FB/FB: Homo Erectus was likely created in America

FB/FB has a new book out on the Kindle titled "You Are Sasquatch"-- And while we're waiting for them to finish up the paperback version for us to send to Phil Poling (to dissect), here's their theory on Homo Erectus:

"YOU ARE SASQUATCH" is correct. The genetic record shows that EVERY single human was in China 2.4 million years ago. African dispersal did not occur till 1.5 million years ago. Therefore Homo Erectus was likely created in America. Homo Erectus was a Sasquatch. Reduced Sexual dimorphism, bipedal, human foot, brow ridge, super thick cranial vault/keel instead of a sagittal crest, hooded nose.

Please keep in mind that although they sound like they have the science part of the equation down, their ideas are just theories and conjectures. Their book surmises on the idea that the Sasquatch species is possible in North America.


  1. anywhere you can download this?

  2. Mucklegrunts son,NucklegruntsTuesday, July 10, 2012 at 4:01:00 PM PDT

    Long Live Mucklegrunt!

    For he was King of the North American Bigfoot Clan!

  3. So the Bigfoot people think they have just come up with a brand new explanation for Anthropological development as an explanation for Bigfoot over all of the PHD's who have spent their lives researching things like Erectus , neanderthal...etc ?

    seems a bit.....presumptive doesn't it?

    If they had verifiable data to backup their claims why not submit it for peer review? (degrees not required for submission, just verifiable facts)

    Speculation isn't evidence......

    1. quiet please, theres no place here for logic and reason

    2. Nick, when you say "Bigfoot people" it reads like all pro Bigfooters are on board with this.
      I don't agree with much, if anything FB/FB says. I don't care how smart the FB/FB guy says he is.
      I do agree with everything else you said though.
      Trolls like to pick up on any morsels, that's why I mentioned it.

    3. yeah, I realized I had not written what I meant (meant to write the Facebook Bigfoot people)

      my bad

    4. If you only knew the FB guys, at least "Jack Barnes". As far as he is concerned he is one of the most intelligent people of the planet alive to day and will literally tell you just that withing 5 minutes of meeting him. Egocentric and Narcissistic do not begin to describe him. This doesn't surprise me at all. I'm sure that he will also take our failure to accept his theories, no scratch that, theories need a basis in something, lets say musings as a sign that we are just not intelligent enough to understand and agree with him as we should.

    5. "Peer review"; let's dispense with that snotty new-speak and wake up: A peer review is useless if your peers are lisping academics who never get out from behind their desks and are dead-set against anything related to sasquatch. If you send your materials to these biased peers, what do you think is going to happen?

      Drop the "peer-review" nonsense. This is a new-speak term thrown around on NPR and in universities. Just dummp it, already. It has limited meaning and value.

      No, a PhD isn't a guarantee of anything. We all know that by now. Eighty or 90% of astronomical discoveries are made by passionate amateurs and hobbyists. Yes, partly because they are looking in places which PhDs aren't, but also because they are talented and knowledgeable and astronomy is their passion.

      Amateurs shouldn't be discounted because they don't carry a PhD. The term amateur is even misleading. An amateur can be an expert.

      Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes an amateur, because that kind of mind meeded to operate outside the system, the restrictions.

      I'm not writing about this case or video, but generally speaking.

      Let's end the term "peer-review". In the case of a controversial topic, it has no meaning or value. It's an ugly cliche and one of those terms people pick up from radio interviews and then commandeer and repeat to others, believing it makes them appear intelligent.

    6. yes but unfortunately, most people in any scientific field, especially a 'pseudoscience' like bigfootry, will almost immediately descredit or at the very least, be INCREDIBLY skepticle to anything someonr without a pfd claims.

      It's ignorance really. Sure a phd is almost gauranteed to be more knowledgeable than a researcher without, but that doesn't mean their gods. What they say isn't final, and you shouldn't be scrutinized for challenging them.

      Sure this guy may be some average shlub, but his theory is taking into account the existence of a creature that the anthropoligist fail to acknowledge (not saying they should be inclined to). If Bigfoot exist, it's almost gauranteed to change what we believe about human evolution, as it's mere existence goes against what we've already claimed.

      The Fb/Fb guys are merely stating a theory, one that is much more different, but at he same time much more evidence-based than others. (aka its a big ape so it must be gigantopethicus).

  4. Funny title "Erectus was likely created in America"

    Makes it sound like a lab experiment gone wrong. Either that or intelligent design.

  5. FB/FB has its information wrong. Homo Erectus originated right in Africa. They haven't gone any farther than China and Indonesia. If he had done his research he would know Homo Erectus isn't our direct ancestor.

    1. I agree. I think its heidelbergensis if its any of them. After doing research, thats the most plausible ancestor I can come up with-from the sole fact that some populations contained individuals that reached heights in excess of 7 ft. But the reality of it is, we can only speculate at this point.

    2. Are there even any Erectus fossils that have been found in the Americas? I thought Sapiens were thought to be the first hominid to make that trek.

    3. Erectus fossils? Hell what about Bigfoot fossils or even crazier still Bigfoot bones!

    4. I haven't read anywhere about Erectus fossils being found.

    5. Forgotten Ages by Dr. J.R. Jochmans. Interesting book about large human-like skeletons found all over the world including North America. Don't know the credibility but its definitely intruiging. http://www.chapmanresearch.org/PDF/There%20Were%20Giants%20on%20the%20Earth.pdf

    6. Homo Mormonectus was found in Utah.

  6. This reeks of a cash grab based on the assumption that footer's won't verify the information and just accept it as the truth.

    That's pretty insulting really. They are hoping you are too stupid to either know any better or research further on your own...

    run these clowns out of town

    1. I agree with you on this as well Nick. People really need to research any claims made by anyone in any field.
      I won't waste my time with FB/FB.

    2. Let me ask both of you, how the hell do you know they assume no ones gonna check these claims? They haven't released the entire book, and of they did, Shawn isn't posting any of the information.

      Stop being so hostile because it's Fb/Fb

  7. Does FB/FB have a Chinese agenda? Thats how these subversive commies work - I'd keep an eye on him.

    I have no ancestors in that godforsaken place, I know that much.

    - McCarthy

  8. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! wait let me stop laughing, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! wait i can't, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! the Find Bigfoot on Facebook guys are total Idiots. These bafoons need to leave the real science to the people that do this for a living. They must realize the epic fail that they made with the book and this theory.

    It goes to show you why people think that these knuckelheads which call themselves bigfoot researchers are part of the ones feeding the bull crap to the BF communit.

    Really! FB/FB this is your theory? what a bunch of crap just like your stupid video breakdowns.

  9. I can't wait for their next book "You Are Dogman". Should be a good read.

    1. Don't give away Joe blacks mystery cryptic!

  10. FB/FB has its own version of reality.

    1. Your IQ is not high enough to understand

    2. Your IQ is not high enough to understand

    3. Your IQ is not high enough to avoid posting twice.

    4. No it needed to be repeated as your IQ is too low too take it in the first time

    5. No it needed to be repeated as your IQ is too low too take it in the first time

    6. No it needed to be repeated as your IQ is too low too take it in the first time

  11. I think Nick hit it right on the head of the nail. These people know that there a gullible people out there that believe anything. Think along the lines of some one who would believe the birthing station story. To them this would sound perfectly plausable. I also agree with Okie in that just about everything is speculation. That is o.k. but should not be presented as though it is a fact. Hopefully the Oxford study will turn up something unusual and then people who are actually educated in that field can tell us exactly what it means. My opinion only I'm not trying to change anyones beliefs. J.D. City of Graham Pierce county WA

    1. Just wait till you see Joe blacks dogman birthing station

    2. I heard it's pretty ruff, made up mostly of bark.

  12. Replies
    1. Timmy, you said Eureka earlier.

      Name one thing about Graham, my uncle has a trucking company there.

    2. Hi anon 8:47, other than I live in Graham you can ask your uncle. I only added extra info to my post because some body thinks my name is Timmy. There is also another person posting under JD so I added the area I live to differentiate between myself and Timmy and the other JD. J.D. Graham WA

    3. Alright then - you must be legit.

      My uncle had a scary Class A encounter down at Lake Kapowsin back in the early 80s. Not sure if its up on BFRO.

  13. I used to hunt with my hounds near there. Well over 1000 nights in the woods near there over the course of 10 years. Heard some screaming and howling rocks smashed together and a tree broken off that was not broken the night before. However I do not claim any of it to be bigfoot. I will have to see one for myself. I have talked with a couple of guys who have seen them. J.D.


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