Curse The People Who Abandoned This Sweet Little Girl For Having A Rare Disease

This sweet little girl in China named Liu Jiangli was born with a rare disease that caused a coating of coarse black fur on her face and across more than 60 percent of her body.  At only two-years-old, her parents decided they didn't want to have anything to do with her and dropped her off at a local nursery. After staying at the nursery for 6 months Liu was rescued by her hero, the grandfather of one of her cousins.

This rare syndrome is known as Hypertrichosis Universalis, which affects about one in a billion people.

Liu is 6 years old in these photos:



  1. Gladly she has someone and isn't in an american cruel, I mean school. Much love to the Grandfather of one of her cousins I guess!

    Cheers, Cliff

    1. LMFAO, you take a shot at America while it was Chinese "parents" who dumped her. Another reason to laugh is your ignorance regarding other Nations school children. As if shed only be ridiculed and made fun of by American school kids. You're probably a Canadian idiot.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Of course you would agree "Blondie". Not surprising.

    4. To the first poster I agree with you Cliff.

      To the anon poster at 3:00pm...
      What is your experience with other nations school systems???
      I worked in the schools here for years and trust me she would have been bullied severely kinda like you and your response to the first poster.

    5. Blondie, what's your experience with other Nations school systems? Are you suggesting that children wouldn't tease her EVEN THOUGH HER OWN "PARENTS" dropped her like a bad habit? Ignorance is bliss. I'm truly sorry that American Children have been exposed to your idiocy for years.

    6. My daughter's class raised money this year for Operation Smile, her teacher's pet charity, and her co-workers engage their charges in similar projects. This girl would do just fine in the school I send my children to, which is in America btw.

    7. Blondie I hate to disagree with you but kids bully other kids all over the world. When I went to Uganda while in college the kids attending school their were identified by their clothing. For example a purple shirt meant 2nd grade but the kids who couldnt afford the purple shirt had to wear a wrist band and pay the school until they could afford the shirt and the kids without the proper clothing were made fun of constantly.

      A better example were the girls who had to have their head shaved because they couldnt afford soap so while we may bully in different ways it happens everywhere.

    8. Broski I did not intend to leave the impression that other countries/nations schools would/did not have bullies.

      I'm just a little too familiar with the bullying here.

      Where I worked bullying was not tolerated and dealt with immediately!It was a top rated elementary school in every way.

      Unfortunately the middle school was not and one of my former students committed suicide after his first year in middle school because of bullying.

      A lot of changes were made after that but if my son hadn't been an athlete it would have been hard for him. He was constantly pulling his friends out of trash cans and lockers etc.

      This was 10 years ago before bullying became the hot issue it is today.

      I was agreeing with the statement that Liu was lucky to have her cousins grandfather AND trying to make a point to anon at 3:00 that there WERE problems with schools in the USA-and that they themselves sounded like a bully-which was so foolish of me to even address to anon at 3:00! "What was I thinking!"

      By the way to anon at 5:44,I worked at ENT clinics that had a Doctor who had helped cleft lip/palate children through Operation Smile right after it started in the 80's. His stories were inspiring and he stated it was the most rewarding thing he'd ever done.

      And yes Broski,you made a great point that I appreciate.

    9. In response to '1st Anonymous' under Squatchart:
      You refer to Squatchart as being possibly 'a Canadian idiot' by 'taking a shot at America'. As a Canadian myself, I'll inform you, dumbass, that the term 'America' refers to the Americas: North and South America. Canada is in America. The United States is called 'The United States of America.' Now, who's the idiot? I believe that would be you.

    10. What a masterful display of spin-fail. You're definitely a dumb Canadian idiot. You know he was referring to America, not North America or Canada or any other place on the North American Continent. If he was alluding to the entire continent he would have said so. You fail.

    11. @blondie, are you one of those liberal pigs that are cool with selective abortions? sounds to me that you would lean in that pig direction. cause as you know these fine liberals are now pushing this concept. our president (didn't vote for that man)is all in on that concept as well. what's with you lib's? that little girl would of been removed from that womb as fast as you can say obama's birth certificate. meaning you lib's at planned killer-hood would of talked that girl's mom into the final liberal solution. and just look at how beutiful that girl is! what hair? all i see is love. vote republican please! no this ,dems are gonna wipe out all things good. even things like looking for sasquatch. cause we're all too dumb to walk into the woods and respect nature. and don't say god forbid you own a GUN either! so you can protect yourself from a bigfoot if needed. hey blondie BULLY THIS! let people live & fight their own battles. tell those kids to make a fist and punch the bully. that dose work too!

    12. I hear what you are saying Blondie it just sounded like you were attacking America. I always find it funny when people conplain or attack America because they can leave whenever they want. I traveled a lot during college and my brother tours with bands and we bpth agree that there is only a small handful of places we would live outside the US.

      Aust and the UK for example

  2. A sad story agreed, but what really is the relevance to this site?

    1. Well it seems to me that if a person's body was fully covered in hair they could resemble a Bigfoot.

    2. None. Absolutely none but let Blondie connect the dots, la la la la, connect the dots, la la la la.

    3. Ahhh I see one of my fans is here, sorry I can't stay and join in the repartee today. Nice to see you again.

  3. Making it a one in a billion chance that Bigfoot exists Blondie? I hope not, but that is how relevant the story is.

    1. Hush, you'll overload that hamster brain of Blondie's if you're not careful.

  4. I think it is very relevant when considering the possible sources of "wild men" and by some extension sasquatch stories among various peoples, very similar to the "wolf boy" photos of the brothers in Mexico. It either showcases a genetic remnant from an earlier time in human history or mimics it. How many here would claim a sasquatch baby was seen if such a child was covered in hair and ran from strangers into the bush? By the amount of bad "evidence" presented and those who defend it such an account would constitute proof for many.

    new anony

    1. It's not a generic remnant or mimic. It's a genetic/celluar mutation. It's not like your cockcyx (sp?) bone.

    2. And most importantly it's sourced from the daily mail, which should be avoided at all costs!

    3. They counted the number of potholes in Blackburn Lancashire and found exactly 4000! Now we know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall, I suppose.

    4. The congenital form is inherited and I have not found a source that says it is a new genetic mutation versus a "remnant" meaning a once common expression now reduced to 1 in 1 billion. It is concievable that the same expression is normally found in hairy primates versus the human "relatively" naked ape.

      The story is not untrue because the Daily Mail reported it.

      new anony

  5. Did you guys know her name is "Blackie?"
    - Dave Paulides

  6. So there are 4 other people in China just like her?

    1. There are three sisters in India as well. It has been know to exist for centuries.

      new anony

    2. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms; these people may not all have the same genetic defect and just share many of the symptoms.

  7. The genetic mutation has been identified on a specific segment of DNA. No indication on how old it is or if related to primate coding sections. It is an interesting idea to consider.

    new anony

    1. An intersting idea to consider? You mean that people with this condition have been mistaken for Bigfoot? I laugh "French-Like" at that idea. Maybe someone with an IQ hovering around room temperature. This is a bullcrap statement by you.

    2. Such people have been called wildmen and turned out of society or persecuted and yes such stories have fed many tales of werewolves - wolf boys, wild men etc. I said that such stories lend creedance to other stories, such as bigfoot etc.

      If you can read...I said:

      " How many here would claim a sasquatch baby was seen if such a child was covered in hair and ran from strangers into the bush? By the amount of bad "evidence" presented and those who defend it such an account would constitute proof for many."

      Check your IQ, it is much lower than you think.

      new anony


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