M.K. Davis Releases Video Of Bigfoot Dragging Ice Chest And Opening It!

This has got to be the most insane video that M.K. Davis has ever released. It's a video of Bigfoot vocalizing (yes, they talk) and moving an ice chest! At the end of the video, Davis enhances a part where the lid is taken off after being dragged across the bench, away from the camera. It's just... it's just insane, man. I'll shut up now.

What will M.K. Davis come out with next? I think I just developed a serious man crush on Davis just now.


  1. Awesome vocals! This is by far his best video.

    1. OK...so MK has other vids that have supposed BIgfoot vocals....as creepy as these vocals sound they:

      1) do NOT sound like vocals in Sierra Sounds, and do not display the "fast talkover" language cut offs of their "supposed" language...in other words, if Sierra sounds and Scott Nelson are real and right, this vid cannot be, the language and speech patterns are completely different. It also sounds like, IMHO, someone talking through a vocal distorter to make their voice deep,

      2) Voices do not soun like the other MK Davis audio, nor same as some o the other supposed "language"

      3) If Loyd Pye and multiple PhDs are correct, the hominids (and decendents) lack the brain and physical capacity to have a real language...anything other than monkey speech or snarls would be impossible according to PYE. So, this means Sierra sounds is closer to believable, but that shuts the door on this example. Or it simply means that Bigfoot is just a bunch of Native Indian groups who prefer to live out there in peace and quiet of the night.

      Like many other aspects of this phenemona, it seems amazing on the surface but investigation and biological comparisons say otherwise.....

    2. Someone said it sounded the same as Sierra but I agree Timmy. It is different and isnt fast. But does sound like a conversation. How did Bigfoot know ice chests opened? And you right too doesnt sound like the white bigfoot audio enhancement he did. It talked therr too but sounded like two drunk mexicans and was texas LOL.

      Good discussion points Timmy

    3. Send it to supposed expert Scott Nelson. He learned of Bigfoot in the Navy and deciphered their language, religious beliefs and culture. He has drawn blueprints for a log-twig birthing station from interpreted data.

    4. You obviously know next to nothing about Nelson if what you typed is what you believe. He is legit, and has explained his background and skills numerous times. He also never claimed that the sounds were from bigfoot. He's super-credible.

    5. Timmy - It was recently shown that homo heidelbergensis could likely speak fluently. That takes speech back ~800k years.

    6. Skeptical idiots expect all Bigfoot to be the same if they exist. They don't even consider the fact that Bigfoot could be human.

    7. In the Sierra Sounds the creatures where screaming at humans that where invading their territory.

  2. Oh God, seriously?
    "...walked in backward" give me a break.
    Enoch? LOL

    Anyone could have recreated every part of that video.

    It comes down to this, video is no longer proof, we need a body! Or at least high quality video showing something doing things that no human could recreate.

    1. It must suck being so sinacle?

    2. Cynical also! Lol That is a tough one to spell. Like you, I will never understand someone who is so trip wired to unbelief. You are correct in that it must suck, i believe. I truely believe it is based in fear... fear of the paradigm shift, fear of the unknown and fear of the boogie man. They are quick to say the burden of proof lies with us, but they fail to understand that just making hackneyed, inane statements is NOT intelligent debate.

    3. Well said Dave. This video's been known for a while now and I think it's real.

    4. You don't have to be cynical to call bullshit on a bullshit video. Come on, do you honestly believe every goofy home job fake bigfoot video? You like the word cynical? How about gullible, easily duped, blinded by the desire to believe. Clearly MK has jumped the shark, has gone off the deep end even deeper than previously. Did you hear the cars going by? Did you honestly believe that bigfoots walk backwards just so they won't show their lousy masks to the camera? Come on, cynical is not the right word for disbelief in this video, you need to be dumb ot buy into this one!

    5. I can see the white rims on the bigfoot's Converse tennies right near the end of the enhanced version!

    6. ^ I was just thinking the same thing!lol

      Bigfoot and Converse!!!

  3. Hey, Thats my CIA director. Good work!

    Great Scott!----- did you see the size of the feet on that Squatch!

    The fat lady is looking for her throat spray.

    1. Anyone check for Pancakes, bacon or peanut butter? ha ha ha

    2. He stole Melba's campout goodies

  4. Not sure who is pulling who's leg but even the vocals(especially the attempted howl) is made my a human.

    1. My God... do you EVER proofread your posts? What is your proof that it was made by a human? I proffer that you pulled that out of your ass to support your self proclaimed expertise in vocal analysis. You must have missed the many studies involving spectrum analysis of Sasquatch chatter that show that most Samurai chatter contains subtones that can't be replicated by the human larynx. I haven't analyzed this clip, but I imagine MK Davis has.

    2. See, this is what always confuses the naive cynics in our midst sounds and footage. They can't understand why bigfoots are so humanlike they've been told it's an ape yet the Sierra Sounds prove they speak.

    3. That's because archaic humans are humans...

    4. So which is it going to be Dave? Are the Sierra sounds bullshit or is this video bullshit? The Sierra sounds are supposedly out of human range, while this video is OBVIOUSLY WITHIN human range.

    5. Dave he doesn't have to prove the sounds are made by humans. People who say this is bigfoot have to prove it is bigfoot. That can't be too hard to understand can it? I see the converse/Vans white bands too. It's fake.

  5. Ok, so when you set the cooler there, how about setting some kind of spotlight that is triggered by the movement of the cooler... My god, you have a camera there, take the extra measures needed to get the CLEAR video!!!!!!!!

  6. somebody should send him video of horses in a stable which has already been stabilized to stabilize again.....I bet he'll discover some anomalous bigfoot activity.

  7. Notice how the subject pulls the cooler towards him then spins it around to the unhinged side to open it.

    Bigfoots have inherent knowledge of coolers ?

  8. Do I really need to point out that that could be the Dogman as easily as a Bigfoot?

    1. Nope wasn't me. I would have sniffed out the camera and lifted my leg on it

  9. this is the biggest piece of crap ive had to witness I think Iam actually dumber by 10% after watching this my god people are gullable

    1. What are you talking about? Chewie has a great speaking voice! I've only ever heard him do the growlie parts. But when he started talking, I thought "He's going to do it, he's going to start singing!" -
      You're a mean one, Mr Grinch!
      You really are a heel.
      You're as cuddly as a cactus,
      You're as charming as an eel,
      Mr. Grinch.

      I want to be reincarnated as a 'Squatch too.

    2. Firstly, you didn't HAVE to witness it... you chose to. Secondly, you can't be 10% dumber... because you couldn't breathe if you lost 10% of your "intellect". I won't even touch on your obvious ignorance of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

    3. Good one Dave, these trolls are sooo dumb.

    4. Speaking of punctuation, what's with all of the periods after your statements? Why slap a suffix on the word "first"? Keep on practicing Dave.

    5. ^^^That's on you.Shouldn't of been Loping the Mule!

  10. Having heard them speak myself, I have to say this sounded somewhat similiar, with the exception of this individual being MUCH less airy, gutteral, bassy, and deep. Unfortunately the "call like" vocalization with the crackling voice simply sounds human. Not buying this one.

    1. Could be a mentally-challenged-feral person ....(such as myself)

    2. You say you've heard them speak yet you tihnk it's too human sounding? That's because that's what they are, just like the Ketchum study will show and for-shadowed by the Sierra Sounds, etc.

    3. I can't say for sure if this is a real one or not, based on the sounds. It sounds to me more like a person trying to imitate a BF, than a real BF. BF have large bodies, lungs, throats, and vocal chords, so their deeper sounds are truly rich and robust. This sounds more like a human with small lungs, small throat and vocal chords trying to fake a deeper sound. Even the young sasquatch that I have penned up in our sanctuary enclosure has a much deeper sound than this. It can squeal in a high pitch voice, for sure, but when it makes the deeper tones of pleasure, it's real deep, not fake deep.

    4. What are u feeding that young squatch????lies and bullshit like your trying to feed to us.

    5. Fatass Matt M was hungry & caught on camera!

  11. Such a shame about the quality of the video but the audio is impressive. It shows though that Bigfoot can be video'd on infra-red, although daytime would be preferable.

  12. Replies
    1. No you're trolling was.

    2. You must be the same person who loves using the word "troll". Troll, troll, troll, troll, troll. Feel better now?

  13. Sounds very similer to what was in the siera sounds...I sure do hate cynical ppl good job mk, don't let the haters of the vid.get to ya....

    1. Yep they hate the truth that's why they're here.

  14. The vocals you heard were thom cantrell in the port o pot after eating his fried chicken..you should have all got a mind speak notice on this?

  15. I don't have the capabilites but play that video backwards and I bet you will hear a person talking which whould also explain the "Bigfoot" walking backwards. Also, why do I hear traffic in the background.

    1. Its called traffic, its pretty hard in these days to film more than 3 minutes without catching some on video. Let me guess, you believe in the big fella, but you believe that we have to be so far away from any community, that sunlight has to be pumped up to it.

  16. Drunk buddy sneaking a beer of the cooler when everybody was asleep caught on camera! Jk. MK you rock!

  17. Like someone posted with a different article on this site, I feel sorry for people who were born without the ability to discern that stuff like this is fake.

    1. Luckily we can always tell cynic trolls like you.

    2. well done. Great response young man. You dedfeated his logic with teenage gibberish.

  18. I have had an interest since 1982.I am not a Skeptic in the sense that I think all things Sasquatch is BS.I really need to see some proof.I just cant take everyones word for it. the best I have seen is PGF and that to me is questionable.Everything I have seen since just dont impress me, I wish it would but it doesnt.

    1. Then get out in the woods and stop waiting for others to bring it to you! Most who experience it do beleive. Best way to deer hunt is to go out and experience it then just look at pictures .

    2. You assume he hasn't been in the woods. Crucial hypocritical failure by you. He doesn't believe based off of evidence for the subject to date. You don't believe he's been in the woods based off a post where he never indicated that he hasn't been in the woods. You feel that he or she should believe based off of the evidence provided to date BUT its ok for you not to believe he has been in the woods. At least hes basing his beliefs off of something. You are basing yours off of jack-sh*t. A massive hypocrite you are.

    3. Thank you,as a matter of fact I have been in the woods on and off for years camping,fishing and hiking and have had an encounter that I cannot explain,but I never looked a bigfoot in the eye and I am not waiting for anybody to do anything for me.I just cannot accept it until I see better evidence.

    4. Then many on this site will view you as a cynical troll with no business being here. I on the other hand welcome you and your balanced comments.

  19. The call sounds like a moose hunter's cow call. Sounded human to me.

  20. I listened with a good set of headphones. Mono syllable language that R Scott Nelson suggest is evident and although a word similar to enoch is spoken it is not entirely clear at least to me. I would ask M K Davis if it is possible to filter out the recorder and background noise, as I imagine you will work on this some more.

    I have no doubt about Sasquatch language although it would seem logical words and dialect would change from region to region, or even clan to clan in NA as it has for all humans around the world and for First Nations tribes on this continent.


  21. denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's a state of mind occupied by many people responding to this video. Deny what, you ask? Deny that this video is proof of nothing other than possibly a hobo came along and helped himself to a cooler. If even that. There's nothing here that's proof of bigfoot. The voals?? No. The video? No. Nothing. Finding proof in this video is you being ignorant of what evidence really means.

    Let's just get this straight. Video showing a bigfoot clear as day, let's say, clear as a scene in Star Wars featuring Chewbaca. Add to that audio that matches the video of the creature making noise that humans wearing costumes can not make. That would be evidence. Anything less than that is not evidence of a bigfoot. It's evidence of a hoax.

    1. All them words just to prove to us you're a dolt?

    2. No, just to show that a video without a visual of the subject is worthless. Sounds made by some dude pretending to be a bigfoot is just as worthless. What's funny is imagining the fat old dude who made this video doing his absolute best to imitate something that does not exist! At least the guys that pretend to be medieval people, jousting and all that, can do it in broad daylight! This is a joke. The sounds are a joke. The whole video is a joke. Not having a decent suit is why they made a blackened out video. I they were serious, they'd make a suit like Patty was! Not one of the modern bigfoot dudes has the balls that Patterson had. Not one is brave enough or committed enough to make a suit and film it. They all go the cheap, fat, lazy route and make videos in pitch dark!

  22. I for one think that this is a piece of great work by MK Davis. Bravo sir. The audio was better, but the video gets close. If these creatures were not so cautious and elusive everyone would be seeing them. Great find, and great work Mr Davis......

    1. Well apparently everyone is seeing them. 50000 reports. Are they elusive or not? Which one is it?

  23. If you listen to the very first part of the sierra sounds. The talking is very similar. Who knows?

    1. I know. Genuine 'squatches all of them.

  24. i dont see any proof of a bigfoot here.it doesnt sound like the seirra soung .they are much faster talking.the end

  25. All these comments that say "it doesn't sound like sierra sounds" is a horrible arguement. Think of NA and all the variations of speech. Not only the different aboriginal languages, but deep south yokels, texans, new yorkers, canadians, french canadian, maritime canadians......ect.

    Not all the sasquatches in NA should sound the same.


    1. What is the Tazmanian Devil doing in the US? Lol.

    2. Its a mindless animal making noises. That's all it is.

    3. It's just a homeless guy farting after eating out of the Taco Bell dumpster!

  26. Real or not, that is flat out creepy - especially the howl. I'm leaning towards 'real' on this one. Although it does sound like James Earl Jones at times...

    1. I believe this to be real. Nothing will convince me otherwise.

  27. I find it very hard to believe this to be real. The footage is very grainy and the vocals sound like Rocky Balboa doing whip its. The alleged "howl" sounds very much like a human to me. And there are parts that sound like its in reverse.

    But also there are parts of the vocals that do sound interesting to me, almost like a type of Native American type of speech. But most likely this is BS.

    And it just so happens that the lighting for the camera didn't work out the way it was suppose to and the footage isn't that great because of it? Come on!

  28. I believe the name "Enoch" (is the ancestor of Noah or the son's of Adam). Sounds like this is the name the bigfoot use to identify the human race. We are "Enoch".

  29. Timmy u are an idiot, jut like ppl dont sound alike, bigfoots dont either there are different types of bigfoots.

  30. Intriguing. Seemed like the BF or person was trying to talk quietly. The "howl" sounded like a vocal yawn. Too bad about the lighting, though you can see something/someone in the lightened video toward the end, with an arm moving.
    If it was a BF its odd that it didn't open the ice chest. Maybe it got suspicious.
    Hey thats an idea - leave out drugged food that will make the BF go beddy-bye so we can get a better look at it.

  31. sounds like darth vader and chewbacca deciding to steal a pic nic basket and yogi bear beats them to it. come on you cant be serious.

    1. BF's usually take cans of pop and chocolate chip cookies wrapped in tin foil when they raid the ice chest. I have seen proof of this......on YouTube!

  32. looks like a squatchy place but squatches dont like light beer.

  33. I'm waiting for a Bigfoot face to pop out of no where and yell, "Toasty" and scare the crap out of me!

  34. Haven't these people ever heard of an IR illuminator? ..... set them up all over and it will be like daylight without the light....

  35. 'taken in total darkness' i switched iff right there. why bother. another dubious mkdavi film. where does the man get the plethry of bf film. which appear to follow the same script. oe in same place or too dark to see anything or white!!!!

    he is cleary a hoaxer. peole search for bf for years ,rthis guy gets a new one evry week

  36. Enoch loved God and did not see death because God took him. Enoch wrote about the state of the earth prior to the flood and stated there was demonic activty creating havoc wiht God's creation and creating a race of monsters and giants or what we would call the dinosaurs inorder to destroy creation. These creatures are the clan of Cain. Cain's grandson Lamech killed Cain, when Cain approached him he was frightened becaus Cain had the appearance of a wild animal. You can investigate this in the lost books of Enoch and the 1st ans 2nd books of Adam amd Eve. These are ancient texts not cannonized due to the fact thay are historical only and have nothing to do with the main context of the Bible which is Jesus

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  55. I've herd some natives say some of these creatures speak Cherokee too some just because it don't sound like the sierra sounds don't mean squat..


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