The Bigfoot Whisperer: How To Make A Bigfoot Spirit Stick [Humor]

According to Bigfoot whisperer Rob Fairless,  Bigfoots occasional will leave "gifts" such as stones and sticks inside sacred "Gift Temples". Fairless claims the large sticks which are usually found in "Gift Temples" can be made into powerful talismans in which to draw Sasquatch in and also to mask the scent of a Human.

If used correctly, Bigfoot gifts can guarantee professional results during field research.

The Master Bigfoot Tracker Himself Rob Fairless returns with this video of how to create a 'Bigfoot Spirit Stick". Rob uses an actual stick left by Sasquatch inside a "Gift Temple" he found deep inside a forest filled with Bigfoot. Rob shows you from start to finish and gives you the low down on how these type of finds might work for you when you are out in the field. It's all about results when hunting Bigfoot and this just might be the edge your looking for. If you get so lucky (or just that damn good) as to find a "Gift Temple" with a stick large enough inside to make one of these staffs I implore you to do so. The rarety of such a find should be used to your advantage. Rob will show you in an upcoming episode how to use the stones you will also find inside these "Temples".


  1. Gift Temple eh?

    good lord some of you folks need to get out a bit more often

    1. Yeah like into the field and off your lazy asses. This is my new guy for research news AND Entertainment.

    2. He learned this after reading an ancient scroll from a northwest indian tibe? Uhh.. the North American indians had no written language. He's either very stupid or lying. Probably both.

    3. Actually they did in the form of pictures. When you translate a series of pictures that tell a story it is the same thing as reading. Rob Fairless is very highly educated. I looked him up and he is a very accomplished musician with numerous songs that were featured on major radio stations. He also is educated from a very highly regarded u private university called Blackburn. He was a star athlete as well as honor student there. I looked up the Who's Who registry for American High School Students back in the year he graduated and what do you know, he's on it. If you want to hear a song of his on youtube with radio Djs All through the song then check out "StinkBait WKYQ Remix" on youtube. This guy is FAR from stupid and looking on his music channel he doea have a sense of humor he puts in his videos. Just because someone can laugh about something they enjoy and even make fun of it a little doesnt make them stupid people. Its called personality. Its called wit. Its called charm. Now if you cant see that in these videos then YOU are the dumb ones.

  2. This guy is hammering the bleevers! He delivers a left, a right and down goes Bleevers!

  3. He is doing what 99.9% of the general public does, which is make fun of what some are passionate about. And I give 100% credit to the YaHoo's on YouTube for this. No one takes real research seriously due to the mockery and rediculous antics of money grubers. Kind of makes one want to drop YouTube altogether and just do a web site. It's only gonna get worse in my opinion now that everyone wants to be on a TV show.

    1. Uh. I think he is a believer. Not all believers believe the same way. A big example of this is religion. I myself found the ritual part of making the stick to be very informative. I cant confirm that it is actually a real ritual or not but it definitely seems logical that it could be. Granted minwax wasnt around in ancient times but the scrolls didnt specifically say. It did specifically say to use flint and "the whisperer" acknowledged that in the video. Just because he is a new guy on the scene lets not condemn him just because he is different in his beliefs and how he goes about researching than most footers do. Its a breath of fresh air to have a new perspective instead of the same old dogmatic views that still havent proved anything more in the form of evidence than Rob himself. Lets say he is poking fun at hunting bigfoot even like most people are saying. So what? Nobody owns the Bigfoot market you know. Just because you have a blog doesnt mean you are the final authority of what goes up and down on youtube. I typed in Bigfoot in the search on Youtube and there are thousands of videos that pop up. This guy is only getting hated on because he brings something new to the table and is getting attention and there are alot of jealous people out there right now. If its all a joke so what? He naturally enjoys the subject of Bigfoot and is secure enough to joke about something he likes himself. If its real so what? Let someone with new ideas do his thing and bring a fresh new attitude to a a field where NO ONE is an expert. Well that is of course except the whisperer. He is the Best. Lol.

  4. I wonder hue of red his neck is?

    1. A Believer Of The WhispererFriday, July 6, 2012 at 5:56:00 AM PDT

      Probably pretty red since he gets outside and does research and you pound your pud behind a computer screen. I am a follower of this guy now and I will serve the master well....

    2. I feel sorry for you then.

    3. Your journey to the Dark Side is complete "Believer"

    4. Now Rob is the Master!

  5. This guy is slowly winning me over. Im a footer and I can appreciate this totally.

    1. North American indians had no written language. He is making up the part about the scroll.

    2. See above. They wrote through the use of pictures. WHEN YOU TRANSLATE THAT ITS THE SAME THING AS READING.

  6. Does anyone else have a spirit stick or just a gift stick I could buy? I want make one of these and havent been lucky enough to find a gift temple yet. My name is Joe and If you have one I will pay well for one.

    1. Sorry, I'm to attached to mine.

    2. I have several to choose from. They come in Walnut, Black Oak, Teak, Hickory, and Balsa (for the budget minded). Buy two and get a DreamCatcher free! Buy a complete set and I'll throw in Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark".

    3. You found all of those in Gift Temples?

    4. Whats a Glory Hole? Have you seen alot of them?

    5. Only the backside of them.;)

  7. I have come across these before. This guy is mixing fact with fiction and I have to say.I like.

  8. Hey Shawn do you know this guy? What do you think about him? Should we like him or hate him? Your opinion...

    1. Probably the best thing to ever happen since the Creation of Mankind.

  9. At first I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt, NOW, I am convinced this guy is a complete Fake, and a Jerk. Are you kidding me? "Spirit Stick"? Learned from an ancient Indian scroll? HAHAHAHAHA I will not believe another word this Bozo says. He crashed big time with this mumbo-jumbo.
    I am a Bigfoot researcher, and this guy only HURTS our cause. He comes across as arrogant, and conceited, OH.....and DUMB

    1. Your the dumb ass. Its been humor all along. Nitwit.

    2. LOL. Bad day at the car wash Steve?

    3. HAhAhaha. Footer just got served!

  10. His methods are quite different than anything I've ever seen. I like to call myself a novice in this field of scientific study. Yes, he does come across brazen, but after watching a couple of episodes, I can truly say..........I want to see what this guy is gonna do next. Might even make my own Sasquatch stick.

    1. He will do everything...but find Sasquatch.

    2. Who cares? If he finds Bigfoot then the shows over.

    3. Its fun. Can people not have fun even if they believe in Bigfoot?

  11. There is no written native American anything.


  12. LMFAO! Footers are so socially detached that the title had to be broken down Barney style.......[HUMOR]

    1. The video itself doesnt say humor.

    2. That's where brain-power "should" come in BUT I digress.

  13. Replies
    1. How did I get to this part of Bigfoot Evidence again?

  14. Dont call it humor! It takes away the humor!

  15. I'M not so sure this is humor. I have watched all his videos and there is no part that says it is intended to be funny in any of them.

    1. Brainpower, use it OR you bleevers can CONTINUE to be his targets. Lets just say hook, line and sinker.

      He's hooked you numerous times and now he has officially reeled YOU and many more in.

  16. I think he doesn't put anything saying it's intended to be funny cuz he assumes you bozo's would believe it cuz it says "Bigfoot" on it.......

    Gift Temple? Spirit stick?

    give me an effing break people. That's retarded

    1. He graduated from Blackburn University which is a Private University that only allows 500 students in a year. Apparently you have to be like a worlds super genious to go there.

    2. GENIOUS?LMAO!!! Try spelling it GENIUS.That tells me you're a JENIUS!!!

    3. Hook, Line, and Sinker. How easy it is. LOL!

  17. Seems his intent is parody, if not he missed his mark.

    I'm surprised with the elementary comments at this website.

    Leaves one thinking that the 'believers' are significantly more intelligent than the 'deniers.'

  18. I am an Inuit tribesman who lives in what one might consider the Northwest. This ceremony actually is very close to being correct in how our people actually make a spirit stick. The staff is always put above the flames and a sacred chant is sung to have good fortune bestowed upon it. The staff would then be soaked and dried to harden the wood as well as give the spirit its magik to expell demons and give good fortune upon the owner of the staff. I would imagine this ceremony would be even more powerful if the wood itself was touched by the "Keeper Of The Forest".

  19. Its funny how every bigfoot field researcher thinks everbody elses stuff is fake but their own. I actually believe this guy and the people on this site are trying to discredit him because they fear his originality. This is the go to guy if you dont wanna see the same old walking in the woods pointing in the mud or saying "did you hear that" and so on and so forth. Its all entertainment. If all you naysayers were serious about your "research" yoi wouldnt be putting your own stuff on the youtube channels. When you do that all you are wanting to do is have people view your channel. More people are looking at this guys channel and its breaking your little hearts. In a few months this guys is gonna be a household name and you will still be poking in the mud saying "it looks like that could be toemarks".

    1. I think they are threatened by his actual experience. You can tell he is seasoned at what he does.


    3. Bigfoot takes pictures of him!

  20. Who the phuck is Steve Alcorn?

  21. Someone please start looking for Santa Clause. Just think of the market in that.

  22. I am gettimg kimd of sick and tired of people watching this guys crap! I am gonna pack my bags and leave this page if I see anymore of his bullshit on here. What the hell does he have that us other researches dont have? What makea him so damn special. Anymore of this bullshit and Im packing up and taking more with me!

    1. "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

    2. He's got charisma baby and that's something 99.9% of you other farce/couch potato/researchers DON'T have!

      Yeah he has that and the ability to reel you bleevers in. Hook, line and sinker. I'm so glad I'm smarter than Bigfoot researchers.

    3. Oh Rob Fairless just made himself a legend in two weeks in the Bigfoot community and people are calling him stupid. Anyone with half a brain should be finding out if the guy needs a job in public relations or better yet give him his own tv show cause he definitely draws a crowd. Everytime something about him is put on this site it always tears up all the other vids for the most part as far as comments. That should tell you something right there. He is the most interesting man in Sasquatchville.

  23. I don't know if he is serious or humorous, but it does not matter. The concept of "BF gift temples" is not so far-fetched. I would not be surprised if Bigfoot has religion. Probably animism. Gifting fits with that. I have read a report of a BF doing a sort of dance around a tree, which I took as either the BF just having a good time OR as a religious event.

    1. Tell em Mama Bear! Tell them The Whisperer is Legit! This guy is GOOD for Bigfooting!

  24. First of all...all he made was a Bigfoot nutcase so called gift temple that he says Bigfoot made is probably just just branches and sticks that fell from the tree,hell I must have gift temples all over the place around here.All this man did was make a walking stick,there was no blessing or chanting or anything else for that matter and to top it all off,he used minwax and they didn't have minwax back then,if your going to try and make a spirit stick atleast do it the correct way...sheesh,some people will believe anything!


    2. I dont know who you are calling a baby but you need to get with

  25. He did make a spirit stick using modern techniques. It would have been silly to see him chanting as you say now wouldnt it? Of course they.didnt have minwax back in ancient times but Rob shows you a more modern way to approach it. Wow some people are really starting to feel left out.

    1. when it comes to a real Native person,there is no such thing as a modern way...Idiot!

    2. He isnt a real Native.....

  26. It seems Rob Fairless has invaded this board and is posting a lot of positive things about himself under the Anonymous feature. Do any of you really take this guy seriously?

    1. It seems alot of Rob Fairless haters have invaded the board who no one ever took seriously long before Rob Fairless came on the scene. Oh and by the way, was it Rob Fairless who posted this on this page too? If you dont like it dont read, watch, or comment on it.

    2. I never said I was hater,I commented on the stick,If Rob is going to present something to the bigfoot community then he should show/do it properly,he simply made it a walking stick! If his stick is so great then he should have a bunch of photos and vids of bigfoot within the next months,lets wave the stick and they should come in

  27. The video stated that you must uses flint to start the fire because that is what the ritual calls for. It must also call for a cutoff saw and minwax. What a joke.

  28. To whom it may concern
    I try and stay off Blog Boards for the simple fact of all the verbal abuse one gets from people as shown above. I did not ask for this recognition. I havent commented or bashed any other researcher on the internet because I am above that. I guess thats the price you pay for being the best though. This isnt the first time I have faced opposition in my 23 YEARS of SERIOUS Bigfoot research. If I let stuff like this bother me I would have stopped my groundbreaking techniques long ago. I wouldnt have found 100% rock solid evidence as to the existence of the most elusive mammal ever to roam the Earths forests and highlands. I guess you can say I let comments like the ones above roll off me like "water of a Sasquatches back". See there? I just invented that. Thats the kind of results you get when you've been doing this type of scientific research for as long as I have. 23 YEARS! The most amazing thing to some is that a good portion of those years I was doing studies without the help of a computer or internet. Just me and Bigfoot living together in the wild as I watched their habits and learned their language and recorded my findings in my journals. The knowledge you gain from actually living amongst the beasts far outweighs the knowledge you get from reading a book or watching a film such as the Patterson Gimlin Over and over again. By the way the Bigfoot you see in that film suffers from a form of Alzheimers, thats why it was lost and bewildered and allowed itself to be filmed for so long. See there? I just made another scientific discovery and put alot of questions finally to rest. 23 Years people. In conclusion I would like everyone to know that my research and videos are NOT a joke and I appreciate it if you would respect my findings because I respect each and every one of yours. You will never see me contradict a fellow scientists theories or beliefs. Again thank you for your time and excuse the typos because my hands are calloused and worn from living in the woods for so long and its hard to type on this little qwerty touch screen.

    1. Of course we can't be certain that Rob has invaded this board as an Anon and we can't even be certain that Rob posted the above statement. What we can be certain of is that Rob has not been doing this for 23 years. We can be certain that he is not a master tracker. How can we be certain of these things? A simple chalange will do. Rob, if what you say is true, prove it. I chalange you to come up with one other researcher that can verify your work. I don't mean Dyer, Biscardi, or the Squatchmaster either. One researcher that is known to the bigfoot comunity and can be believed. Surely you, as a "world renowned" researcher has a few others that can verify this.

    2. Because Its always been through emails and not about to give you a personal email. Especially from one of the most respected names in this field. I am in the process of creating an email address that will be just for people like you to ask me questions such as this instead of being so rude as to publicly challenging someones beliefs or credentials. Like Ive said above. It seems as if you are trying to get your name out there through the use of me.I challenge ANYONE to sho where I have tried to discredit a fellow bigfoot researcher. You wont because I have class and finesse. The only people who do that sort of thing are the ones who are insecure about their own findings.

    3. I have read on my videos where people are saying "THATS BULLSHIT" and using other expletives. Really? Is that how professionals conduct themselves in public? I dont think so and attitudes like that do not warrant a response.

    4. Rob, you don't have to give me anyone's personal email. Just want a known researcher to come forward to verify your story. If you can do that I will retract anything I said that you believe is negative. I have been researching Bigfoot only since 2007 when the Jacob's photos were released. I have only been doing field research since earlier this year. I have only been blogging since earlier this year. My point is I am not making any claims I can't support. I do enjoy your videos, to me they are parody, that is fine, I just wish you would tell people thats what they are. Furthermore, I don't believe I have ever said anything negative, I simply reported my findings, which have not been refuted. If you wish to adress me personaly off a public forum you can contact me at Facebook or I can give you my email address. Just look up Steve Alcorn SasquatchScoop on FB. In fact I'll send you a friend request.

  29. Replies
    1. Lets hear your side then? Rob came forward like a man and put his two cents worth in and you just stop washing cars for long enough to say "that was pointless". No wonder no one cares what you say. You have no depth. Is this Fairless guy crazy? Maybe but he has no fear to express his views. All you do is mock people and play off what others say because you have no original content of your own. Im beating a dead horse here because everyone knows your ideas are lame. Fairless is gonna rise to the top because he is ENTERTAINING!


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