This is why Henry May is the "Gandalf the White" of Bigfoot

Yes, Bob Heironimus and Phillip Morris both bragged about hoaxing the Patterson-Gimlin film. According to Henry May, Heironimus and Morris were debunked by a team of heavy hitters in the Bigfoot community years ago. Now that P/G Film is once again being dragged through the mud into a new Bigfoot documentary purportedly being produced by Tom Biscardi, Henry is pretty upset and he's determined to set the record straight. He believes that the P/G film shows a real Sasquatch. "Even if it is a guy in a suit, it certainly isn't Heironimus," Henry said.

What we like about Henry is that he's full of knowledge and wisdom. He's like the white wizard from Lord of the Rings, and he stands his ground like a true champion of Bigfoot.


Here's the new documentary that claims to have critical information that will debunk the P/G film:


  1. "Walking Squatchopedia" is one thing, but "Gandalf the White" may be going too far.... I'm sure even Henry would say that John Green makes a better Gandalf; plus, I think Henry is more of a Hobbit or elf.

    1. ^Yeah, but look at your profile pic Steve - pretty Gollum-like dude.

    2. dwarf actually, hes as tall as he is wide....

  2. I concur with Steven-but IF I were to accept being Gandalf, then John Green would be Yoda. But I think he is definitely more the Gandalf type. As far as me being a Hobbit or Elf, well, I dunno...

  3. I concur also.

    Streufert = Marty Feldman
    May = D.W. Darkwing

  4. I think this may be a good thread :)

  5. I like Henry; if I was a bit more flush I'd send him a tripod.

  6. I like 'Say it twice' May also, but then again, I also like porn so what do I know?

  7. Yes you guys should all believe what henry says,dosnt matter that the only research he does is how fast he can eat a bag of chips..he has never done any research in the field..just like all you idiots..

    1. Is this the "pay your dues to the old guard" thing again?

    2. No, just your basic run of the mill food consumption comment.

  8. "Found the suit in her car"

    It's not like a sweet wrapper or a lost dollar note now is it?

    So, as this is vague. When exactly did she find the suit? please don't say just recently.

    All that is required now however, is for good old Herbivore to get back in said suit and re-shoot comparitive footage. I don't see that happening somehow.

    1. It's obvious. She found the suit in 1968, thought it was her son/husband's newest hunting trophy, since she is very anti-gun she thought it would be a fun lesson to teach him by "accidentally" dropping it in a bonfire.

  9. Henry the psycho lives with his mommy and granny and lets the tax payers pay his salary. Loser.

    1. Doesn't work and gets paid...Sound pretty cool to me. Where do I sign?

  10. how come no 1 ever says "THE CREATURE I SAW LOOKED JUST LIKE PATTY?" BTW, I am. Believer in the film.

  11. This is the ghost of Beckjord.

    Henry learnt everything he knows off of my website.

    I am the first and foremost analysis of the PGF and say it is not a man in a suit but an international time travel spoon sales man. I still have a copy for sale for $1,000,000 that Streufert never fleeced from my home when he came after my death to clear it out. The worthless c*nt!


  12. But but but Henry .... Tom BISCARDI is producing this movie!! So it HAS to be reliable! I mean, just listen to his podcast, every week the opening announcer tells you specifically that Biscardi is: "The world's most respected authority on the phenomena known as Bigfoot." If the announcer tells you that on an internet podcast, it MUST be true!!

    Cut him some slack, you can not in good faith dis the world's most respected authority. Seriously.


    1. This is the ghost of Beckjord

      We have photo of the penis of Bigfoot in 35mm, and the rest of him, (ten ft tall!), next to an SUV.

      Letterman says is too weird for a 3rd appearance on show, also, we have the Loch Ness Monster on 16mm film, ufos on film, the crop circles solution, and more. We lecture, do research.

      Read the real-life adventures of a real - life "Raiders of the Lost Ark" hero , also an "Angelheaded hipster" - honorary Ken Kesey Kerry Prankster. Relic of the 60s.

      Peoples' Park filmmaker. World traveler, film crew member on the Deer Hunter. Mermaid, Nessie and Bigfoot hunter (and finder), yachtsman,photographer, filmmaker,visionary, Zen practitioner, explorer, adventurer.

      email 925-385-0422 serious calls only.

    2. This is the ghost of Beckjord

      We have photo of the penis of Bigfoot in 35mm, and the rest of him, (ten ft tall!), next to an SUV.

      Letterman says is too weird for a 3rd appearance on show, also, we have the Loch Ness Monster on 16mm film, ufos on film, the crop circles solution, and more. We lecture, do research.

      Read the real-life adventures of a real - life "Raiders of the Lost Ark" hero , also an "Angelheaded hipster" - honorary Ken Kesey Kerry Prankster. Relic of the 60s.

      Peoples' Park filmmaker. World traveler, film crew member on the Deer Hunter. Mermaid, Nessie and Bigfoot hunter (and finder), yachtsman,photographer, filmmaker,visionary, Zen practitioner, explorer, adventurer.

      email 925-385-0422 serious calls only.

  13. anon 617 you must be listening in every week or you wouldnt know what they say..then again i guess when you spend your time on the couch listening to AND appearing on blogtalk shows instead of researching that makes all of you a bunch of lazy henrys ha

  14. This is the ghost of Beckjord


    Here is how it comes down:

    Long's book, "the Making of Bigfoot", is useless without Yakima retired Pepsi plant worker
    Bob Hieronimous.

    BH claimed to be in a gorilla suit in the film.

    Bob Gimlin categorically denies BH was with them at all, in any way, never, at Bluff Creek.

    I have this on tape.

    BH said he drove to BC and walked the last mile to the site.

    Gimlin says they had to go by horse for 30 miles.

    Tests at the site by John Green show that the BF had to be 6'5".

    Bob H. is only 5'10", and I saw this in person at his house.

    The film shows a shape-shifter and BH cannot do that.

    The film shows a child on the front and another on the back, and BH

    never said he had any on the alleged costume.

    The stride of the tracks was 41 in. I am taller than BH, (6'1") and I cannot maintain 41 in stride,

    except by strain and a slight leap. BH cannot do this for 500-900 feet.

    Nobody can, except Wilt Chamberlin. (7 ft tall)


    BUT HE NEVER DID SO WEARING 14.5 INCH "FEET"......CLOWN FEET. (You try it...)

    The same gullible tv crews say he had a sunlight glint (seen in frame 346) happen from his

    false eye. HOWEVER, tests with a similar glass sphere (eye) in full sunlight, show no glint,

    and the reflection is diffused and weak DUE TO CONVEX SHAPE OPTICS. Further, any costume

    head would shield the eyeball from the sun, and it would be in shade.

    Plus there are dozens of other reasons, muscles show in the film, the chest of BH

    would rattle like a reed in a large pipe inside a full-sized BF costume and he could

    never lower his arms. Many other researchers including John Green have offered

    reasons why BH is full of BS. This makes Greg Long also fail, and the book as well.

    Webmaster - Jon-Erik Beckjord

    1. Jon-Erik Beckjord has been proven to have strange ideas about the PGF with a deranged sense of pareidolia. Seeing 47 bigfoots with silly little red circles. This opinion has been dismissed as worthless by the rest of the Bigfoot world.

      BH with a football helmet and shoulder pads would fit in the suit

      the tracks are fake (and there is a lot of evidence to this effect)

      There is no evidence for 500-900 feet of tracks.... where is it?

      Nobody else sees baby bigfoots on the PGF except for him and the guy with the silly BIGFOOT MASSACRE theory.

      Crackpot alert, ignore and move on.

    2. There has never been any evidence presented that proves the tracks at the P/G Film site were hoaxed. The casts themselves are a direct match to the foot shown (Patty's foot)in the video. Evidently you've never had access to any of Bill Munn's high resolution scans or you wouldn't be spouting obvious untruths about the P/G film. Trying to sway those to your way of thinking by throwing mud and hoping some sticks is a pure denialist mentality and it serves no purpose except maybe the purpose of trolling. Get educated on the subject before you comment is the tip for today. Those who are tire of nonsense.

  15. I love Henry May more than life itself.

  16. Streufert has Betty Davis eyes.

    1. Yeah, he is kind of creepy looking, isn't he?

  17. Bob Heironimus passed a lie detector test when asked if he was the man in the suit.

    Gimlin refuses to take a lie detector.

    Heironimus is willing to sit down, face to face with Gimlin about his role in the film, Gimlin refuses to do the same.

    Um yeah, Heironimus was the guy in the suit.

    1. Knave, how dare thou speaketh sense in the church of the squatch? Knowist thou not that such things as sense speaking, utilizing logic, and proclaiming the roundness of the earth are forbidden? Why hath one of the believers not falsely accused thee of trollerery?

    2. How dare you take the beloved Bob Gimlin's name in vain.
      Blasphemer, STONE HIM!

    3. It is written: Bigfoot shall once again pass before the soul it shall be.

    4. I bet my clenching his cheeks together. Google it......

    5. Damn, I sure killed this thread, didn't I?

  18. I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel, and he compares Henry May with Elaine May. He adores them both. Also, he likes Elaine Benes, Andy Benes, Andy Devine, Joey Devine, Joey Tribiani, and Felix the Cat.
    All of them know more about bigfoot than most new researchers. Jack knows that to be true because Darkwing said so. Jack thinks the real Bob Heironimus was killed in a boating accident in 1985 on Lake Mead, and the guy who is impersonating him is actually Bob Barker.

    1. I just got off the phone with Beckjord, pretty long distance as well, f*ckers dead!

      and he said which I will quote verbatim

      "Hey, they have no names, no degress! nothing, so BONK!!"

      I guess that says it all.

  19. I just got off the phone with jim fasano..He says"leave henry alone" I am getting his hand me down tighty whiteys

  20. I'll bet that GI chick from Abu Garab could get the truth out of Gremlin.

  21. Sally Ketchum here, we just got a sample in that proves that it was a Bigfoot wearing a suit!! They are so clever, they can fake us out and keep their existence a mystery!!!

    keep watching the news for an update soon!!

    (this post is for entertainment purposes only and the poster is not a real person either living or dead)

  22. Henry May ain't nuthin but a limping f bag of Doritos or Cheetos, take your pick orange fingers.


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