Kid's YouTube Account Hacked By Bigfoot Believers After Giving Team Tazer Bigfoot The Bird

Zack M., a 16 year old kid, on YouTube just got whacked by the Bigfoot mob. After making a video calling out people who believe in Bigfoot stupid and retarded, he woke up this morning and discovered that his account had been compromised. According to Zack, the assailant deleted some of his videos, changed the titles to "BIGFOOT IS REAL" and renamed his account to "BIGFOOT IS REAL YOU'VE BEEN HACKED BITCH."

Here's what Zack wrote today on Team Tazer Bigfoot Facebook group:

As some of you are probably already aware, my wonderful YouTube channel has been hacked/stolen...All of my videos' titles have been changed to "BIGFOOT IS REAL" and are somehow un-viewable. Some of the videos have also been deleted. My channel name has also been changed to "BIGFOOT IS REAL YOU'VE BEEN HACKED BITCH".

I guess that makes the score Bigfoot Believers: 1, Me: 0....for now! I have most of the videos saved to my hard drive and they will be uploaded to another YouTube account as soon as possible, or onto another video sharing site (maybe one that has better security features).

Bigfoot isn't real, but aliens are people.

- Zack M.


  1. Replies
    1. Serves him right, that guy is a douche! Lol!

  2. The skills of a codemonkey ;( not a bigfooter as they're too dumb.

  3. I think it was the good people of The Hot Pockets Co.Cause the good people of The Hot Pockets Co. are firm believers of Bigfoot.They don't take kindly to P.A.B.'s (Punk A$$ Biotches) hating on Bigfoot.

    Remember P.A.B.'S,Don't be Messin With Sasquatch!

  4. Uh, where's the PROOF this was done by "Bigfoot Believers"? I guess that claim is par for the course though.

  5. This is a hoax to try make bigfoot believers look bad.

    1. Yep, its those darn MIB working against the Bigfoot believers again.

    2. Shoosh! Bigfoot believers doing it sounds better.

  6. By the looks of him he was given birth by an alien ffs!lmao!

  7. I like how it says "Kid's" account lol as we look at a picture of him in front of his single bed in mommy and daddy's basement. Goes to show, it doesn't pay to be a dick.

  8. He seems like a well-adjusted young man. I'm sure he will go far in life with that attitude.

  9. His only friend is his special sock stuck firmly to the floor..

  10. HA HA HA HAAAAAA, luvn it. Whats up Shawn how ya doin Team Tazer, and fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The kids obviously a clown in need of attention well he got it didnt he. Glad to see others in this field are not sitting back, and just taking abuse from close minded uneducated jackasses. Let this be a lesson to any other like minded folks, if you take a leak in our pond, you can look forward to having your morning cheerios pissed in for your efforts.

  11. Depends on the size of the key or login password he used and the automated script.

    4 characters (lower or upper case double if mixed) 26x26x26x26 = 456976 combinations. Pretty simple using brute force, a few seconds to try them all.

    Make your passwords at least 10 characters long and a mixture of upper and lower case and also special characters and numerics like:


  12. Wow mature no wonder a lot people don't take believers seriously

  13. Karma is such a beautiful thing at times.

    1. Not really as 'if' you think about this, oh gawd forbid that, you are bringing on a challenge to every young kid, phreaker, hacker or whatever to f*ck with you on the planet. :))))

      Be careful what you wish for.

  14. ZACK M. likes to get his shit pushed in.. Bahhahaha fag.

  15. Lies, I don't believe this kid.

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