Exclusive Preview: Justin Smeja Speaks Out On Camera For The First Time About Two Bigfoots Shot

So, what really happened in Gold Lake, California back in October 2010? Justin Smeja and his friend (the driver) claimed they were bear hunting during that season when they came upon a meadow a saw three strange looking bears running out from the trees. Justin took a shot at the adult and sent it crashing into the brush. Smeja said he was confused at the time and took a shot at one of the juveniles. The "little one" died in his arms.

Sketch of juvenile Bigfoot that died in Justin's arms
Shot at Sierra Kills location

Here is a special preview of Justin Smeja, in an exclusive interview with Team Tazer Bigfoot's Ro Sahebi talking about the "Sierra Kills" event:

This is the official statement from founder of the Olympic Project, Derek Randles:

This incident occurred in October of 2010 in Northern California.  The persons involved will be known as Hunter 1, and Hunter 2.  Hunter 1 is the shooter.  Hunter 2 was driving the vehicle.

While driving down a dirt road looking for bear, hunter 1 and hunter 2 were noticing large piles of feces along their route.  They commented on the amount they were seeing, and at the strange nature of it.  They were having a rough time figuring out what was responsible.  To big for Cougar, and didn't appear to be bear.  It is important to note that they were hunting at considerable elevation.  It's also important to note that they were legally hunting, with appropriate bear tags in a legal hunting area.

As the truck came around a corner they both noticed a large hair covered figure standing approx 80 to 100 yards in a meadow off to the side of the road.  ( On the Bigfoot forum I previously said it was off to the left, that was my mistake, it was actually off to the right of the road.)  The figure was standing on two legs with it's arms above it's head.  It took roughly eight to ten steps toward the vehicle.  The arms were moving a little either because it was walking, or it was intensionally swaying them.  It was dirty grey in color with some black mixed in.  The figure was very large.  Hunter 1 decided it had to be a bear.  It was completely hair covered, and from that distance good definition was impossible.  Hunter 1 got out of the truck and leaned against the door aiming his riffle at the figure.  He does admit that it looked strange but in his mind it had to be a bear.  He did not believe in Bigfoot at that time.  Hunter 2 was now looking at the figure and said " I'm not sure that's a bear".  The shot was fired hitting it's mark in the chest region.  The figure went down.  It got back up immediately and started running on two legs, and then on all fours.  It went from two legs to four legs a couple of times before it left view.  A short time later they were very sure they heard it crash into the brush, although they never did confirm this.  They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

They exited the truck and started across the meadow still wondering what just happened.  When they reached the spot where it was standing they noticed movement in the nearby brush.  Two smaller figures appeared from the brush and started circling around their position.  The smaller ones were totally hair covered, but were much more black in color.  They would go back and forth from two legs to four.  They were exhibiting some type of chatter back and forth to each other.  Hunter 1 and Hunter 2 described them as a cross between a gorilla and a bear.  They said that they had very large heads, almost too big for their bodies.  They also stated that the little ones had a much flatter face than a bear.  They spent as much time on two legs as they did on four.  The smaller figures began getting closer and closer, at on point, just a few yards.  One of them climbed up a small outcrop above hunter 1.  Hunter 1 started to get the feeling he might be attacked.  He made a quick decision, turned and fired.  The figure went down and rolled right down to Hunter 1's location.  He lifted it up, and then placed it in the brush.  They then decided that they needed to leave, now.

I, Derek Randles was put in touch with the hunters about two weeks later.  I interviewed them both by phone extensively, and separately.  I found that their story matched perfectly with no inconsistency's.  I could also tell that they were natural and not rehearsed.  Consequently, I've spent many many hour talking with hunter 1 one about all aspects of the story, and I completely believe him.

I then urged hunter 1 to return to the site and look around for any evidence from the incident.  Upon returning they were greeted with roughly two feet of snow.  The little one was not found.  They concentrated their efforts in the area where they thought they heard the larger one go down.  After digging though the snow for many hours they were able to find a piece of flesh, greasy fat and hair, but no body.  The flesh and hair matched the color of the larger one exactly.  White gray hair with some black in it.

I then asked him to forward a small piece of the flesh to Dr. Ketchum to have it analyzed for the current DNA study she's involved in.  I cannot speak to the results at this time due to an NDA I've signed, but I will say that I 100% believe the story.  Read into that what you will.

The site has been under snow since last November.  Further study of the site is ongoing.  To date, no bodies have been recovered or found.  If and when a body or remains is discovered, the appropriate authority's will be notified.

The Olympic Project and Dr. Melba Ketchum do not advocate or condone the killing of a Sasquatch to advance science.  That being said, if this sample can help with species verification and protection, then some good can come from a unfortunate incident.  It's also important to note that this is but one of over a hundred samples the Olympic Project has contributed to this study.

Updates on this story will be available on this web site, and the story in it's entirety will be told by Hunter 1 when the time is right.

Thank You,
Derek Randles.


  1. Replies
    1. Nothing here but more lies, more bullshit and another book/interview to sell. When will his hide be confirmed by Ketchum? Oh yeah....thats bullshit and lies and another book to sell too!

      I will debate or interview Smeja live or on the phone at any time/place. Set it up!

    2. smeja is a liar folks this all came from a post on a message board and the psychos ran with it!

    3. Timmy just gave himself up.Timmy=BigfootisBoring.

    4. Sorry no clue who "BigfootisBoring" is, but Bigfoot is ANYTHING but Boring! You defenders of the faith are incredible in your ability to defend liars and bullshit.

      I will bet you 100,000$ US that Smeja nor his lies ever lead to a single shred of Bigfoot proof.

    5. Give it up Timmy,really............

    6. OK you are right, he really killed two bigfoots, supposedly the most elusive creature ever, in broad daylight on open ground. Then he just left the bodies there, has no boots or clothing or evidence PERIOD just some bullshit story. OK I see where I'm wrong here, be sure and buy his book....probably reads like Dick and Jane Ride the Unicorns in Fairyland

    7. Not trying to be a dick, but when did TTB start doing the "just wait, coming soon"? Usually you guys get something and put it right out there. Don't fall into the same crap as everyone else has with the hype building, just do it. Really like you guys don't conform.

    8. timmy how u getting 100k on your disability check u retarded gimp....

  2. You forgot the link to the preview Shawn;)
    Good trailer, I can hardly wait to watch the entire interview.

  3. oops.. sorry. it's up now. thanks guys :)

    1. When is the full interview going to be released?
      I am impressed TTB has gotten this interview, many want to see him tell this story.
      Thanks for the updates today on Ketchum as well.

    2. This man will go on any show. I am kind of disappointed that TTB.

  4. The man drinks bud light!!!! Real men drink the silver bullet!!!!

    This does look interesting

  5. This is what I have been waiting for; VIDEO of an interview. I like to think I'm good at detecting lies during conversations, interviews etc etc. I must say Smeja passed the radio interview with flying colors. Now, we get to see his physical reactions to questions on tape. Very nice.

  6. I don't know about this guy. One thing is evident though, he can't keep eye contact with Ro, that should tell us something.

    Ernie Martinez @oldschool_1946

  7. Let me know the next time these two redneck hicks go in the woods again. I don't want to be within 10 clicks of them for fear of being mistaken by them for a ram, mountain lion or elk and then murdered. If it's a true story, something just doesn't add up about the murders. After supposedly murdering the adult, and realizing what he had done, he turns around and also murders one of the juveniles. Doesn't matter how threatening they were acting, at that point, he knew they weren't bears. I noticed in all of the descriptions of that night he doesn't describe the juveniles height/weight either--most likely because they were very very small and that would basically "out" him for killing the juveniles simply because he could -- not because he was threatened. It's a very well rehearsed story these two seem to have going. Will be interesting to see/hear them when/if questioned by professional and seasoned interviewers who aren't trying to bolster and play up the "threatened" and "whoa is me, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was only trying to save myself" aspect of the whole scenario. Bottom line, as it sounds to me: Smegma murdered an adult and a child and is now trying to profit from it. The only way he can profit is if he plays up the so-called "threatening" behavior aspect supposedly exhibited by the creature because he knows the public outcry will be enormous if he told the truth and said he simply came upon a bigfoot with it's children and murdered them in cold blood.

  8. No one is safe in the woods anymore. With this asshole shooting at unknown creatures and the TBRC out to collect a "speciman" no one is safe...

    1. Very true. Watch the gleam in madman Smeja's eyes when he says, "yeah I'd shoot it". What a total nut this guy just likes to kill, end of story and the woods aren't safe with him in them. Wtf is Randles even doing with this guy? lf you see something running on two legs you just don't shoot, period, first rule of hunting and he broke it which means he's unfit to carry a weapon with such poor judgment. Especially no firing if you think it's a man in a suit or have any doubts it's even remotely human, that fatal decision would kinda make you a murderer which is what he is anyway in this case unless it's all bullshit of course but some of the top people in the field assure us it's not.

    2. hey people the bottom line is this: justin smeja is a f-ing poacher!!! a useless poacher that dose more harm than good and he get's a check out of this! someone (enviro-group) should sue the pants off this pig. people back in the day would be killed over a horse. don't hand me this bear story! he's a liar he knew what he was about to shoot. god didn't just grant this TOOL eyesight! smeja=poacher! punk!

  9. Bullshlt alert...didnt like the facial expressions or the body language. Talk of shooting hyenas and unicorns...not a good start.

    Thanks for interviewing him though. Put this one to bed.

  10. The guys a straight shooter, upper level management all the way

    - Lumberg

    1. Yeah Im gonna have to disagree with you there.

      You were quoting the Bobs.....Sorry watched that today

  11. The guy interviewing Justin looks nervous lol

    1. Probably nervous that Justin might mistake him for a Leprechaun.

  12. I've heard the radio interview bring on the video!

  13. There is simply "NO WAY" I'm going to believe this man shot a real bigfoot. I would create a theory that he shot two African American campers and buried them and is covering it all up with an elaborate bigfoot story. People are offering some awesome rewards for a body and he's afraid of being charged for murder? This guy murdered people otherwise he would have coughed up the bodies by now.

    Either that or he's full of it...

  14. No, I believe he did shoot two Sasquatch, I just don't believe he left the body of the small juvenile there.

    My guess is he did take that one with him and has stashed it somewhere or sold it...

  15. Ro said Smeja agreed to take a lie detector test ON camera. I'm sure Randles and company will put the big kibosh on that plan.

    1. Your dead wrong on that coward

    2. Coward for having an opinion? I hope I am wrong, but we'll just have to wait and see, won't we.

    3. the guy who called you a coward is prob Randles. he's like to be tough and fight, typical response for the totally insecure and unintelligent.

    4. I don't really understand the attacks on randles. He is a stand up guy who has only wanted to find the truth in all this. He can be rough around the edges but that's just cause he cares so much and wants so badly to see a end to this long winded mystery of Bigfoot

    5. just like Smeja and the long, sordid list of other screwballs Randles is promoting the Bigfoot garbage for money. There is no bigfoot, if there is, or there are blood boots or whatever then take them to a reputable forensics lab and have them tested, and DOCUMENT THE ENTIRE PROCESS ON CAMERA including names, business contacts, etc. PROVE IT!!

    6. I think they are idiot, it doesn't happen overnight and some of these guys made the mistake of having kecthum doing the testing instead of univ lab

  16. BS - no law enforcement investigation. Didnt shoot jack squat. If he poached something he'd be in trouble too. This is CA were talking about.

  17. stupid'est thing I've seen written here!, with out a doubt!

  18. sorry, but stupid is as stupid does. been hunting for 25 years. this don't add up

  19. I don't like this fellow at all. He seems dangerous. He would shoot ANYTHING. Look at his smile about that. He has a killer's mentality. And he interprets his friend's admonition to not shoot as "an order" - so that tells us a lot about his psychological mindset. The dude is creepy!

    1. +1 I'm with you on this read, Mama.

    2. This guy would get his ass kicked at a Phish concert, he is a lying douchebag not a killer

  20. Prediction: Lie detector test will NOT happen with this guy...EVER!

  21. The Cali Dept of Fish and Game did go to his house so STFU if you don't know what you're talking about.

  22. Hey its BF evidence, so he "says he shot 2 BF" but no evidence to back it up, hmm you decide, a piece of flesh weeks later doesn't cut it for me, he is a PUK!!!! don't buy his book, another BF fish story.

  23. He loves taking lives. He has a superior enough complex about it that he deems himself worthy of it, and that his life is infinitely more valuable, whether it's a deer, Bigfoot, or human - as long as he's in the woods, he has a gun, and what he comes across doesn't, then it's fair game. He loves taking advantage of and preying on vulnerability. He's a sick asshole.

  24. if i killed bigfoot i would back it up with some physical evidence, what has this idiot brought to the table? absolutely nothing whatsoever, id take pictures, video, hair samples, shoot!! id chop off an arm and a leg too.

  25. Having such hatred for a person based on a story he told, is really creepy. You footers are some fvcked up individuals.

    1. I think it's more hatred for the story he's trying to SELL.

    2. I agree with the OP. Why all the hate? If you think his story's bullshit then don't buy the book. End of story.

  26. When a son of a bitch repeatedly lies it's very difficult not to have a certain amount of animosity toward him. What about Lindsay's sketch? Is that as described by Smeja? It looks EXACTLY like a baby chimp or gorilla. What happened to them looking more human?

    1. That's not what I mean. What I'm talking about is that they hate him because he SAID he killed two Bigfoots, not because he lies. They hate him because they BELIEVE that he killed two Bigfoots. That is just fvcked up and totally bizarre behavior.
      It's got nothing to do with his lies, which it seems, are many.

    2. People don't hate Smegma because he killed two bigfoots. They hate him because he is a sick and twisted individual who gets his rocks off on killing innocent living creatures, period. The lying is an added bonus reason not to like this psychopathic murderer. He acts like he is judge, jury and executioner and that his actions in this life have no consequences. If his lies somehow, someway, turn out to be true, I would not like to be him -- in this life or the next. He has no idea the ramifications of his actions -- if they're true.

  27. Bullshit and organization associating w this guy is no different than him...bullshit

  28. a bigfoot story with no evidence? not seen that happen before!!!

  29. "yea id kill it"

    lol this guy is just trolling

  30. Justin here - I kill two kittens every morning just to get my fix. To wind down in the evening, I set two baby bunnies loose and then shoot them. It's quite relaxing, try it sometime.

    1. Before I go to bed at night, I set a Koala on fire.

    2. wow, you guys are hardcore! before i go to bed i spank monkeys.

    3. Hopefully, it's just your own monkey and not someone else's.

    4. Before i goto bed, i eat a kitty. A hairless one.

  31. he makes hannibal lector look like santa claus

  32. Who can list the Bigfoot Bestsellers and estimate how many copies were sold? #1 is Enoch?

  33. I feel the same way as most of you do about other people claiming to see bigfoot, with no proof. He just took the game to the next level. You guys are just scared that if there is a real bigfoot, you guys lives will be crushed. Spend all these years being a failure at chasing and proving bigfoot. (yeah i know , YOU know it's real, thats all you care about.. typical excuse)

  34. If true...then this is the face of a cold-blooded killer! There is no excuse for murdering one of these creatures.

    1. "Murder" didn't happen. "Murder" can only be committed on a human. Surely you are NOT THIS DENSE?

  35. Fact: He claims the adult creature was 80-100 yards away. Clearly, he and his buddy could have left without any contact. Ergo, he was not "afraid for his life".

    Fact: His buddy told him it was "a man in a suit", yet Smeja shot it, anyway.

    Fact: He and his buddy made the choice to walk to the area where he claims the BF was when he shot it and found the two young, one of which he also shot and killed.

    Smeja did not react out of fear for his life, he made two clear choices to shoot the creatures. Need I go into detail regarding what this says regarding his character?

    1. Those are "facts" about what he said.

      They dont make them neccessarly facts.

      None of it happened.

  36. I don't care if Justin takes a lie detector test or not. That's up to him. I care about the DNA test results and trying to help make sure this never happens again. All the rest of this speculation is meaningless bullshit. I'm in it for the money?? What money would that be? Some of you think Justin and I are all buddy buddy. I've been face to face with him on one occasion. One. He expressed interest in setting some cameras for us in his area, so I said sure. I've said publicly many times that this event makes me sick. I wish it never would have happened. Am I trying to get to the bottom of it? Hell yes I am. This was dropped in my lap. I had a decision to make. Do I sweep it under the rug, or find out if it's real. I chose the later. Hopefully some good can come from this tragedy and very large error in judgement. For the rest of you that think I'm in this for all the bad reasons, go fuck yourselves. You don't know me. We've never been after fame, fortune or publicity. You will all see soon enough.

    Derek Randles

    1. the DNA samples are done with, gone, finished, no results ever to come, samples never to be returned

      time to try to get new samples and get them to meldrums study

    2. Done with? gone? I told my family and friends that Ketchum would inconclusively prove that Bigfoot exists through DNA. I have thousands of dollars worth of bets depending on it, Done?...DONE?!!!

  37. Lindsay......what is the sketch based on? Is it as described by Smeja? What is it based on....who's description?

    1. Robert Lindsay is a total Fraud seeking attention and fame for himself. He is a liar and a conman.

    2. Some early Hanna-Barbera conceptual drawings

  38. If he really had one. He would have kept it for it would be worth a lot of money !! Think about it!!

    1. That's what I thought, either that or he is a complete moron and didn't understand. I am a big game hunter and I'll tell you, any serious hunter I know, knows what a Bigfoot is or is supposed to look like and they would most certainly shoot one on purpose if they saw one, mainly for the reason you described. His story just does not add up, show me the money Smegma. I would pay $1million for a chance to see and photograph a Bigfoot, as simple as that.

    2. as an outdoorsman hunter yea he would have known about the legend of bigfoot, and instantly "bigfoot" would have come in to his mind

      to leave the body must have been a moment of insanity.

      maybe there was another bigfoot in the tree line sending out an EM pulse to disorientate and confuse him

    3. Yeah, I don't know about that. Yes, a moment of insanity it was and insane describes the Sierra Kills to a T. It is insane to believe what JSmegma says is true, all of the professional hunters I know would never leave an unconfirmed kill in the bush, never the less flee out of fear. Sounds like a Farse to me.

  39. He does look creepy, especially when he smiles.

    As an outsider I just LOVE bigfootery, with all it's curious characters, drama, suspense, the build ups and crash downs, the backbiting, scientists, rednecks, "researchers", "skeptics", basement nerds and conmen all jumbled up together. It's better than any soap opera, I don't think fiction writers could come up with better stories than the world of bigfootery, this site does a great job of tying it all together, thanks Shawn.

    1. and the result is ALWAYS the same... no bigfoot.

    2. Actually finding bigfoot? Well where's the fun in that?

  40. "Soon enough" has long passed, Randles!

    1. Aww, this discovery not happening fast enough for ya?? Need a hug? I'm deeply saddened that all involved in this discovery have not moved fast enough to meet your expectations. We don't have any control on the release, or the peer review process genius. We just submit samples. I KNOW she's very close. If this is causing you so much emotional stress I suggest that maybe you walk away from it for a little while, shit, maybe go back to your X box.
      D Randles

    2. So how is Melba, Derek? She going to save this project with her hair braiding Sasquatch family? Got a tip, don't put all your hopes into one stick structure.

    3. I know that Randles doesn't care for M.Merchant or maybe all of us, I don't know... but us Team Tazer folk like a bunch of the dudes involved with Olympic. For what it's worth, I think the Olympic Project is doing the right thing with the trail cameras.


    4. Thanks Ro. I don't have anything against you guys. I think M.Merchant's a bit over the top, but he can be funny. I can be a lose cannon but I'm not a hater. I can't judge anybody, I'm just as screwed up as the next guy, but I do take this research very seriously. I've devoted many years of my life to it, and Olympic Project members and myself spend countless hours in the woods looking for and accumulating evidence. It is disheartening to read these ridicules comments from computer jockeys with nothing better to do but spread hate and discontent. Funniest thing to me is, there's a group of people trying hard to get species verification and protection, but because it's not happening fast people turn on us like we're doing something horrible. WTF??? Sad state of affairs if you ask me. Next time us researchers try to make a discovery, we'll make sure it fits into everyone expected timeline..lol

    5. Yes, the above comment is from me, I forgot to sign.
      Derek Randles

    6. Right on Derek, I've gone off on just about everyone at some point or another. Try not to take that cyber-bashing personally, it's mostly a bunch of kids trying to get a rise out of people for kicks :)

      On a lighter note, I think you'll be happy with the final documentary. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind, it's just a conversation over a beer or twelve, lol. I'll find you on FB


  41. It has been almost two damn years! Nothing takes two years! The fact is that there will be no paper.

  42. Its been almost 2 years sense shooting. DNA study is goin on 4 years

  43. Who needs to confirm any of this? I personally find the Erickson project evidence so compelling, I am no longer a skeptic!

    1. Oh yes, the "Baby Pancake Squatch" was VERY CONVINCING! Pfffffft, oh, I forgot about "Matilda the Rug".

      Ahahahaha. The absolute "perfect" Bigfoot evidence.

      Par for the course.....

  44. I don't know if this hunter story is true or not. But I know Bigfoot is out there. I've encountered them several times. It took me four years to find them for the first time. But now I've had encounters at several locations. I've learned how to find them. I have to admit I've never seen one. But my research partner has. I've been within fifty feet of one and didn't see it. We've heard knocks and had rocks thrown at us, heard broken branches and heard the scream, as well as finding prints. Their out there. And I don't care what people think. I don't blame them for being skeptical. However, open your mind a little and don't discount it completely. It was a personal revelation when I finally had to become a true believer.

  45. I thought the movie was supposed to be up this week?


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