Watch this: Bigfoot throws rock at kayakers on the Milwaukee river

Rock throwing is typical Bigfoot behavior. Some say it's a territorial thing and Sasquaches only do it when their territory is infringed upon. It's been reported both before and after eyewitnesses see Bigfoot. According to the witnesses in the video you're about to watch, this happened to them twice while kayaking the Milwaukee river:

This is second time we've had rocks thrown at us kayaking the Milwaukee river. First time was during a serious thunderstorm a couple buddies got caught in while kayaking so very doubtful its human. Rock throwing has been reported as typical bigfoot behavior. We didn't hear a sound other than the medium sized rock hitting the water.


  1. What are some good kayaking words? Rapids. "I'm in the rapids, I'm in the rapids!!"

    1. A rock splashes....afuggin Bigfoot I bet!

    2. Rule #1:

      Anytime you can't identify as to where a rock came from its obviously Bigfoot.

  2. Why did they stop filming if they thought it was a BF?

    1. Because everyone from 5th grade up knows Bigfoot is bullshit! why bother filming lies!??

    2. Why bother trying to corrupt the science of biology with your redneck religion?

    3. why bother breathing! die troll die!

    4. u mad footer? I'm shure yelling at all the logic and reason and calling it a troll will make it go away.

  3. Replies
    1. Bigfoot-itis, that is why.

    2. Knock the smut off. I know kids who like to go to this site. Can whoever runs this site please censor this stuff ( especially Anon 12:14).

    3. Maybe their parents should monitor their Internet activity. Just a thought.

    4. Anon 2:23,

      You SMF, funny but sick. Haha.

    5. It wasn't a rock, it was a Patty turd. Fresh from anus!

    6. Anon 2:08 nock it off!

    7. So they can't even go on a Bigfoot site ? Come on! It seems to be the same individual who is doing the majority of the bad language and never has anything serious to say or contribute. Sounds like someone needed a parent to have taught them to not swear and talk dirty!

    8. All it takes is one person to ruin a good site so kids can't even go on a site. There is an idiot on a children's site also who uses foul language so how do you moniter that? Helicopter parent. It takes the grown ups to clean up their act.

  4. Okay, for all you peeps that never threw a rock before... Notice the splash is perfectly vertical, that, is to say, the object (rock) 'dropped' from a point overhead - directly overhead. If it was thrown, it would have made a splash slightly to grossly in the opposite direction of where the 'throw' originated from. Hey, have you ever thrown a rock at water? What dropped was something from the over-hanging branch from the tree, growing on the bank.

  5. thank you, Anonymous 6/4/2012 10:52.

    How about this. Nothing should be directly attributed to bigfoot, nothing at all, except that which has video or witnesses that observe the bigfoot doing the behaviour in question. Further, the witnesses can't be insane, hallucinating, or simply misidentifying the animal in question via illusion.

    Grunts in the woods? Not bigfoot unless you have video footage showing the face of the bigfoot as it makes the sound, or directly witness it.

    Glowing eyes? Not bigfoot.

    I don't care if there is footage of the bigfoot walking behind cover, then noise appears to originate from that general direction, that noise still should not be attributed to the bigfoot, but rather should be "noise originating from the general direction of the animal after the animal made cover."

    1. Rocks magically falling from the sky lol that's what u rather believe? LOL

    2. nothing in this video suggests that is a rock falling in the river. It's just a splash. How do we know the tree they're passing isn't a apple tree or something like that? Which is more likely? That a bigfoot dropped a rock straight down into the water, or the tree dropped fruit?

      You're fooling yourself if you believe this had anything to do with mysterious hairy beasts.

    3. First rule of Bigfoot hoaxing is that somewhere in your video you have to say, "Hey, is that Bigfoot?"

    4. The guy did say this was the 2nd time it happened, so maybe he had the idea in the back of his mind.

  6. Well I think they stopped filming because Melba said they are camera shy. Therefore these 2 dudes didn't want to offend or scare away the Sasquatch.

  7. One thing about this rock throwing business I've wondered about is if sasquatches are apes (they're not) then how could they throw so precisely and never hit you but always a close shave, tells me they're way more intelligent and know exactly what they're doing this isn't some defense of instinctive animal act but a hominin species scaring the pesty little hairless cousins off.

    1. ever seen monkeys throw poo? they can be accurate as hell!

    2. Yeah but that's just the point, the bigfoot rocks are never hitting you giving rise to the idea of higher intelligence and calculation.

  8. could have just been a turtle , or perhaps a water snake dropping out of the tree into the water

    1. I agree. I was thinking that the splash was going to be nearer to the kayaks. This is definitely a case of jumping to conclusions.

  9. This is the real deal, folks.

    1. If real deal is: an unidentified source chucking a rock being tossed, then yep, its the real deal.

    2. What other creature throws rocks as a defense? Porcupines? Nope sorry, just squatch.

    3. Anon 2:52,

      How do you know it was a rock?

      How do you know a Squatch chucked it?

      I know this is Shawn just by the porcupine comment alone. Who other than you or another BF Evidence administrator would know whose i.p. addresses were attributed to prior post? So Shawn, what "evidence" do you have to support your Sasquatch tossing of an unidentifiable object? I like you Shawn but come clean on this one.

    4. I know you'll hate this Shawn BUT you can't rule out a "porcupine" falling out of a tree. Yep, that's my guess.

  10. The story about how to smelt copper was much more interesting than the splash.

  11. for all we know there were kids hanging out over there.... this is such a nothing video as it ends right when he says "bigfoot"....

    nothing to see here

    1. In all honesty, "nothing to see here" is the best way and ironically (due to nothing being seen) the correct way to sum this up. There is absolutely "nothing" to see.

      Why people continually grasp at straws is beyond me. For all we know a porcupine fell out of a tree.

  12. More lame BF evidence....

  13. "Evidence" like this is embarrassing. But the objective was indeed accomplished: all of us patronized this site and watched the video.

  14. Did anyone ever think it could have been a nut that just fell off a tree and splashed into the water?

    1. LOL u skeptics make anything up than beleive in sasquatch. How often do nuts fall from trees in a river?

      Answer: hardly ever

      How often does squatch throw rocks?
      Answer: very often

      But no, it was nuts.

      BTW, why are you thinking about "nuts" so much lol have something to tell us?

    2. So you think Sasquatch throw rocks more often than nuts fall from trees?
      Alrighty then

  15. Bigfoot is rather useless when trees can toss nuts.


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