Listen To Robert Lindsay On The Bigfoot Tonight Show at 6PM PST

Robert Lindsay will be the guest on the Bigfoot Tonight show at 6PM PST with Chuck Prahl. So, who is Robert Lindasy? Read the show notes below:

Robert Lindsay is a journalist who recently become interested again in Bigfoot after a visit to the BFRO in Spring 2011. Previously, he was a believer in the Patterson film, but his interest had dropped off over the years. He started writing more and more on Bigfoot over the year and quickly rose to become one of the most important Bigfoot bloggers on the scene today. He scooped many to most of the major Bigfoot stories of the last year, including the Ketchum DNA results and the Sierra Kills story with Justin Smeja.

Click here to listen at 6PM PST.


  1. Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - that same pic

    1. What a bizarre looking person..that picture must be fake.nobody can look that weird..mist be photoshoped...

    2. He's uglier than ugly betty. the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

  2. He looks good in ladies glasses.

  3. I bet you he has no pants on in that pic.

    1. Well obviously! If you look he's wearing a dress :)

    2. 1985 called and they want their glasses back.

    3. I made no posts any where on this thread-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  4. Lindsay I'm sick of you------------prolly libtard and a immigrent simithyzer+++!!! you and you're antics--------------i am not mispeling im using my brain power for impodent cifering --------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! box me and you will wet you're pants!!!


    1. you really need to lay off the caffeine.

    2. I say we forget about Bigfoot and have Leon's DNA sequenced... because I can't figure out if he's an ape or an early hominid.

    3. I love "looser's". They're the only ones that will fit my giant!

    4. Anon 5:23,

      Its no my ego, its just the truth. Well, it may not be technically speaking "giant" but I have heard the word "monster" more than a few times.

    5. I think Peeon has delusions of grandure.

  5. You are ALL Stupid Fools!!I am the worlds greatest sasquatch expert ON this planet! YOU DIGG!! and yet chuck an stacy wont interview me !! this blog even rightously called me THE GANDOLF OF bigfoot!! you can ALL GO TO HELL !!H MAY

  6. Anyone notice that only Shawn promotes this moron?

    Shawn = Robert Lindsay

  7. Robert Lindsay looks like the kid from fifth grade that I used to beat up every day and take his lunch money.

  8. I saw Bigfoot yesterday but he was in the form of a rabbit. I cold tell it was Bigfoot though, by the way he was looking at me. He may have looked like a rabbit, but his poker face gave him away.

  9. I'm pretty sure this asshole ain't wearing pants. And he's also probably watching child porn. Btw, above poster is an asshole!

    1. You are correct, I am an asshole. Please don't hold it against me.

  10. I didn't think this was possible but Linsay actually sounds dumber than he writes.

  11. Robert you are a slanderous bigot. You need to watch who you talk about and offend, it will come back on you. Who the hell are you anyway? You certainly make more enemies than friends, well, really you just make enemies. That says a lot about your character and credibility. Go find Bigfoot yourself and get some evidence of your own lazy ass sob.

  12. Lindsay has essentially "broke" every major bigfoot story over the past year or so. Like him or hate him, the truth is the truth. Regardless of whether or not I like him, I read his stuff because he is correct most of the time. I realize that some of his times/dates are off, but generally speaking, he is the most accurate.

    1. What major stories? It's all speculation and conjecture.

    2. It's 'major' speculation and conjecture put into story form.

  13. In my world a journalist is someone who is educated in that field and/ or is employed by some sort of media institution. That man is not a journalist. I read a few of his articles not related to bigfoot and I will never go back there; he is a racist and a pedophile, it needs to be said over and over. I don´t care how many times he´s been right about bigfoot, it´s not like the field will collapse without him.


    1. You are 100% correct sir, the man is scum. He has not broken a single story, as many like to claim he has, either. The man just regurgitates what he reads elsewhere occasionally adding his own bs spin. Tabloid crap from a racist pedophilic self-hating gay man who wouldn't know Bigfoot from his own ass. This does need to be said over and over, supporting this hate monger by republishing anything he has to say on the subject is a weak ploy as well. This makes me truly sick, John

  14. Comments like those above drove me to listen to the webcast. What comments were slanderous, or even in bad taste? None that were obvious, so those here objecting must be some of the many who were exposed almost as a side circus ring in his blog over the last year, which is just about every Bigfooter of self proclaimed amazingness. Interesting I have heard no direct defenses of RL's claims, but have witnessed angry responses and personal attacks. I must go back and read all of RL's Bigfoot blogs, since at the time I didn't believe most of it, and it seems now much of it was true.

  15. What was true anon 8:45? Could you hear him in the webcast? Every statement started off loudly then went into a low whisper. You couldn't even tell if he was done talking half the time and it sounded like he was talking to himself. Also don't forget at the end of each statement the obligatory, "or something like that". Which translates into,"I'm making this shit up as I go guys".


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