Trailer For $130,000 Book By FB/FB Promises To Make Skeptics Look Naive And Uneducated

Alright folks, this is the book we've all been waiting for. After $130,000 and years in the making, this is what it comes down to. These series of books, "You Are Sasquatch" and "The Smarter Ape Theory" will blow your mind and all you numb skulls, skeptics, fools, and non believers, be prepared to look dumb.

Even wildlife biologist Dr. John Bindernagel has read it and he thinks their ideas are "bold, provocative ideas, which are well worth considering".

According to FB/FB, the books boldly describes not only the evidence for the existence of a Sasquatch. But why Sasquatch must exist for you to exist. It explains why Sasquatch exist in the whole of North America.

Watch below:


  1. The video is blocked by NatGeo, at least for me it is.

    1. Same here, clearly they do not wish to get their message across to an international audience, well no matter if they can't be bothered neither can I.

    2. Same. It's because we're Canadian. :)

    3. Me too, probably sucked anyway. Let's go Canada!!! Maple leaf 4ever!

  2. Did anybody catch the last words?

    "Your friends will no have answer for this book"

    Read it again.

  3. you arent missing much, no clue why you would even give this video any publicity. i feel bad just for watching it and commenting its such a joke

  4. Why did they let that guy do the preview for the book? We all knew he was going to screw something up.

    Can't they make him read it again so it's correct? Do they not know how to edit or proof read what they write?

  5. Hehe.Hahaha.Hehahaha.Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!

  6. Good marketing; They are saying "here is something to rub in the face of a skeptic" to people looking for those kinds of things, and maybe throwing down a gauntlet as well. Anyway, an ebook with links to videos is a cool idea.

  7. Replies
    1. Big Bro, on their page its stated the 130 large includes the cost of the site. Also, they probably filmed some of the footage the book will link to. Don't know much about it, but I can believe that is the cost of the project.

  8. Bigfoot is so elusive,they survived the american civil wars amongst union,confederate,native americans and brits.Hell some of them young adult males could rip shaqs head off and shit down it.

  9. You know, when Dr. Jeff Meldrum discusses Sasquatch, it's obviously not personal for him. That's why he's compelling.

    For the FB/FB guys, however, it IS personal! That's one reason why they are not persuasive. Even with this book promotion, there is something about it that suggests it is partly motivated by juvenile pique. "Nanny nanny nanny, I told you Sasquatch was real!"

    A second reason they are unpersuasive is that they think assuming the truth of Sasquatch is equivalent to an argument. Calling a video or a photo "obviously Sasquatch" is not an argument. An assertion that something is true is not evidence that it's true.

    A third reason is that they reach way beyond reason when they examine photos or video. When a feature on a photo of an alleged Sasquatch is only two pixels wide, it's a huge stretch to claim that it is a "brow ridge". But they do this constantly! Excuse me for being unreasonable, but two contrasting-colored pixels does not make a brow ridge, a sloped forehead, or a cone-shaped head.

    My inclination is to think that Sasquatch is a real hominid. But it is not based on the alleged "arguments" provided by FB/FB.

    1. I agree, Sasquai. FB/FB annoys me a bit now. They took a good idea, cataloguing and analyzing film and pics, and marred it; Over reaching, lack of criticism to the point of parody, good old pareidolia and videos known not to represent a squatch(Idaho bear) weakens the good stuff.

    2. Tom, good assessment about the FBFB guys. They're clowns. Now to Meldrum, I think it is a little personal to him. However, he is a professional and he is able to suppress his emotions during discussions. This ability is what separates the pros from the amateurs and furthermore, is the only reason I continue to follow this subject. That is: "the Doctors". Everyone else (with the exception of about 1%) are blowhards who will think they've won an argument as long as they yell the loudest. I love real science and there's only an extremely small number of people involved in this field that are worthy of being taken seriously. Everyone else is a fat joke and hurt the field tremendously, period.

    3. Wow Tom, excellent post. Thank you for that, I feel like you said everything I wanted to say so now I don´t have to. That is a good feeling, to feel that the general opinion about FB/FB is that THEY are naive and uneducated.


    4. What a load of nonsense. The two middle names of most skeptics are Naive and Ignorant, and guess what they love it.

  10. It was not blocked for me not sure why for you but I think they throw away a lot of money on this just for a book. But I agree linking some parts of it to other videos with the e-readier is neat. But I don’t think that a book could ever change the mind of a skeptic only a hunk of meat will do that or a body.

  11. No dought in my my mind. I hike the foothills trail often s.c,n.c,ga. sometimes only one whoop or two if you stay in your camp.

  12. its more like a whooooooooop

  13. laurel valley some call it the horse pasture. Its around the jocassee gorge area in s.c

  14. Fact: kids hoaxed these "experts". Sorry, they don't know what they are talking about.

    1. Nope. And they're morons if they actually spent that much on an e-book. They won't even get close to making the money back, but I doubt they really even had that much to spend.

    2. Fooled by kids more than a few times. Its pathetic. Even more disappointing is the fact that Meldrum sought them out for analysis. I hope Meldeum isn't starting to get consumed by this field like the vast majority of blowhards out there are. Take MK Davis as a perfect example of what this field can do to a man. He's lost it, nuttier than a fruitcake now.

    3. Wrong dude, MK's revealed the ugly truth most complacent bigfooters don't want to hear.

    4. Lmao, oh yes, a massacre. His latest concoction turned a bald man wearing a shirt under an unbuttoned or unzipped jacket while trotting downhill into a White Bigfoot. LMFAO, drink Drano.

    5. The massacre thing isn't his idea, watch his videos to hear it explained. There's two sasquatches in the pgf it's just an unpopular proposal.

  15. I have never heard anything like this. They are somthing out there. I got out of my tent and pissed one night in bf on the chatooga, and something pissed outside my tent just like a human pissing

  16. Replies
    1. Haha, that part of the video was hilarious:


    2. Then there's the: "rise pause fall....up and down....rise pause fall....up and down....rise pause fall....up and down....rise pause fall....up and down"

      Truly hilarious!

  17. Yes but I can fully understand their fervor. Look at the trolls here. They represent the common skeptic and if or when it is confirmed, I would be lying if I said I would not gloat in my own version of "nanny nanny boo boo".

    "Main stream science" has historically always blinded it's self. In the 1400's Europe considered it's self "Enlightened" and the scientific staple of a world that was flat and the center of the universe. It's Universities said so. Meanwhile, as they lived in their flat world of blood letting, Native Americans were creating medicine out of herbs and inventing Trigonometry and creating a perfect calender knowing full well the earth was round.

    Even today how do we know what scientific fact is? We were taught that the earth's core is iron followed by a mantel and then a crust? We have never been there. How do we know that Jupiter is a gas giant or Venus has oceans of acid? How do we know that the universe is full of galaxies that are pulling away from a big bang or that stars have a certain life-cycle? What if our own Galaxy is shaped like a huge disco ball and every thing we see are distorted reflections?

    I am not saying I believe nor disbelieve any of this, only that a-lot of main stream science is based on theory and then tries to fit in the pieces later thus closing it's self to other possibilities.

    1. Not to mention the above book's quote of "making skeptics look naive and uneducated" is one of the most childish things I have ever heard from someone who was trying to be taken seriously. There is nothing more logical and educated than critical thinking. One must never accept anything at face value. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! Look at the data for yourself than make your own decisions. I reckon most skeptics (like myself) are folks who believed when they were kids and as they got older they got less and less sure until finally they came to the conclusion it probably doesn't exist. Most of us would be as happy as hell to be proven wrong. Cuz how cool would that be for Bigfoot to be real?!!!

      But like Monk says "you might be right, but I don't think so"

    2. You need to read a book on the history of western astronomy. Try "A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler" J.L.E Dryer. Natural philosophers knew the world was round as far back as Pythagoras. A few religious loons in the period you mention were "flat-earthers" along with clueless(like you) peasants. Sick of this false "flat earth" analogy. As for trig? Google Hipparchus and Ptolemy and learn that trig has been around since at least 150 BC.
      You are the troll, spreading false information.

    3. Stop being so cocky Nicky. Knowing these hairy giants do exist I can already both confirm it to you and guarantee that you will be proven wrong.
      Of course being skeptic you won't believe that at face value nor would I dream of asking or expecting you to only saying you need to pay less attention to what your mainstream science gods are saying in their sterile secluded labs, and start grasping you actually get conned in adulthood (based on no proof) into thinking this is fairy tales even though it's possible given the vastness of US/Canadian forests and mountains.
      In other words, the brain actually shrinks with age and you lose patience for the unknown while in comes the joking and resignation instead. For some that is, others still seem to fathom it much better than the childish skeptics, oh yes skepticism is very nearly making you sick and that's everything but healthy so in truth the FB/FB guys couldn't be more right about this.

    4. Tzieth is butthurt. There's just no "proof" and it eats at him like a Bigfoot on a baby. Sasquatch do eat babies and must be eradicated. I'm a Shaman and have actually witnessed a child swooped up at night and never to be seen again. Now, why couldn't we find the child? The only conclusion is that it was consumed by the forest people. They are a threat to anyone in the forest who is unarmed. Even if you are armed, they travel in groups of 3 to 4. So even if you do shoot one you can still be easily killed, that is unless you are a quickdraw and put 3 to 4 perfect shots out there prior to one reaching you.

    5. Tzieth, was making the argument that there is no PROOF either way. He is keeping the open minded stance,

      read it again, Anon10:30

    6. No Leon Libtard! You read it again. The first paragraph is all you need to know where he stands. Libtard!

    7. Read his last paragraph ASS-WIPE anona 12:30. He states his position bluntly---- He's keeping an open mind.

      Hey everybody ----- I've been called Liberal. Someone wasn't paying attention.

      You Libtards want to clame me?

    8. not unless you can spell "claim"...repubitard

    9. "AnonymousSaturday, June 16, 2012 7:03:00 AM PDT
      You need to read a book on the history of western astronomy. Try "A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler" J.L.E Dryer. Natural philosophers knew the world was round as far back as Pythagoras. A few religious loons in the period you mention were "flat-earthers" along with clueless(like you) peasants. Sick of this false "flat earth" analogy. As for trig? Google Hipparchus and Ptolemy and learn that trig has been around since at least 150 BC.
      You are the troll, spreading false information."

      And you called me a Troll? lol Aside from making a personal attack and hiding behind an anom title, you tell me to read a History book and then tell me to google something? First off I was a history major before changing to CJ. So if you want to get technical about trig, ancient Indians (as in from India) and the ancient Babylonians developed Trigonometry long before the Greeks.

      The Mayans and Aztecs had no contact with the western world, yet developed their own version of Trig and calculus. And there is no telling how long they had it. My point was that there was no scientific canon for them, nor for the Egyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, nor the Greeks. The dogma started when Universities started. And Universities back then were controlled by the same "Religious Loons" that you speak of. Today Universities are still controlled by religion. Only instead of Christianity it is Atheistic. BOTH are close minded and both based their science on their own philosophical views.

      The Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians and Chinese all had their own Gods but they took an agnostic approach to science. It was based on trial and error not on theories as a platform, but solid facts. This is what I was stating. This is why we are force-fed unproven BS from the time we are young.

      Here are some scientific "FACTS" taught to me back in grade-school.
      1. Brontosaurus was a vegetarian
      2. There is no water on Mars
      3. Pluto is the 9th planet of our solar-system
      4. Brain cells to not reproduce

      Well, Brontosaurus never existed because someone put the wrong skull on the wrong body. There IS water on Mars, Pluto is no longer considered a planet and we now know brain cells do indeed reproduce. But at a young age we were taught that this unconfirmed crap was "FACT"

      Now we have this problem. Trolls stating that there is no proof that Sasquatch exists when in reality there is more than enough evidence to count as proof in the eyes of the law. But the Trolls are right as far as the mainstream is concerened.

      Eyewitness testimony, Audio recordings, Finger-prints hair samples and DNA. This is proof enough to condemn a person to death yet it is not proof enough for mainstream science to at least concede of the possibility that they could exist? There is certainly more evidence than Mars having no water or Jupiter's core consisting of densely compressed gas with no landmass.

    10. No T, the indians and babylonians had rules of thumb, in ancient Egypt they were known as "sequet"(sic?) calculations. Formal trig(=theorems derived from facts of axiomatic Euclidean geometry) is the provence of the Greeks. Aside from additions, the way it is presented in Ptolomy's astronomy manuscripts is exactly the way the subject(plane trigonometry) is understood today. The words have only changed, sine=1/2(chord of circle), the starting point is similar triangles, and the method of proofs is to use algebraic formulas which are equivalent to the old school ruler and compass methods.
      This is not meant to demean other cultures, who made amazing extrapolations of their observational data. The FACT is the greeks were the first to practice math and astronomy in a manner that resembles the modern stuff. You can still use Ptolemy's epicycle system to calculate many celestial orbits. You may have majored in 'history" at some point, but in no way was the emphasis on the history of science. The stuff I am telling you is basic. Another thing, religious loons did give the lectures at medieval universities: great advances were made when the scholars at these places recovered the works of the ancients directly or from secondary arabic sources.
      GOOGLE "renaissance of the 12th century" to find a good starting point for the history of european universities and the people involved. "Flat earthers" my ass.
      Sorry if the troll comment offended you, but to me stating an historic or scientific falsehood is worse then what that term usually implies; it makes people worse than ignorant.
      Glad to hear brain cells grow back, for reasons I'd rather not discuss. Probably the same reasons I believe there just may be something amazing beneath all this madness. :)

    11. Okay, no offense taken. My point was that when religion or fixed philosophy influence mainstream research, doors get shut.

      You are right, when it comes to scientific history this is not my field. Ancient civilizations were. And there were so many scientific advancements that were made by each civilization when nothing was mainstream. Thanks to the burning of the Alexandrian Lighthouse, there is no telling just how advanced they were. We still do not know how Greek Fire was made.

    12. Yes, sorry again. Its amazing what these people accomplished with no optical devices. Geniuses, without doubt. The influence of the Babylonians can be seen whenever you look at a clock or measure an angle(they worked in base 60, because it has a lot of divisors).
      You are probably right that the available evidence ought to be enough to get mainstream scientists interested(or more of them,anyway). Maybe the Sykes project will encourage that.

  18. Beyond their video analysis, this book presents a fascinating and challenging theory of possible human origins or relationship to the sasquatch. It is well worth considering, and I found it to be an enjoyable read in its draft version.

    I say the above as one who has regularly had criticisms or reservations about some of their Facebook presentations.

  19. This is the way it works:

    Person confronts problem "what is Jupiter's structure and makeup?"

    person creates hypothesis based on available data and/or makes an educated guess."I believe Jupiter is a giant ball of gas"

    person then tests this hypothesis by using all the available equipment, methodology and materials. Like telescopes, radio telescopes,spectroscopy...etc

    person gathers up the results of above experiment and comes to a conclusion that either proves or disproves said hypothesis "it turns out Jupiter IS gas planet made up of 79% Hydrogen 20% Helium and 1% other gasses

    Person than communicates discovery to other scientists and the public at large "hey, check it out, Jupiter is made of gas"

    This still exists as a theory, but a scientific theory isn't the same as "I have a guess" it is sometimes even stronger than a scientific law. scientific theory means "look at this thing I have proven and it applies to this set of circumstances" we could logically call Newtons 3 laws of motions theories if we wanted to, E=MC2 is a "theory" but it's been proven and repeated in test after test.

    That's how science works. .

    1. "
      person then tests this hypothesis by using all the available equipment, methodology and materials. Like telescopes, radio telescopes,spectroscopy...etc"

      And here is the problem with that. We can't see past Jupiter's atmosphere. And no probe can get close enough to it without being pulled in. We spent more time looking at Jupiter's moons than we have the planet. It's the same with Venus. We can't see past the cloud cover. Yet somehow hypothesis (an educated guess) is taught as fact to us while in elementary school back when we were taught to trust adults. In a way it was brainwashed into us. Same with History.

      Here is an example, Nick.. Why are you a skeptic? Is it because you were taught that all the other hominids died out long ago? Yes it is true and it is proven by science that long ago we existed concurrent with other Hominids for a short time and then our fossil records continued where theirs did not. However, we also know that we pretty much hit the ground running. Along with our own fossils, were tools, weapons and cities in a relatively short period of time. We found our prehistoric remains in the plains of Africa and Asia. Yet nothing in-between indicating the migration. If we died in the jungles we would not have left fossils as our bones would have been picked apart by animals and then further torn down by fungi and micro organisms. If we died in the desert we would be picked apart by carrion and our bones would be dried to powder over time. fossilization is only possible in low lying grasslands areas and an act of god. You need to die, and immediately somehow get buried in mud before any wild animals can get to you. further more, you need repeated floods to deposit limestone in the mold your bones left.

      So why is it so hard to contemplate that we simply pushed the other hominids out of the plains and into the jungles and forests and mountains?

      as for "E=MC2 is a "theory" but it's been proven and repeated in test after test."

      I fully agree with you. That is how science SHOULD work. It was tested then proven. Jupiter, was not. Critical thinking is understanding how much BS is actually in our mainstream science and knowing that other possibilities may exist. But what is happening is science coming up with good educated guesses, but not testing them. Instead they are trying to use it as a base and force fitting the pieces. Evolution for example. It's a good theory but it somehow got worked in as a fact that we base biology off of. Yet there are too many square pegs. The platypus, for example. Or even the hominids we do have records of. There should be a long list of subtle changes in each type until it gradually became human. But there is not. So now we get back to critical thinking. IF Alma, Sasquatch, Yeti, Oreng-Pendek, and Skunkape are all confirmed and all the different hominids we have in fossil record, then what? Almost everything we base biology on will be turned upside down. So mainstream science would have an agenda to cover it up or look the other way. Imagine all the PHD's that would then be meaningless.

      Sorry for the long post, but I was addressing both your posts.

    2. Newtons 3 laws are postulates Nick, I think the theory is the mathematical equations derived from them that are supposed to model observations. The equation mc^2 is a theory, and that equation is derived from 2 postulates. Remember just because a model "works" does not mean it is the end-all. Newtons law of gravitational attraction(did not work so well for mercury) turned out to be a first order approximation to the equations in Einstein's general theory.
      Nick, I appreciate your comments below this and other posts that explain what constitutes "scientific acceptance". Also,you and some others do a good job of trying to teach people a little about dna and genetics.

    3. Best evidence for BF since Copernicus

  20. If you want to apply it to Bigfoot you would do this :


    Is there a large unknown primate/hominid in N.America?


    Yes I think there is a large as yet discovered animal here.

    Experiment: attempt to gather undeniable physical evidence ,active video evidence, clear Nat Geo quality photographs,Habitat surveys, available food surveys, deal with all of the weather issues...etc and perhaps a type specimen itself (these are required for any new species of frog that gets found, why is Bigfoot different? The fossil record even gives us type specimens)

    Collate the data:

    there are interesting footprints, eyewitness accounts and an alleged DNA study, but as of yet there is no undeniable evidence to support the existence of an unknown primate, though this does not remove it from possiblity

    Communicate the results:

    Study's conclusion cannot support the existence of an unknown animal at this time, though these results are not the final word as the available evidence could change which may result in a conclusion reversal

    All of these things HAVE been done by real scientists and nobody has found anything undeniable yet. Many legit scientists have worked in this field and they finally either died, quit or are still going strong. The fact that some of them get @#$%! about it from their colleagues is because ,in science, grant money, tenure and other things are tough to come by and most scientists think that it would be better spent working on impactful real world things than in chasing "maybe's" you can disagree all you want with this idea, but that doesn't mean that mainstream science is somehow out to keep this under wraps or hush it up.

    If Bigfoot got hit by a truck tomorrow, scientists would be all over it, and THAT would be the death of the Professional "Bigfoot Researcher". The sorta carnival atmosphere (along with it's hucksters, con men and scoundrels) would be replaced by PHD's and grad students. I wouldn't be surprised if the higher ups in footery know this, and secretly don't want proof to be found, their meal ticket would end

    1. Nah, with Bigfoot proven real tomorrow by that truck it wouldn't end the other researchers' work. On the contrary, they'd still very much be needed in the field as guides, experts, etc. The search would go on to learn more, science would merely have proven the species' reality.

    2. You're absolutely right. No questioning this.

    3. Nick, did you hear last week or two that experiments in the Super Hedron Collider rendered evidence that E=MC2 May very well be WRONG.

      That is the problem, Science is wrong all the time.

      And it is just as Religious as "Religion"

    4. I agree leon W. Skepticism is dogma.

    5. Relativity is a theory Leon. You remain a moron.

    6. Leon, religion sticks to it's beliefs no matter what, while science admits theories are outdated and come up with new ones often. You just stated as much in you E=MC2/Collider information. That is the difference. Science may be slow to change sometimes, but in the face of evidence it always does.

  21. The history and legacy of bigfoot investigations is marked with fantastic claims and huge let downs.

    1. Absolutely. Nobody can deny this either.

    2. Let down because the species is clever enough not wanting to be conned and found by its smaller more stupid hairless cousins? Bigfoot wins this search effortlessly.

  22. They struck a nerve here, didn't they? Here's the bottom line for me. I want to believe, so I'll buy the book. Besides I'm entertained by their clever marketing, be good to encourage these guys.

  23. I have fantesies about being held captured by bigfoot and him forcing hisself on me. LEGS IN THE AIR WHAT WHAT???? ------------ even commenting on it makes me feeling fine and wanting to get bus-say------------------?????!!!!!

    anyone else get them feelings for bigfoot????????????

  24. @Leon: We'd appreciate it if you didn't post comments here anymore. You don't stay on topic and you make virtually no sense at all. You need to seek professional help, from a psychiatrist, and an English teacher.

    1. look Her you Faggot ANONA, YOU FALSELY POST UNDER MY NAME AND THEN 1 OR 2 MIN LATER, You post as an ANONA PUSS. everyone knows a coward, stupid libtard when they see one.

      Fucking useless so you cheet. Kinda like Obama granting amnesty to a bunch of illegals because he knows he is about to get a beating at the voting booth.

      I can't win, so I'll move the goal post. Typical useless libtard!!

    2. leon w = robert lyndsey = shawn evidence = van jones = reverend wright = greatness!

  25. Being someone.. that always considers, and doesn't like to condemn, what .. I myself, am unsure of and don't yet understand.. I look forward, to reading and learning something from this book.

    1. You won't be "learning" anything. You'll be subjected to wild claims and that's it. There's no "proof", how do you "learn" without NO PROOF?

    2. Excuse me, I meant: how do you learn without ANY PROOF?


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