Matt Moneymaker Criticizes SyFy For Shamefully Sending Dr. Meldrum Fake Thermal Footage Of Possible Bigfoot

Was the Vergas Hairy Man evidence on Syfy’s Haunted Highway too good to be true?

On July 3rd Syfy’s latest paranormal reality show, Haunted Highway, premiered and reviews have been mixed. The show stars Poker2Nite host Dana Workman, television producer Devin Marble, Ozzy Osbourne’s son Jack, and Syfy’s paranormal princess, Jael De Pardo. The show is filmed without a camera crew, so the scenes are all pretty shaky and could make the toughest sailor feel sea-sick at times.

The first episode went in search of the Bear Lake Beast in Utah (Utah’s Nessie) and all they found was a cattle/deer rib in an underwater cave. They then went to Vergas, MN to look for the Hairy Man who is described to be an aggressive Bigfoot. Jael and Devin went out to Squatch Hill to see if they could lure out the creature. After blasting some snowmobile sounds, knocking on wood, and a bunch of running around they managed to get a thermal image of a bipedal creature and they found a freshly broken branch along with some long hairs on a tree. This lead Jael to conclude that this was the closest she had ever come to encountering a Bigfoot. If this is all true, they have found more evidence than many Bigfoot researchers find in their lifetime.

In comes Dr. Jeff Meldrum to pop the bubble for everyone: yes, the creature on the thermal camera is bipedal but the hair appears to be human. This leads Jael and Devin to conclude that they were probably hoaxed since everyone in the small town knew they were there.

President of the BFRO and Finding Bigfoot star Matt Moneymaker is not pleased with SyFy at the moment. Moneymaker tweeted the following message, suggesting SyFy knowingly sent Dr. Meldrum a fake thermal footage to analyze.


  1. I would have a lot more respect for him if he could admit the pgf was hoaxed which is well known among the real researchers.

    1. Wrong.

      Is today another day for trolls to speak in opposite?

    2. Yeah, "real" researchers like Cliff Crook and John Johnsen ...

    3. Haven't seen anything declaring the pgf is a hoax. You're wrong. Quit trying to piss off squatchers-go annoy someone else for a change. Thats a tired old argument that people who don't even care about the subject bring up, only to wind up making themselves look ignorant.

    4. Parnassus (Michael) the cardiologist speaks again.

    5. press 5 if u would deep throat that chick.

    6. Seems like a lot of peoples feelings get hurt when the truth that the pgf is a hoax is stated. The experts etc know the truth but its damaging to the community. The experts need to keep the bleevers happy to keep their nice niche market to tap into.

    7. I am an expert and I know this: 1. The PG Film is authentic. 2. You are an idiot.


      The Experts

    8. Point proven^

      It would not be wise for an expert to tell the truth about the pgf on a Bigfoot blog that is ripe with bleevers

    9. 9:06 no feelings hurt here. But it amazes me that u have nothing better to do than to come on this blog and run your mouth, instead of intelligently providing viable arguments to back up your premise. If u don't believe, we don't really give a shit. Go bug someone else on some other blog.

    10. okie, learn what burden of proof is, its up to you to prove bigfoot, not for skeptics to disprove it.

    11. To: I'm afraid to sign my name to my drivel 2:03.

      What in the world ever possessed you, and those "skeptics" like you to presume we give a damn about convincing you? Because we don't in the least. Those of us that have seen the creature need no proof, and the rest of the people here have open minds and are seeking further evidence to formulate their opinions. You, who so vehemently DON'T believe and wouldn't if a Sasquatch bit you in the ass need to go away ... and quit stomping around in the creek like a ten year old throwing a tantrum. You muddy the water... and we REALLY don't care what you believe. Want to enter into an intelligent discourse on the issue? By all means do so... respectfully. If not, perhaps you should ask YOURSELF why you are here.

    12. These aren't skeptics, they are trolls and Bigfoot atheists. Attacking PGF gets the response they want.

      Further more, there is no such thing as "Burden of Proof" to science so at least use a new angel trolls. But Hell i will play that game. Where is YOUR burden of proof that the other hominids went extinct? Where is your burden of proof that the earths core is molten iron? I am playing Devils advocate here, but where is your burden of proof that Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldren ever walked on the moon?

      Our modern Biology is based on Darwinism.. Where is the burden of proof on that? There is far more evidence to suggest hominids other than Homo-Sapiens exist all over the world than there is for everything I mentioned.

      eye-witness testimony

      In a court of law, that is more than enough proof to condemn a man to death.

    13. Oh yes, use a new "Angel", skeptics. Which do you suggest Tzieth? Michael? Gabriel?

      Malcontent indoctrinated imbeciles like yourself are the man-kinds "burden".

    14. 55555555555555 Deep Throats her balls deep!!

    15. Pearls before swine... Tzieth

      BUT... well stated!

  2. I'd be snooping around the woods too if I knew that chick was around!

  3. It was a person. They knew it was a person, but Matt should know, it's all about TV. This coming from a guy who thinks every damn shadow and tree stump is a squatch? Shut up Matt.

    Oh, and NOBODY disparages Jael... nobody. >:|

  4. The fake sasquatch in the Haunted Highways thermal footage was a human male, and tall, and wearing a short-sleeve t-shirts and shorts. He's trying to walk like a sasquatch and he's aware of the camera person. Various things suggest he was working cooperatively with the camera person.

    The plot ploy was that they DIDN'T know it was a person, so they had to ask for Meldrum's opinion.

    Obviously the producers wanted a hot little teaser clip of spooky thermal footage, to use in the commercials for the episode. So, they just went out and faked it.

    Jael knows all that too.

    1. One of the first people I met in Bigfootery (looking for "help" lol) told me they had faked some prints in a place they knew Medrum would be (or was it MM? all these names and old arguments escape me sometimes) and "he was fooled." They concluded his expertise was not all we pin on it. I was shocked actually and moved on to another BFer, and on and to here!
      Anyway, they were just the first of such stories...and it is rampant apparently, this trying to fool the credible to discredit and raise ones self to some
      So it goes on quite a bit...from reflectors nailed to trees to create eyeshine, to fake tracks and now fake thermals, and even fake Bigfooters. MM is himself quite versed in such activites probably why he can spot it.

    2. One of the first people I met in Bigfootery was Meldrum and MM. We had strategically placed some very good hoaxed prints down. They examined the prints and determinted that they were hoaxed. Later, We used small reflectors on trees to reproduce eyeshine. Darned again, They were not fooled.

      Funny how I can write anything about anyone and not leave my name.

      Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about this. A couple years ago, me and Sasquatch were over at the Loch Ness. Someone had a huge robotic replica of the Loch Ness Monster. I was fooled but the Sasquatch wasn't. He saw right through the robotic skin


      Wolfman Jack's Ghost

  5. Let me get this straight. The guy who hosts a show that has been repeatedly accused of adding sounds and purposefully misleading people with FLIR images, who sees a "squatch" in every shadow is upset because another show is doing the same?

    1. It was the cast members calling out the producers. You blame the cast member for that?

  6. He mad about the footage but will stand firm on how a Squatch will leave a cow alone because it's "people food".

  7. He mad about the footage but will stand firm on how a Squatch will leave a cow alone because it's "people food".

  8. The vast majority of whats seen on finding bigfoot and all the other paranormal shows is faked just the same, perhaps with a little more finesse. Return knocks are from show employees along with branch snapping and rock throwing etc... Not saying BF cldnt/dsnt exist, just that these shows do all this stuff quite frequently to generate drama and move the story. These shows are primarily just entertainment product, i know a number of people who work on them and have heard a littany of their stories of fakery.

    1. I know quite a few peope working on Finding Bigfoot and they say it's real, through and through.

      See, Anonymous claims are just that: claims. I could claim that I can fly like superman, but that doesn't make it so.

    2. They find absolutely no evidence of Bigfoot yep its real.

    3. Sorry 930 thems the facts... Heard the deets firsthand - very doubtful anyone working on that show would characterize it as real "through and through"... Unless you were just a fan of the show, then of course. Not sayin BF dsnt exst or precluding that they may have even run to him perhaps, just saying much of what you see on that show is well...ehum..."conjured" by the crew...

  9. Shame on President and Star MM for presenting a warm background rock as thermal footage of a bigfoot in New Mexico.

  10. MM, once again...
    Why did you not mention your sighting here?

  11. Matt Moneymaker,

    President of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

    and Start of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot,"

    once again...

    Why did you not mention your supposed sighting here?

    1. Mike Green is really angry today. Must have went off his meds.

    2. Isn't Greene the guy who hoaxed a night vision video ?

    3. Yeah. Got tossed out of the BFRO and the Olympic Project. Leaked tons of info to Robert Lindsay. Just generally a very wicked bitter guy.

  12. Start the thread Shawn. Question your authority Shawn. Who is exempt from your honest inquiry? Does your Emperor wear any clothes Shawn?

    Matt Moneymaker,

    President of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

    and Star of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot,"

    once again...

    Why did you not mention your supposed sighting here?

  13. Confucious say...If you argue with an idiot, there are two idiots

  14. I'd like to put on a realistic Bigfoot costume then sneak into Jael's tent and go #3 all over her face.

    Come to think of it: forget the costume.

    1. Anytime a hot chick pretends to like the supernatural I get hard as Chinese algebra.

    2. guy on the right looks uncomfortable, he's sitting on something?

    3. Droppin' loads on basic cable celebrities!

  15. Have any of you watched treepeekers videos from the san francisco area?He has videos of bigfoot in the trees! tHEY LOOK more like CHIMPS,or VERY small Sas.Is he filming chimps and calling them Bigfoot?

    1. No, Freeman or I aren't filming chimps. First of all, chimps are native to Africa, but regardless...everything we do is sincere. We have footage from both FL and SF. I think the footage you're referring to being in the trees is from here in FL...but Freeman has also filmed them in the trees. Do you recall which video you saw that you're referring to?

      ~JP Smith

  16. The idea MM did not have an encounter in Ohio back in mid 90's is pretty well known and arise because he was so "all over the net" talking back then (and later, and now) and never mentioned it in his many write ups until,

    Well, when did he first mention this 15 yard encounter growling Bigfoot at night? Just one or two years ago right? It may have been 2010, so yeah it sounds fishy, but so what right?
    He is a show boat type, he has shown that now repeatedly, and a little fudging on encounters here and there, well, it's all part of the business of proving and protecting Bigfoot, right?
    It's all good.

  17. You were't around back then, because I recall him mentioning it back then and showing the sketch made by the other witness who was with him.

  18. He released a sketch quite a few years ago...anyone remember?

    1. LOL. What the hell is that? How'd you stumble across that site? It's quite amazing.

      Now back to the topic: Matt Moneymaker has a J.D, right? So why does he write and speak like a 11 year old?

  19. Back to topic.
    So what if they sent Meldrum fake footage. Sensational media will do that.
    A bare modicum of scientific skepticism would stop any scientifically trained researcher from being fooled.
    It seems it did.

  20. The chicks in this show are hot, the show is not!
    These women are the true bigfoot chicks!

  21. I held my comment until I saw the show first hand. First I would like to state that I know Matt Moneymaker and like many people in the squatching world, dont care for him much, enough said. The fact that he made such a statement made me suspicious, because he usually attacks any competition and in his own little world thinks he is the sasquatching community... this is waaaayy off base. To see such a statement from a guy that even rarely spends a full night in the woods, well perhaps he should hold his statements to himself. I cannot say that what they caught on the show was real or not, which is another reason I don't waste my time with thermal cameras, even if you do get something, you end up in a situation like Mike Green and the "sweaky footage", a big mass of human like footage, no details. Perhaps the hair they found was human, or perhaps not. I hope the shows hosts are reading this. The next time you have activity and it seems to have slowed down (first of all, don't run anywhere in the woods at night, its dangerous and you could run into anything, not to mention Squatches usually see it as aggressive and will leave the area) but keep in mind, just because its quiet, doesn't mean they are gone, my best personal sightings have occured between 0400hrs and 0600hrs and the light is better. You can't blame them for asking Meldrum to check it out, its good t.v. and he is an expert. Matt just hates anyone getting press but him. Honestly, I would rather see a squatching show with BOBO as the star and a team of his choice, that would be a fun show to watch.

  22. I recently watched this episode and im not convinced that it was a hoax or not. I think moneymoaker is just pissed cause they got possible evidence first trip out. Hoax or not. One thing that did catch my eye was at the end of the show. Devin can be seen talking about how its gonna get light out soon and the camara is panning on him with the forest in the background. It looks like a person or fugure is croutching in the brush to the right of him in the background. You can even see eyeshine. But it looks like a person not a squatch.

  23. O that was me takin a piss!

  24. Matt moneymaker said that penn and tellers video was real and look how fast they took down the video at the BFRO website when penn an teller said it was a bullshit video!!"HOAXED by penn-teller". The only evidence that the BFRO has is some sounds and PG and Jacobs photo's, they did have more videos like the Penn and teller but they took them down after the videos where show to be a hoax, BFRO and MM said they where actual bigfoot. So who the fuck is MM to say what others do when he claims a bullshit video is the REAL FUCKING DEAL. Personally i hope somebody knocks his a$s out!! Thanks

  25. Personally I think the finding Bigfoot show has become a joke ,from blowing off fireworks ,to marching thru the woods with torches like villagers In a frankenstein movie,like their really going to find one like that mm is full of him self ,look I know they exist I seen one with my son early In morning on the side of the road ,a very shy elusive creature,that does a great job of hiding from man,do u blame them as messed up as this world is,I would too

  26. I worked for the crew of Haunted Highway and yes it is faked. They also faked a the thermal image of a hell hound when in fact it was a trained German Shepherd. Do you see where this is going? My advice is do not watch the show do not believe what you see and lastly!

    Dana and Jack are not by themselves their is more like a crew of up to 20 individuals on the set. No they do not hike and their is nothing in the backpacks.

    FAKE FAKE FAKE share this with everyone you know!

  27. If most of you desire to find more out about this show come visit this link it shows that they not only lied to the public but they are hoaxing their viewers.

    [/end sarcasm]

    So we are just to take someones internet ramblings that it is fake, please show proof or stfu.

    Just because they actually have a camera crew doesn't make its totally fake, its TV for crying out loud. Im not saying the show isn't fake, I have only watched a couple episodes. You need to show better proof. Not just some text, or a picture of some text.

    The page above this comment looks more promising than this joke of a site, but so much spam on it means it wouldn't even load.

  29. Funny how this statement comes from a member of the ''Finding Bigfoot'' cast. This show is the dumbest thing I've ever watch, on the 5 episodes that I saw, there's absolutely nothing that happen, no solid evidence. I mean after all the episodes they made(I didn't watch them all because it would be a total lost of time)they didn't bring any solid evidence of Bigfoot existence. If they did, I guess it would be in the news and we would see it everywhere on the net. I think if squatches really exist we would have found already them, at least their dead body or bones, anything like this. All we have is ''personnal experiences'' and footprints that could easily be faked by someone. And by the way, they look even dumber when they try to ''call the Bigfoot''. Gotta watch that South Park parody of them.
    For Haunted highways, i don't know if it's «fact or faked» but at least it is more entertaining, and they don't try to convince you it's Bigfood, like the other dumb show, they can have rational explanations like thinking about a hoax which was the answer to this thermal image.

  30. 555555555555555 I'd deep throat her again and again and again 555555555555555

    1. I tried to delete this comment but since it won't let me - 55555555555555555555555555555555

  31. "Hot chicks"? Really? Sorry, what year are you in? Also, absolutely no argument here is valid...unless everyone is genuinely called "Anonymous"? Put your name to your comment or get ignored.


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