David Paulides Interviewed About Bigfoot And Dr. Ketchum's DNA Study

Breaking News: Dr. Melba Ketchum's public Facebook page has disappeared. Could this be a sign that the Bigfoot DNA "Manual Script" is close to being published? We'll let you know once we find out what the deal is.

In other related news, the host of The Church Of Mabus radio show, Jeffery Pritchett recently published an interview with David Paulides-- Dr. Ketchum's boss. He did not reveal much about the "soon to be released" study, but there are some interesting questions that were thrown at him, like: "DNA testing has been around for over a decade yet there has never been another bigfoot group to attempt classification, why?"

Read below:

David Paulides has written some of the best Bigfoot books out there. Starting with The Hoopa Project: Bigfoot Encounters In California and his second book Tribal Bigfoot. I have interviewed David Paulides at The Church Of Mabus radio show and here on Examiner once before. His last radio interview with us can be found here. Making his books even more great are the sketches by police forensic artist Harvey Pratt. The books go into Native perspectives and eye witness testimonies of actual cases of Bigfoot sightings. Chronicling this information in two worthwhile volumes that are a must have for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The organization David belongs to is called North America Bigfoot Search is a good place to keep up with when it comes to Bigfoot research. In this interview we delve into the Native American perspective of Bigfoot as well as the subject of DNA with some startling revelations of information to add to the discussion. Always a pleasure to interview David. Presenting.

1. In your book The Hoopla Project Bigfoot Encounters in California the method is to bring forensic abilities from your knowledge into learning about sightings of Bigfoot by using a police sketch artist and your knowledge. What are some of the methods you used to get deeper into these cases forensics wise?

In regards to the forensic drawing. A trained law enforcement forensic artist is formally trained, they are not just an artist. They are trained to draw exactly what the witness observes, they do not interpret. They do their work face to face, not over a phone. This was a HUGE cost to our organization but reaped a major change on how the biped is viewed. Example-Harvey Pratt (Forensic Artist) and I did a conference in Texas for another bigfoot organization that believes bigfoot is an ape. Our drawings show a profoundly more human face then what has been put in front of the public. We were at the conference with Harvey's drawings placed on a table for public view, a young witness came into the building and started to view the drawings. He screamed across the room and and had his mom come to his side. The man told his mom that this was the first time he had seen a drawing showing something much more of what he observed and not an ape. He explained that another MAJOR bigfoot group had placed him in contact with an artist. The artist attempted to do the drawing by phone, speaking to the witness for 20-30 minutes, drawing for 2 days and then calling him back. After 5-6 attempts and the witness telling the artists to stop drawing the biped to make it look more like an ape and start drawing to his directions (more human), the witness stated he eventuially gave up because the artist wouldn't change it. He stated that it appeared that the artist and the bigfoot organization had an agenda.

2. What are the Hoopa people's perspective on Bigfoot and also in Tribal Bigfoot your 2nd book in the series you speak of a consistant link between the Native American community and Bigfoot. Could you tell us more about that?

We visited many tribes in our attempt to understand the Native American perspective on the topic. Every group, repeat, every tribe viewed them as another group of people, another tribe of their own. We received special permission from the Tule River Indian Reservation at the base of the Sierra's near Fresno, CA. They showed us pictographs 1,500 years old of a bigfoot family on a cave wall (Photos on our website). They explained that they were the keeper of their forest and they lived in harmony with their tribe, a relationship that has existed for thousands of years.

3. Could you tell us about some of the patterns of Bigfoot sightings events wise that happen with witnesses?

We initially focused on northern California and then moved east. There is a pattern of sightings associated with water and ridges. It would appear the bigfoot is more likely not afraid of children and older people. Many sightings occur when they place themselves near kids and many habituations happen around residences of older adults.

4. What are a few cases that you'd like to recount for us that stand out from your books regarding Bigfoot experiences?

The Ullibarri sighting in Hoopa is a classic. A young woman living in a residence at the edge of the woods observes a bigfoot going through garbage in her yard. The woman calls local police, they respond and arrive just as the biped is walking into the forest. Researchers arrive and collect hair from the shed the biped was leaning on. The hair goes through DNA testing with the result listed in Tribal bigfoot.

5. In your perspective what exactly is Bigfoot? Alot of people believe ape type creatures and some think that it has paranormal type qualities or could be multidimensional. Some have brought forth high strangness tying in UFO sightings with Bigfoot. In your opinion what the heck is it exactly?

Bigfoot is far more human then ape. Apes do not walk upright. The ability of complex thinking and communication is only a skill of a biped of human qualities. EVERY hair that has ever been DNA tested has shown to be more on the human side of the genetic scale, not ape.

6. Different Native tribes have different beliefs about Bigfoot and I find the Native belief system to be the most profound and fascinating. I have interviewed Kathy Strain about Native folklore and many shamans and I can't get enough. Love it. Anything else you can share with from the Natives about Bigfoot?

Kathy's book is excellent. What she has outlined in "Giants, Cannibals and Monsters is directly inline with our beliefs.

7. Why do you think Bigfoot is interacting with humans or going so close to them on so many levels? Is it truly by accident or on purpose for some reason.

We believe that bigfoot is an interested with us as we are with them, especially younger ones. The behavior of the older biped's is more calculated but younger ones is pure interest and probably friendship.

8. We all know the evidence situation with Bigfoot is absolutely strange on many levels. No dead bodies that I'm aware of . Why do you think this is?

There are thousands of Mountain lions in the hills of California. I have spent countless hours, hiking, camping, backpacking and researching in California, I have never seen a Mountain Lion and I've never seen a skeleton in the wild. Does this mean Mountain Lions don't exist, no. The floor of the forest is a very efficient mechanism at disposal of bodies. If bigfoot is as human as Native Americans believe, then they may practice what other tribes do. Some tribes believe that bigfoot bury their own.

9. As we depart what can you share with us about Bigfoot's lifestyle? Like for instance their living situation and possible customs and way of life.

We are not experts and we don't make outlandish claims. We have reported on what witnesses observe, based on proven scientific methods. Harvey has testified hundreds of times as an expert on his skills as a forensic artist. When he draws a sketch of what a subject looks like and that suspect is later apprehended, that sketch appears as though they were in the room when Harvey drew the sketch, that's how good he is!

10. DNA testing has been around for over a decade yet there has never been another bigfoot group to attempt classification, why?

When we started the bigfoot DNA project we collected dozens of samples and then solicited specimens from different groups and individuals across North America, eventually collecting over one hundred.

The bigfoot DNA is much more complex than anyone outside the project understands. Dr. Melba Ketchum has been the lead scientific researcher and has caught much flack from other groups who have no idea of the complexity or the internal protocol develops by researchers. There are some outsiders who believe they are entitled to more information then has been released.

Our intentions have always been to submit the results of the bigfoot DNA project to a scientific journal and to have our results peer reviewed. If other scientists of international notoriety give the paper their blessing, there is then no basis for refusing to accept the validity of the results. Protocol in this process is mandated, scientists (participants) can never release results of the testing until the paper is peer reviewed.

People need to understand that the results of the DNA are not Dr. Ketchum's interpretation or the product of her independent work, they are the cumulative effort of many organizations and institutions who contributed their intellect to the results. Great discoveries sometimes take years of success and failure before enlightenment occurs. The results of this study will change the way the world views the biped.

[via www.examiner.com]


  1. Replies
    1. Ketchum is a joke, always was, her FB page is down b/c all of us finally figured out she is full of crap. Ketchum finding Bigfoot like me finding exit to Bellagio casino at 4am

    2. Some of us figured that out from day one.

    3. Then you clearly figured wrong.

    4. and you cleary figured, what I had figured, wasn't what you had figured, therefore? neither of us figured what was correct. :))

  2. Prepare yourselves! Here comes a SHITSTORM!!!
    I'm heading for shelter... Later.
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. Yes even after Ketchum takes her damn FAcebook page down some IDIOT will be here defending her work and proof. The results (nothing but lies) speak for themselves.

      Mark these words: Meldrums Oxford study will produce ZERO credible scientific evidence of Bigfoot....Ketchum and those who defend her (even Paulides) are "in on it" and just as guilty.

    2. Boy - ya got me...it has been three years since Larry Jenkin's Bigfoot toenail made it's way there... and over a year since Smeja produced his 'steak sample"...and, the Erickson Project's blood and saliva was in in 2010...
      So, that BF DNA must really be hard to test...
      So hard they have to find something to seperate Bigfoot DNA from us, because they are essentially human?
      I haven't a clue..but, the plot thickens...
      The flip side...that the whole thing is a scam..the client's money ill spent and no publishable work....wow, that would eclipse other memorable scams....

    3. Luckily Timmy's words mean jack.

    4. I love how this same moron goes through all those posts with sense and logic, and basically responds like a third grader. And its the same damn person each place, each post, each day, same worthless comments.

      Prove me wrong with some evidence!! n

    5. Timmy, its not Dr. Meldrum's study! He submitted a sample. Sykes/Sartori are doing analysis. We don't refer to the above as The Paulides Study... and he's certainly not going to write and submit a white paper.
      You can bet that the Oxford study will come out with "something", however mysterious. NatGeoTV is documenting...
      David from the PAC/NW

    6. Exactly David this Timmy doesn't seem to have a clue fortunately.

  3. Sally here - The facebook page hasn't been taken down, we just put it in another dimension. Those that can see Bigfoot also have the ability to see the fb page. If you can't see the Bigfoots, you can't see the page, it's just that simple. Arla will now be managing the page, since she has more experience with that sort of thing.
    Sally out

  4. Replies
    1. Whoa alien conspiracy, you really think so?

  5. The cryptic nature of the last 2 paragraphs aside, he is very forthcoming on his idea of the true nature of bigfoots.

    1. Yes every DNA test comes back as positive for human markers, and it is either shoddy researchers who cant weed themselves out of samples, or that Squatch is simply what natives say: a man, just living a bit more "out there". Not an ape, maybe more hair and tall, but a person.

  6. What DNA study???? Still waiting!!!!

  7. Lesson to be learnt for any other ahem! professional getting involved in this field? DON'T

  8. I call BS on Ger study!? DNA...SO WHAT!?!?SHOW US A BODY OR ITS BS...PERIOD!

  9. All ketchum had to do was release a no bullshit press statement about her study. Say where its submitted, the scientists involved etc, when its expected to be published. Or even discuss her paper at a conference, and YES this is allowed and actually happens in the scientific community.

    Too much bullshit I am afraid Ketchum.

    If you really have evidence of the big guy then its not too late to change things, and come out on top here.

    Science works because information is shared, analysed etc. It is not smoke and mirrors, teasers, NDAs, back stabbing, wild claims, facebook fan pages and BS.

    Lets just hope a legitimate scientist actually applies SCIENCE to this topic.

    Unlikely it would seem at the moment.

  10. Remember the blurry stick structure?

  11. I still believe that Dr. Ketchum is on the verge of a major scientific breakthrough and will be world famous. I believe that she will isolate the gene in cats that make their urine smell so god awful nasty and splice it with the genes that give roses their smell. Then all cats piss will smell like roses. I think it will happen very soon too, very soon. Just a gut instinct, but not as farfetched as proving Bigfoot exists.

  12. Alot of the disdian here seems to be coming from other Bigfoot groups who lack the brains to do a study this profound. Jealously and envy run wild. He clearly said scientists and peers and a scientific journal are involved. He has said Bigfoot is human. The Natives have said Bigfoot is human. Just because all you rednecks can't go hunting for monkeys anymore because you like to kill things. Doesn't mean you have to cry about it like a squatcharoo baby missing a pair of squatch titties. Sell crazy somewhere else we're all stocked up here!

    1. If bigfoot was human, then bigfoot does not exist, only humans

    2. No there are different types of Humans as history shows from Neanderthals to Cromagnums to hobbit dwarves.. Human just a different type of Human. A human can still have bigfeet.

    3. I want Bigfoot to be a monster man therefore, he IS a monster man, and that's all there is to it.

    4. Dream on troll, science is about to give you a red clown's nose now.

  13. Ketchum is the real deal, folks.

  14. ...and nobody remembers Ketchum&Sally clearly stating that the notorious FB page had a purpose in gathering questions for a Q&A page of a website that will come out at the same time as the paper?

    After the meaningful questions stopped arriving, the activity slowly died.

    My guess: tomorrow?


    1. I have found that the attention span and memory of the average bigfooter is very short. It goes hand in hand with their gullibility.

  15. Nigh, the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is upon us. Oh but the bleevers don't need to worry. After all it is brains the zombies are after.

  16. The biggest mistake any of the footers made about Ketchum was acting like she was an academic , a scientific professional. She isn't, she's a vet. She doesn't have a PHD in anything. I wouldn't be surprised that the result was that the referees of her paper when it was in peer review pointed out that she was misreading the results of the DNA data as she doesn't really know what she is doing....

    1. Probably. But we heard there were 500 PhDs in on the paper, so the truth may be that she got some partners then submitted a re-write to another journal.

    2. Please tell all of us where you read there were 500 Phd's on the project.

    3. I am exaggerating of course, but there was a post on this blog where a professor called her results "interesting" and it was claimed the paper has co-authors, It was not a diss. I actually think there will be a paper, but have no idea how it will be received or what it will really say.

    4. And what do you do? Live in your mother's basement? Vet school is harder than med school; quite an accomplishment .

    5. Of course Dr. Ketchum is a scientist, geeks.

  17. I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to STILL be awaiting some profound results, but then again, It astounds me that many consider Fasano a credible researcher.

    1. I considered Fasano the top researcher until I saw that butt-ass naked pic on cryptoflorida. Henry May is now the man, as long as his clothes stay on.

    2. Well lets hope Henry does not become a Zombie. I figure he could eat a couple dozen brains in one sitting.

    3. Her paper will be accepted and it will be very soon, Sally told me.

  18. No one has talked about her for weeks, disappearing her FB page was the only way to get the BUZZ GOING AGAIN .....

  19. I see the "know nothing, invent whatever story you want, have no idea about science" trolls are out and about again. No real facts, no knowledge and no logic but that never stopped fools from waxing lyrical about something their pea brains can't ordinarily cope with. This country is doomed.

  20. David Paulides wrote those two books suggesting that Bigfoot is responsible for scores of people who have dissapeared in national parks. It's not clear that he comes out and says it, but I don't see how he could be suggesting something else. Anyway, it seems somewhat far fetched that it could be true.

    1. A guy who had a sighting in WV believes that as well. He's actually done research on it and has found very interesting results.

    2. Actually Paulides believes all the MISSING 411 were alien abductions. Want proof?
      read MUFON August 2011 where Paulides writes to MUFON and pleads with them to consider a connection between UFO's and Bigfoot. Ketchum keeps bad company. All around her believe Bigfoot is of alien extract.

  21. Wow! I was figuring the Trolls would have come out in force for this one... A little dissapointed in the "shitstorm", so far. Oh, well.
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. They're always disappointing and now they're tired from all the trolling lately so they're hibernating.

  22. Her Facebook page is back up, and the only thong on the wall is a date: 6/11/2012

    We're on the verge of something BIG here, folks.

  23. Her page never came back up troll.

  24. zuckerberg should be in prisonThursday, June 7, 2012 at 2:37:00 AM PDT

    do you people really think melba gives a shit about what we think and say about her? i mean she hasen't got time for this kids stuff! she is to busy hanging out with the her family of bigfoots. i can she ava braun(melba) pushing her young sassy's on their swing set and you know dam well they own that jungle jim section in her yard. after lunch they build stick structures to keep those young sassy's busy while her and the kids parents puff some weed that those california apes have perfected! no double hits melba!

  25. Just got off the phone with Henry May and I quote

    "mmmh munch munch, chomp gnaw"

    So there you have it, resolved.

    1. Henry May ingests calories that most countries never had.

  26. Oh Melba, we had so much faith in you, but you failed, and failed miserably at that. You put up your public fb page, that got me a little concerned, but I hung in there. You started a save the Bigfoot page, headed by Arla Williams, of all people, but I still hung in there. You started making claims about multiple sightings and that only certain people could see them, I then became skeptical but still hung on. You posted a fuzzy pic of a pile of sticks and claimed it was made by Bigfoot, even though you didn't see them make it. That doesn't seem how a true scientist would come to a conclusion after just observing some sticks, but I was still on board. I guess the last straw was when it became obvious that you were following the threads on Bigfoot Evidence and reacted to it. It seemed that you were totally wrapped up in what people were saying about you on a silly BF blog. Is this how a scientist about to release an earth shattering discovery behaves?...I think not. There is no drama in science, there's no crying either. So go ahead, take your ball and go home because nobody cares anymore.

  27. Every one keeps saying this is a hoax. It's much bigger than a hoax it'd fraud. Take a bunch of money from people who genuinely think they've collected BF DNA. Charge them a shitload of money to run the tests. Have the knuckle heads sign NDA's so they cant discuss it or do anything about it. Keep telling the public it will be soon then give a bull shit excuse about litigation or some other complication preventing publication. Then walk off with the money. Melba is the Madoff of Bigfoot world.

    1. Why not though? Bigfooters are desperate fools, willing to do anything to prove that BF exists.
      They deserve to have their money taken from them. If she doesn't, someone else will. You go girl.

  28. A world wide magazine will be publishing the results of the Ketchum study. The WWN or (World Weekly News) will have a front page spread with the results. Apparently, bigfoot can talk, he knows how to read minds, considers himself a moderate and plans to run for president in 4 years. Lastly, Bigfoot smells so bad because he likes to whiff his own butt juice.

  29. Btw, BF would not be human but a non-sapient ape that has stink glands and night vision. What human has stink glands and night vision - none.

    They are animal and humans will forever be superior, IMHO.

    1. Anytime anyone makes ironclad claims, "Night Vision" and "Stink Glands", be suspicious. 80% of all close bigfoot encounters do not report any odor.


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