Eight Guys In Arizona Just Got The Crap Scared Out Of Them Last Weekend, And They Had Guns Too [Video]

Last weekend, Carlton Mercer and eight of his buddies had one of the spookiest moments of their lives while camping up in northern Arizona. The guys with him were mostly gun toting rednecks and their plan was to do nothing but target shoot all weekend. They had fun shooting off their guns during the day, but it was the nights that bothered them the most.

For two nights, the guys had rocks thrown at them from a just a few feet away. Rock throwing is typical Bigfoot behavior and Carlton was aware of this but did bit think too much into it at the time. Most of friends are skeptical about Bigfoot, but they all agreed what scared them on those nights were definitely not bears or other humans. Carlton said that a fallen tree was blocking the road and it made sure that most cars were not able enter the area. He tells us he's pretty sure that it was just them in the area that weekend.

What was really creepy was when they saw a rock came flying out of a bush. One of the guys zoomed into the bush with his night vision goggles and spotted something very tall, crouching and staring back at them. Their nerves were very much on edge at the time, and they were prepared to fire.

That's not all what happened that weekend. On Sunday, before they left the area, Carlton noticed a huge "structure" made of broken sticks and logs, less than 75 feet away. According to Carlton, they were able to climb into the structure and noticed that there were fresh sticks inside (probably less than a week old). Carlton surmises that they were probably camping too close to the shelter.

He sent us the following story about what happened:

Ok so let me give you a little back story to this video. Some friends and I went camping in an Area near General Crook Trail in the Verde Valley of Payson. This was my first time camping in this area.

So Friday night we arrived shortly before dusk. There were two others at our campsite already when we got there. Getting to camp site was a bit of a chore as a tree had fallen over the road due to a lighting strike. This tree made it rather difficult for us to get to camp site. If you were in a car you wouldn’t have been able to get there. If you had a large truck it also blocked the road. We had to jump it in our truck but it was a lifted truck so we were able to. We setup camp as it got dark and finished around 8:30pm.

Around 9 o’clock approximately 15 coyotes came within about 50 feet of our campsite. Now the campsite we where in had ferns surrounding it to the north. This was the area the coyotes were in so we couldn’t see them because the ferns where between 4 and 5 feet tall. We could hear their movement but not see them. They began howling and making a lot of noise and then just dispersed. Shortly after this we sat around the campfire and something made a large thud behind us. We didn’t think anything of it at first but then it happened again. Something was throwing rocks at us and not small rocks. Probably at least a foot across or more was the size of these rocks. I decided to shine my flashlight up the hill behind us to see where they were coming from. At the top of the ridge I saw something looking back at me. I didn’t pay much thought to it until later in the weekend. The rock throwing stopped and we went to bed.The Next morning we saw this structure but really didn’t pay it any mind. We had no reason to be interested in it at this time. So we just did our thing and went about our day.

That afternoon some of the other guys arrived. Around 1pm we took out some of the guns we had and shot at a target. We had several different caliber weapons and had some very loud ones as well. We were shooting of a 308 and it is loud gun. Well about an hour after we got done shooting we looked up on the ridge and saw 15 elk just staring at us. Now normally you would think animals would disperse after hearing gun fire but these elk didn’t care. So two of my friends decided to go up over the ridge and see what else was there. Well when they went over the ridge they saw about 50 elk and a large patch of wild raspberries. It was pretty clear the campsite we where in was a game trail. The other guys who got there that afternoon had problems coming to the campsite as well so we tried to move the log at the campsite by towing it. That didn’t work. We then got a chainsaw and cut the tree in two pieces to pull the smaller piece out. This cleared our path.

Later that evening before dusk the other guys got there and setup camp. While sitting around the campfire about the same time as the first night we had rocks thrown again and now that there were 8 of us there I felt a little more comfortable asking if anyone else had heard it. We all agreed something was throwing rocks. That evening around the same time as the first evening we heard the coyotes again. Well since our arsenal had increased we where less concerned with them. They however got closer then the first night so we put the dogs away and went looking for them with our guns to scare them off. While doing so they had all been howling loudly and suddenly they stopped. On top of that an eerie wind blew through our campsite. Now mind you it had been raining off and on all weekend. This wind made it cold quickly. We went back to our fire pit to warm up we were still a little wet from the downpour earlier. While sitting around the campfire we heard something rustling in the bushes and then a rock thrown. We scoped it and what ever it was caused the guy who scoped it to state “there might be a bear over there.” We where in an area that had recently been in the news for bear attacks. So after this we put our dogs away and put all our food in the vehicles and we went to investigate. Now mind if there was a bear we would have turned it to Swiss cheese with our arsenal of guns. We also took out a pair of night vision goggles. These were better then most night vision goggles as I was able to see a mouth fly out of a tree in the pitch black with them on. The guy who they belonged to took them and proceeded to head towards the “possible bear”.

What happened next set the tone for the rest of the weekend and that night. He saw something crouched looking back at him and this something was defiantly taller then a person crouching and also taller then a bear as we have small bears in Arizona it was approximately as tall as myself crouching and I’m 6’2. He passed the glasses off to several of us and we could see this thing staring back at us. So we decided lets get it and began heading towards it. When we arrived at the area it had been in it was gone. The brush had been trampled down and it was clear something large was sitting there. We where not able to make out any foot prints but it was clear something large and bipedal had come through this area. We went back to the campsite and began goofing off but everyone was a little on edge. On of the guys snuck around up the hill and threw a large rock and snapped a tree. Well we were all on edge so we grabbed the guns and took off up the hill. Since it was dark and we were unable to see anything we said “hey if your goofing off show your self cause we will shoot you otherwise” he showed himself and we went back to the camp. We started discussing the possibility of Sasquatch and I found out I was the only believer in the bunch. However after a little discussion we all agreed whatever it was we saw it was not a known creature to any of us. The rock throwing began again this time from behind us again so it had clearly come around from the front back to its original position. At this point we all decided to make a pact to each take a gun in our tent and that no one would mess with anyone else or risk being shot in the middle of the night.

Now we come full circle back to the structure. Through out the weekend we really hadn’t paid it any mind. I wanted to take a Video of it before we left and that’s when we realized all the things we did. There were several Logs that were rather heavy in this structure that would have taken three of us to lift and move; also there were was a tree that was still fairly fresh and green in the structure. We saw no chainsaw marking or axe markings on any of the logs in the structure which was rather strange to all of us. The location of the structure was also odd to us as it was up a rather steep hill. This structure we thought initially was a hunting blind but then we climbed into it and looked out of the vantage points. The view didn’t not allow anything to be seen if you were using it for hunting. I don’t not know what the point of this structure was and or what was using it but I feel strongly it wasn’t built be people.

My thoughts are this. Whatever built the structure was what ever was throwing rocks at us both nights. The reason for this thinking was due to the poor weather I feel like all it wanted to do was get back into it’s structure to get out of the rain but we were preventing that. Was it a Sasquatch? I say yes but the others cant say it was because the don’t believe but they eliminated it being a bear, elk, wolf, coyote, deer and so on so all that really is left is that but they didn’t feel comfortable saying so.


  1. Replies

    2. Aggressive? LOL IF it was a rock and not a pine cone, seems to have missed the mark. Gee, it’s night, 8 guys have guns, and what happened? Nothing.
      They pee their pants from fear..but who really was the aggressor?
      Give me a break.
      P.S, the structure is not BF, but is typical human type hunters or survival, BFs don’t need such a roof or sides, that for us little guys.
      A case of vivid imaginations. Finding Bigfoot is ruining the field.

    3. I live in Sedona, AZ ... shelters like this are not uncommon. There is a very LARGE "homeless" community in this area who live in the wooded areas. The community has a wide range of people ranging from spiritual seekers who have been drawn here because of Sedona's reputation to people who have dropped a bit too much acid and are not above throwing rocks at tourists in the middle of the night.

      I have explored this area extensively both on foot and via 4X4 and it is not uncommon to find whole trees snapped off and moved a very long way, but by natural means. This is Mother Nature providing building supplies for the large number of "Off the Grid'ers".

      We basically have five Seasons of the year. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer (which can be very short) and Monsoon. I have seen many places where An Arizona Monsoon flash flood has broken very large branches and even whole trees and moved them miles from their original location. I am a Sasquatch believer, but based on my experience, I am more likely to believe this structure is somwbody's home ... A HUMAN somebody.

      I would love to get more detail on this shelter, specifically its location and distance from the nearest river/creek and if there was any items or scat (human or otherwise) found nearby.

      I welcome any emails related to this or any other Sasquatch or other paranormal activity in the Northern Arizona/Red Rock/Verde Valley area. I will say, I have seen plenty...it doesnt take long to encounter strange happenings in the Sedona area and you do not have to travel far from Sedona Proper to find it.


  2. Great story. Horrible grammar and spelling, though, yikes :(

  3. Soooooo a 7-10 ft unknown creature 'NOW' builds hunting blinds that would probably be tough to get in and out of. Ah I can't be assed...f*k it.....

  4. That's quite the structure. Someone or something spent awhile building that. Quite a few of those trunks look charred and there appears to be a base of rocks on one side.
    Inconclusive, but interesting. Great story though.

  5. Very good story but there were an awful lot of things that they diddnt"pay to much thought to" or "think anything of" that would have grabbed my attention right away.When we had our rock throwing incident happen to us Im not ashamed to say it scares the hell out of you.

  6. Damn, you don't see those in the most active hotspots like Ohio do you :))

    1. Ohio? Ohoaxio! Active hoaxing hotspot! Nothing coming out of Ohio now seems credible.

  7. Heres a plan, take Sharon Lee (you'll have to gag the bi*ch first) cover her in bacon fat, well she's pretty close to that anyway, and tie her to a tree in a remote area and see what happens.

    I BET YOU HAVE BIGFOOTS screaming for mercy and wanting captured afterwards.

    Better still Hovey. Hey!! shes been pretty quite hasn't she since Phil got his Youtube reinstated?.

    1. Hahahaha ha ha.... hahahahahaha

    2. No! Use Moneymaker! He's sexually attracted to bigfoot!

    3. Sharon would expect to be able to quit her job and allow other Bigfooters to pay her way.

    4. "Sharon would expect to be able to quit her job and allow other Bigfooters to pay her way."

      Well of course - she's female.

  8. did they see any tracks around the structure?

    1. They don't say anything about tracks around the structure,they said they couldnt see any where the large "something" was sitting.

    2. Do you see your effing tracks wherever you walk in the forest ffs? Your comment is the stupidest ive ever read!

  9. Big leaps of faith thar boys.

  10. How about someone goes back to the area and set up cameras all around the place. Maybe a half mile perimeter of the structure. Maybe a mile. If they're trying to scare off the campers would they stay after the campers leave? Or does Bigfoot also leave the area after being detected?

    1. Great idea! how about it C.M.?

    2. How about the redneck see the bigfoot with his night vision and shoots it with his gun! then the whole world knows they are real! Same bs as all the other stories!

    3. My Marine Corp Sniper Buddy and I Actually plan on going back to the Structure and doing just that!

  11. I am apologizing for the grammar guys English is my 2nd language.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thats weird because a cell phone will not drain a automotive battery.

  13. Well, shouldn't be hard to collect some hairs from the dry log shelter or bush for analysis. I don't know about anyone else but if something out in the dark is throwing rocks I'm either going to leave or let the thrower know I'm armed. Seriously, who sits in the dark in the forest and lets rocks get thrown at them? Too many red flags.

    1. He stated their mindset. At one point one of their own was playing a prank. When the rock throwing first started (Before the others arrived) he implied that he was not sure if he was just hearing things, and it was not until everyone was there that confirmed he was not hearing things as they all heard it.

      I see no red flags, but I do see the possibility that perhaps one of his buddies was pulling a prank the whole time.

    2. it rained all weekend as the story said.

    3. I understand that it was raining a lot. However your your friend was stupid enough to try and pull a joke like that knowing full well you were all armed, then why would a little rain deter him?

    4. the rain comment was in regards to the hair collection the shelter wasn't dry and we looked for hair.

    5. So your theory is his other friends were pranking them? Friends with loaded guns you idiot!

    6. They obviously were all in denial at first - typical human response. If its odd, ignore it, until you can't ignore it any more.
      They would have known if someone was missing from the group that first night, so not one of them pranking.

  14. It was probably marijuana cultivators messing with them. They may have felt they were getting to close to finding their stuff.

  15. Grass cultivators in Az is a probablility but what altitude? You have to be close to a temperate zon.

    1. Just one of many reasons why Marijuana should be legalized. lol

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. seems like a lot of calories to be spent by an animal to build a temporary shelter that isn't weather proofed. Animals,even primates, tend to build makeshift shelters on the go that require as little effort as possible to preserve energy. Something that "put together" would seem to be a permanent shelter that one would expect to be weather proofed.

    1. Yea for sure...Animals do things for whatever reason.This is obvoiusly not for shelter but a project of some sort.Everything doesnt have to have a reason.

    2. NickTheBrick, sasquatches aren't animals get that into your thick brick.

    3. we are animals you dingbat

    4. It was probably an enclosure to keep the kids out of trouble. Like a playpen. Not a shelter. The BF did not like these guys with guns being near the kids. Obviously the BF had to take the kids off to somewhere else.

      Just a woman's guess.

    5. Surely you're smart enough to know what's meant - dingbat - that there's a difference between us and the other great apes. Language for one thing, bipedalism too, two biological functions we share with the sassies.

  17. Aggressive? LOL IF it was a rock and not a pine cone, seems to have missed the mark.
    Gee, it’s night, 8 guys have guns, and what happens? They pee their pants from fear..but who really was the aggressor? Give me a break.
    P.S, the structure is not BF, but is typical human type hunters or survival, BFs don’t need such a roof or sides, that for us little guys. A case of vivid imaginations. Finding Bigfoot is ruining the field.

  18. it is what it is ffs! opinions are like assholes...everyone has one!

  19. If you're going to write fiction, at least check your grammar.

    Here's one of many red flags: Who goes deep into the woods to "target shoot" for an entire weekend? Poachers, that's who. The "targets" are usually

    1. Lots of people go deep into the woods to target shoot.

  20. I was hesitant to post this and now just after reading some of the ignorant anonymous comments i wish i hadn't. Grow a pair if you are gonna say something rude anonymously and stop being an internet thug!

    1. C.M.,not being an internet thug but you said English is your second language.Clearly on the tape you sound like a citizen of the USA.

    2. Don't get bent as people will question what they see or hear.It's just human nature.

      I do believe you had an experience and the stick structure is odd.Please don't leave and please answer questions from people that are asking legitimate questions.

      Thanks,Dick Trickle.Nascar Rookie of the Year 1989.

    3. c.m.the same thing happened to me when I posted my rock throwing encounter a while back.Don't take it personal man.anonymous keyboard warriors don't count anyway.I had questions about the story but when you said english was your 2nd language I understood why things were worded the way they were.Dont let what a few anonymous fools say stop you from telling your story,there are some really good people that come here that enjoyed reading it.I know I did.

    4. gnrfan,I wasn't trying to be an anon fool so to speak.

      The second language question is one that I think is legitimate.

      If you weren't talking about me I apologize in advance.

      PS.I enjoyed reading it also!

    5. No i wasn't talking about you I only saw your comment after I had written mine.

    6. Thanks gnrfan! Hope C.M. does respond back though.

    7. Yeah me to asking questions is a good thing.Its when people who claim to have no interest in something dont ask questions and just start with insults and telling someone that everything they said is a lie that used to piss me off.

    8. Well C.M. The one thing that I was wondering is in your post you said at first you diddn't think to much of the first rock throw or seeing something large on the hill.I know everyone reacts differently but when it happend to me I sure paid alot of attention to it.this is just a question and not meant to be rude,hope you dont take it that way.

    9. Also what is your first language?You sound like an American on the video.I've never had a cell phone drain a car battery and I've left them plugged in all week long.Maybe the roaming would drain the phone battery down but trust me ,keep it plugged in,it doesn't draw enough off the battery to kill it.

    10. i didn't think to much of it because i wanted further proof before i said anything. i don't like to fly off the handle and get easily excited i'm more of a hard evidence kind of guy before i except things as fact. My first Language is German. and Dick not sure what that has to do with anything i apologized for the grammar so lets move past that. Its also your opinion about the truck battery. Ive killed my cars battery playing my i-pod while tailgating. and Friday night we had to start the truck as i was not the only one trying to charge my phone. if your doing nothing but looking for holes in my story that's your deal. i'm not looking for anything or to prove anything to anyone. i know what i saw and heard and i have peace of mind with that.

    11. Not trying to shoot holes in your story and thanks for the reply back!

    12. Thanks for the reply C.M. like you said you know what you saw and heard and that is what matters.

  21. C.M. Thank you for this story. I have no reason to doubt you. Some people on this site are just plain rude and coarse and/or attack because they like to. You will just have to ignore them. Others have said that if they had known how they would be treated here that they never would have posted information or their stories - its a shame, because we need to hear their stories. Please stay with us!

  22. the game hanging close to your location stands out to me. ive seen deer push fawns up to moving farm machinery when coyotes were about. also, ive seen animals like deer and elk hang around human structures when predators like wolves and coyotes were pressuring them. i think its an interesting form of self preservation. given your report of rock throwing, all the game stacking up around you guys that week despite the noise of eight guys with weapons chain saws and vehicles doesnt surprise me a bit and it sounds like the self preservation behaviors ive seen in the past.

  23. Well the structure is very interesting, I really hope some people will go back to that area to investigate, and just might find a sleeping bigfoot or several in that structure.

  24. Sounds like my first and only sighting, in the fact that they had guns and they were still scared. When I saw one I had a semi automatic AK 74 rifle and I almost pissed myself. You lose all feeling of being to protect yourself.

  25. As I hunger for knowledge regarding, and grammar is not as important, I am aware of what you are trying to convey. Great story CM. I enjoyed this chronicle. Fare-You-Well! Vin Tylerson

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