The Old Guards Of Bigfoot Versus The Newbies

Technology is changing the way Bigfooting is being conducted, and the "old guards" are taking notice. Do we really need to step into the woods anymore to research Bigfoot? According to the old guards of Bigfoot research, you do. With the advancement of technology and social networking, long gone are the days of camping out with old timers and listening to their experiences. A lot of times, these experiences can translate to valuable advice-- something that you can't gain by sitting behind a keyboard.

In the new world of Bigfootery, researchers are now on YouTube complimenting each other and attending conferences to promote themselves. This new influx of researchers have created groups on Facebook and blogs where they share photos of mostly blobsquatches-- a lot of times, these blobsquatches are morphed into "real" Bigfoots (in their minds).

According to DW Darkwing Lee in his Facebook group, North American Bigfooters, the old timers rarely show anything that resembled a blobsquatch. To the "old timers", presenting something so vague to the community is deeply frowned upon and will most likely damage your credibility. "It was the Old Timers goal to bring out real clear evidence, no matter how tempting it was, we knew better," wrote DW.

Here's the full post written by DW, about this clash of old timers versus the newbies of Bigfootery:

This is the post I related to last night that would be posted. It will undoubtedly make a lot of folks mad at me, but at this stage of how things have been going on Facebook, I really feel that it needed to be said. A lot of other old timers who have been sent this in advance, have felt the same way.


A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

The last year or so with the popularity of Facebook and blogging, there has been a serious decline in my opinion of RESPECT. Respect of new people in the Bigfoot Community for those who have been there before them, have done the research, who have gave blood, sweat and tears to bring in the knowledge that is currently available to the newbies today. That lack of respect is evident in the fact that many "Respected" individuals in the Bigfoot Community have attained that status simply because they have a Blog, that many follow online with fanatical devotion.

When I first started in the Bigfoot Community, it was the unwritten rule, that you had to pay your dues in the field, show respect for the Bigfoot Elders and listen to those who have been there before. I spent every spare moment I could in the field, listening to those who had been doing it longer than I have, soaking up every tidbit of information that I could. I paid my dues, like many who I consider friends in this community, and in time, we earned the respect of many of the Bigfoot Elders who had been there before us. WE EARNED our right to be in this community by doing the research where it needed to be done, in the field, with our own blood, sweat, tears and funding.

I have sat back and watched on Facebook as people make claims that they started researching the Bigfoot Phenomenom in 2009, and by early 2012, they know more about Bigfoot than those people who have been doing it for 20 to 30 years. And those same people making those claims have not spent a day in the woods to give them the experience.

References to people about being a Living or Walking Bigfoot Encyclopedia gives me pause to laugh, as I hear them talk on Podcasts or write blogs and have no clue to what they are talking about. I don't proclaim to know everything about Bigfoot, but I do know a lot, not just from reading books like these self-professed Bigfoot Encyclopedias have done, but also from the experiences I have had in the field, with interaction with other researchers whom I have shared information with.

Now before I get criticized for saying that the only real Bigfoot Researcher should be someone who spends time in the field, I want to explain the distinction the MABRC puts into Researcher versus Armchair Researcher. The MABRC knows that not everyone is able to get into the field, whether due to physical or geographical limitations. That is why we call our Armchair Researchers, Analysts. We put them to work pouring over sighting reports, updating information on the OSSIE database, and work with equipment to help gain a better understanding for the researchers in the field. MABRC Analysts support the MABRC Researchers in the field, and this is what makes them invaluable to the MABRC, their continued support to those in the field.

If someone comes into this community believing that they can read everything online and in books, and become an expert, you are really selling yourself short. If you think by having a blog makes you an expert, elevates you into the higher echeclons of the Bigfoot Community, think again. You haven't paid your dues in the eyes of the old timers, they have been there, done that. Today's new "Elite" class of the Bigfoot Community have formed their cliques, and promote themselves through Facebook, Blogs and by showing up at every conference to have their pictures taken with the Old Guard folks, so they can be pasted on Facebook or their blogs, with the mentality of "Hey, look at me, I'm brushing shoulders with John Green, or Peter Byrne." Look at me, look at me. Sorry folks, in my eyes, that doesn't cut the mustard.

The publishing of blobsquatch photos, or videos that you claim has 10 Bigfoot in it, and then get upset when asked for comparison photos/videos to back up your claims, does very little to give you credibility in the Bigfoot Community as far as the Old Timers go. We have been there, we were asked the very same thing by our peers at the time for any photo that was brought forth. Blobsquatch photos were rarely brought forward, because it was the Old Timers goal to bring out real clear evidence, not matter how tempting it was, we knew better.

Today I see too many examples of people going out and taking hundreds of photographs of the woods, then sitting in front of a computer and picking out what they think are dozens of Bigfoot in each picture. One such individual has been highlighted in "Impossible Visits" as being one of the best researchers out there. WTF??? Has anyone ever heard of Matrixing?

I also have seen some of these people, flat out try and humiliate people into seeing what they think is in the photo. Recently, a video screen capture was posted on Facebook, with claims that there was a bigfoot in the picture. Several individuals spoke up and said they could not see anything there, and the response was from the originator of the picture, that if those people couldn't see it, then they needed to get out of the woods because they were too stupid to be in them. WTF? What makes the originator of garbage like that photo think they are such an expert in this field that they feel the need to humiliate people into going along with the originator's mindset? I have seen this with multiple people, and in the end, it drives off some very common sense inspired individuals from the Bigfoot Community because this was their first taste of contact with a Bigfoot "Researcher".

Another issue that needs to be addressed is that people jump up and claim that everything is Bigfoot. Oh, there is 5 bigfoot in this photo, oh there is footprints here that are bigfoot. What people don't want to accept is that this kind of labeling of evidence only hurts their credibility, and makes the entire community look bad. Instead of saying Bigfoot broke this tree over, you should say, this tree could have possibly been broke over by a Bigfoot. Instead of Bigfoot being in a picture, you should say, there is a possible Bigfoot in this picture, or a purported Bigfoot is in this picture. Even if the picture is clear of an animal in the opening, you should always use "possible" or "purported" to describe video/photographic/physical evidence. Never, ever should you use the declaration that it is a Bigfoot for certain.

Bigfoot Community History, is another pet peeve of mine. Lately on Facebook I have seen postings of many of the discredited photos from the past that the Old Timers have put to rest, with those who posted them today not taking the time to do the research on the photo before posting it. Then they stand by with a puzzled look when the Old Timers tell them they should have done their homework on the photo first.

Now the different factions have drawn lines in the sand, you have the Forest Friends vs. the rest of the Community. The Forest Friends have become almost fanatical in their beliefs that Melba Ketchum's DNA study will prove that Bigfoot exists and that they can be protected. They have developed a cult-like mindset when it comes to Melba Ketchum. In their minds, multiple transgressions have been committed by anyone who does not agree with their philosphy, including making false accusations against those who disagree with them.

I put no faith in Melba Ketchum's work, simply because there have been too many red flags rise up, that puts blemishes on everything coming out of it. The release of the so-called publishing in a Journal has been delayed with many different excuses, and now comes talk of "Terroristic Threats" against her, and that is why she isn't attending Conferences that advertise her being there. I see on the news everyday where "Terroristic Threats" always bring down the wrath of Homeland Security and even when it's just an individual pissed off at a fast food place for the way their service was handled, it always saw a heavy handed response from the law enforcement community. I have a hard time believing that "Terroristic Threats" have been made against Ketchum, and no response from law enforcement concerning them. References to a rumor at Honobia have led me to believe it is the imagination of one sick individual who has embedded himself into the Forest Friends inner circle and continues to make up lies and conspiracy theories against people who have stated publically that they want nothing to do with him.

Mindspeak?? This has also become prevelant the last few years, as many continue to make claims that Bigfoot talk to them. Can I decisively state that mindspeak doesn't happen? No I can't, but out of the 18 plus encounters I have had, I have never had any instance of mindspeak, or being zapped as some would put it. What many in the community does not realize, is that some of those more well known to proclaim mindspeak happening to them, are heavy drinkers, or have been known to induce drugs into their system and then begin a ceremony in which only they can see the multitude of Bigfoot standing around them. Wow, makes you wonder how many they would see if they were not under the influence.

Whether you like me or hate me for what I have to say here, I am stating it like I see it. Common sense must prevail over the Bigfoot Community to portray itself as a legitimate source of information and guidance when Bigfoot is finally and truly proven to exist. Enough of the fanatical determination that no one dare hurt a bigfoot, let alone dare to harvest one to bring in to prove they exist, as this is only the legitimate avenue to prove they exist. I do not espouse killing one, yet I do have the common sense to know, that only a body will suffice to prove Bigfoot exists, because it's considered a mythological animal, and no one will take pictures or video as proof they exist. It's easy to use this type of proof for a new sub-species of Chimpanzee in the wild, because Chimpanzees have officially been proven to exist in the wild by science.

I have had the misfortune to have seen these animals that we call Bigfoot, up close, and as many of the old timers will tell you, I have gotten bit by the Bigfoot Bug. I go out time and time again for the chance to see these animals in the wild, to experience interaction with them, and eventually hope that they are proven to exist. They do not need our protection, they do a pretty damn good job of protecting themselves. You don't see them screwing each other over the way people do, and they seem to take great care to avoid us.

Those new folks who want to make a name for themselves, need to do it on deeds, going into the field, respecting the old timers, asking legitimate questions to learn by, and not posting garbage for the world to see and then get upset when called out on it. Don't do it by being disrepectful to those who have been there, done that before you, creating videos for YouTube to put down the works of others, or to humiliate others, don't post on a blog about someone just so you can try and make a name for yourself. You will gain attention, but it's not the kind of attention that will give you any credibility.

I have made myself available to the members of the MABRC organization to pass on what I have learned, and I will always be happy to talk to folks outside the MABRC who ask questions, as long as they are legitimately wanting to learn. I was a newbie myself a long time ago, and I am so thankful to those old timers who took me in tow and showed me the ropes, shared their knowledge and made me one of their own. If you want to truly become a valuable asset to the Bigfoot Community, take some of the advice here that I gave, and show the respect to those who deserve it.


  1. When it comes to the internet it's been nothing but a blessing. Anyone who wishes to learn and contribute to the Bigfoot community may do so. Unfortunately, the old guard don't know how to navigate the system anymore. Much like 1962 when the Beatles invaded the US... old timers and knuckleheads would preach things like, "rock and roll will rot your brain" and "what's this world coming to?" Your time has passed, be gracious about it.
    - Al W.

    1. The old guard provided most if not all of the information that is in "the system". All he was saying was have some respect. Clearly that went right over your head. Geesh.

    2. "The old guard" also is a global director of the the largest internet source of data in all things Bigfoot and a professional IT network administrator so so much for old timers navigating. A lot the North American Bigfooters group was not created or ran by Darrin. He founded the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center

    3. Anon 14:00 Is obviously new school and as usual doesn't know what he/she is talking about.

    4. Lee isnt old guard, just a fat guy with massive insecurity.

  2. i dont know who dw is but that guy is right on and you could even consider me a newbie and yes i do use the internet alot to do research. im also in the field atleast two or three days a week. i live in ohio but have a couple trips already planned this summer in penn. and indy. basically all im saying is that the researcher today should be ready and learning as much as possible so when in the field they can use that knowledge to learn even more. or tim mitchell on facebook

    1. I agree with Tim Mitchell, It's people like the owner of this website Snot nosed Shawn Evidence that makes Bigfooting a joke.

  3. As true as many of his points are, the fact that said "Old Timers" haven't been able to prove Bigfoot in all of this time goes a long way to proving either they are:

    A) Incompetent or

    B)Bigfoot isn't real

    1. Exactly, respect is earned, if bigfoot is real then the old timers have failed miserably at proving it's existence. If bigfoot doesn't exist they've wasted years of their life chasing shadows.

      The person that get's respect will be the one that proves they exist.

    2. Incompetent. We aren't dealing with normal animals, I think people need to open their eyes and see that.

    3. Ontario what you mean to say is we aren't dealing with real animals.

    4. C) the most worrying, there's a species of apes more intelligent than humans

    5. And smarter than anon 940 and 950

  4. I've yet to see one of these city full newbies produce anything half as good as the Patterson Grimlin Footage!

    1. dumb, anyone can produce a hoax... I'd like to see anyone in the "community" produce anything other than garbage, newbie or oldie

    2. Why dont you produce something big mouth?

  5. I agree, people need to focus their efforts where it matters. Both in the field and online...

  6. What is the MABRC???? And OSSIE database?? WIsh people would put what they mean when using shortened forms of a bunch of words.

    1. Mad Bunch of Racist c*nts or MABRC for short.

      Ossie is DW's attempt at programming humour :)

  7. You know…. all this talk about “dna or clear video is not enough, only a body will prove the existence of Bigfoot..”
    Has anyone ever asked themselves if Bigfoot WANT to be proven to exist? Especially if it may cost them their lives?
    They don’t seem to as they go out of their way to avoid humans (can’t blame them really).

    And I don’t think the general public cares whether Bigfoot exists..

    1. Great post and i will join in too and say only to prove to ourselves they exist, we must kill's very sad.

      Barring 1 certain clip, they have done a sterling job at avoiding being filmed and photos are always inconclusive.

      I like this community, i enjoy the musings of the nutjobs, the scientific minds, the hunter's perspective, the drama, the eyewitness accounts, the hoaxers getting busted, the infighting is just childish and hilarious, but truly....we need to kill one so we can say after all these years we now have proof they exist and now that we have killed one, we should now get this species protected???

      Protected from what??? Oh yeah, us. The ones that have been looking for over 40+ years but have never provided a solid evidence in the first place.

  8. MABRC are kings of the blobsquatch and caloric intake.

  9. respecting the old timers

    Like they respect each other? As most, and pre-internet as well, hated each other so nothing much has changed in over 40 years has it really?

    1. That could be true, and the internet just makes it easier to air grievances.

  10. One more time... I am not and Sally is not posting ANYTHING on the BF tabloid sites or any sites for that matter. There are sick individuals out there that are impersonating us though and are posting things in our names. Of course the owners of the sites don't care because it gets them more BF drama and therefore more readers. They do not know me, they do not know Sally or any of the other people that are so generously helping with this endeavor. If you don't read it here, then it isn't me posting it. I hope this is abundantly clear.

    1. Sally here - I don't know who the above poster is, but it's not true. If I wasn't posting here, I'd post here to let you know. And I'd sign my posts.
      I don't know who this is, but quit trying to speak for me.

    2. Sally here- I have a yeast infection.

  11. Every generation has a handful of crazies in it that's always going to happen. These crazies will seek something fantastical. One of these things is Bigfoot. No matter how many generations look in to this no Bigfoot is going to spring in to existence.

  12. I agree with the guy who said that the new folks on the block need to step up.
    The old folks haven't produced anything worth looking at.
    The P/g film not withstanding

  13. He may have a point when he implies the old guard is more critical of purported evidence.

  14. The "Old Guard" is Patterson, Gimlin, Green and others who started all this over five decades ago.

    This DW person and his MABRC people are among the newbies.

    1. Yer an anony idiot. DW is a whining fatass demanding attention. Harrington is no better.

  15. Agree, as this article appears to be nothing more than a flaming attempt to cabbage onto the street cred bandwagon.

  16. OMG! Went to their website and they are using treble hooks suspended from piano wire to catch or slice flesh from anything that walks through them. This is sick!

  17. DW got started in this a little over ten years ago. Hardly qualifies him as an "old timer". LOL

    1. Seriously? Ah yes, the tough times we had deciding between Facebook and Myspace. Twas brutal.

  18. I can tell the critics didn't like the article, but oh well, a lot of them posted false information. Anonymous, WTF? Treble hooks, you obviously are a lying sack of crap. As for when I started, the other anon is another idiot, because I started over 20+ years ago. Once again, you two really seem to be the proof of what I had to say here. Thanks for confirming it with your comments.

    1. methinks somebody can dish it out, but not take it.

    2. Only 20 years, then? You're still a newb next to the true 'Old Guard', that you seem to feel you belong among (no doubt for those free chicken dinners). You'll be a member of that league when THEY say you are.

      I think you're an illiterate, foul-mouthed, nasty, loser pig. Now suddenly you want to play kindly "Gramps" as the wide-eyed kiddies sit at your knee to hear your tales of wonder and show you "respect"?

      Don't think you're fooling anybody -- not one minute of the time you gave your "blood, sweat, and tears" was spent in the interest of science. It's only about the buck for you, and now somebody is doing it better.

    3. I do not wish to burst your bubble DW! But 20+ years on a diet, guess what bro? It isn’t working :)

      Low carb that’s the only way to go, and put that bucket of fried chicken DOWN.

    4. Outstanding post D.W. In a nut shell you ravaged the insanity of Mindspeak, the silliness of BlobSquatches, and the Ego mania rampant in those few individuals who believe that threatening, and bullying anyone who doesn't agree with their Batshit crazy agenda; is a legit method of debate.

      And I place the Cat Vet Ketchum, Sally, and the majority of Mind speak advocates in that grouping.

      The utter nonsense so often advocated, and even rabidly promoted in this field; is one main reason, any body with a shred of sense, or credibility would think twice before entering into this arena.

      Which I think is sad. We need more Biologists, Zoologists, Naturalists, Hunters, sane capable persons to pursue this mystery; if we are ever going to have any chance of solving it.

      Not a bunch of loons, interested in promoting a suit; or vaporware, so they can get their mugs on T.V. one more time.

      As long as these few groups continue to find support, those intent upon making this the Church of Bigfoot will prosper.

      The are more interested in selling their autographs, black mailing the community at large, and intimidating those who try to instill some sense into this field; then they are in uncovering the truth.

      As long as we condone these few groups that go about threatening anyone who disagrees with their lies and non sense; we shall remain in the dark ages of Bigfootery.

      Seeking the truth is what we should all embrace. The truth is what is important.

      I could care less if such and such video is real or hoaxed. What I care about; is the truth of the issue. And the only thing that will settle this; is a body in a box. I would prefer a cage. SWP

    5. SWP at least deserves respect.

    6. 20 years no proof, nice job chubsy....

  19. Ok, I respect the "Old Guard" but many of their ideas and beliefs were just plain WRONG! I started researching because of an experiance I had, they choose me, I did not choose them. About a year into this adventure I was railed upon by the old guard, they were upset that I was having things happen to me in two years that it took them twenty. I was even personally contacted and told that I did not deserve what was happening, that I "had not paid my dues"!

    We need to be smart, take what the old timers have contributed and expand on it, try new things, new methods. For all their chest thumping the old timers gave us little over the past 30 years. Sorry to say it but it is true. Footprints and yells. Now we are on the verge of DNA profiles, habitations, etc. The old timers wanted to keep everything "super secret" for some reason. Maybe because they did not have anything to show....

    So give your due respect to the old timers, but it is time to pass the torch!

    1. Very interesting. I think those old guys and Darkwing Lee here (the pic sure don't match the name lol) need to tell the rest of us how to "pay our dues".

      Hours in the woods? For all we know, Darkwing may have only gone out 20 times in those 20 years. Have to attend a certain number of conferences and kiss the rings of the organizers? Buy X number of their books? How do you "pay your dues"?

    2. Obviously you know nothing about DW to be making those statements and make all his points spot on! All this Blog does is allow disrespectful people to make nasty comments about people and things they know nothing about.

    3. about people and things they know nothing about

      Respect must be earned and never given. Rene, Morgan the 'TRUE' old guard deserve respect. As those guys really got their hands dirty.

      The rest? well..........we may as just say Colemans an old gaurd who deserves respect. LOL!!

    4. MY posts stands as correct, ignorant person above.

    5. People in this field really don't like a reality wake up call do they? :)))

  20. Meet the new guard. Same as the old guard. 40 more years and still no squatch to be found.

  21. Yeah new guard. I like Kit.

  22. For the person who questioned my time in the field, how about 3000 plus times in the field, with the latest time resulting in a broken ankle. Those members of the Bigfoot Community who do know me, knows that I go out every chance I get, I'm waiting now to get healed up enough to get out again.

    1. Since you didn't specify, maybe it was my comment saying for all we know, you've only been out 20 times in 20 years. Which was not the point. I asked: How do we "pay our dues" to qualify as a researcher to you? You made that comment several times in your essay, yet offer no guidelines.

    2. Reread the article, it's clearly there, it talks about don't post crap out there and claim there is 20 bigfoot in it. Don't say "IT IS" bigfoot, say it's possibly or purported. Once again, this is some of the problems, no one will read the article, they just breeze through it and nothing sticks in their mind.

    3. Sorry about yopur ankle, but you need to realize you can be out there all day every day, without results, blobs dont count btw, it's just camping big fella.

    4. Sorry about yopur ankle

      I'm not :)

  23. I like to take the road less traveled. I say IT IS NOT a bigfoot and CANNOT POSSIBLY be a bigfoot.

  24. Treble hooks? Got Treble hooks?

    The treble hook array is on a four foot long metal rod with three lines of hooks spaced 18" apart vertically four to five per line. The line used is piano grade wire.

    Ed Smith

    Looks like DW is the lying sack of shit?

    1. Ed Smith is not a MABRC member. He posts his groups research on the MABRC forum. DW is correct.

    2. Hows your sinister plan to take of bigfooting goning numb nuts. Fuck you Randy!

  25. This is the ghost of Beckjord.

    I am the only true old gaurd and can prove it.


  26. This is the ghost of Beckjord - again :)


    Sad to say, this is just about anyone who ever read one email about Bigfoot.
    99.99% are not researchers. 99.999% are not investigators. Yet, because they can log onto
    a discussion forum, or create a slap-dash one-page website, they grandiously call themselves
    part of the "Bigfoot Community" as if this meant anything.

    They are simply fans, or buffs, like there are fans of Superman Comics, or the Oakland Raiders.

    Now the Community of Bigfoot Investigators, that is a group of people who actually get out and do things.

    But the two are not the same thing.

    Now--- you know.


  27. This is the ghost of Beckjord again! Hey why break an old tradition of multiple postings :)


    WARNING TO MEDIA - Mr. Matt Moneymaker, an occasional I.T. worker,
    has been telling the AP and local reporters who cover his Bigfoot
    Expeditions , that he is a lawyer and attorney. In fact, he has never
    practiced law, has no license, and has never passed the Bar Exam.
    If he lies on this, how can you believe his Bigfoot claims? Re Matt. Click
    Current lie: Says on his site they are the oldest BF group. False. We are, since
    1975. Second lie: "We are better, by a very wide margin, than any other group
    or collective ever has been, at getting close to these animals, mainly because
    we've explored so many different habitat areas across the continent and compared
    notes. If we had not done that we would know only a small fraction of what we know
    about this species." False - bigfoot comes so close to our expedition campsites
    that we usually get photos (unseen at the time, but once seen) that range
    from blobby to 90% sharp. What they know about Bigfoot is a mere drop
    in the bucket of knowledge. The lies go on and on.

    WARNING TO MEDIA: Mr. Carmine Thomas Biscardi, of no known
    occupation, no degree, has been showing severed hands, feet and
    other bones
    in sealed jars of preservative, to the media, suggesting they may be
    from Bigfoot. In once case, Dr. Jeff Meldrum ,ISU, states the "hand"
    is a bear paw. Be not taken in. See legal data on this man.

    WARNING TO MEDIA: Mr. Loren Coleman , a fired adjunct lecturer
    at Univ of So Maine, suggests he is a cryptozoology expert and
    participates in Bigfoot and Loch Ness field work. In point of fact,
    he has had few or no Bigfoot field trips, (and found nothing) and his
    trip to Loch Ness
    was an appearance at a lecture-debate, where he was booed and
    told to go home. --- "Trust No One" -- X-files. See legal data here.

  28. Wrong PDT, Ed Smith is a member of the MABRC as that is the only way to have posting priviliges there.

  29. Having a forum login does not make you a member. Dude!

  30. Dw Darkwing Lee

    Forum membership vs. MABRC Organizational membership

    There is a common misconception about the joining of the MABRC Forums as a forum member. The MABRC Forums are open to the public to join, however, joining the forum does not mean that individual is a MABRC Organizational Member.

    Only after completing the Membership application on the website, and undergoing an interview with the Membership Coordinator by phone, will the offer to join the MABRC Organization be offered to the applicant.

    Forum Members are distinguishable by the colors of their screen names. Yellow, Red and Green show standard forum membership, while light blue signifies a MABRC Organizational applicant, someone who is undergoing the process for joining the MABRC. Dark blue, maroon, and purple colors are MABRC Organizational Members.

    MABRC Organizational Members have special access to the MABRC Members area on the forum, while standard forum members don’t.

    The reason for this is simple, there are some discussions that only concern MABRC Organizational members, and there are those in the Bigfoot Community that will try to use those discussions against the MABRC and ridicule us on some of the discussions.

    Items such as expedition planning, protocol and procedures, investigations and other research that only concerns the MABRC will be placed in that area.

    1. Who cares. Anyone buying Lee's bullshit is a bullshit eater. Someone should punch him in his fat hick belly! The south will not rise again! Criss Cross!

    2. Regarding Mr. Lee, talk to a few of the people he has worked around in the bigfoot community, namely the people he hired for his bigfoot conferences. He is not known in these circles as a man of his word.........When he gets mad he threatens.......


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