New Footage: Algonquin Park Bigfoot

Thanks to Tim Ervick for this great footage. We have been in contact with Tim of Ontario Wildlife Field Research-Ontario Bigfoot about this video since Sunday and they finally received permission from the original owner to release the video. The original was over an hour long, but it has been shortened and slowed down significantly in order to see the Bigfoot standing by the side of the road.

The witness supposedly attached a GoPro camera to the bumper of his truck and captured this amazing image of a possible Bigfoot from the Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada:

Special thanks to the Ontario Wildlife Field Research-Ontario Bigfoot for sharing the video with us.

[Update] Here's the enhanced version:



  1. Nice work Shawn!

    Sasquatch are so freakin hard film!!! WTF!!

    1. No offense, but that could be anything, you are driving 25mph through trees with a crap camera...interesting video like the ice-crystal spaceships seen in the shuttle missions though.

      If you backed up 5-10 seconds later, and filmed nothing standing there, I'd be convinced of a real creature-then would need to film a person in exact spot with exact camera rig to compare size, shape, etc.

      These types of anomalies are recorded all over the Google earth/street/map views, no offense very interesting video just doesnt help the case for Bigfoot at all.

    2. I don't agree. That's one of two things- a person or a bigfoot. It really does look like its covered in hair and has longer than human arms, but that's inconclusive. I think it would have to be small because if it was eight feet tall, they would have noticed that thing on the side of the road.

    3. Actually they're not that hard to film if they're standing there like a promotional cardboard cutout or a model of King Kong standing outside a movie house.

      Recently we had the debut of Smallfoot.

      Now we have Pinhead because it has to be the size of a peanut (something comic artists use to make the likes of the Hulk's body seem all the more massive - yet the surrounding herbiage suggest we're dealing with a relatively short individual).

      It's the arms I can't quite decide on.

      Are they expanded in an act of territorial aggression or from shock at being caught taking a dump?

      That massive paunch intrigues me though because while I was wondering if we're dealing with another outing of Grover the Muppet ("the Autumn Years) I used my pcs magnifier and blowing it up 4 times only revealed more and more detail.

      Even the colour inverter while less revealing than normal still strongly suggested this was something three dimensional.

      A definite maybe.

    4. Easy enough to set up a mannequin or cardboard cut out by the side of the road.
      Bigfoot in these things never move, never flinch, never breathe, never anything and they are always blurry.
      I have lost a lot of faith in most of the photos etc.

    5. ok, reading "timmy's" posts make me want to pull my hair out. these guys who refuse to see what is right in front of their face and ridicule those that do are freaking ridiculous. Look at the damn picture timmy. You can see the shine on the head showing depth and you can see the elongated upper arm. It is WAY out of proportion for a man in a suit. To try and say this could be anything is utterly dishonest.

      now, could it be a fake? yes. but to say its nothing and not to acknowledge what is clearly visible is F-ING RETARDED!

    6. what ever the hell it is you can clearly see a head arms, body..... you tell me? lol

    7. So why would anyone look through a hours worth of boring video? Why would anyone be able to spot that unless they knew it was there?

  2. Ok, could have done without the music.

    There is definitely something standing there. You can see the sun lighting up it's head as the truck passes. It has mass too it, it's not a cardboard cut out or anything like that.

    Too bad it didn't move during the video. It could have froze when it saw the truck coming. They often do that when out in the open.

    How did some see that thing? It goes by so damn quick. Interesting.

    1. Actually the man's wife spotted it when they watched at home. Mrs

      The first time I watched it I didn't see it for the first 3 runs. Then I slowed it

      The witness seems very legit and forthcoming with answers to our many questions. I wish they were all like that.

    2. Here'es my beef. is Bigfoot elusive and secretive or is it not? Cuz you can't have it both ways. It either knows where everybody is in the woods and doesn't show itself or it stands on the side of the road and hopes nobody notices it....

      These are the problems with the mythology of Bigfoot. it's one or the other, pick one and stick with it.

    3. I must say Tim this is not bad, of course not conclusive and out in the open. Such a shame they did not see it while driving. I would really like to know more about your investigation into this if this is possible.


    4. Another thing this has going for it is the size of the head looks small in comparison to the rest of the body and this has been described by witnesses many times from a frontal view. It also appears to be moving from the arm positions.


    5. It's my mythical creature and I'll choose whatever way I want him to be. Go find your own monster.

    6. The only "monster" is the middle school moron who's brilliant answer to everything is "leave us alone troll"...found after logical posts, vitriolic posts, it doesnt matter because no logical argument exists for a ten foot tall ape living in America. Attacking campers, stealing food, women, kids, protecting territories, spying on us, evolving to elude all types of technology, etc.....YET NO EVIDENCE AT ALL. Call me troll, tell me to leave, whatever but please for the love of god USE SOME REAL VALID EVIDENCE or LOGiC to explain why Sasquatch exists! Why can we kill terrorists 2000 miles away with model airplanes but not fund 12 foot tall apes? Why can Primatologists find endangered apes in africa but not USA? Why can people trackers and search dogs not find Bigfoot? Why do all stories end with no evidence and/or shit video/pics?? WHY? Where is the DNA? The afterbirth or roadkill? Paths through the mountains?

      We all know why, now YOU, mr troll-identifier (and all other believers) please discuss why Bigfoot is likely real.

    7. How can you say there is no evidence? Footprints are evidence when casts are made and examined you will find dermal ridges on all kinds of casts. That can't be faked. Someone stomping around in the forest with wood cutouts on there boots can't do that.

      The Primatologists that you speak of don't walk into the forest one day and just find other primates that have yet been undiscovered. Theyre in the jungle for years searching for these things just as Bigfoot researchers are doing today. It takes time.

      The continent of North America where the majority of sightings are is filled with vast amounts of undiscovered wilderness. Places where man has still never stepped foot. Sasquatch have so much room to hide and evade humans, it's ridiculous. Think about it.

      Afterbirth??? Really?? Come on dude, who the fuck knows what they do with their afterbirth. They could eat it as many species do. Or they could bury it too. Or maybe other creatures in the forest come along and eat it up for lunch. Who knows?

      There are few videos and pics out there that are worth a damn. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there withholding videos and pics that would blow your mind!!!

      I really feel that eyewitness testimony is some of the best evidence we have of Bigfoot. Though you may not call it "evidence", in many cases it does hold validity to the existence of Sasquatch. Most likely, say more than 50-60% maybe even more of the eyewitness reports are bullshat. Guaranteed. But their are many reports from people who are credible and who have no reason to make up a story. Yes, with the recent Finding Bigfoot show on TV I'm sure the amount of reports coming in have probably more than tripled and again there are some that are legit. They have to be. Most of the time when reading reports you can tell when someone is fabricating a story or not.

      So can you tell all the other Believers/Knowers and myself why YOU think Bigfoot does NOT exist?

    8. I understand your rant about no "evidence" but to compare finding a sasquatch to shooting a terrorist is crazy. The last time I checked, our government has a military budget of about 1 ga-zillion dollars. Their "get Bigfoot Budget" is at zero.

      I assume you mean evidence by a body otherwise you would have already acknowledged that the scientific proof you are seeking (tracks, hair, etc.) has already been discovered and documented. (Unknown primate)

      Further, have you ever been into the woods? If so, how many 400lb black bears or trophy bucks have you walked upon. Our continent is home to hundreds of thousands of black bears and millions of deer but the larger, older ones have enough cunning to elude you. Assuming there is only 2000 or so Sasquatch in all of North America (also assuming that their brain cavity is larger than a human) this could explain why they don't lumber out toward your car wanting candy when you pass by.

      Until there is a body, people will always be skeptical. As far as asking for evidence; well, that question posed by you already proves my point. If you read literature from reputable (Meldrum) he talks extinsively about the evidence. But, I'm sure you will say he is a fool. So, there you have it. There is evidence supported by the examination of respected scientists however I am sure you will attack the examiner and then say the evidence is a fraud. So...are you a troll?

    9. To CBALL and Anon, I LIVE outside Eureka CA, do you think I've ever looked around the forest LOL?

      Look, I know there are tracks, claimed dermal ridges, and lots of witness testimony. Witness testimony is the weakest evidence of all, just ask a real judge or trial lawyer, therefore all the stories and BS goose chases (Ketchum, Smeja) are just that, BS. Stories and witness testimony are worthless without matching witness testimony or electronic evidence. So throw all stories without multiple witnesses or pics/vids/audio out.
      Next, throw out all questionable evidence; PGF, Freeman, et al are not compelling nor convincing evidence to anyone but believers. "proof" is hard to come by here, a lot of empty claims and outright lies for fun and profit = lots of fakes.
      So, that leaves us the little bit of physical evidence...a few mismatched and non-similar hairs, all supposedly from same animal. Tapes of screams growls and language...none sound alike and are often unique to their discoverer and non-repeatable. Footprints.....proven time and again to be fakes, but occasionally convincing.
      A guy I went to high school with is a musician in the band Mr Bungle. when we were kids he used forensics gel to copy his own feet into and expand them by about 1.5 times. He even transferred his dermal ridges into the foot mold, but while wet swirled them sideways across the track. Not like the ones Jimmie Chilcutt found but different from humans and convincing as hell. He used thes gel molds to cast latex feet, strapped them over his shoes, and had our area flipping for years....I cant refute each track, but I personally know they can and have been faked convincingly, with ridges, whorls and all...the Eureka CA paper never got enough "mystery track in town" stories either, so they helped the hoax along.

      FYI a little known fact? No dermal ridges at all in any of the PGF-Patty tracks! LOL!

    10. What Timmy means is Occam's Razor. Most obvious answer is the answer. People always fake Bigfoot evidence and Bigfoot hasn't been proven therefore Bigfoot is fake bullshit. Understand now? It really isnt hard if real point to real evidence, wait! there isnt any

    11. Either way we will still both be standing on our own sides and disagreeing until a body is found. And I disagree with you on several points in your response but I worked the late shift last night and I need to sleep. We could go back and forth forever on this. You'll always believe what you believe and I'll do the same.

    12. Trolls basically don't understand the meaning of the word evidence when there's lots of it, meaning they fail this basic knowledge everytime.

      The latest monicker of youtube patty hater timmy is the classic psychotic troll faking an interest by writing humongous posts on a subject of presumably nonexisting ape monsters, but who'd spend all this time on something they think doesn't even exist? That's correct, the psychotic troll with a mission.

      Plenty of other more productive subjects to choose but clearly it bothers the classic troll that others happen to think it's real, so they use this unknown species' elusiveness against the socalled believers. But with or without proof any live creature must exist before it's discovered they don't just pop out of the blue as many a witness will testify.

      For sasquatches the wilderness is their home and haven, the unimaginable vastness is incredible with thousands of miles where we never go so for another smart humanlike primate to hide really is nothing but a piece of cake.

      And not only are they humnalike they probably are humans of a new species to us which is basically why some powers don't want us to know. Think of what it'd disrupt in religious beliefs and evolutional theories not to mention new laws for both hunting and logging.

      That's a lot of rewriting and the establishment's not ready or prepared to do that currently, maybe it's about to change but those be the prime motives for the cover up so far. The thing that drives many an envious troll anyway is something the sasquatches have in abundance that we lost long ago come modern societies of rules and regulations, real freedom.

    13. Anon above YOU are the psycho I referred to earlier. I grew up and live NorCal, every damn canyon, pond, lake, ridge and cliff has the moniker "bigfoot" or "ape" or "skookum" or some other BS....and all my life I heard about Bigfoot and Bluff Creek and all of it. Let me help you again: I do NOT believe in Bigfoot as a biological entity but Bigfoot has always been in my blood! It is a fantastic mythology where Im from, but trust me there is no conspiracy, or coverup or any of that crazy psycho shit you are spouting. Its not a new human species, not a giant ape but a cultural/psychological phenomena. You are no different than George Adamski my friend, to this day some old people still think he flew to venus with the aliens LOL. Ask ANYONE around here, mendecino, Bluff Creek, Weed, anywhere you nuts think tribes of Sasquatch are roaming and you'll see its like a big joke for us up here! See a guy in low oxygen with a brown coat and long hair? A sasquatch for sure! A pot grower is chunking rocks at your dumb, tresspassing ass? A sasquatch for sure../.and the myth keeps growing.

      You keep watching for trolls and living in fantasyland, I'll keep camping in all those areas where "humans never tread" and sleep tight, knowing the scariest monster in woods is a damn bear who just wants my oatmeal.

    14. Timmy - may I ask you this? What difference does it make to you what others believe in or even how they spend their money? I don't smoke cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes can lead to serious illness and death. But I don't think smoking cigarettes should be banned nor do I call smokers idiots for engaging in potentially deadly activities. People have to make up their own minds. They have a right to make up their own minds. And believing in an unknown animal or hominid is nowhere near as destructive to self or others as smoking. So why do you care? Do you really think that by insulting people you are going to persuade them, especially people who have had an encounter with something?

      Not telling you to leave, but why are you here? What's in it for you? Does it help you to feel better about yourself, feel superior?

      Personally, I'm undecided. I think it would be neat for this country to have a primate since so many others do. I don't think anyone researching this is denying the world a cancer cure. So I guess I just don't understand your motive... what's the harm? And if all the attention in your area drives you crazy... move?

      Not resorting to name-calling... just

      Curious in Seattle

    15. We know Timmy's kind normally can't and won't answer that one, though now called out he'll likely attempt. Trolls like to feel better about themselves by putting other people's interests down that's the whole idea of their being here.

      Because they can't imagine it true therefore it must be nonexisting, basically they're projecting their own fears onto others, fears that they can't trust their governments. That sort of disruption bigfoot only brings is doubt they don't need, much like the even more religious fanatics they decide to block it out by denial and blame those goofy bigfooters. My advice: leave.

    16. The PG tracks have been examined and; YES, there is dermal ridgin, mid-tarsal break, slippage, flexation etc. So, to say that there is no dermal ridging in the track is absolutely wrong. Now, to my knowledge there was no "forensic gel" available at the local five and dime store when those tracks were collected.

      Also, if you and your buddy made elongated tracks using his feet and his dermal ridges transferred over to them, This is easily recognized during an exam by someone who specializes in the field of anatomy. Another issue with your "forensic gel?" How did you compensate for track depth? Unless you buddy is the Big Show or Jabba the Hut, there is no way an average to above average sized man could create a track that would remotely resemble the size of a six or seven hundred pound primate when depth is taken into consideration.

      Hey, for every off the wall accusation you throw out about the evidence and how you can replicate it, there is strong, proven science to refute your nonsense and discredit you. Also, you need to quite basing your biased opinions on evidence and eyewitness accounts until you read literature from "the other side of the argument." Start with "Sasquatch, Legend Meets Science." If is always good to know the facts of your opponent before you start saying things that might cause you to have to eat crow later.

    17. Please, oh please, explain to me what forensic gel is? I have never heard of it and I am in law enforcement.

    18. Timothy, I am not from California nor have I ever been to California but I have to imagine that the citizens of your fine state giggle at you behind your back. You say that no one from your area believe in bigfoot and they "laugh at people like us" yet they name virtually every hill, canyon, mountain, hollow, etc. after a sasquatch nickname. So, are the people of your state foolish and name their areas after "fantasy" creatures in order to be the laughing stock of the rest of the world, or maybe there is something to the campfire stories and the joke is on you?

      Just Wondering

  3. Kinda looks like Darth Vader, with his helmet off.

  4. Music? really? So this footage, which if they're purporting it as real would be the scientific find of a lifetime, was so pressing and important that they took the time out to add cheesy music to it just so non-believers would ... be more impressed by it? It just makes it look over-produced, which if you're presenting footage of an unknown creature might work against you by making the thing look like a scam!
    Oh, and yeah, that is quite impressive.

    1. Sorry for the music but I get pretty tired of the same old same old youtube video's. Taking 3 minutes to add music isn't really over-producing is it?

      I would never claim a "Scientific find of a lifetime" if I couldn't back it up with proof.

      This is just a very interesting video from our research area. No big claims made.

    2. Sorry, my friend, don't mistake my tone for indigence -- this is definitely good footage, with or without the music. It's not a bear, and very probably not a person. Most hoaxes have better staging, and the subject is on screen longer and framed more deliberately. I'd say this is very important footage, and if it's a hoax, it's a pretty good one, too.

    3. I would have to completely agree with your comments. I believe it was filmed in 720p I wish it was 1080p at 60 FPS. That would of helped with slowing it down to maybe get movement from the subject.
      Although reports of them standing perfectly still for minutes at a time have been around for awhile. Most of us see movement much better than a static object. Thanks for your comments

    4. next, you need to make the same run, same camera at the same time of day and see if you get the same thing, just to ensure it's not pareidolia caused by some bushes near each other or something

    5. Oh come on thats clearly not pareidolia. Theres clearly something standing there.

    6. Of course its not. Its probably a non-trivial task to find the location anyway. I'm sure someone like Mr.Ervick here would want to visit the site.

    7. I think, Tim, everyone is just nit picking a little as far as the music goes. "Don't go changin to try an please me" as Bill Joel would say. But the time between film and release does bother me a little. These "Didn't notice it until later" stories are all we ever hear anymore.

    8. I had to watch the video twice to notice it myself. (And I knew to look for it.)


    9. If they were driving by fast and filming the scenery how could they even possibly see this figure when watching an hour long tape later. Are you telling us they slowed down a whole hour or found it by pure chance. Bigfoots are real, I know that, this though is a little too deliberate.

    10. That's a good point.

      Is the hour of tape continuous and at what point in it does the anomalous figure show up?

      If near the beginning then I'd be quite suspicious.

      But why would you film an hour long trip's worth of vegetation anyway and why would your missus watch it all the way through?

      Just in case there was a Bigfoot there?

      Just in case there was incriminating footaqe of you picking up some half-naked thumb-waving hitchhiker?

      Or even weirder because she suspects you of being a secret Squatchsexual?

  5. As the late Steve Erwin would say, "Look at the size of 'er!!!"

  6. So far it looks pretty good.

  7. Thanks for sharing the video with us Tim.

  8. Better than most, but still I dont know...

  9. If you look at like "im gonna see a bigfoot" yeah, it does kinda look like a 'foot. However, it also looks like a farmer with a jacket on about to cross the road i also find it weird that the mans wife, whilst watching it in normal speed, noticed Da Squatch. see how in the beginning if the vid it was normall speed, then the video asked if we saw something? Did you? I was looking for a squatch and saw nothing. It was only after it was considerably slowed down i saw a 'foot.

    1. Watch it a couple times. It's there. It's not added into the slowed down footage. It goes by quick because the truck is going fast. Duh.

    2. After you see it one time, you can see it everytime, so the "watch it a couple times" theory is out the window.

    3. Not if it takes the dipshit a couple views before be sees it. Then he would have watched it a couple times. "IT" meaning the Bigfoot. Idiot.

    4. Im just wondering why the wife was watching an hour long video of a truck driving, then noticed da squach, when its clear after 1 view in normal speed even if your looking for it you cant see it until its slowed down.

  10. Replies
    1. No physical evidence, why would he care?

  11. The thing that seems weird to me...

    Which truck driver would film all his long and tiring drives and later watch it with his wife?

    And if they really watched the whole hour of the movie, what kind of eyes does his wife have???

    I looked at it 10 times and didnt see anything...

    Too many coincidences for my taste.

    1. Well the camera "GoPro" was attached to a truck's bumper. The video's owner is not a truck driver. Many people video driving in and out of certain area they happen to like. They were heading out of the park after a canoe trip on the way home. I do it all the time.

    2. People leave their GoPro cameras on constantly catching virtually everything they do when they're on a hike, riding a bike, driving through country roads, etc. In fact, some people probably even forget their running after awhile. That's what they're made for. I don't find that part unusual.

      I've edited for hours and missed tiny little things in video (not BF videos, but videos for broadcast), and someone with fresh eyes will come in and spot the smallest little shadows, background distractions, etc. It happens.

      What I find strange is the figure doesn't appear to move.

  12. I think we are going to need the expertise of FB/FB to figure this one out!

    1. Confirms on 98 points... blah blah blah
      3. Brow Riddge ... blah blah blah
      12. Smells Funny... blah blah blah
      36. Was rude to my mom at dinner last night...
      62. Kind of bums me out when he still talks bout the way Gina left him in Junior year... and so on.

  13. Not bad shawn, looks real. Now if someone could've walk around with a camera on there head we would have good pics. The sasquatch head camera. Seen cameras like this Why doesnt anyone use these?

    1. Was it possible to find the location and go back to see if footprints were around or any hair, etc.?

  14. That things does have some big looking pecks

  15. didnt see anything in the video. Bullshit is all this is.

    1. Hey man, you may need to schedule a vision test. I promise you that all of us are not hallucinating. Have your sight checked.

    2. Don't waste your breath Anon Tue, June 19, 2012 8:09:00 AM PDT. Some won't see it even when it's standing in their living room. That wasn't a Squatch - it was just a water stain on the wallpaper!! :P

    3. I have a cousin who after all these years still can't see a 3D image in those stereogram pictures. He thinks it's all a big put on.
      You got to wonder about people that think like that.

  16. If real deal looks like quite young maybe 3-4 ft tall ?

  17. finally something somewhat compelling

  18. What you are seeing here is the dumbest Bigfoot. There's gotta be one, right? Well, there he is. This guy totally failed the class on 'how to look like a tree' and it shows. The reason we don't see the smart Bigfoots is because they have the lookin' like a tree skills and can easily avoid detection. Come on fat girls, what say you?

    1. Yes, I agree, this is clearly the dumbest Bigfoot. A smarter Bigfoot would have not been seen and is the reason why they are so difficult to capture on video. A smart Bigfoot is an invisible Bigfoot.

  19. I think this just really confirms to me that is,that you have Sasquatch are learning from us. Ok he got the standing next to the road part aost right could have been a little closer though. Now if he can get the thumb up part right he won't have to walk everywhere he goes!

    1. Put down the crack pipe and step away from the key board before you make a bigger ass of yourself. I think I hear the Bigfoot Chicks are looking for a bigger ''STICK'' than the one you gave them.Crack,it's a helluva drug.

    2. He needs a sign that says 'will work for pancakes'.

    3. The smart Bigfoot hop trains.

    4. I seen one hanging on the landing of a cessna in Alaska.

  20. I think this just really confirms to me that is,that you have Sasquatch are learning from us. Ok he got the standing next to the road part aost right could have been a little closer though. Now if he can get the thumb up part right he won't have to walk everywhere he goes!

  21. Man in a darker (or camo) sub-zero style parka w/ hood up.

    Hunting/scouting or hiking along a riparian corridor in October. Who would think of such a thing?

    1. Jacket doesn't even need to be sub-zero style, he could be layered up or just pleasantly plump.

    2. Either this or it's just a garden variety sleestak

    3. Then if not a sleestak, all things point to bigfoot.

      I like to use this process of elimination.


    1. That was just a big turd, what just popped out it's butt.


    3. Spellcheck Jon, and take off your caps lock or you end up looking like a douchebag.......too late


    4. I didn't notice a second bigfoot. But if you look closely, you can see the Virgin Mary in the woods.

  23. what gets me is that there appears to be no movement...pretty interesting but have doubts about it.

    1. There actually is. If you look at the right arm when slowed down or if you have the ability to look at it frame by frame you can see the right hand moving. Or just push the pause button a bunch of times.

    2. Bullshit, stop making things up you fucking Bleever

    3. Eat a penis bitch. It's in the video. All you gotta do is wipe the semen out of your eyes and you can see it.

    4. Cballz is right maybe. When I watched frames 52-54 it looked like the space between the right arm and body increased slightly; may have been illusion due to change in perspective though, Cballz.

  24. Whenever I go canoeing, I also like to film the side of the road with my GoPro camera strapped to my bumper. Just in case... you know... Bigfoot, or something.

    1. Actually it's not unheard of. Not me, but there are people who really like to document their outdoor trips, broadcast them, and talk about themselves to the world.


    1. Was the GoPro attached to the side of the bumper?

  26. Replies
    1. Are you the same bigot who always posts that phrase? STOP IT. Do not use "Gay" as a put-down.

    2. goldilocks is pretty gay

  27. I have to agree great video!!!! Skeptics will always be skeptics but I do not see or hear anyone yelling wooohooo WTF is that holly shit what is that shaking camera and blurry footage. You have to admit this is a very nice video!

    1. Oh this is a Bigfoot alright, I'd stake my reputation on it.

    2. Did the driver mention any smell of skunk-like rotten garbage?

    3. As a matter of fact he did.Then his wife said ''Sorry honey,I forgot to use my Summers Eve''!

  28. Looks like a prop. Sorry but it is what is it. Prop.

  29. Likely real in my opinion. It could be a suit, but I doubt they would drive an hour to get to a guy that's standing there lol

    1. Just another fuzzy pic Tim which proves zilch. The shoulders are not wide for starters. There's little to no definition in the pecs that can be seen in this picture. It looks like some guy in a bulky suit that posed for a fuzzy pic. Why did the guy not take more than one pic. It basically looked like this so-called squatch posed for him. Also, we have no follow up pics for determining size to establish at least the perspective that this individual was of great height. It's simply another fuzzy pic that teaches us nothing about this subject and leaves us always in question about authenticity. Likely NOT real. I'd like to see more of your own evidence Tim. Where is that? Needless to say, I don't care for your abnoxious ass or half ass research. LOL cya

    2. Alex...are you that stupid that you made your points without reading the article or watching the video? The pic is a clip from the video. I am not going to go any farther with explaining this to you. I urge you to go back and read the article so that you may educate your dumbass as to the circumstances regarding how the pic was obtained.

      It doesn't take much intelligence to comment intelligently.

    3. Alex, I thought you had left this sight and wanted the Bigfoot community to ignore it as well. Can't stay away from the blog that defines BF today and cast you as a REDNECK JERK.

    4. Im pretty new to this feild, but that Alex MW gut seems like a tool.

    5. Where's your evidence Alex? Lets talk about that. Oh that's right you supposedly frollick with bigfoots for hours upon hours but have nothing to show for it. And I thought you were boycotting this site? Funny how you show up demanding evidence from people when you've brought nothing to table yourself.

  30. Bigfoots are so smart that they have developed the technology to create cloaking devices and they did it back in the '60s. This just shows how much more advanced and intelligent they are than us. These devices don't make them completely invisible, but they can blend in with their surroundings to the point where you can be standing a few feet away and not see them, kind of like in the movie 'Predator'. This Bigfoots cloaking device was obviously not working at the time this video was made. He must have had an inferior Russian made device, manufactured by Almasties. I've heard that they use cheap chinese Yeti made parts and don't work 100% of the time.

    1. I disagree. This Bigfoot's interdimensional skills obviously hadn't been mastered yet. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a young adult Bigfoot. If you drove by this same Bigfoot today, you would not see it. You would either see it as a different animal or, nothing at all...but he'd still be there.

  31. That's pretty cool. I didn't think it was moving either, but on second look, I thought maybe the right leg was lifting.

  32. Same beefy proportions as Cliff Crook's little figurine. That's a good sign.

  33. Wow, to me this is a pretty good one. If someone could go back to the spot so we could get a size reference and eliminate the possibility of a burned out stump with limbs or something that would be good. There is a significant dip down from the road, so just tough to tell how tall this thing is. If you look at the still shot compared to the first frame of the video, the "arms" are in a slightly different position. This could be caused by the change in angle, but maybe not. Visiting this spot could answer some of the questions from the video, but unfortuneatly not all of them. I hate to say this, but in the still shot you can almost make out a brow ridge. I know, I know, all you skeptics can take your shots now. I'm just saying...

    1. I saw it too - that is either the brow ridge of a nice looking squatch, the hood of a person's jacket pulled over their head, or a tree stump with a sense of humour.

  34. Super soylent...your take? Any way we can reason on a height?

  35. In interest to accuracy I mixed up two reports and stated that "The wife saw it upon review at home" actually his wife spotted the BF through the window while driving, and said, "what's that"? That's why he later reviewed the video in detail.

    Sorry for the inaccurate comment

    In one of our next reports from the Temagami area you will understand the mix-up. Coming Soon

  36. another pointless inconclusive video

  37. I say real. Glad it's daylight.

  38. "another pointless inconclusive video"

    Yes, you are right mister/madam. This video is so pointless and inconclusive that i can see the creature's cone head and eyebrows!

    No offense to all visitors of this blog, but i think that Native Americans are right. Many whites don't deserve to gain any knowledge about the Sasquatch. Those whites are ignorant and arrogant; worse, they are close minded people; they disrespect the wisdom of Native Americans. I know, i talked too much (thanks to the people who don't deserve to live on North America).

    1. One thing I recently encountered w/ a native friend (one of the Penutian tribes) is the topic of stick indians - it is not talked about much and for good reason. Be careful of whistles and children noises in the woods.

      It is never a good idea to ridicule that which you do not understand.

    2. I am a Sac, and do not believe in Bigfoot and just think they are part of my NA culture, like euros have their trolls and sea serpents? We have dragons, talkin wolves and Sasquatch, pretty cool but they are not real as in "real" like humans LOL. I like how all non-NDNs think they can generalize and stereotype NDNs like me into building Arla a birthing station!

      Mr. Starr- Sac and Fox nation

    3. Typical drunk racist Injun. Nothing to see here. Shouldn't you be out rubbing to pieces of coal together in the freezing snow just to see how shiny you can make them?

    4. Not generalizing, that's why I said Penutian (and Salish) tribes in particular which covers the west/pac nw.

      I have no idea what goes on in your neck of the woods.

  39. Real deal, folks. All you trolls will be proven wrong soon.... Big things are on the horizon

    1. Yep, heard that for 5 years and still going........

    2. try 1,000+ if you include trolls under the bridge, leprechauns, and fairies

  40. Well, that is cool anyhow. Better than most of these videos.

  41. I appreciate you posting this video and I've watched it numerous times.
    Every time I watch it, I get the feeling that it's a forced perspective. Maybe it's the lens of the camera.
    Watching the slowed version gives an entirely different impression though.
    I certainly can't call hoax or fake though.

  42. Here's the problem with this clip. There is no way that a sasquatch could not see and hear this car coming long before it passed by. Typical bigfoot behavior would be to leave the area or crouch and attempt to hide. A real bigfoot wouldn't just stand there motionless.

    My guess is that this is a mannequin/statue positioned for this scene.

    1. Then why are there so many reports of them crossing the road at night right in front of the cars that almost hit them?

    2. Those bigfoot are moving across a road as a car approaches.

  43. my guess is it's a hunter waiting for his ride after a long morning in a tree stand. Still wearing his ghillie suit.

  44. If the wife said "What is that?" while they were driving, why didn't her husband stop and turn around to go look? If it was real, they might have gotten better footage.

    I don't know about this one, but the older I get the more I discover that "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

  45. Thanks everyone for your comments. I appreciate the feedback. Good or Bad. lol

  46. Short arms.Could be a man in a jacket.

  47. I live in the Algonquin Park area and there have been many stories over the years. I have said for a long time that northern Ontario or western Manitoba were the best places to look; no mountains to climb and if you're in a canoe (and have some bush sense) you can cover a lot of territory. I was not surprised in the least when Dr. Meldrum visited northern Ontario (Snelgrove Lake) to check out reports and came away with intriguing samples. This video was interesting and intriguing, especially since there have been reports from the Madawaska River area south of the park. But, sadly, it joins a long list of intriguing but inconclusive videos.

  48. all you guys are stupid, the arms are too short duuuuhhhh!!

  49. no way he'd see it unless he knew it was there!! bigfakefoot

  50. Many here cannot see the forest for the trees. Could the footage have been faked? Of course. But the fact that you don't notice the damn thing until it is pointed out proves that this behavior of standing stock still is completely consistent with a genuine BF. Presumably BF if real is going to have to occasionally cross roads and occasionally there is going to be vehicle traffic in the vicinity. Some of the scoftics on here ought to look at some youtube footage of ghillie concealment before and after and realize just how blind the human mind is, and how easily exploited this blindness can be. And yeah, BF is often described as being covered in what seems a lot like a natural ghillie.

  51. Definitely NOT a Bigfoot.

    I live in a forest, and I see all kinds of shapes that trees, vines, plants, dead tree stumps, etc, take on. These formations from a relatively short distance can fool even experienced hunters into thinking they are something else. I have seen plenty of small, dead trees that because of time and the elements, can end up looking like a person or animal..especially when they get some kind of moss or vine growing on them. To me that is what this looks like, especially since if this was a Bigfoot it would be one that has an almost non-existant head..and people who have seen Bigfoot will always tell you they have very prominent heads..even if they don't have much of a neck to speak of.

    Then there's the added fact that people rarely see these things just standing by a road staring at them..and much less during daylight hours. If seen by a road they are running or bounding over it..and not just standing there like a zombie.

    I think the video taker or whomever released this to the public is seeing what they want to see..not what is really there. And I bet you that if somebody were to drive down that same road and look for this formation carefully..they would find it.

    1. Perhaps you are correct, but what you have proposed is certainly falsifiable should anyone feel froggy.

  52. My question is, if the guy is filming a trip out, why is the camera not pointing ahead and instead as a side/diagonal angle. Not saying this is or isn't a bigfoot, no one can say so until it is proved or disproved. Until it is disproved this is interesting nonetheless.

  53. It's not surprising that a good number of these "supposed" accidental videos all have the same thing in common, a big lead up, a few baseless facts at the beginning and a set-up (a probable story). Then right in the middle of one of these videos the evidence comes out, and it's not really evidence, it's merely tricks of light, a bush, a man dressed up in a cheesy suit, because there ain't going to be much detail when driving at 40mph, is there?

    Kill one first, lay it on a slab for the world to see, then and only then will this myth have merit. Until then, we're stuck with silly youtube videos, pseudo scientists, stories and far too many plaster casts (which can easily be faked).

  54. 1 frame is spotted out of an hour long video? Lol no possible way. It's not even visible in the video. Not sure where the still frame preview comes from as it's never in the video. Any real footage of Bigfoot won't take 2 years to become public.

  55. Another crappy,blury,shortvideo, this is so lame, i read all the believers comments and non of it makes sense, there is no conclusive evidence at all, ridges on foot prints CAN BE FAKED, there is no dna, no hair samples, no specimen to match any kind of "EVIDENCE" people please its been over 40 years and still no conclusive evidence, give it up, THERE IS NO SPECIMEN, NO PROOF, NOTHING!!!

  56. Why would bigfoot, an animal that(if it exists), has evolved/learned to behave in a way that has totally confounded any attempts to prove its existence, stand by the side of a long straight road, in broad daylight, while a family on a canoe trip drive past? I am not a troll. What I have found is that there are people who have lost the ability to form beliefs in a rational way. Saw it with 'Truthers'. Now it's 'Footers'.

  57. I am not saying this is a purposeful hoax. To me it seems to be what Fortean investigators term a simulacra. Sometimes its the face of Jesus in a burned piese of toast, sometimes its a damaged tree that looks like bigfoot. Both rely on someone to suggest the likeness exists. A bit like seeing shapes in clouds in some ways. It is strange that this was spotted at all in this fim.

  58. This blog has been populated mostly by skeptics and debunkers (a.k.a. idiots)

  59. Skeptic is not a term of abuse. I am skeptical of bigfoot because I haven't seen any conclusive,evidence of its existence. It is strange that debate is not encouraged by some as it is the way knowledge advances and agreement reached. If people choose to believe in bigfoot I find that almost as interesting as bigfoot phenomena.

  60. Interesting clip, but it really could be anything. Could be a BF, impossible to say. I see no reason to question the story around it, but this is of limited use.

    That said, Algonquin Park is absolutely huge with very little human population so if lots of BFs were running around there it would seldom be noticed.

    I used to live in Northern Ontario and I had two probable BF incidents in Algonquin Park, when I was on canoe trips in the backwoods - one Class A, one Class B.

    When I sheepishly informed friends about it, guys who had spent a lot more time in and around the Park than I had, they considered it routine, no big deal. Of course BFs are there, nobody really bothers to report anything.

    When I shared my story with an acquaintance who was with the police (OPP), and had spent years in Northern Ontario, he confirmed that BF sightings are so commonplace that no one really gets worked up about it. Only outsiders who visit and by chance see something consider it something special.

  61. IT is a man in a big puffy hooded jacket zipper down middle look full screen on zoomed image.

  62. The man is a murderer. He murdered a primative person and should be in jail for murder and for being a poacher too. What a shame.

  63. why even upload this.its cleary a flat fugure.all this talk that 'it has density' wtf! its a midget cardboard cut out or a hedge cut in the shape of an upright ape/bf figure,by a farmer with a sense of humour. cleary its not BF that has hidden 4 centuries yet stands at the side of the road to be seen by every passer by

  64. The trouble with attributing behavior characteristics to a yet undiscovered species is no claim has real merit, because no serious scientific evidence of note exists. The species does not exist on paper. Therefore declaring that bigfoot is "elusive" as a species is not supportable scientifically. Individuals within all identified species are known to diverge from predicted norms. Until behavior patterns are established and attributable to a bona fide taxonomy, all encounters should be analyzed individually.

  65. I truly believe sasquatch exists but this thing has a pea head on a huge body. I gotta call this one a hoax

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  67. could be but looks like a hoax to me

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  72. i think this is likely to have been photoshoped or it is a real squatch. I have watched this heaps and i'm about 80/2o. 80 fake 20 real

  73. Looks real, like a person or bigfoot. We'll never know. Do a place recreation?

  74. This bigfoot must have been using the road to kill it's prey. I learned that from Matt Moneymaker

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