Smart Guy With Ph.D. Thinks Bigfoot Might Be An Alien

Franklin Ruehl is an American ufologist and cryptozoologist. Ruehl holds a Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from UCLA. Not only is he smart, he also believes that Bigfoot is an alien entity. In his latest article published on, Ruehl gives several reported incidence to support his theory.

One incident happened back in October 25, 1973 where a group of farmers in Fayette County, Pennsylvania saw some hairy aliens walking out from a brightly-lit UFO. Another related incident involving extraterrestrials happened in the late 1800s in Humbodlt County, CA. By considering all the strange occurrences that has been happened over the last 100 or so years, Ruehl entertains the idea that Bigfoots are probably exploring our planet willfully, or maybe they're "criminal entities being deposited on Earth as a form of cosmic deportation."

Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases.

The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair, with no neck, sitting cross-legged.

One Indian told him three of these "Crazy Bears" had been cast out of a small moon that dropped from the sky and landed.The "moon" then ascended back into the air. So it's highly likely the "Crazy Bears" were really Bigfoots, and the "moon," a spacecraft.

Now fast-forward almost 100 years to 1973... and Mrs. Reafa Heitfield. She and her 13-year-old son were sleeping in a trailer in Cincinnati, Ohio on the morning of October 21. Reafa arose at 2:30 a.m. to quench her thirst, and noticed strange lights in the adjoining parking lot. Looking out the window, her attention was drawn, in particular, to an inexplicable cone of light, shaped like a huge bubble umbrella -- about seven feet in diameter.

Nearby she spotted a grayish, ape-like creature with a large, downward angled snout, no neck and a sizable waist. Moving slowly, it then entered into the light. About five minutes later, both apeman and UFO disappeared.

Another dramatic incident occurred a few days later on October 25, 1973. A group of farmers in Fayette County, Pennsylvania caught sight of a dome-shaped UFO that was brightly lit and about 100 feet in diameter. As the locals drove toward it, they saw a pair of gargantuan creatures covered with thick, matted hair, luminescent green eyes and long arms that dangled below their knees.

A farmer's son fired a gun shot at the creatures, one of which raised its right hand in the air. At that very moment, the UFO disappeared. Then, the two Bigfoots escaped into the woods and were never seen again.

Dairy farmer William Bosak of Frederic, Wisconsin was returning from a co-op meeting about 10:30 p.m. on December 9, 1974, when he nearly slammed into a globular UFO on the road in front of him, its bottom half enshrouded in fog.

Inside the visible transparent dome was a six-foot-tall ape-like creature with reddish-brown fur covering its body (except for the face) and distinctive pointed ears. It appeared to be operating a control panel. As Bosak passed by, the object suddenly arose and disappeared.

In August,1976, after a series of UFO sightings around Rutland, British Columbia, Canada, several men and their children saw a hairy ape-like entity, six to seven feet tall roaming about a mountainside. They also found a clump of hair that was sent to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for identification. Laboratory analysis confirmed it was primate hair, but, significantly, it could not be matched to any known species on earth!

Perhaps the Bigfoot creatures are UFO pilots, landing on earth for exploratory purposes. Or, conceivably, higher level ETs are leaving behind some specimens as "guinea pigs" to test our environment for long-term survival. Or, possibly,these Bigfoots are criminal entities being deposited on Earth as a form of cosmic deportation!


  1. The sightings seem to show natural patterns that you'd expect from a resident animal though.

    Unless their home planet is heavily wooded and wet...

    Would explain why they seem to turn up all over the planet though...

  2. Smart guy with Phd might be alien himself. I wouldn't trust him. Counter intelligence (COINTELPRO)? Oldest trick in the book. Actual aliens implicating Biggy, deflecting blame.

  3. This actually makes sense. I have thought of this for a while. Why these creatures are seen then they almost vanish ínto thin air.

    1. It makes as much sense as you running for President.

  4. Logical fallacy (argumentum ad verecundiam): An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

    "Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
    Person A makes claim C about subject S.
    Therefore, C is true.

    This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious."

    This person is not an expert on bigfoot. There is NO SUCH THING as an expert on bigfoot. Smart people can believe things that aren't true, too.

    1. ^
      Another pretend academic. Blow it out your ear.

    2. Athiest, don't expect the morons who frequent this site to consider a notion as complicated as a logical fallacy.

    3. Complicated ? You should really expand your horizons and start thinking about something more than Bigfoot.

    4. Atheist; you take what most people would consider common sense and present it as some deep truth in the philosophy of logic. Give us a break.

    5. Anon @ 9:08:00 PM: at least some of us morons can spell 'atheist' correctly.

    6. Atheist he isn't really it's just a trendy thing to pretend lately like most other trolls pretend Bigfoots don't exist.

  5. Oh don't even go there with this alien junk! It's biological not supernatural or alien!

  6. Isn't it a fact that humans heads are getting larger? Saw that on the news the other day. We are also getting shorter according to research.

    I suspect we are the aliens seen in those spaceships visiting from the future trying the keep Bigfoot a secret by taking them back in time via time travel.

  7. Just as we are getting close to regular science with Bigfoot we get this kind of scat. Cant we leave the Betty and Barney Bigfoot abduction theories in the back until get this thing recognized by science first?? Then we can go back and study whether bigfoot was born in Kenya or Hawaii!!!! Geesh give it a rest already!!

  8. He might be right. I have read similar things before.

  9. My Bigfoot sighting coincided with my UFO sighting so I've known about the fact that they're extraterrestrial for some time now. Their main job duty is anal probe technician, but sometimes they freelance as sample collectors.

  10. Replies
    1. George Lucas is a powerful man, of course he is in the know. Star Wars is about humans history through the cosmos, a cosmic battle long ago in a galaxy far far away. I'm surprised more people don't understand that.

  11. Dr. ruehl is one hell of a character.

    I remember watching him years ago on sci fi channel on his show, mysteries from beyond the other dominion.

    He is out there.

  12. So greys study humans and squatches study the environment. sounds right to me...

  13. This is the guy that got busted with Jack Bindernagel doing LSD together.Evidently it fried his brain and Jack came out of his trip as the ''MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD OF CRYPTOZOOLOGY''.

    1. Wouldn't doubt it. This guy is Forrest Gump dumb, period.

  14. Alien shape-shifting Annunaki lower heathnic crust of the other world...

  15. This guy was an interviewee for a documentary pondering the existence of Santa Claus. And if I'm not mistaken he had an act on 'America's Got Talent' last year.


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