Oh, The Anticipation! Tim Fasano Builds Up Hype For Florida Skunk Ape Documentary

We don't know if it's the eerie music or it's just Tim Fasano, but in this new video, in cooperation with E.A.R.S., his team of paranormal investigators are in the process of building a case for the existence of the Florida Skunkape. In the coming episodes, they'll be showcasing prints that they have found, casts, physical evidence, as well as photographic evidence.

Keep hitting the refresh button on his YouTube channel for the latest update on this.


  1. A piece of shit like T-fat will drag everyone down that is associated with this bag of dog shit

  2. The deal is done. We have two separate trackways over 100 yards with scores of prints casted. An independent researcher from Orlando has found the same. Our physical and photographic evidence seals the deal.

    Those that have been with me benefit; the rest don't. In time you will see all.

    Did you dig those prints? And not just some Fasano bullshit ...my team found them under my guidelines.

    1. Tim, did you ever think about getting into ghost hunting? Might not be a bad idea, it jibes better with the Tampa Taxi Driver blog in that you talk about locations and history. Just something that occurred to me when you were talking about the cigar factory. Anyway, good luck.

    2. I may as well. Ghost hunter people seem to be open minded and liberal toward esoteric ideas. UFO people as well are tolerant. Bigfoot people have always been closed minded and political.

      For example, no matter what you think of me I am a part of BF culture. I guess that is why Loren Coleman, Mr May, Bigfoot Lunch. and BF books have ignored me. It could only be for political reasons. You can't ignore a major player but they have. That has been going on for years.

      Kevin and George are primarily ghost hunters. We may just get away from the hate and bigotry of Coleman and his ilk ..Sharon (whore) Lee and such.

    3. Thanks. I have no doubt about the politics; the other thing is the tension between the paranormal factions and the groups that view the subject with a scientific eye. With the ghost hunters, that is all out the window and there is 100% agreement its a paranormal topic.

    4. It can't have been cuz of the hoaxing.


      It was politics.

      Dream on, "major player."

    5. There is or never was hoaxing. My videos remain for years and are never debunked. I got within five feet of a sleeping Skunkape and recorded it. That vid has been up longer then Obama has been president. Other then name calling, never debunked. My stuff is better then Todd standings. However, my shit is real.

      Debunk me if you can asshole. I dare you.

    6. Bro if you got within 5 feet of one why did you not hide until it awoke and get solid evidence. Does that not go through your head? Its like saying I found Nessie but didnt want to trouble her for a pic

    7. Absolute bullshit little timmy. If anyone wants to see the debunks of tim s crap, go to bfreseArchse YouTube channel.

    8. Tim Fasano 7;26, No, your fake crap doesn't hold a candle to Todd Standings footage, you only wish. Say what you want Fasano, Todd Standing Kicks your ass at Bigfoot research all over the place. How dare you compare your crap footage to the real deal like Todd. Shame on you.

    9. There is or never was hoaxing??? You admitted it right here two weeks ago! Oh that's right, you said "it didn't count because only 10 people saw it" (before you were busted and removed it from YT).

    10. Dude, are you serious I guess that is why Loren Coleman, Mr May, Bigfoot Lunch. and BF books have ignored me.

      Mr May ignored you Lol! I'd take that as a compliment off that fat mental f*ck.

    11. Your guidelines? what and now you are some kind of an expert....go back to Taco Bell Timmy...you cant keep calling in sick and going on these silly bigfoot hunts forever.

    12. You've been ignored because you have absolutely NOTHING! Not... one... thing. Well that, and because you're such an azzhole.

    13. You know you suck when Dyer associate with you!

  3. A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn

  4. Well Tim did get one thing right. "all will be reviled in time".

    1. I'm already reviling that midtarsal brake!

    2. I am reviled in a rebuked typo. Damn this touch screen android.

  5. What a fraud. The gig is up hoaxer.

    1. So your saying Ken, George, kevin and I are just hoaxers when we have more evidence then Finding Bigfoot ever dreamed of. That is rich.

    2. Uh no, I said you are a hoaxer. What evidence? If you had it people would know.

    3. That's a fact. Like 2 seconds after he found it.

    4. No,that's like you trying to get rich,T-Fat.But we all know you ain't nothing but a cork soaker...............

  6. Good lord - the skunky monkey

    - Russ

  7. prints can be faked.... photographs can be faked, only a body will suffice. anybody with any sort of brain understands this

  8. A never has been or never will be.

  9. Ahh the mid tarsal break, anatomically unsuitable for a 500+ lb biped. It never would have kept that if it wanted to be able to move around well on two feet.

    Why is it nobody seems to be able notice this, even Meldrum glosses over it in his theory

    1. Those prints were real asshole. We have the finest collection of Bigfoot prints ever collected in north America. They are almost as good as the ones you found (just kidding Sanduski rape victim) .

    2. Tim, you really give yourself away as an absolute narcissistic ego maniacal ass. lets see your casts.

    3. This vid alone has three of them. If you watch my videos (you don't) over 100.

    4. While Meldrum's mid-tarsal break is bullshit, there is no data to support your claim that it is unsuitable for a heavy animal.

  10. TFatsmano, your evidence is a joke. Don't quit your day job you schmuck.

    1. What's funny is his day job is driving a taxi cab!!!

  11. "We have the finest collection of Bigfoot prints ever collected in north America"


  12. real huh you worthless piece of monkey shit? prove it.

    let us see the body associated with it.... you faked em, just like you faked all the rest of your patheic "evidence" this has always been about you and trying to get some sort of 12th level "famous".

    If you don't have a body or a body part, you just have easily hoaxed evidence.

    I would love to hear your report on why evolution would select a mid tarsal break for a heavy bipedal primate. being that there are no other bipedal primates with said gait, and in fact there is evidence that it would be a very poor adaptation to have. tree climbing, rear foot grasping, that's what mid tarsal breaks are for. walking on two legs? not so much.

    1. I am famous. You live in a hole. I think this is all about choice. It is really good to be me.

    2. @ Tim Fasano, You are infamous, there is a difference. I laugh at you calling yourself famous!! I think that this isn't the 'real' Fasano under his lovely mug, it's just another shill poster. FATSATISMO!!!

    3. Actually T-Fat,you live in a hotel with no family and or money.Lets get this right.......And you say ''IT'S GOOD TO BE ME''? PATHETIC.......


    Shawn, why do you keep pushin' this turd to the top
    after we all flushed him 1000 times before.
    No one cares about his bullshit films or reports.
    he is a waste of time and always will be.

    1. Shawn tells me that post about Fasano get more hits then anyone. Fasano draws like nobody in Bigfoot. To bad Loren Coleman never understood that or Mr May. I rock. It is so good to be me right now.

    2. Good to be you? A person that doesn't have 2 nickels to rub together. Lives in a run down motel. And reached his loftiest goals of driving a cab..Yeah, it must be good to be you

    3. Tim, don't you know that people flock to a car wreck!!!!!!!

      People want to see what your going to do next because you act like a third grader.

      Is this what you think fame is about?

      I don't care how I get famous , as long as I'm famous------ really?

      I hope you get something for all your work.

      I'll watch the 1 or 2 where you get something, but what about the other 799?

      I think Tim brings crap down on himself-- agreed.

      Can you'all get off his back about the taxi---- He might be doing something else if he wasn't spending all his time in the woods trying to bring evidence.

      You sceptics might consider that he MUST know himself there is something out there or why would even a crazy man spend all that time going out?

    4. Because he's NOT hunting for bigfoot! He's hunting for YouTube viewers. His approach is to upload every 60 second piece of nothing he can to build views. You're right that 799 out of his 800 videos are worthless, but I can't remember that one decent effort...

  14. Fasano is and always was the sexiest Bigfoot researcher on the planet.

  15. Tim Fasano "just kidding Sanduski rape victim"

    This is kind of shit he says, you have
    to be mentally ill to use a child rape victim
    as a punch line or to put someone down.
    Fasano,you are lower than whale shit
    and I hope you find the proper psych ward
    and shock therapy you desperately need...

    1. Sanduski will be in prison for 500 years. He is A CHILD MOLESTER. How dare you compare him to me. You are just like Johnsen, you piece of shit.

      What I meant was if your going to scream like a bitch, you may as well be one. I am sure you have. "Had it up the ass. "

    2. TFasano, Ok, that last line was lmfao.

    3. Look at squatchdective.com..He has some pics T-FAT put up or sent out..LMAO..Talk about someone ready to take it up the ass

    4. Mr. Fasano, anon 7:39:00 DID NOT compare you to Sanduski when he commented on your very poor choice of a punch line, it was you who did that, either because you did not carefully read his comment or you are just expressing another one of your delusions, and about your so called fame? yes I have to agree that you are famous, but not for the reasons that your narcissistic mind might tell you, you are more like a bad car crash that passers by slow down for just to take a quick peek, if negative attention and bad publicity is all that you seem to be interested in (and your obsession with this is quite pathalogical in my opinion) why not just dive into the huge circuit of reality shows? I really think you would be way more suited for that, and asking someone on a public domain "Had it up the ass" is just plain wrong! You Mr.Fasano have absolutely no class! Though if you do have one redeeming quality it would be your editing skills, I do commend you on that.

    5. Every time you open that disgusting
      hole under your nose, you confirm
      everyone's negative opinion of you.
      you are a sad example of a human
      being without one positive quality.
      to make fun of the victims of
      Sanduski's sick and twisted actions,
      and since you think it is funny that
      children were raped,DOES make you compatible to him on many levels.
      Everyone please boycott anything that has to do with this parasite, he truly is WORTHLESS
      on multiple levels.

    6. He's the lowest scum-sucking, useless, conniving phony in Bigfoot. Yes, boycott.

  16. I'll have to give it to this guy - he is one crazy mutha.

    "just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose"

  17. If sharon lee is that big a ho maybe tfat could pimp her out and get the missionary bigfoot photo.

  18. Guys guys. Bigfooting is a brotherhood not each
    Other calling each other $&&holes! Tim you need to stop getting so defensive with the general $&@"$. It's s battle none of us can win! Bigfoot is real . 42000 reports ( 10 percent reported) = 420,000 reports. 1000 plus years of native American history! Let's stop debating and get on with some serious research. Everybody leave Tim alone. He's busting his butt in the field trying to bring some credibility to this subject !

    1. Tim your a great guy. Stay professional. Don't argue with skeptics. Battle you can't win. Keep sasquatchin my friend !

    2. ^^T-Fat Cork Soaker^^ Sock Puppet^^

  19. I admit i'm a fan of Tim Fasano. Why? Well, because he's likely not a hoaxer.

  20. Just heading out for the night. Squatchin time! Wish me luck! 3 nights ago some whistles .

  21. Awesome casts. Of human footprints.

  22. yea that was pretty much immature,sorry fasano you to sharon all you people do good work i think keep it up.

  23. Who is this guy? Is this the way that "researchers" behave on a public forum? Do you think this is the way biology prof.'s talk on their forums about their owl research or whale studies?

    This is why footers get no respect from the mainstream people, hucksters and fan coveting "researchers" with no training or scientific ability claiming "amazing evidence" that always turns out to be crap.....

    Bigfoot believers, you deserve and should demand better.

    1. This is why no one takes him seriously. He does it for the attention and loves drama. We do demand better. He is a shit stain on the underpants of bigfoot research.

  24. the way guy sees it you assholes throw each other under bus. so dont fucking talk shit about guys jokes.What a bunch of nerds.

  25. F - fat and unconvincing
    A - Annoying and ( still very fat )
    S - Shithead ( totally )
    A - Amateur hoaxer ( and not even a good one at that )
    N - Nobody ( 100% )
    O - Old, boring,fake, reasearcher/poser

    1. Y - YouTuber searching for subs, not bigfoot
      E - Everything you said, again x2
      P - Phony, pompous, piece of sheet

    2. T - takes vids at parks, says wilderness
      A - always comes back from quitting, boo
      M - most likely bigfooter to go postal
      P - passed over by Biscardi
      A - a legend in his own feeble mind

  26. Someone keeps bullying blogging. If you have nothing half way decent to say pretaining to the content of this web site why disturb the peace? You must be a bored auristocrats son who has nothing better to do than show up and totally go off subject to be rude and crude. Im here to read about, or obtain more information than I have. That is why sites like these exist is for sharing information. No one should be the judge of anyone else. It just disturbed me so I figured I'd say something because no one else has.

  27. Because this man does not deserve one ounce
    of respect, And to give him any attention for
    hoaxing or his adolescent rave's is just wrong.
    I'm sorry,but anyone that makes jokes about child rape victim's, Should be judged, and labeled
    as the scum that they are.

  28. Tim,

    Don't even give these people the dignity of your response. Obviously 3 types of people visit these sites: 1) Bigfoot Believers; 2) Those who are curious about the existence of Bigfoot; 3) Those whose aim is merely to mock those who do believe.

    Thinking men have always been mocked by those who are merely "followers" and cannot or will not think on their own, and many great discoveries would have never been made had the discoverer caved to jealous and/or ignorant criticisms of those with lesser minds.

    Keep up the good work, Tim, and don't waste your time responding to fools.

    ~Joe M.~

    1. Great post, Tim. How about you try this -- go just two weeks without once trying to promote yourself, and see if those pesky "followers with lesser minds" leave you alone in your brilliance. What a joke you are.

    2. My name is Joe Murphy, and I am a resident of Delaware. I am not, as you apparently suspect, Tim Fasano. I am merely a person interested in the subject of Sasquatch.

      While I have not yet come to the conclusion that I definitely believe in the existence of such a creature, neither do I disbelieve simply because I have not personally seen one. Nor do I find it purposeful to spend time criticizing someone for what he or she chooses do do with his or her life.

      If you feel Tim is a fraud, leave him alone and eventually his lies/hoaxes will catch up with him. Further, if you are absolutely sure that Bigfoot does not exist, why do you even visit such websites as these? This I cannot understand.


    3. I too am hopeful that Bigfoot exists, Joe, but it's obvious to me that you haven't been "around" this topic for very long. Otherwise, you'd be well aware of Fasano's extremely crude and constant criticism of his peers. He's deleted many of those videos from his channel. What goes around comes around, and he's got it coming in spades, especially as he has ADMITTED hoaxing.

    4. Anonymous 11:55AM
      You are 100% correct that I "haven't been around this topic very long". And if, by my postings I have defended a fraud or a crude, critical person, I can only say that I genuinely believe that it will catch up to him. I was not impressed with the way he, in his comments above, "attacked" others and used foul language in defending himself. But neither do I believe that it serves a purpose to spend time criticizing those with who you disagree, especially if he himself is an arrogant idiot.

      Please be assured, I meant no disrespect to you or others. I was merely, perhaps in my own ignorance, defending what I thought was a man being unfairly attacked.


  29. You know, I don't blame Tim for calling names and lashing out a bit. He takes quite a bit of abuse on this site. However, I think he may have been drunk when making some of those comments. Lol.

    1. Right LOL. If you're drunk, it's OK to make sickening jokes at the expense of Sandusky's tortured victims. Every bit of "calling names and lashing out a bit" you see is in response to what has come out of Fasano's own filthy mouth for years. Well deserved.

  30. Anybody watch his rant about Dianne Stocking hacking his computer?

    He even called her a B*tch.

  31. A better one, he was in the middle of now-where square filming a lake and see a squatch across from his vantage point.

    But there were peoples voices in the background. When challenged, that video was removed. BUT hey, guess what? I downloaded it prior.

  32. Man-tits Fasano just like Fraud Standing...a hoaxumentary coming about about the faked evidence of his phony research.

    1. Todd "sasquatch lips" Standing?

      LOL, I love these jokers

  33. dont mess with tim we need comedy


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