoot legend to impress the kids, exaggerating a human fort shelter into a Bigfoot home, right at the camping area. This is a very popular camping spot, right off the Pacific Crest Trail, at the intersection of two major trails. You have to backpack in, but it is usually occupied by multiple human groups. Hiking up to the top of Marble Mountain is very cool, and very popular. It has a well-established hiking trail. The deer are so tame there that they will eat from your hand. Though the wider area is a prime Bigfoot zone, this particular spot has got to be one of the last spots in the area a Bigfoot would build a residence and prance around out in the open waiting to be video taped.

    "This Video footage of Bigfoot was taken in June, 2001 By Jim Mills the leader of the youth group "Campus Life" on the annual Marble Mountains backpacking trip."

    1. Careful, you are making too much sense.

      I don't see how this example made it so far. Perhaps a case of wanting to see something too badly. In any event, it makes me question FB/FB that much more.

    2. Yeah, the stabilization actually makes it pretty clear it's just a hiker. Before the stabilization I would have said it was inconclusive.

    3. I question ANYTHING FB/FB does. And I'm a "believer".

    4. Even if this is fake, be careful when you decide where bigfoot would or would not appear. They have been seen in cities, and other areas you'd never imagine they would go.

    5. they have been seen in cities? where and when? never heard of a bigfoot at times square.

    6. Only the carnival barkers and suckers proclaim that this video and the events surrounding the filming are not inane drivel. Everyone else ignores it while considering the possibility of existence.

    7. The video's no fake and no one's ever said the sasquatch built that shelter it's just the camera man talking, maybe he did build it maybe he didn't we'll never know I suppose.
      The group feels safe at the distance until the big one goes out of view behind the hill, I'm sure they split the scene then.
      Always amused slightly by people telling themselves it's never the real thing they're looking at as if to calm themselves when the evidence mounts and gets better, sounds to me guys like Steven don't really want this to be a true species.
      When it gets too close and too real, be gone, back into the safety net of dreams it goes.

  9. I have to agree toward the end you can see what appears to be a backpack.If you have ever seen someone walking down a trail trying to keep their balance on loose rock and such it looks like this.

  10. This footage, next to PGF, has always been the most authentic, amazing footage to my notion. It is easy to see that this creature is HUGE, way to big to be a person with a backpack or in a suit and the demonstrations it shows just ring true with me.

    1. Pffffft, this video is a perfect example of why Bigfooting is laughed at. In this case, it is rightfully so. I think the PG film and Freeman's footage are hoaxes, however, having said that, they're still better evidence for the case of Bigfoot than this film is. That's how stupidly pathetic the Marble Mountain footage is. Its a person with a backpack, undoubtedly.

    2. You're wrong. There is plenty of doubt. If you are honest with yourself you'd realize you can't see 100% certainty there is a backpack here.

      Isn't it funny how nobody debunking this ever addresses the scale of the surroundings, which supposedly were measured and found to be of a larger size? That is a BIG hiker...

    3. The pffffft guy's a troll goes without saying, plot's always the same whenever the evidence it too good like here out comes the silly excuse of it being worse than other good evidence. Pffffft. These obvious trolls know all three clips are the real thing and Lisa you're correct, it's nothing short of the finest visual proof of the species since the famous Patterson footage.

  11. Am I the only one that watches Fact or Faked. They basically proved it was a hiker. There's a hiking trail on that ridge. If this is some of the "best" footage, it's a sad day for Footies.

    1. On the contrary troll it was proven not to be a hiker but an 8 foot tall squatch. It's indeed the best real squatch footage in decades.

  12. Lol to the kid near the end, "let's bag him!"

    To me, and apparently with many others, it looks like a hiker with backpack.

    1. Probably because you're a stupid kid like most.

  13. look at 3:33 repositions the straps of his backpack like a hicker would do number of times hicking

    1. To me, that looks like chest beating and not back pack adjusting. -T

    2. To me, that looks like back pack adjusting and not chest beating.-

    3. A hicker hicking!? Wtf. You poor trolls. LMAO

  14. Backpack? Your all smoking funny stuff if you can differentiate that from such a blurry image. Load of twaddle. The only two things of interest with this are the figure height (and that is inconclusive) plus those snapped large logs in the structure. Those got my attention but overall I think you just cannot tell. I would have been more impressed with any hairs or other biological matter retrieved from inside the structure, if any. Score: 1 out of 10, and that is generous.

    1. Some of those branches were cut with a saw and there's twine on it as well. Its obviously man made. However, things like that are dismissed by people who want to believe its a Squatch simply because well, its a blurry image and if its a blurry indistinguishable figure then well, it has to be a Squatch.

    2. No funny stuff, just Haze or White widow :-)

    3. Forget the dumb structure. The only one linking that thing to the figure on the hill is the guy in the video. It's not proof of the walker being bigfoot or human.

    4. Bigfoots ARE human actually, they're a species of hominin so they're definitely of the Homo line somewhere. Love how there's always a bunch of trolls ready to spew their nonsense when good evidence's shown HAHAHA.

    5. Good evidence hahahahahahaha Where?

    6. The whole video is actually.

  15. Mk Davis is one of these researchers that starts with Bigfoot being real and then tries to make the evidence fit. Bill munns is the same. It is not science.

  16. Can see a daypack. Gait is totally human. Why would a creature evolved to hide skyline itself like that. Even basic grunts out of infantry school know not to do that. Human.

    1. Excellent point. Everything we have seen suggests bigfoot is an expert at hiding and moving around unseen. This would be very strange for it to do.

    2. This is exactly what they do, they don't hide all the time - why do you think we have witnesses. It's called sightings and we have them in the thousands. Gareth dude you're mistaken - what, you think this species is an ape? You're very wrong then they are primal people which is why the best footage, this or pgf is so confusing to some apparently you think the gait is human - it's not. Well not our species anyway but their species, that's why superficially it resembles our own yet isn't quite, Patty has it and this fella has it - a nonhuman gait.

  17. This is the biggest joke of supposed evidence in all of Bigfootery. How a sane person can look at this and not immediately know its a person is baffling. Its just so pathetic that many have taken this footage of a person as a Squatch. Its stupid.

    1. Welcome to bigfooting where to believe in Bigfoot requires you to believe extraordinary stuff.

      Smarter then humans but no fire or tool use.

      Know what cameras are, there field of view so they can avoid game cameras.

      Always in the right place at the right time to avoid detection even knowing when someone is using a thermal and whst Its range Is so they can stay hidden.


    2. You know, I can buy that Sasquatch (if they exist) are intelligent. Intelligent enough as a matter of fact to know when people have been in their (if they exist) territory messing around and setting up cameras etc etc. I'm not saying "they (if they exist) know" what a camera IS and know they have to stay away in order to avoid being captured on film. I'm just saying that they (if they exist) would probably be so in tune to their surroundings that they could avoid going to that area if they know people have been there.

      This video just makes me lose genuine respect for the people who believe this footage is the real deal. I mean, it's as if their stance on this footage is: "well, its a blurry indistinguishable video, so people are NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO PROVE IT IS NOT BIGFOOT so until then, by God it IS Bigfoot.

      Screw logic, screw the back-pack shaped object, screw the fact this is in a highly visited location by humans, screw the sawed off branches, screw the twine on the shelter. By God it can't be proven 100% to be a human so by God it is Bigfoot!

      It is baffling........

    3. You say it's a person as if that means it can't be bigfoot, too. Amateur... try harder next time. :)

    4. Those MIBs sure do try don't they with their long comments, hey guys yeah you first three, it's obvious who you are and what your game is so you might as well give it up. Any serious bigfooter knows this video's no hoax or hiker, pretending and faking your interest here or being here in the first place as cynics is pathetic beyond belief.

  18. You can even see the hiker adjusting his backpack near the end of the footage. People who believe this is a Squatch obviously do not live in a reality based world.

    1. Yea but realities boring. I'm a "believer" but like most I know they don't really exist. I just want something mythical to exist in the world.

    2. This fantasy hiker of yours has a gigantic head and shoulders with minimal neck, and freak-length arms, strange motions and postures, and possibly long hair hanging off of the forearms. If it's your hiker, it's a giant hiker. The upper chest and shoulders and head have enormous bulk.

      When the figure turns into the trees, the size and bulk are obvious. The arms are way too long for it to be a normal human being. The stepping and motion when in the trees reveals its massive size and bulk.

      People who strictly believe this to be a hiker obviously do not live in a reality based world.

      Step out of the box, folks. Take off the blinders.

    3. So your saying it's a 10 magical forest man?

    4. I agree. Take a look at about the 2min mark on these vids by MK Davis, what is it doing when it comes out of the trees. It comes out and then stops and goes back toward the trees and does some weird kind of something. I dunno. I just picked up on it. Just seems weird.

      To the rest of you douchers, it's not a hiker with a backpack. There is definitely no backpack. And how can anyone explain the long arms? Humans don't have arms that long.

      And the twine used in the structure? How do you know these Sasquatch haven't found things left behind by humans and used them for themselves?
      It's possible.

    5. What's even more obvious than the real bigfoot in the video is the heavy troll traffic the real evidence always get. Go catch us a hiker that tall otherwise you're just talking. Those saying it's a hiker (none of them are saying it's fake they know faking this is impossible) all babble the same garbage, you can pretty much guess it's the real thing alone by those saying it's not that's your top bullshit barometer alright. Good point about the arms too, they're so high up and still swinging naturally it's some of the best anatomical proof it's a bigfoot. Body shape and posture too is typical bigfoot as is gait/legs.

  19. Once again, if this passes for sasquatch evidence it is pretty lame. It is obviously a hiker. Note the unbalance walking, the backpack shape...I wound not rule out an act. There is nothing to suggest sasquatch based on this film.

    How is it that Patterson-Gimlin still stands as the best quality film after 45 years?

    new anony

    1. Because the pgf is like the bible. It requires faith to believe it and without it the whole Bigfoot subculture falls apart with it.

    2. Nothing about PGF has ever been debunked successfully. Keep trying though...

    3. It doesn't have to be debunked.

      Learn about burden of proof.

    4. There's no burden of proof - we don't care what you believe and something witnessed only briefly in the woods cna't be proven. You think it's fake we don't care, it's you simpleminded trolls who care so why don't you try proving it fake. You can't prove any of it fake which basically means you're in the wrong place spamming.

  20. It would help if scoftics would sober up before commenting. Their posts are full of typos:

    "whst" = what

    "realities boring" = reality's boring

    They're a real mess, a pain to read, and hard to get at their meanings because of the crazy spellings and grammatical snafus.

    1. Oh yes, I mean I'd much rather read about how Bigfoot is paranormal, interdimensional, know exactly what cameras are etc etc than read a post with a couple of miscues on the keyboard. LMFAO. Insanity.

    2. When your only rebuttal is the grammar of your opponent then you have post.

  21. I appreciate M.K's stabilization, he's quite good technically speaking.
    As for the video itself, I personally don't think it's a Sasquatch. If it is, then it's a very clumsy one. The strides are close together,unlike the long strides attributed to Bigfoot. The long arms could just be blur from the zoomed in images. Digital cameras introduce all sorts of strange effects in extreme digital zoom.
    The hut looks man made to me and the twine is obvious. I noticed axe or saw cuts on the tree trunks. Once you cut so far, snapping it to finish is quicker than cutting all the way through.
    I don't give FB/FB any credence whatsoever. They think they know it all yet I don't see any of them producing Bigfoot videos of their own. Books? Big deal,anyone can write a book. They need to be much more critical of their analyses in order for me to take them seriously.
    FB/FB are not experts on anything. Like most of us,they have ideas and theories. They should quit peddling those ideas and theories as facts.

    1. Let's not forget this guys massacre theory and the white Bigfoot debacle.

      Zero credibility.

    2. I don't necessarily agree with Mr. Davis on any of his ideas or theories, but he does present those ideas as his own opinion.
      I don't consider M.K. a hoaxer, he just has ideas that many don't agree with.
      I don't know what to make of the white Bigfoot analysis because the video is too blurry.
      I've seen his videos on the massacre theory but I can't accept that idea because of the over use of colour correction. I don't dismiss any of his ideas because I think he's "crazy", I can't accept the ideas because the evidence is lacking.

    3. The reason I don't believe this one is it is waaaayyy too manufactured. "Oh, a mysterious looking dwelling! Only super strength could make this! A giant maybe! Oh surprise, there he is! I will only calmly stand here and film and make inane and overly sedate comments!" Forget what the thing looks, acts, "measures" like. Take in the whole of the video. The next scene is not one pf them trying to get up there to see any more, or get footprints, or anything else. Just "our visitor is gone." Buncha hooey i think.

    4. Like we say, if you think it's fake go take a hike and find us a hiker that tall. I've stopped counting the times SN's been wrong by now on this blog, but if the long arms are just a zoom blur then why does the BFRO guy later look nothing like it? Nobody looks like this. Here's a newsflash, Bigfoots have long arms, okay? They're also too high in the air to be operated by some guy. Please put two and two together folks instead of slipping into the denial state.

  22. Boy this is a tough room. LOL

  23. SasquaiNation I have only been on here a little over a week or so and I have read people calling each other every name in the book,insults and so on. Over the last 35yrs I have learned if you are going to have an interest in the possible existence of Sasquatch you better have thick skin.I dont get pissed off at people on here over what they say because behind a keyboard everyone is 10 ft tall and bullet proof.I am a firm believer that people should be able to think and speak freely within reason of course.I wanted to let you know that I always enjoy your comments, agree or disagree you make your point without the immature bullshit.I dont see to many compliments on here so I just thought I would let you know these things are noticed.Now let the insults and accusations of being an ass kisser begin.

    1. Thanks gnrfan, I really appreciate that, I honestly do.
      Even after I commented on your punctuation awhile back, you still posted this.
      I wish there were more people like you here.
      *raises a beer*

    2. Yeah like I said with the punctuation thing when you are right you are right.cheers.

  24. Sorry but its not A real BF. I mean pacing back and forth out in the open? Please. Also the part or the video that shows the BF shelter is complete b.s. Its a typical survival shelter that survivalists and military are taught to build. Sorry but this is the 3rd worst hoax!

    1. Sorry troll but it's the 2nd best visual proof of Bigfoot. Only the camera man thinks the Bigfoot built the shelter so maybe the big one did maybe not, it's not important. What's important is that it's no hiker, human hikers aren't that tall with long arms moving like that - but Bigfoots.

  25. Actually I glad it was stabilized. Before I withheld judgement as a "maybe" bigfoot. Now I am convinced it's a person, just as the stabilization of the "Patty" has convinced me that Patty is not.

    1. Nice try troll, but you really gotta try harder if you seriously want us to believe your tripe. LMFAO

  26. I'm open minded about this, it seems huge, given the backlighting will make a sort of haze or glare that makes you look much thinner.

    I don't know why we can say so strongly that this or that it is or isn't Sasquatch behaviour, they get seen all the time, they just don't get shot and body retrieved. Maybe he's a particularly dimwitted Sasquatch, of course we should expect some variation in behaviour as there is in humans.

    1. True. Why are there so many people saying it walks like a human down the ridge. Is a Sasquatch suppose to walk much different than us? We are basically the same right? So of course it's going to look like a human, it's bipedal, duh!

      And a lot of times these things travel on ridgelines just like the one in the video.

      Check out min 2 on the vids above and tell me what the subject is doing, I can't figure it out.

    2. "A lot of times these things travel on ridgelines"???

      How do you know? Where's the proof? I certainly havent read many eyewitness accounts of this happening. I havent seen any clips of them on a ridgeline either.

      BF is supposed to stay hidden, if they can see it walking on a ridgeline, i am sure he could see a bunch of people hanging beside his campsite (which now people say is a popular hiking route + a man-made campsite).

    3. Witness accounts tell us that dude ridge walking's nothing unusual, look at many tracks found it's often one straight line it's just how they walk. Bipedal with big humanlike feet, how else would they walk. Who says they're supposed to be hidden anyway? Only from discovery not sightings of which we have thousands. C's right, people really shouldn't wonder about this or Patty's gait if the species is a hominin of some kind.

    4. No they don't walk like us. The mid tarsal break is supposed to help with rough terrain. So according to the experts the subject would not be taking the short choppy steps to navigate the terrain.

    5. How do you know, you think they can't do whatever they want to?

    6. A Sasquatch told me telepathically.

  27. I can't believe how many haters come on this site and talk so much shit about this subject.

    I am sure there is something that they believe in like God or Jesus Christ or whatever "thing" they believe in, and I am not going on those sites bashing Christians or Jews or whatever. It doesn't make sense.

    1. You cannot expect a blogging site with such a topic to have everyone commenting that everything is a BF. Some folks express themselves better than others for sure.

    2. and... there is more purported evidence for the exsistance of sasquatch than there is for an "All knowing" being like God.

      Thats why they come here, more evidence to poo poo. What are they gonna post on a religous blog, LOL

    3. Someone's got to have a footprint cast of Jesus, right?

    4. Not a hater actually a believer. But this is obviously a hiker. The guy is following a trail at the two minute mark,behind the tree, the trail goes toward the guy filming. The hiker takes the 5 or 6 steps toward the camera and then he turns to the left or down the slope. He's not hiding behind the tree just following the hiking trail.

    5. It's obviously no hiker where is that eightft. hiker, hello ? The trail's been taken too later and the BFRO man got reduced to the stature of a midget. We have short arms and seldomly grow beyond sixft. where they grow much bigger in body size and arm length so don't fool yourselves into thinking this is a hiker, when there's very little chance of that and every matching chance of a squatch.

  28. Struefert is correct, this is NOT a Sasquatch. I too have analyzed the video and pulled side by side still. The investigators really botched their assessment of this. They did a VERY poor job comparing scale with vegetation as they altered their film location to that of the supposed bigfoot. It is nothing more then a lone hiker along the Pacific Crest Trail.

    1. You're wrong there I'm afraid, hikers do not grow this big - if they did THAT'd be a freaking sensation. The thing's huge even reaching that branch with the top of the head, the BFRO guy can't touch it with an outstretched arm.
      Besides, the anatomy fits the description of not only many witnesses but one infamous one indeed, kidnap victim Albert Ostman. His 1924 male captor looked exactly like this eight feet tall barrelchested and back humped, voila Marble Mountain clip for ya.
      Even the female squatch he detailed as the Patterson film subject virtually.
      There is in my mind at least, zero doubt we have two very good pieces of evidence there of the two sasquatch sexes. Whether people believe that or choose not to is their problem, science will eventually put that to shame.

    2. Except the camera person is NOT in the same location as the original video was taken from. You can verify this for yourself just by comparing the height of bushes and branches. In other words, the axis points for the so called video confirmations are completely different.

      This is also verified at the end of the video where he approaches the rock side wall. The video is at completely different zoom levels and therefore you have a giant person. Its poor science conducted by the proponents.

  29. At the 3.29 mark, it does look like Bobo is adjusting his backpack.

  30. As many have already pointed out above, this is someone hiking with a backpack. How this can be considered by anyone to be the third best bigfoot footage is beyond me.

    1. It's actually the second best bigfoot footage. The subject's too big to be a person and that backpack as you call it is the stooped back, sorry doubters but this is how they look. How do you expect a bigfoot to look anyway ? Let's have the skeptic description please, maybe a horn or a tail or how about some wings ? These beings aren't monsters they're just primal people and they do resemble our species in many ways, they aren't animals so you're not going to see some gorilla type lumping along the ground. What you will see though is what you see here, and will see more of in the future, an intelligent hominin doing his thing.

  31. That's the dang Sasquatch who ate the sandwiches!

  32. Let's just be clear about this footage - and for that matter, any footage today. It's too unclear to make out what it is, so any 'decision' is just a guess. However, we can make educated guesses.

    In this instance, I would say this is a human hiking. A tall one yes. The arms do not reach below the knees, the walk is unsteady and unbalanced and the behaviour is untypical of e majority of Bigfoot witness reports. Of course I could be wrong but as an educated guess, this is my opinion.

    Please can we stop with the abuse and whining and stick to the facts. It's no wonder we're not taken seriously when we behave in this manner. Act scientifically and we'll gain more respect.

  33. I disagree. The way you get respect is by kicking anybody out of the field that says this is bigfoot. As you say at the most it is inconclusive. I think the big fella is out there but anyone that thinks this is one is a certifiable idiot and that is why this field is laughed at, period.

    1. its amazing to read the comments. how people can say this is a BF is unbelievable. surely there are 7ft tall people who go hiking too. The shelter is obviously man made. just because some guy says its made of mighty mighty strength' doesnt mean its so!
      Why in all other videos is BF a chunkyHAIRY figure. in this its a man shaped skinny hairless figure. Surely common sense would tell you they cant all be right! this is ether their BF or the patty[chunky hairy one] is the BF profile. No wonder the world laughs at BF reserachers if this is 3rd best. laughable

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