Hot Bigfoot Chick Just Got A Hot New Ride

Since we're in a "promotional" kind of mood (and we really want to see the Bigfoot Chicks succeed) we're going to send you to their new blog at Some of their blog posts are really interesting and they have articles like: "Does the Fouke Monster Really Exist????" and "The Scream that started it all......".

Our favorite is an article about a new Toyota FJ Cruiser "Santa" got for Melissa. For some reason, we're thinking she's way out of our league and we can't possibly compete with "Santa".


  1. If I was a straight man I would say, talk less, and take off your clothes. But I'm not so I wouldn't say something like that.

    1. Lol; You should follow Tim Fasano, he takes his clothes off.

    2. Lol; sorry about that if you are happy with your life; your probably not gay anymore and have to start all over: Take my wife, please.

    3. Or mine, and I'll throw in the dog.

      I guess we both screwed up there, I'm taking the advice from this from now on.

    4. Lol; Thanks, love that song..

  2. Replies
    1. Not really, but I'd lay pipe in her.

    2. She's hot for the Bigfoot community. It's like saying she's the tallest midget in the circus.

    3. So true.

      What is needed is more Afro-Americans involved in this field. That'll p*ss off the rednecks.

      Strange there's none so far.

    4. I was thinking about that... there is no color in Bigfooting.

    5. Theres a joke in that, but even though you seem to have a good sense of humor I ain't going there :)

      But I've thought about this for sometime! I guess they just have more sense and Lindsay's wrong.

      Can you imagine a group turning up at a GCBRO BBQ? Lol!!!!

    6. Color in Bigfooting? Does the red on the neck count as color?

    7. I think the boom box and smell of Kool Aid would scare the bigfoots

    8. Doubt it, they'll only hear the sound and smell the smell put never see then in the dark. F.K thats the answer...We need NEGROS to find them in the dark.

  3. I think Tim Fasano is sexier.

    1. Only if your into tea bagging with an over wieght cab driver wanna be Skunk Ape Researcher.

  4. Hope she likes those huge blind spots those FJ Cruisers have. Bet she backs up into a tree.

  5. Compared to most of the fat cows who are in to Bigfoot, ghosts, UFOs, and other fantasy subjects, she ain't bad...

  6. Replies
    1. She's cute and she seems like a nice person.

    2. She's a beautiful,cute,nice DINGBAT! If you mixed her DNA with Fatsano you would have some cute,ass scratching babies.

  7. Who cares what kinda car this chick drives. These woman better bring out some reliable evidence fast or they shall be cast aside and forgotten rather quickly.

    Also, what's up with all the guys drooling over these chicks? As long as they bring in some evidence, It shouldn't matter what they look like!

    1. Also, what's up with all the guys drooling over these chicks?

      Have you seen the state of most Bigfooters? There's your answer.

    2. Why are the chicks the researchers who must produce something "soon". Others are followed for years and years and have little to nothing to show us. The best, most difficult to refute, evidence are the accounts provided by seemingly honest people with no dog in the race.

  8. shes a personal friend, lovely person inside and out! and I for one cant wait to walk another 3 or so miles through the thick swampy lowlands of MS in the middle of the night again w/ her ::FLIR BUDDY::..that or Georgia, dying to see those woodses

  9. This is the height of Bigfootery is it, a youtube video titled, "I Got A Car".

    1. I'm pleased I'm not the only one who thought this. :)

  10. That car better come with a stove damnit!! :P Or at least a toaster oven

  11. Replies
    1. Sure, I'm not even 100% I'd f*ck it unless drunk, but then again I've f*cked worse. :)

  12. They may not be hot, but at least have some effin respect peeps.

  13. She's an annoying fucker. Everyone please stop saying she's hot. Good grief, get out some.

  14. melting butter with the sight of her taint....

  15. more updates about these chicks thanks

  16. Saying this chick is" hot for a bigfooter" is like saying "she's a good kisser for a hairlip "?
    If you have to handicap the're already addressing the subject from a losing point!?
    PS...who cares whatsoever that this chick got a truck? It has NOTHING to do with the subject of Bigfoot AT ALL?!

  17. I'd hit it like a fist of an angry god.

    Then I'd hit it like a stormdoor in a hurricane.

    And then I'd hit it like a retard with a drumset.

    1. My heavens, when I heard her talking, all I could think of was the Captain Jack Bindernagel story where they dropped Hovey off for talking too much. This chick is exactly the same; annoying as fuck and I couldn't take listening to her for even 1 minute.

  18. Can we at least agree on one thing? She is the best looking MELISSA in bigfooting.

    1. I love it when a woman has corns covering her feet. Its an honor to lick and suck them like there's no tomorrow.

    2. She does have the whitest teeth I've ever come across.

    3. Yes from all the liquid pearl>

  19. Oh oh oh ahhhhhh....she's great!

    - MastabaSquatcher

  20. Melisa Adair is a troll. I would rather stick my johnson in a meat grinder.

  21. Both of these bufoons were kicked out of the BFRO!

    1. R u serious? I didnt know bfro even kicked people out!

    2. U R shitting me? Matt had a major clean out when people didn't suck his d*ck.

    3. ok, i thought they took anyone as long as you paid up!

  22. If "Santa" bought be a new 4X4 I'd be uber excited too. I'm happy for her,having a vehicle like that will sure make it easier to travel the back roads to get to those out of the way areas.

  23. Back of the out of way places here are where people go to make out.

  24. Omg is it possible to be that annoying. Geez


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