Is This The M.K. Davis Bigfoot Tree Creature?

Let's say for a moment that the tree creature footage from M.K. Davis isn't really a Bigfoot.

We've heard from a few people that the figure climbing the tree may have been a black bear (or even a porcupine-- Really guys? Seriously?). Black bears are generally 4-5 feet tall and they are extremely good climbers. Davis has stated himself that the creature in his footage appears to be 3-4 feet tall, about the same height as a black bear.

The videos you're about to watch shows black bears and their natural tree climbing abilities. Just look at how fast they go.

Black bear climbs up the tree for pine cone seeds

Black mother bear and two cubs scared up a tree

M.K. Davis Tree Creature Analysis

Look at how slow this porcupine is climbing the tree
Again. Seriously?


  1. Listening to the audio, whatever was in the tree was a primate of some sort.

    1. The audio was fake as hell! I've heard children make Ape noises that were more believable.

    2. M.K Davis is not a faker son

    3. Correct, he is not. He only USES the videos from fakers, so he's in the clear.

    4. Did I say MK was a "faker"? Do you think MK shot the footage? You must since you made that statement.

    5. So far, most of his footage is very real.

  2. porcupine again seriously... black bear maybe... looked a bit thin in the legs to me from what I could see... More like the Jacobs creature. But hey I have no clue just an opinion as we all seem to have :)

    1. Porcupines and bears don't leap onto trees or jump down. Bears come down backward and slow and raccoons do the same. Why because any other way is impossible . The claws are only hooked one way. Oh I've seen them come down fast. Usually after we tranquilize or shoot themThen they fall. I work with nuisance animals and it's defiantly not a bear or raccoon. The attached videos should show that. Plus Bears and Racoons to exhibit that type of behavior unless treed and I can tell you they stay up there awhile. I havn't seen any jungle swinging bears or raccoons in my life. It's just not possible. Biology and Behavior don't stand up to the bear or raccoon theory.

    2. I raised three pet raccoons. I've also read the book Rascal. Sterling North claims his pet raccoon came always climbed down backward. NONE of my three pet raccoons did. They all came down head-first.

      I raised them at different periods during my life, so I don't know what was wrong with Rascal, but my three were better climbers. They all leaped onto the tree and scrambled up very quickly. They also leaped off the tree head first when they got near the bottom.

      They weren't into shaking the tree limbs they were on, but I've seen bears do that. A black bear cub could do what we see on the film.

      Baby raccoon climbing down head-first:


      I don't know enough about black bears to make the same claims, but I do know raccoons.

  3. Thanks for addressing this Shawn, it was needed.

    1. I think what really needs to be addressed which has flown under the radar so far by this blog and SWP is Monster Central from the GCBRO. F'ck its open season on everybody else so why not?

      What is it 1400 acres? So that’s approximately 1 mile square give or take, and Oh lordy me! Their on all fours, their walking upright, their god damn everywhere. BUT, but!! no photos, no video no proof. Oh BTW yeah that’s the Hovey in the tent scandal area. :)

      1 mile square and if there so, and I mean so abundant, a 10-20 man team in a line 100 metres apart will find them. You walk on average 2.5 miles per hour.

    2. 640 acres is 1 square mile.

    3. Fair enough! Increase man power and walk longer ohhhhh for what? 40 minutes.

      The point still stands.

    4. Dude, do you even get out? In the wild. I hunt in some thick ass country in Louisiana and if we try your strategy on a big mature buck there's a pretty good chance nobody would even see that deer much less get a shot or Picture or whatever. I'm not a 100% believer yet, but I do believe something smarter and probably more rare than the rest of the animals that live there could go undetected for a long time if it exists. And not to mention you ain't covering shit in 40 minutes. And if you do you're not observing.

  4. Who freaking knows. All I know is that's an adorable first pic. The problem is that just like the video most evidence is really blurry

  5. Sally here

    It's certainly not one of these creatures that's in the MK Davis film. The thing in MK's film has long arms and legs. It clearly bends in a human/ape like way as well if you watch it closely a few times. The way it shakes the three I don't think a bear could do. Not that hard anyway.

    What it is I don't know, but MK's videos looks damn good in general.

  6. Hello all:

    Just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel. Before I could get a word out he said "Are you going to post everything I fucking say on Bigfoot evidence? If you are, then report this, Sally is a fucking liar".

    He then went on about his appearance on Destination Truth with Josh Gates. I said Jack "how was being on the hit scifi series" and his response was "Josh Gates is a god damn fool, he is alone in the woods with a piece like Erin Ryder and he spends time looking for Bigfoot, or the North American, Sasquatch as it is called. If I were 70 years younger, there would have been alot of moaning in the woods but it would not be coming from a Bigfoot or North American Sasquatch as it is called."

    I said "Jack that kind of stuff is uncalled for and he responded "yeah like you would not want to ride her"

    1. Jack is a pimp! Slay'em Jack.

    2. @ Anon 1:39, still best comments of all posts. You deserve some kind of a reward.

  7. It looks like a primate of some sort could be a pet monkey or a escaped one.

  8. Jack Jack Jack.Hope you got your blue little pill.I think we got the ''RYDER-RIDE HER'' connection.But we all know that Patty was hoping that you would compliment her ''ANATOMY'' when you two were at the Olive Garden.

  9. Look I am going to leave Jack out of it this time. I have been looking for a place to say this and considering we all watch Destination Truth here is probably the best.

    Erin Ryder is fucking hot. Its not even funny- they dont really play it up on the show but they should and she should be half naked in every show. How great would Ghosts of Antarctica be if they made her run in the snow in a fur bikini.

    All the guys on the show must be gay because honestly if you are alone in the dark with her are you going to be thinking about searching for monsters.

    1. So let it be written,so let it be done!

    2. I'm sent here by the chosen one

    3. Yes Erin Ryder is so hot. Did you see the one where she was in the bikini? She does have a true HARD body. Forget the stupid monsters, More Ryder.

  10. There is no way it's a bear. It's definitely a primate. Just look at how it shakes the tree.

    It's a great video. M.K. Davis has been releasing a lot of videos lately. I wonder what's coming next.

  11. Lets see now. It is either blurry or so far away we dont really know what it is..IT HAS TO BE A BIGFOOT You idiots shgould go back to watching joebblack1963 or thesquatchmaster if you believe this crap

  12. So if its not a Porcupine it HAS TO BE a Bigfoot? Really guys? Seriously?

  13. Shawn, nice extra step with the comparative videos. I don't feel compelled to decide one way or the other. I'll go with what MK says, his benefit of study of the original doesn't compare to this old laptop.
    An unmanned camera makes it a tough sell though, no witness to anything. Something to ponder for some, and fodder for some others.
    Does climbing a tree, shaking a limb, and jumping down surprise anyone if indeed it is a juvenile BF? I know a few neighbor kids that behave like that.

  14. Hey..the porcupine comment came from an aspiring anthropologist and supported by some anon that sees pink leprechauns in the video as well. Probably one in the same.

    1. So its a wrap guys.......the aspiring Bigfootologists have declared it can be NOTHING BUT A SQUATCH. Not surprising.

    2. No No...wait...I can see a tail! lmfao

    3. This isn't Bigfoot, deal with it. Burden of proof and you have NONE. LMFAO!

    4. Burden of proof? Who the hell are u talking to? Try understanding what you are responding to before you respond nutjob.

  15. Forget the bigfoot. It is Winnie the Pooh.

  16. Would a black bear have jumped the last few feet like that?

  17. It is always possible a persons pet chimp was released or got away. There is several cases of ''pets'' being released in Florida. In the UK there is sightings of big cats and it has been proven that peoples pet big cats were released. I would say this is either a person or a chimp.

    1. The animal act introduced in 1978 forced many private collectors to replease their animals into the wilds. So yes it is proven that Pumas, big cats etc., roam the hills much like Wallaby's, snapping turtles and the dock lands are covered with scorpions and more...

      This looks like a bear to me however, why? well prove bigfoot exists 'first' then say this may look like one after the discovery.

      Prior? use common sense always.


  19. Its Cliff Barackman making another attempt to re-enact the NY baby bigfoot. Case closed.

  20. People have misidentified the creature in the first video as a black bear, clearly, it is a sasquatch baby. Squatch like to imitate other creatures and they are so smart they fool us humans and then move via trains to other locations to fool us again and again. Some even look like deer crossing the road and lumberjacks. In fact, almost all creatures in the woods are really sasquatch.

  21. Now I get that song. And a Partridge in a BEAR tree.


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