More Sierra Kills Rumor While We Wait For Ro Sahebi To Finish Up The Interview

While we wait for Team Tazer Bigfoot's Ro Sahebi to finish editing the exclusive interview with Justin Smeja, here's the latest rumor mongering from Bigfoot journalist Robert Lindsay:

Ketchum received two Bigfoot steak samples, one from the baby and one from the adult male. We reported this a while back, but no one believed us so we will repeat it as I just heard it one more time. When the initial samples were sent in from the Sierra Kills, there were two samples. One sample was reportedly from the baby and one was from the adult.

How do we know this? Because Ketchum told a close associate (who we cannot name) that that is what she received. She also said that one had hair resembling the color of the baby’s hair, and the second had hair resembling the adult. Subsequently, all talk of the second sample vanished, and now it apparently doesn’t exist. All reports now only discuss “the sample,” which is from the male.

So what about the second sample she received? What happened to it? My source told me they think it’s been buried. The source thinks the entire body of the baby was retained initially, and it is presently with Wally Hersom, though that is just speculation.

The baby is theorized as being secreted away, apparently, all in an effort to keep Justin Smeja, the shooter, out of jail. The source also told me that they thought that Ketchum’s Hollywood publicist and attorneys told her that anything relating to the baby Bigfoot is “kryptonite,” and that it has to be buried.

It’s all pretty wild stuff, and I’m not sure how true it is. But we do know that Ketchum said she received two samples, not one, and that she described them to a colleague as coming from two different animals.

What happened after that? Who knows? It’s all so mysterious.

Additional hints that Smeja’s body recovery story may not be correct. A friend of mine listened to Smeja’s interview on the radio a while back, and he said the Smeja sounded quite honest up until the part about the body recovery. At that point, he felt Smeja did not sound fully honest anymore due to his voice tone and sentence structure and whatnot.

There are other clues. On Bigfoot Forums, “the general” was asked why he shot the baby Bigfoot in the throat. He responded testily that he didn’t want to damage the head. The implication was that he wanted the head for evidence, and this is why he shot the baby. Smeja’s driver has already told us that Justin shot the baby for evidence.

In addition, on Bigfoot Forums, Justin described exactly where the bullet entered and left the body of the adult Bigfoot. He said it entered 3 inches below the nipple and exited at a precise point in the opposite lung. My source said there is no way he could determine that at 80 yards, and that he must have inspected the body after he shot it.

On the radio show referenced earlier, Justin was asked whether he was sure the adult was dead. He answered twice, emphatically, that the adult was dead. The second time was in response to a question, “Are you sure it’s dead?” “I’m sure it’s dead,” Justin answered with finality. My source told me that that no hunter ever says he is sure he killed an animal unless he inspects to body to make sure it is dead.



  1. it cant just be simply can it?

    you know, shoot a bigfoot, provide the body

    that would just be way to fucking easy wouldnt it

    fucking bunch of lieing cunts

    1. Learn to spell you foul mouthed fool!

    2. Well thats because we know a bunch of libtard eco-nazis will go for the throat of a human.

      Everybody hear knows/
      Everybody in the country knows what the liberal left will try and do to this guy. I would be very damn careful how i revieled i had one, if i had one?

      I personally would have just changed the initial story to "having gotten myself in between the father and youngster, thereby having to shoot!"

      [But he didn't go to the Easy-story! makes me think he DID shoot them! This is also the kind of thing that would make Melba----- extremely confident, wouldn't it????]

      Maybe the driver wouldn't go along?

      Maybe, very likely, Justin didn't anticipate the backlash?

      I have been saying for a long time that a Pro hunter would not have come off that mountain with at least-- the youngster.

      More than likely, all of it!

      When it comes out, if he has it, the government will come to confiscate for SCIENCE.

      Very quickly, they will utilize the possible CRIMINAL threat to get him to comply!

      I expect the last part will happen no-matter who is the Pres, -- just too much BIG GOV! Both sides!

    3. here, and whatever else i spelled wrong, ha ha ha ha!

    4. Criminal threat. What laws would have been broken. I know that there is a few towns that have made it illegal to shot Bigfoot but they are few and far between. Was Smeja hunting at night? Was he poaching? Even if they do charge you with something the end result would be worth it.


    5. Hey, I personally wouldn't charge him with anything.

      More likely-- give him a medal for all the BS he has put up with already!

      The way some states laws are written, it is illegal to shoot an animal unless it's specified under the list of game animals.

      So that may only be a misdemeanor or somthing.

      There alway's a nut who wants to stir up crap!

      Some prosicuter who wants the publicity. wait and see?

    6. Leon I am a Native American that lives on the reservation. If I claimed to shoot and kill two bi-pedal entities and didn't provide the body(ies) I would be sitting in a federal cell with probable cause for two counts of murder in the first degree and the FBI would be scouring the entire reservation for evidence.

      If I didn't live on the reservation I would be sitting in a county cell with two charges of first degree murder while the state police + the FBI searched for evidence of a body.

      This guy is full of crap. If he's telling the truth he should provide bodies to authorities proving that he didn't murder anyone and they really are bigfoot.

      He's full of SHIT!!! I challenge him to prove me wrong. I challenge any law enforcer to begin an investigation because he's admitting to "SHOOTING TWO BEING THAT LOOKED LIKE FUCKING HUMANS!!!" C'mon they could just be two African American campers!!!

    7. ^^^^^^^^^ +1,000,000 ^^^^^^^^^

      Thanks BF Ojibwe man ~ you are ALWAYS a voice of reason in this nuthouse. I've been leaning toward the black campers theory for some time, especially since Smeja's driver allegedly told him to not shoot.

    8. I think I read somewhere that the counties that have laws agianst shooting bigfoots only issue fines, not criminal prosecution

    9. Valid points and I somewhat agree. But as this is bigfootery I could claim I shot two leprechauns and I doubt the FBI would come a calling, much the same as I said I shot two Bigfoot.

      You know? Something also mythical that has never been proven to exist……

    10. @BF Ojibwe Man you would not be sitting in jail for probable cause for anything. You might be held in question for 72 hours but admittance of guilt without evidence of guilt mean nada in this country. Just like that pedophile who claims he killed that little Ramsey girl in Boulde, Co. He still says he did it but evidemce says other.

      All Justin would have to do is state he felt threatened by the animals and that would give him enough cause. As faras the bodies go, theyay appear humam but if they were wouldnt he have kept his mouth shut and covered it up to avoid jail

    11. I had already clearly stated in prior posts that my theory was of two Neg-er-oids hiding out from the Po-Po. This would easily explain everything.

  2. An experienced hunter wouldn't have freaked out and left the body there. At the very least he would brought the body to local authorities and said, 'look at what the hell is roaming our woods out there' or something to that effect.

  3. More lies and bs from Bobby "salty nuts" Lindsay.

    1. Yes, and I also love how Shawn refers to his rumor mongering and calls Lindsay a JOURNALIST in the same sentence.

      Shawn Evidence = Robert Lindsay

    2. Shawn Evidence = Bobo Faye

    3. I've heard from a good source that Shawn Evidence is Robert Lindsay. Is it really true because I keep reading it here too. Just saying I've heard it from 2 different people.

      Personally, I don't believe it is true. It just doesn't make any sense.

    4. Makes all the sense in the world.

  4. The part about the attorneys advising Ketchum to bury the body has got to be bogus. Any ethical lawyer doesn't advise their client to hide or discard evidence. I had legal issues once years ago and my lawyers said to not touch or delete anything. Also, if they are ketchum's lawyers, they would be acting in the best interest of Ketchum and would not be concerned with Smeja going to jail.

    Publicists on the other hand...that is believable. More concerned with their clients image versus them getting into actual legal trouble if there is any legal and/or criminal legal risk at all. LMAO

    1. If there was really a body, we would not need any DNA would we. The body would confirm the species all by itself. The DNA could be used later to see how this creature was related to us or apes. J.D.

    2. Stop that, J.D.! You're making too much sense, and that isn't allowed in Bigfoot DNA/body discussions

    3. But trolling is? There's likely no bodies yes but good DNA apparently.

  5. Holy crap guys, I think i just saw the Dogman....

    It was last night around 2:15am in the outskirts of Toronto when, to my shock, I saw a large, hairy werewolf like creature, with large fangs and claws, rise from all fours to two legs, and then back down again.

    He was tearing through a Grand Slam combo at Denny's, the bastard.

    1. thats him all right.

      did you see him limping on his rear left leg? that was me, caught him with a round to the back of the calf

      pesky dogman got away though

      next time!!!!

    2. How can you be sure that it wasn't Bunnyman that you saw?

    3. Stupid! Stop replying to yourself!

  6. Sally here: This just in, the Dogman is now in the study aswell, but I can't say too much about it right now.

    1. Chop Suey


      1/4 cup shortening
      1 1/2 cups diced pork loin
      1 cup diced onion
      1 cup diced celery
      1 cup hot water
      1 teaspoon salt
      1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
      1 (14.5 ounce) can bean sprouts, drained and rinsed
      1/3 cup cold water
      2 tablespoons cornstarch
      2 teaspoons soy sauce
      1 teaspoon white sugar


      Heat shortening in a large, deep skillet. Sear pork until it turns white, then add onion and saute for 5 minutes. Add celery, hot water, salt and pepper. Cover skillet and simmer for 5 minutes. Add sprouts and heat to boiling.
      In a small bowl combine the cold water, cornstarch, soy sauce and sugar. Mix together and add to skillet mixture. Cook for 5 minutes, or until thickened to taste.

    2. Chop Suey by System of A Down

      Wake up Grab a brush and put a little, makeup Hide the scars to fade away the, shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away the) Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable
      You wanted to Grab a brush and put a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to
      I don't think you trust In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die
      Wake up Grab a brush and put a little, makeup Hide the scars to fade away the, shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away the) Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable
      You wanted to Grab a brush and put a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Why'd you leave the keys upon the table You wanted to
      I don't think you trust In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die
      Father, father, father, father Father into your hands, I commend my spirit Father into your hands Why have you forsaken me?
      In your eyes forsaken me In your thoughts forsaken me In your heart forsaken me, oh
      Trust in my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die

    3. Timmy is looking for a sweet recipe for Some Yung Guy!

    4. Sally, honest question here. Will it be soon.

    5. Hong Kong Phooey-Sublime

    6. This crud is ruining the site. One idiot putting recipes , dogmans, now friggen lyrics to songs! Then posting back to himself! This idiot must never get out of bed to post this much crud! Unbelievable !

    7. All in a day's work for the busy Bigfoot hating trolls it's their payed job to be here in case you wondered about that anymore. Apparently Shawn doesn't mind it or it'd been stopped.

    8. I like the recipes, songs and trolls. Did you know that you can read the article and not the comments ? Try it sometime, then you won't be so freaked out.

    9. Anon 5:25 you are the idiot posting the recipes and lyrics! You just keep replying to yourself! If I wanted a stupid recipe then I'd go to Martha Stewarts site! Maybe you forgot what site your on pussy! Any other pansies who want to bake go find the hundreds of sites with your little recipes! Oh to the nut job who had the 3rd grade education (anon 4:16) we like reading about Bigfoot and the debate not all this other garbage about your freakin Man/Child fantasies of some fictional dogman and the useless space now used up on it troll!

  7. Justin Smeja is confirmed on all points with a cone shaped head, heavy brow, his rise-fall talk, and dermal ridges.

  8. Timmy??? Timmy??? Where are you????

    1. i think hes the one who shot the Dogman

    2. Then he's my new hero. Now set your sights on the dumbazz mothman, Tim.

  9. I wish someone would shoot Mothman and bring in his body. That would be pretty cool.

    1. Just buy an econo size bug zapper. Should bag him then.

  10. what really happened:

    2 bears were shot

    bigfoot enthusiast approaches smeja "listen to this ive got a great idea, you will be rich and famous"

    1. what really happened:

      2 stumpsquatches were shot

      after many bud lights, story emerges

  11. Here is the lesson:

    If, for whatever reason, you shoot Bigfoot, please for the sake of sanity go to the media first, and don't get rid of the bodies. You will probably be shit on by a few people but you will be loved by many more for putting this mystery to a rest.


    1. exactly, if Smeja had taken 10-20 close up photo's of the Bigfoots, especially facial shots, then NONE would doubt that what he sent in is Bigfoot tissue.

    2. If I had just shot Bigfoot. I would have taken photos, video, hair samples, blood samples, etc. I would then have taken the bodies with me, not leave them in the woods. Next I would have called the media and to have them document the crap out of the bodies. This of course would grab the worlds attention with scientists from all over flocking to get a chance to study the bodies. There would be no doubt, no conspiracy, everything would be out in the open, and I'd still would make money from all the book deals and movie rights I would sell.

      Instead we have an inconsistent story that doesn't make sense. Even if Smeja shot a Bigfoot I don't believe it because there are no bodies. Blurry, fuzzy, out of focus pictures or video would add some credibility to his story.

      More than likely, Smeja was poaching bear Or some other illegal activity. He probably didn't even shoot anything and this is completely made up.


    3. in all honesty, lugging a 800lb body out without getting caught is next to impossible, but as you said, there is sooooo much more Smeja could've taken short of the creatures head to prove his story.

    4. Easy to say what one would do after the fact!


      Ha ha ha ha ha.

    5. I agree on dragging out an 800lb animal. So that brings me to part of Smejas story that bothers me. He goes on to talk about hunting bear and what you have to do to get a 300 lb bear out of the woods, which is true. But in his interview, he states that they were driving down a road and saw the large Bigfoot in a meadow 80 to 100 yards away. Once again if I shot Bigfoot, I would have made every effort to retrieve the body. Even if it ran another 100 yards (doubt it because from the sounds of it it was a kill shot and wouldn't have made it very far) two guys over the course of a couple of hours could have dragged it out. Plus, drive in the meadow, I'm sure they were in a 4x4.

      Now, why would the Bigfoot charge a vehicle. Creatures that are notorious for becoming invisible in the woods would try to hide, especially with little ones. It couldn't have felt threatened if it was 100 yards away from the vehicle, it should have just turned and run. So this part of the story doesnt seem to be consistent with known Bigfoot behavior.

      Smeja also claimed to have felt that his life was in danger. He was in a vehicle, drive away. Did he get out to shoot? If he got out then he had time to access the situation. Something is not adding up here.

      I understand the hindsight argument and the would've, could've, should've, didn't, and I'm not saying that I would have done everything right in the heat of the moment, but this was very badly played. Something is not right here.


    6. Here's what I think. Smeja knew that he was seeing a Bigfoot, a hunter should be able to distinguish it from anything almost immediately. But, out of either fear from the whole situation (even if he was a safe distance, what he was seeing was a monster), or for the chance of claiming a body/reward, he shot it.

      I think the little ones would have only freaked him out more, or like has been said, maybe he was on a bloodcraze after shooting the first one. Whatever the case, he probably freaked out when he saw just how human-like they were, and out of fear of social or legal punishment, he took a few samples of flesh and ditched the bodies.

      I do believe he saw the body of the adult. It doesn't make any sense that they come back there a few weeks and found scraps, despite the fact that they supposedly couldn't even find the body after he shot it. He almost certainly took a sample from both bodies after the shooting.

    7. You'd not be able to drag anything out with you to show us, this has been tried no doubt and we still haven't seen it. Why? Because two possible forces would prevent it, either other Bigfoots would stop you or the authorities in the area.

      Think, if this species is real then attempts at proving it must've occured sometime yet the world at large is still left in the dark. That situation is sheer impossible if we're talking an animal, but if they're something else it makes at least some sense.

      These guys are either an alien species kept away from us or they're human, not much else they could be if you think logically about this, and I'm still going with Ketchum so I guess they're the latter.

  12. Step 1: Kill bears and say they were Bigfoots
    Step 2: ?????????
    Step 3: Profit

    1. And how is he going to profit if he only shot bears? He will only profit if the DNA is the real deal and verifies his story. No paper no $$.

  13. My fellow bigfooters, our plan has unfolded exactly as we have planned.

    I see that you have all been recieving your telepathic communications with great accuracy.

    As planned, we now have a greater number of brilliant scientific minded skeptics who have become completely addicted with the idea of prooving others wrong.

    You may now write your wildest tales into books.
    These wac's will buy them in droves only to have something to proclaim against! We can all make money!

    Is that how the plot go's. It must be a mystical plot to acount for the stories hundreds of years old! Oh and we all go spend our own money on fuel food and gear to perpetuate the fantasy in our OWN minds!

    You nuts wieve tales so well, you shoud go write for the Obama campaign.

    1. I had lunch with Bigfoot today and discovered that he just loves fried chicken. The funny thing about it is that I really love fried chicken too. If we have that one thing in common, I wonder what other likes we share. Next time I'm gonna get him a big bowl of gumbo because I really like that stuff. I hope he likes it and it's not too spicy.

  14. Nobody shot anything. If they did they wouldnt be hiding anything until some project studies it they would go with the highest bidder.we would have watched them march all the way to the bank,unless erickson was the highest bidder.i think if most people shot a bigfoot or two, they would be shouting it from the rooftops and it would be all over the news.I do believe in Sasquatch because of my own experience but when I read my posts you wouldnt think it.I just find alot of over the top claims hard to believe after so many years of again i say Erickson,meldrum put up or shut up.

    1. I would agree in that I would have made a public skeptical quickly and PROFITABLE.

      But, everyone's mind does not work the same way!

      You cannot really say with certanty what you would do, until you find yourself in the woods with one!

      A dead one?

      Two dead ones?

      A third one running around?

      The thought that there maybe more?

      The thought that you may be in trouble?

      The thought that you may be famous?

      The rush of a kill?

      The very presence of a BIGFOOT!

      The proof of a myth??????

      Thats a lot for any mind to get wrapped around on an afternoon in the high mountains, who knows man --who knows???

    2. spectical, not skeptical, man i suck, ha ha ha

    3. True enough. not that you suck but the until you are in the situation point

    4. You can bet on that! I would be collecting money from all my endorsements right down to the type of underwear I was wearing when I took the shot!!!! I can see the commercial right now... Me and Michaell Jordan in the woods " Yep, Mike this is where I was when I took the million dollar shot wearing my Hanes tag less underwear and t shirt. No roll up collar helped me as I drew down upping the beast..." Pay Me!!!!!

    5. You can't just go and prove it if you have a dead Bigfoot body because you wouldn't be allowed to go anywhere with it, it'd been tried already or done were it that easy and it evidently isn't.

      Your final option then is to bury it and forget about it, that I believe is how it's gone down mostly. So is this a mere animal? An ape? You bet it's not. Apes, apart from us, don't speak or walk upright on big flat feet so please you do the math. What are they then?

      Given the fact that no bodies from decades or even centuries ago have turned up, and one would assume authorites in past times were less equipped than today to stop it, then the notion we're dealing with an alien race is far more likely than previously thought.

      If ever considered seriously at all of course, but perhaps it's time to do so now at least suggesting it as the fact remains the public IS being kept in the dark surrounding everything UFO.

      This, by whatever force ours or theirs, is controllable where a wild running animal is not. Wasn't it the Nazi Party that said, the bigger the lie the easier it is to both manage it and present it believably.

  15. I still don't know what to make of the Smeja story but I'm looking forward to watching the video interview/conversation with Ro and Justin.
    Parts of this story make sense and other parts make no sense at all. If I shot an unknown animal, or came upon a body, you can bet your last dollar that it would be in the back of my truck.
    I'd figure out the rest later.
    If Justin is telling the truth with regards to the shooting, my gut tells me he is lying about the bodies being left behind. No bones were found, yet a scrap of hide was?
    It will be interesting to watch Justin explain things.

    1. none of it makes sense, right off the bat its insanity.

    2. I should have said some of the story is plausible to me. I can only read the story and surmise what I would have done. Really, it's pointless because I would never shoot a Bigfoot. I can't even legally carry a side arm for protection against other predators.
      None of us were there, so it's all speculation anyway.

    3. I believe the meat and potatoes of the story is true. Meat and potatoes being: he shot two Sasquatch. I think that's the most important part of all this. Now whether the rest of it unfolded 100% as he claims at this point in time is up for debate with me. Personally, I think he may have retrieved a little more of the bodies than he claims he did. He may even have one of them or both of them. Who knows? However, again, I think he did take two out that day.

  16. the noahs flood story is more plausible than this guys story

  17. Funny that its easy for peopl to say in hindsight and not having to walk in someone elses shoes, what they'd do or not do in a situation. Its really simple, sit back and wait for consensu then pounce with self rightous bs lol

  18. Nobody believed you because you've been wrong about, let's see, EVERYTHING!!!

    1. Actually smejas story has not changed if you go back to every radio show or written description of shootings. Him changing his story is combo of poor memory of listeners, taking others word for it, written interviews paraphrased by interviwer etc. Theres not one clear example of inconsistenvy in story. Doesnt mean it happened however, but he has been consistent if nothing else

  19. A little birdie told me Bigfoot will be proven to exist early next week. Watch the news.

    1. Dogman was spotted at petco ...he was looking for a new leash on life...arf arf...aarrrr.

    2. Dogman doesn't exist but Bigfoot does, more real than trolls even.

  20. Well, at least you called Lindsay's "news" rumor-mongering. That's better than calling it news. Still, though, I wish that you would not refer to Lindsay as a journalist. He is a gossip columnist who likes to present gossip as truth.

  21. I know one thing that is a defenately fact.LEON your dead on that libtards are running this nation.These as. holes are parasites blacks and single white women.I really dont understand why they so bitter unless they so lazy,they got to have that free ride.

    1. I didn't make any statements about blacks or white woman as such. Libtards come in every color!

      So do stupid peole DUDE!^

      A racist is no better than a Libtard!

    2. Leon your ruining our country you jerk! It's people like you we need to ship to a small island and bombard it. Please don't have children!

  22. Here's the thing about Justin's experience in the Sierras that day:

    I suggest that the dichotomy 'real' versus 'imaginary' may be too simplistic; that a proper understanding of this complex phenomenon may require a reevaluation of our concept of the nature of reality itself.

    Additional insight may be gleaned through therapeutical hypnosis.

  23. off the subject, but libtards dont marry. The huge spike in divorce is a libtard seeking a hand out.No real men or women hardly left in good free country united states.Before long it will be simply america lmao.

    1. It's just that troll from the video.

    2. Explained why your single living in yo mommas basement wearing sweat pants and surfing the Internet !

  24. Just because it's published in some scientific journal doesn't mean it's fact. YOU NEED THE BODY!!!! Either way scientists will shoot holes all thru her paper

    1. Its not published though...

    2. You are right DNA should be accepted but science will try to brush it off until there is a body.Sad but true.

    3. If they don't have a body already one will come along eventually anyway, that's not so important at first. At first what's important is proving there's really something there at all and what it is. Despite what the moronic bloodhounds say, DNA can and will tell us that exactly. To begin with that's all we need to know, much easier to digest the idea too that way and mentally prepare the world for it. Let them know it's true first then go on with more research. It's the same approach of the Oxford study they're not calling for a body either, nobody is because it's utterly unnecessary at present. The species likely is human anyway so let's know that first, okay.

  25. Ever wonder why the story is kind of convincing but it feels like something isn't quite right?

    Well I believe what really happened that day was he shot a mother and cub dogman. The "Bigfoot" is just a cover up for what really happened. He slipped up slightly when talking about what the baby looked like. Facial features of a dog. Also the going from all 4s to bipedal. Add on the fact that it was leaked that the DNA study now includes dogman. "Includes" or do they really mean it is only about dogman.

    1. Its getting ruff reading all the dogman stuff change it up man.

    2. Are you posting from a mental institution ?

    3. dogman is for pussies!

  26. Look come up with your own material, this recipe sh*t was my idea, get one of your own.

    Not the Dogman.

    California Avocado Steakhouse Burger


    1/4 cup finely diced white onion
    1/8 cup finely diced bell pepper
    3/8 cup cut in half and thinly sliced white mushrooms
    2 teaspoons steak sauce
    1 pound lean ground beef
    4 whole wheat buns
    2 teaspoons steak sauce
    8 leaves lettuce
    4 slices large beefsteak tomato
    1 ripe Fresh California Avocado, peeled, seeded, and sliced
    1 batch Steakhouse Lite Ranch Sauce (optional, recipe below):
    4 tablespoons light ranch dressing
    2 tablespoons steak sauce


    In a bowl mix together the onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, steak sauce and lean ground beef. Mix very thoroughly with your hands to combine all ingredients.
    Divide the mixture into equal portions. With your hands press each portion into a ball and then shape into a patty.
    In a saute pan or on a flat griddle over medium low heat place the patties and grill for about 4 minutes, flip and grill an additional 4 minutes or until meat is thoroughly cooked.
    While beef and veggie burgers are grilling toast the buns.
    Top each bun base with the beef and veggie burger, then drizzle each with 1/2 tsp. steak sauce. Top with the lettuce, tomato, Fresh California Avocado and bun top.
    Optional: serve with Steakhouse Lite Ranch Sauce for dipping.

    1. I started the dogman thing, but only commented on it here and there. This other guy is taking it waaaay to far. Sorry.

    2. We need to put our collars together and come up with something barking.

      Did I just write that?....slow night....

    3. You wrote all 3 comments. You ain't fooling anybody, idiot. Are you incapable of seeing if anybody else thinks you're funny before you start replying to your own stuff? I hope you get booted.

    4. U must lead an extremely boring life if your posting recipes on a Bigfoot site!

  27. Just got word a couple BF researchers had to be airlifted out of the Tillamook State Forest.

    Coast Guard footage has been released. A reminder to be careful out there, esp the greenhorns.

  28. I can think of no other interest that would bring me to the same blog frequented by Leon "Libtard" W. never in my wildest imaginings had I ever seen myself consorting with the severely retarded.






  29. Why the recipe thing on a bigfoot website.Shed some light on that for me will ya.just curios

  30. Some guys from this board having sex with a girl is more plausible than this.

    1. Actuallly I just finished and having a brew, not that your going to beleive me which I don't give a f*ck about. BUT yeah, people on this board do indeed play hide the sausage, and daily! You should try it, it's rather fun. :)

    2. Anon 4:58. If it involves your sausage game that you play with your goat then knownody wants to be part of it!

  31. That dont shed much light but i appreciate the effort

    1. Take me home to the Paradise City where the grass is green and the squatch are pretty

    2. whhhoooooa won't you take me homeeee......

    3. To gnrfan. If you have come here hoping for mainly insightful and engaging discourse you are going to be as disappointed as I am. It's worth staying around though as there are a few good people on all sides of this interesting issue that make comments. See ya round.

    4. yeah I see that,on the other hand idiots have the right to speak to. i diddnt come here to argue and i think people should say how they feel skeptic,believer,nutjob,chef,its all good.I have read some very insightful comments from people far so good.

  32. Does Smeja have downs syndrome or is he just retarted?

    1. Smeja looks like a plumbing sub that fukked up a job for me a few years ago. Also, stole stuff from the jobsite and lied about it.

      I repeat - he resembles him. Same look and mannerisms.

    2. The ANONA'S above is what occurs when pregnant woman smoke crack.

      Thats your best hit, let me guess, 11 years old?

    3. Pretty sure both are true.

    4. Is he retarted? Or is he retarded?

    5. He's just changed his physical appearance which is probably a smart thing too if there's any truth the shooting story, as we shall know later.

  33. I just heard that timber giant Bigfoot is going to stop searching for Bigfoot and switch over to searching for Zombies. He said his chances of finding Zombies are much better than finding Bigfoot.

    1. much easier, they're everywhere - just head over to the blue forum, bff, robert lindsays blog.

      this country is in trouble

    2. Doubt that. There's no money in zombies and Timbergiant already knows how to fake Bigfoot.

    3. no $$$ in zombies? ur kidding

      check out amc lately? college campuses too. the kiddos love it

    4. JREF's infected with the virus.

  34. Breaking News, this just in........

    Bigfoot is not real! FAKE! Come on of someone dropped a squatch they would have loaded him up and proceeded to the nearest news station and started the bidding at a half a million dollars.........

    1. I think bigfoot is real but what you said they would do with the body is pretty accurate to me.

    2. Troll from the video, move along!

    3. Yeah, this is a huge hole in the Sierra Kills BS story. NO ONE would kill a sasquatch and leave it there, especially a small one that could easily have been brought out of the woods.

      The Sierra Kills story is BS from top to bottom. Yet some people still seem to believe it. There is not one scrap of evidence for this story. It's just that, a story and nothing more.

  35. Why read 102+ other comments when I can write my own?
    Apparently Mr. Lindsay's hunting adviser has practically zero knowledge of hunting and shooting. If a hunter cannot tell that he made a killing shot on something at 80 yards with a high-powered rifle, and be able to tell where the bullet went in and where it left (unless the animal was running), then he has no business shooting anything at all. In the Western US, shots of 400-500 yards and more are not uncommon on mule deer and elk, which Justin says he's killed many of. Of course I do have to agree with those who have said that it would have been easy to tell that the Sasquatch was not a bear at 80 yards through a scope, but I think he said something about it looking like some kind of monster, and the whole thing seeming surreal. I think that I would have recovered the body, as many others have said, but I wasn't there.

  36. All staged - urban dwellers w/ no hunting outdoors experience. Thats how they screw these things up - could of been a good hoax. Even that old pic of Smeja and the buck looks photoshopped.

  37. You guys can give up on all you're Lib bashing on here. They are so F'ing scared to take on the NRA they would piss their pants all the way back to DC. You want to worry about backlash you should worry about the Jane Goodall Institute,Cher and the IAVA. Take it from a Lib. You piss one of them off and you are in for it. So keep mouthin off about shit so you can sound like big tough guys. But in the mean time maybe you should take a break from the comment sections to educate yourselves.

  38. I suggest they just get rid of the comment section all together on this site ! Its completely getting ruined and Is no longer fun to be on. Stories are great! Everything as far as comments are crude, off subject, political, immature, and a waste of time. The few who take it serious anymore get attacked by trolls who never have any intention of true honest debate, and most others just quit posting. leaving I estimate say-- about 5 -8 people writing non-sense like dogmans and recipes ! Please take down the comment section!

    1. Why is dogman nonsense but bigfoot isn't?

    2. Because the doggyman only exists in your warped troll head whereas bigfoots do exist in the real world.

    3. There's more evidence for dogman than bigfoot.


    1. Yes he did but taking a picture of the bear he shot wouldn't have helped his bigfoot story.

    2. Yes he did but taking a picture of the bear he shot wouldn't have helped his bigfoot story.

    3. Yes he did but taking a picture of the bear he shot wouldn't have helped his bigfoot story.

    4. He's a yahoo he doesn't have a phone much less brain cells.

  40. Would a bigfoot really start moving toward someone while flailing its arms? Is this typical bigfoot behavior? I don't think so.

    1. Well yeah probably. Thing is, they aren't animals so maybe they sensed - and quite obviously they did - that he he had ill intentions undoubtedly knowing about our firearms from either past experiences or observations.

    2. "They aren't animals" cool show me the evidence of this.... hell even evidence they exist would be nice

    3. Coming from Ketchum sooner than you think.

  41. Interview will prove nothing, same as all the stories. Just more rumours to the mill. If he shot them then he just has to say who got what samples. or if there were any taken then or later. I, for one, cannot believe that they dragged Meldrum all the way to the site and never disclosed the body, if it existed. Why would you not let an expert examine the remains etc etc. For my money, this is just BS or they are all a pack of scared liars trying to protect their rear ends, but then why do the interview in that case. This nation is just so good at screwing up what could be a great discovery, albeit made in the worst way, - or not, as the case may be. One giant FU all round. Totally disgusted with the whole thing and the brainless idiots on this site.

  42. If Smeja shot something/someone he apparently got freaked out over it. So something is wrong. I am surprised that no law enforcement has investigated this, since it could be that he literally committed murder and came up with a cover story that got out of hand. I would feel a lot better if law enforcement would investigate this and eliminate this possibility.

    You would think a real hunter would have photographed and brought evidence back. Heck, I would have called the media right away and had them come to where I was. Something just isn't right.

  43. You skeptical cocksuckers will see soon enough that there is actually truth to this.

    1. Yea the evidence is "coming soon" right?

    2. To trolls with no patience it's never soon enough, but the real problem with this subject though is a conclusion's less desireable for our powers hence the time it's taking and taken so far.

    3. 50 years waiting for the Bigfoot evidence that is always just around the corner is more than enough.

    4. Then go away or ponder why that is. (Hint: cover-up.) Had it been an animal we'd known already hundreds of years ago and since we don't know yet that means the species is either human or alien. We shall see which.

  44. This is a huge hoax. I believe that justin, ketchum, and yes, robert lindsay, are all working in collusion with eachother. Justin said he shot 2 bears, lindsday probably approached him with the "hey lets say its bigfoot and make $$$". Lets also not forget the erickson project involvement. That has involvement from todd standing and if im not mistaken, biscardi(??)

    The endgame is book, dvd, and maybe tv shows. There will be NO PAPER published, except for maybe on a crypto-blog or something. The "waiting time" for the paper is simply the hoaxers letting the footers "stew" for a bit.. So "thepaper" becomes part of the system of belief, and will be considered holy and unquestionable.

    Something will "happen" to the paper, either evil scientists will sabotage it (science hates finding new species) or MIB will confiscaate it..

    Or melba will do the tried and true "you arent worthy of seeing the paper" and not release it... Or, she will not release it for fear of humans discovering bigfoot, leading to humans massacring bigfoot and the government harming them. Hence the protection angle.

    This is all educated guessing on my part, of course, but it seems to be moddeling itself after known hoaxes, and the dots are pretty easy to connect if one wipes the cobwebs of belief from their eyes.

    1. -1. Melba's already confirmed the species known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch exists, why would a perfectly respectable scientist deliberately ruin her own reputation anyway. Makes no sense. Of course they exist. Watch the news soon.

    2. she is not a respectable scientist. she is a vet with a f bbb rating, who is close to retirement age.

    3. Anon 10:10 that's a lie. U don't have a clue about Melba! Moron!

  45. And.. If i shot 2 bigfoots, i am retrieving those bodies immediately. I would drag those bastards as far as i had to, and if any other bigfoots tried to stop me from retrieving the bodies, they would also catch led. I would then drive/drag to the nearest town center, start honking my horn and start screaming "HOLY SHIT LOOK WHAT I JUST SHOT OMG WTF EVERYONE OMG. Fuck forest rangers, cops, whoever. I just made the scientific discovery of the century. Hell... Let em lock me up. Id be out in 1 day on bail and would have to pay a fine for poaching at most. Screw that. I would NOT be dealing with FOOTERS on any level. Strictly msnbc, fox, ny times, people magazine, nat geo. Not posting on forums "2 weeks ago i shot a couple weird lookin bears".

    1. Yep.... it's in the footers best interest to keep the evidence from the public.

    2. Yep.... it's in the footers best interest to keep the evidence from the public.

    3. why would footers want bigfoot to be public when they can charge $500 for an expedition to see the elusive beast

      they are doing just fine as it is

      moneymaker is sitting in video that he wont release... wonder why

    4. Yep.... it's in the footers best interest to keep the evidence from the public.

  46. Smeja was up to no good and he came up with story as a cover up. The authorities really should look into this just in case he shot and killed a human. That could explain why he panicked liked he did. I can't really see someone getting into a lot of trouble if they shot and killed bigfoot. They might get a bunch of crap from some people but it would be the find of the century.


    1. Problem is, authorities won't do that because it's a Bigfoot related case. The official word is such things don't exist so why do it, why bring attention when they're not interested in it being found.

  47. Earth shattering news here folks. The DNA results are in. I have it on good authority that Justin is indeed the lovechild of actors Chris Burke(Corkey) and Denver Pyle(mad jack).

    1. I think they did the DNA test on you ( anon 11:34) and found that you are a new species of Nimrod! Step on up folks! See the idiot Moron!

  48. I promise it's true... Robert "creepers" Lindsay reported it on his blog a few months ago. Sorry, Cant find the link right now.

  49. The JREF footers are going bonkers over this story. Some of them bleeve it happened but that he shot at humans others want to punch him in the face for shooting a Bigfoot they claim not to bleeve in. What a bunch of

    1. Yeah, they are total dumbasses for not believing in a creature that does not exist. Omg lol wtf

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