Kentucky Bigfoot Photo: Real or Fake?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As serious researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are commited to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. Assuming that Bigfoots exist, they want to help ensure their surival and hope for an opportunity to observe them in their natural habitat. You can visit their blog at

The photo above surfaced on the Bigfoot Forums somewhere between 2005/2006. The only information I have about this photo and the others below, is that it was taken somewhere in Kentucky. If it's real, it puts all those blogsquatch photos to shame. It's pretty easy to make out two legs and the subject appears to be covered with shaggy fur all over it's body. It's massive and the head seems to just be sitting on those incredibly wide shoulders, suggesting no neck. I've searched the internet trying to find more information about this picture and the others below and haven't turned up much. What do you think?

Real of Fake???

In this pic you can get a sense of the width of the creature's leg. Notice the width of the trees in the center of the picture to the left of the creature in comparison.

Interesting pictures!! It appears that they were taken in succession as the creature ascended the hill. With so little to go on it's hard to know what to make of these photos. I'd love to know more about them. If you have any information about these pics that you'd like to share, please email me at


  1. All Bigfoots are cunning and elusive...except for this one.

  2. Fake, its not blurry enough.

  3. It's a real photo... of a guy in a suit.

    1. Yeah, sure, a guy with 5 foot wide shoulders and 36 inch calves. Dude, your deductive abilities are truly astounding.

    2. its either eal of photoshop. No suit..

  4. They overdid it on the 'wide' thing. It's Obesefoot!

  5. bigfoot believers actually believe 1000+ of these live in north america... LOL

    1. Men in bad suits? No, but an elusive unknown giant hominin species does.

  6. Hunter or paintballer in a ghillie suit.

    1. I've worn many ghillie suits in my day - and I actually have 2 in my closet now. None have ever turned me into a giant and made my legs as big as tree trunks.

  7. I have been looking for these photos for some time, thanks for posting. i thought they originated from Oklahoma. They are the real deal by the way.

    1. Oh yes, everything is blocky just like I had imagined. Pfffffft

  8. Yes its a fake
    EVERYONE knows Bigfoot IS Blurry and thats why we can't get a decent photo

  9. Not seeing the over-long arms, for one thing.

    1. I have to agree about the arms actually. Where are the original pics; taken with what sort of camera; date and time of day taken; was the site revisited right after to check for foot prints and any foliage damage and to get an estimate of height and width of the figure?; etc etc. If you don't test the damned evidence then what is the point of putting up these pics. They deserve to be called fake, even if they are not. Time to get professional with all this stuff or just consign it to the dustbin straight away, because it proves nothing. This sort of amateurish posting just annoys the hell out of me. Do it once, do it right or don't bother.

  10. Oh, it's a real photo all right!

    That's what you wanted to know right? I mean, it isn't a ainting or photoshopped, I see nothing weird in ...except for maybe the guy in the sill gorilla suit

  11. Without an owner to these photos you are wasting your time.

  12. not as good as the hovey photo

  13. These are real. The owner never intended for these photos to be shared. Someone violated their trust. And they are from Kentucky. I'm not making this statement for the scoftics for whom BF is a joke, but for those out there who know better. Not saying more.

    ... Back to your regularly scheduled offensive comments and juvenile behavior.

    1. yer a silly doo doo head

    2. This is not a photo of bigfoot.

    3. Oh yes the classic: "I know something you don't know" HAR-DEE-HAR-HAR "and its a secret" NANNER NANNER NANNER.

      Exactly why Bigfooting is laughed at and scoffed at. Its silly little kid behavior.

    4. You liar, these pics were taken and were supposed to be used in a documentary. Stop embarrassing footers with your lies.

  14. Don't think this is real but anyone who says that this is a person in a ghille suit is stupid, not unless that is the worst home made ghille suit in the world. And if this is a person in a ghille suit then they are the dumbest ahole in the world. Ghille suits are meant to be used as camo and are not uniform in color. Yes I know you can paint them to whatever you want. This is not a hunter or paintballer but some other ahole in a monkey suit pretending to be Bigfoot. This right here is why no one is ever going to believe unless there is a body. Hoaxers are aholes.

    1. Indeedy they are and I bet this is some of the trolls here behind the stunt.

  15. Calhoun Mucklegrunt here, yes, that is indeed my cousin Roscoe Bourbongrunt. We were trying to ambush some wild boar when some dunderheaded Yankee walked into our trap. Roscoe threw a rock at the jerk and then walked off in disgust. Luckily, the still was not found as it was just over the hill.

    1. Dang it Calhoun,this is Roscoe.Don't say to much or them thar humans gonna find our still!

    2. Sorry Roscoe, and tell your momma hi! Grandfoot Angus caught some fine coon dogs that were making all sorts of noise the other night...they were real tasty.


    3. No problem Cal,I'll tell Ma y'all said hi.Tell Grandfoot I made a new stick structure in honor of Uncle Mucklegrunt.Sorry we couldn't make it to the funeral but when Knucklegrunt got back we had some moonshine together and talked about the good times with Uncle Mucklegrunt.

      PS. What was all that tree knocking going on over thar the other day?

    4. Just rubbing some wood Roscoe...feelin frisky and with Patty gone...well, you know.

    5. Yep.Been there done that when Matilda left me for that one girl.Didn't think she was a lickity splitter,but anyway...

    6. GRRRR! You dog killin sasholes! The Dogmans comin for ya! It's on!

  16. Uhhh, these are stills from a widely distributed video. A crowd of bystanders watched this figure walk up the hill in the snow. Looks like its just too massive to be a guy in a suit but who knows?


    1. What snow? Massive...not for a gorilla suit.

      A very bad fake if I ever saw one...oh, I have, almost everything posted here.

      new anony - show me a body.

    2. A "gorilla suit" is simply a hairy covering that is placed over the body with a zipper positioned in the middle. The average gorilla suit is black, and the suit is designed for an average sized person. Although there is nothing utilized to comparize the bulk of this subject too, it is obviously very large. Way to large to be the average "run of the mill" suit that can be purchased from most halloween costumes magazines. Ony if Big and Tall has started putting out brown colored monkey suits does you theory hold water.

      I'm not saying this thing is real but look at any gorilla suit on line; they usually depict some small/medium framed person (165-185lbs) wearing it. If this is a person wearing a costume, they are easily in excess of 300-400lbs. Probably not real, but definately not a gorilla suit.

  17. Forget the big hairy dude. Where can i get more pictures of the cowgirl glamour shot?
    So i had an encounter one night if the strangest kind in my own backyard here in Manassas VA a couple years ago and tried to report it in BFRO website but I was too stupid to do it correctly. Where is a good place to tell my experience?

    1. Why hell,tell Rob Hairless The Bigfoot Weiner.He loves to hear about sightings and he tells everyone he's the best Bigfoot Weiner out there.

      Just google Bigfoot Weiner and he POPS UP!

    2. I've never seen so many white Leroy' must be a Bigfoot thing.

  18. Hate to say it but these are fake,just like that douche Rob Hairless,the self proclaimed Bigfoot Weiner.

    1. Of ocurse it's fake, look at the head it's canine shaped. Obviously this is the daft troll residents here playing up their latest dogman bull.

    2. Interesting to note the solid - by BF standards - evidence for the "dogman" as it has been reported here:

      Therefore, it must be real.

      new anony


      "JULY 2006

      GUEST Column: A Native American's Perspective on the Michigan Dog Man...Related to Dog Soldiers? And, I must say, correlating well with the apparent no-kill philosophy on the part of the creature:..."

      Oh, that seals the deal, a Native American vouches for the debate now.

      "...But there are stories, carried over from the elders, that tell of some of the Dog Men actually shape shifting into the 'real dogs' that they mimicked in battle...."

      Since it is lore it is closed.

      new anonyhowler

    4. Yeah whatever you say, bye troll.

  19. I would like to know what the"experts" think on this one? It doesn't look like a ghillie suit to me but I wonder why it seems to be walking toward the camera isnt the normal sasquatch reaction to get away from people? I dont know I'm not used to seeing photos as clear as this one,at least not ones that look like a little effort went into the making of it. the Hovey photo looks to much like the letters from the big man costume.possible.

    1. Yep,hope fully that Bigfoot Weiner Rob Hairless does a satire video on it.He's so damn funny to himself.

      That way he can praise himself in the third person.You know,that way he can rub one out.

    2. LMAO he is his biggest fan.he's a legend in his own mind!!!

    3. . Somebody call Sasquatch Scoop.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I miss the good old days when tabloids reported on the good gossip like the one who gave birth to bigfoot's love child. They always had those flattering pictures where bigfoot looked like he was surprised by the paparazzi. These pictures make bigfoot look like he is Walter Mathou from Grumpy Old Men.

  22. Look you squatchers, you blogger make so many mistakes using possessive forms and pronouns, and quite frankly such mistakes further undermine the credibility of your already questionable claims.

    Sorry to be nitpicky, and this example is just one out of the hundreds I've seen here.

    Take these sentences at the beginning of this piece:

    "It's pretty easy to make out two legs and the subject appears to be covered with shaggy fur all over it's body. It's massive and the head seems to just be sitting on those incredibly wide shoulders, suggesting no neck."

    It's = it is. You wouldn't say "...covered in shaggy fur all over it is body."

    Its = is a possessive pronoun, as in "...shaggy fur all over its body."

    1. This is coming from someone who doesn't know how to use a plural form of a word and subsequently fails to grasp where commas should be used.

    2. Where's the comma error? You're imagining something again...or, to fit it with the crow here, I should say, your imaginin sumthin.

      Anyone with a reasonable sense of literacy should have been able to tell that I made the error on the word blogger deliberately to make my point just that much more poignant.

    3. You didn't need a comma after the word pronouns dumb dumb. That's your mistake and until you are perfect, shut the hell up.

    4. Anon 7:21,

      Stop lying dumb ass. Your excuse for screwing up makes zero sense. Just own your mistake like any decent human being would do. You have mud on your face, deal with it.

    5. Anon 2:41, what a Fuck*ng dork you are. We aren't writing a book here, it's a BLOG!!

  23. It looks like my grandmother in her old beaver coat.

  24. Coming from someone who has a grammatical error in his first sentence. "You blogger make so many mistakes". Feel free to shut up now and don't ever attempt to correct people again.

    1. Anyone with a reasonable sense of literacy should have been able to tell that I made the error on the word blogger deliberately to make my point just that much more poignant.

  25. I started the thread regarding these pics on the Bigfoot Forums a while back, and these pics are photos from a recreation done for a documentary. They were never attempted to be passed off as real.

  26. Oh i just hates it when you bloggers just keep making one mathsamatticle erras to. Don't yall know dat theres a bigfoot in every state in the union but theres 2 in every state in the confedracy. By my figurin that comes to 50the total not 1000.

    1. That was obviously a dumb ass northerner trying to pretend as if he or she is more edgemacated than everyone else in the post above. Whomever it was failed in their attempt just like you failed to be funny in yours. Better luck next time.

  27. These are test shots for a bigfoot movie that never came to be as far as i know. I had some email correspondence with the people involved when these came out. This was a # of years back so i no longer have the email.

    1. That sounds more reasonable. It seems like a director had asked "him" to walk down the slope of the small hill so the director could see what it looked like for an upcoming scene and if the Bigfoot (Bigfoot is always capitalized) would be able to make it without falling into the woods.

  28. sorry leroy but african americans cant post on the bfro.Yous got to be an american blacks person.

  29. anon 241 is pissed calm down bigfoot chick.

  30. Hey ass quit posting stuff from the BF sluts. They suck and so do you.

  31. This is the real deal folks.

    1. I just like saying that. Say it out loud yourself, it's quite

    2. I know you you do i have seen it several times on other post. Just had to see what you would say if asked.I tried it out loud diddnt get much out of it,but glad you do.

    3. I only wrote it once. I think someone else likes to say it too.

    4. Yeah someone says it often on here.Have a good one.Later

    5. I tried it and I'm with you gnrfan. I think its over rated. This picture is an obvious fake....btw.

  32. Looks real to me. Could be a fake, but thats what they look like. Just because there is not alot of sharp focus pics doesnt make it fake because this one is. One day someone will come face to face with a good camera and take a pic and it will be so detailed full on frontal bigfoot and everybody will proclaim it fake.

    1. No photo will ever provide absolute proof. A body is required and until then the creature will remain in disputed existence.

      new anony

  33. OMG!!!! It's HulkSquatch don't make him angry you wouldn't like him when he's angry!!!!! Fake he would be the slowest Bigfoot on the planet unless he jumps everywhere like the Hulk.

  34. It looks like it has dog ears and a snout.

  35. I think it's a bear hide and bear head sitting on top of the bear suit..

  36. You can clearly see a tail in mid wag.

  37. I believe, PRAISE THE LORD.

  38. Gigfoot has cankles. This must be a female with water retention.

  39. either a seriously good photoshop, or its real. the calves did it for me, they're as big around as the tree next to the thing....

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