Dr. Melba Ketchum Reports That There Is Nothing To Report (Yet)

BIG BIG news everyone. After months of media blackout, Dr. Melba Ketchum just updated her Facebook status saying that she has no news for us at the moment because her supposed Bigfoot DNA paper is completely out of her hands at this time.

According to speculation, the lack of update from the Ketchum may have to do with the press embargo imposed by the scientific journal where the Bigfoot DNA paper will be published.

Months ago, without warning or notice to her loyal followers, Ketchum's public Facebook page was taken down. Shortly afterwards, the main page on her company's website, "DNA Diagnostics" began displaying this message:

"Thank you for visiting DNA Diagnostics. We are currently redesigning our Web site. If you are in need of forensic expert services, please e-mail forensics@dnadiagnostics.com. For all other inquiries, please e-mail info@dnadiagnostics.com. Thank you for your patience."

With all these recent blackouts to her online presence, some people are expecting something BIG around the corner. Her most recent update is a pleasant surprise, letting followers and fans know that she is alive and well:


  1. REALLY?!? The hoax report about hoax evidence is STILL being hung out like a carrot to lead you jackssses towards paying for something?

    You dont say.

    Im starting to wonder if Bigfoot is even real.


    1. I feel the same way. Its been years...nothin. All evidence so far is garbage. We got nothin. Even PG is probably BS.

    2. We still have Grape Ape:


    3. Hoax evidence? Prove that. You would say that no matter what because it's your MIB job.

    4. Get help for your MIB fixation, James.

    5. I am not a government worker but this is the best the world of Bigfoot can come up with...."DNA evidence" to "prove Bigfoot" once and for all.....and we are all still waiting. This lady is loonie, there is no paper and no Bigfoot but good luck anyway believers.

    6. yeah but what about the imaginary stick structures huh? What about howls and growls in the woods that are probably from other morons looking for bigfoot or mountain lions or coyotes but probably not huh?

      What about the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who actually saw one?

      Bigfoot my friend is real! Why would Jack Link create commercials depicting them?

  2. This story is playing out almost exactly like the guy pretending to have found the Patterson suit.

    1. Yeah but that guy has told more lies on the BFF and JREf than Creekfreak. We have yet to see if Melba is a storyteller or not.

    2. if hes found the suit or not the fact is the film is a hoax just like this report

    3. Nice jokes MIB trolls, you can kiss our hairy asses! LOL

    4. The suit doesnt fit Heremonius now but he was quite a bit lighter back then

    5. Even more reason it's not him then, tall guys are leggy and bigfoot leg bones are not compared to us.

    6. TOO funny!! This board is so important that the govt is sending disinformation agents here to post, so no one will believe in Bigfoot?

      Wow. Just wow. Let that sink in everyone, before you laugh out loud!

  3. Hell. If i was melba .. i woulda watied till 2013 to deliver this. Update..

  4. Remember folks...No Gnus is Good Gnus with Gary Gnu


  5. same shit, different day

    fucking vapourware

  6. This story is so BIG that I cannot even see what it IS.

  7. I'm gonna start cooking some crow for everyone. Honey garlic, or teriyaki? Or maybe blackened or cajun?

    1. You footers never learn do you? You talk so much shit but never deliver. Where's the fucking Bigfoot dude? Where’s the fucking Bigfoot? It's been nearly forty five since the Patterson film, and for nearly forty five years footers have been talking shit. Do you have no shame? Why are you not embarrassed? You guys sound like some sort of comedic super-villain: “just you wait mainstream scientists I'll show you!” The only thing you are showing people is that your egos are so huge that you refuse to admit that you're wrong even in the face of overwhelming evidence that Bigfoot does not exist.

  8. Type "yawn" if you are sick of Melbas BS.

  9. She basically admitted she has no control over timing which is the same BS she always said. This is a bad sign folks. She's keeping the status quo of pretending there is no problem. Time to stop believing her crap.


    1. She basically admitted she has no control over her bodily functions and that everyone has rejected her paper.

  10. She is holding out waiting for men to start clamoring for her tater hole.

    1. More tater holes and less Melba please.

    2. More men are clamoring for her Sasquatch paper. I don't know what that says about the world we live in.

    3. Shit ta blazes! Now you've gone too far Shawn. You made it look like they said asshole when they really said tader hole. This censorship is out of control. If they said tader hole the conversation just sounds juvenile but if they said asshole it sound perverted. You changed the entire tone of the conversation.

  11. this is just plain BS. Either you have the Bigfoot DNA or you don't.

    1. Ddi she say she didn't? No she's always said she has but now the paper is at a journal now I gather, so it's effectively not in her hands anymore.

  12. There is no such thing as a press embargo for a scientific journal. Calling out the BS right here right now.

    1. From the projects website: http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/academic/GBFs-v/OLCHP

      Results from DNA analysis will be prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal. No results will be released until any embargoes on publication have passed.

    2. That says no results, i.e. specific data. It doesn't say "We won't tell you anything about the paper until it is published." If she was being honest, she'd at least say "Here's who worked on it with me and here's where we submitted it."

  13. I thought we were all done with this. Her hands are always tied, it`s amazing that she can get any work done.
    I gave up on this awhile ago.

    1. Lol. You know you've failed in Bigfooting when even the bleevers don't believe your bullshit.

    2. Just for the record I'm not a "bleever". If using that term makes you feel better then carry on.
      Bullshit it bullshit. I don't care which side of the fence it comes from, it all smells the same.

    3. Are you lashing out because you told your family Bigfoot was going to be proven soon and now you're embarrassed ?

    4. ^^^^^
      @ 5:39

      Not you SN.

  14. I see this once good site is totally over run by frenzied mindless 12 year olds with a prepubescent fixation on their own bodily functions and the social skill sets of a snail.

    1. I know right!

      Not even a "sally here" comment on an article about melba!

      Its not the blog it used to be!

    2. I agree. I have to go pee before I watch PGF and beeeet offf to those gorgeous hairy titties.

  15. I think the bigger question is "Is Steven Streufert and Shawn Evidence" actually the same person?"

    1. Na they sound completely different

    2. Is Steven Streufert actually Christopher Walken.

    3. Wish he'd smile once in a while, sinister look on that Steven

    4. Here's what I can't get over: the blog is about Bigfoot Evidence AND his name is Shawn EVIDENCE! What are the odds?

    5. Shawn Evidence = Robert Lindsay

  16. Its a long process - let it play out amigos.

    There are other fact-finding missions underway (confidential).

    Diversify - you'll get better results. Shes just one egg in the basket so to speak.

    1. Her basket's missing a few eggs, you mean.

    2. Dr. Bryan Skyes effort is free to BFers and not confidential - it's open access, so there's a real opportunity, we should all make use of it.

  17. I bet some of you turds are going to keep refreshing her FB page all night tonight writhing with anticipation in hope of "news".

    1. Most of us adults have responsibilities to tend to but let us know what you find out.

    2. Pfffft, you don't have to be cool. All that takes is not believing in something that has ZERO proof of existing. Until then turds like you should remain skeptical. Its the ONLY logical choice. Those who argue otherwise are clearly a couple beers short of a six-pack. Burden of proof and until then............

  18. This is like when someone tells a really bad lie and they keep adding more bs to keep it going even though its super obvious they're lying. This lady should just go away until people forget about her or she actually has some real evidence.

    1. Good advice. The obviousness also parallels that clown "Kitakaze" and his stories, he should do the same.

    2. I saw a photo of the suit and you can tell it is the PGF suit because of the heavily padded butt on the suit. Looks exactly like the creature in the PGF.

    3. Cool, the guy who owns it must know the value in it, even to the general public who has no interest in Bigfoot recognize it as a part of Americana and Bigfoot lore as it's been seen in documentaries and commercials for the last 40 years.

      How did some footer with no money, no connections and no credibility get control over how and when the suit will be seen ?

    4. He didn't. Kitazke is just a lying sack of crap. He has nothing but his character assassination attacks. He has no suit and never will have any suit.

    5. Yep no bigfoot suit but lots of troll syrup.

    6. Kitazke better hope Bigfoot isn't real because he is risking one huge ass libel suit from a whole bunch of people.

  19. Ketchum didn't lie about anything.
    what's going on is exactly what she said is
    going on.
    I get a kick out of the brainless,skeptic, trolls on these threads that still need someone
    tie their shoes because it's beyond their learning curve, with their 1st grade reasoning,fire out and say, it's a hoax, or it's fake.
    They don't have mental capacity to see the big picture of this study, and the ramifications of proving BF is real and how it is going to impact so many different levels of science,biology,land management,etc... Their really have to take their time with releasing this information,
    so it has minimal impact to all areas that will be effected .

    1. And I get a kick out of a an inbred, goat fucking, retard who believes in a magic ape calling anyone else “brainless”. Do you not understand the concept of hypocrisy you degenerate moron?

      Oh, and prove your claims or shut up.

  20. this is crap, i saw we go out there and see whats out there rather than wait for stupid ppl and stupid scientists who cant deliver

    1. Of course they can't deliver something that doesn't exist.

  21. Here is an informative look at the journal peer review process:


    "Journal editors reject anywhere between 6% to 60% of submitted manuscripts at the initial screening stage.2 One study found that on average, 21% of submissions are rejected during the initial review by journal editors across disciplines.3"

    "...Typically, journals ask reviewers to complete their reviews within 3-4 weeks.6 However, few journals have a mechanism to enforce the deadline, which is why it can be hard to predict how long the peer review process will take.6"

    "In general, I classify manuscripts into three groups: 1) excellent-quality work that makes a contribution, 2) satisfactory-quality work that may make a contribution, and 3) poor-quality work that makes no contribution. Categories 1 and 3 are dealt with quickly, with the majority of manuscripts in category 2. This group of manuscripts takes time and reflection before a decision can be made.7"

    Ok, so if this paper is still pending, what is the maximum time expected for it to be approved for publication -it ever?

    new anony

    p.s. I have it on good internet rumor authority that Mucklegrunt's DNA was plentiful, being the young buck that he was, and that multiple donor eggs have been fertilized. Expect to see a new exhibit at the Brookfield Zoo Primate House. Expect a birth in about 8.5 months.
    The plan is to take the baby squatch from his gorilla mother after nursing to be raised in a foster human setting within the primate house.

  22. Oh shut up, Melba, you whore. We're not buying into your scam - fuck off.

  23. I hope this is worth the wait. I know they exist already but would like to see it scientifically proven here soon.

  24. Just read an article published in 2012 with data collected in 2003-2004. Just talked to a researcher whose article is not being published because it doesn't fit the journal's agenda. Hopefully we'll eventually see what she's come up with. Certainly she should be rewarded for her efforts, so it must go through the appropriate processes.

  25. dr.melba kethum has had this dna for a while now,it the same old bullshit she is dragging her feet on this project.she said nothing new to report on the dna study,i think she is holding back for the so-called right time,or right amount cash to release it. if she has done her homework right then she should have nothing to worry about,because money and fame is right behind that report! the time is now!! shit or get off the pot.............

  26. High in the mountaintops of an undisclosed location, lies the truth behind the existance of Bigfoot and it's DNA. Now that we got your hopes up and you are crazy with hope, we will post anonymous and bitch because we don't have the brains or the balls to get one ourselves. Get off the couch or the computer and get out there and get one. I have seen and heard them and I know they exist. Seen 2, seen tracks, heard a boulder, heard wood knocking at 3 different locations, had a rock thrown at me,and my wife shared at least 1/2 of those experiences with me and she has seen 2 herself as well. So has 4 other people I know directly!


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