The Crypto Crew Breaks Down "Hey Bigfoot" In Georgia Video

This purported Bigfoot video from 2010 was filmed by some kids in GA. The children appeared to be rather excited about seeing the creature walking out from the trees. The Crypto Crew believes the video shows a "real Sasquatch" and confirmed it on several points:

  1. Long Arms - 50% of total body.
  2. Ostman pad -  the white pads on the bottom of the feet
  3. Coned head
  4. Tree peaking
  5. Twist to knee, lower leg


  1. Always thought this was very convincing footage, so am surprised it has not received more attention. The way the kid keeps filming after the figure has gone, hoping it might return, is very telling. Unless someone comes forward with information on this being a hoax, this might well be the real deal. Tim, U.K.

    1. Me too, in fact when it posted I messaged the kids, never got an answer, but they are just kids... it felt genuine on a few levels, but alas as uninformative as many, Fun though, I liked the kid.

    2. How is this convincing? It's no different than any other blurry, blobby video. If you believe enough, it will be real.

    3. Just could be, no reason it couldn't.

    4. i gree this is alot more convincing than the other garbage put on here. the kid seems genuinely excited to see him in the garden. i loved how he calls out, bigfooot lol like its goin to come bk and say yh? lol wud have been cool if he got a reply to his wooop tho! good footage i say :)

  2. Much better analysis then fb/fb..I always thought this was the real deal..Now hearing the dog whimpering enforces my opinion

  3. Looks like a Slob Botch to me.

  4. What is unique is the way the children interact in a convincing way. The little girl talks about wanting it to come back but maybe we don't want it to get to close. The dogs voice seems like one of concern. I wish the boy had not shouted as it might have gotten closer, but his excitement is understandable for his age. The video is not conclusive by any means right now, but rates some degree of probability, in my opinion.


  5. Not only is this a very shoddy "analysis" compared to FB/FB's, and it uses terms and concepts coined by FB/FB without acknowledging this debt. Also, they use footage enhancements first published on YouTube by me, again without crediting the source.

    1. Chris, your post does not help your credibility. Referring to another group's work as shoddy and insisting they are endebted to FB/FB technique of video analysis as the first is a reminder of the jealousies of BFers, over stuff that is essentially meaningless. I never thought that about you before, but I do now. Better write Munns and Davis as well. The book FB/FB is producing sounds like it shall stand on it's own, let it. The stabalization software is available on YouTube and any number of cheap programs now, and if you are worried about people using "your enhancements" from a YouTube you made of another's video...well, go figure, don't post it, or copyright it.

    2. Chris, did you get the money donations you sought through the Kick Start fundraising website?

    3. Oh Chrissie, don't be so hard on them, they're living in the same fantasy world as you are. You should be able to get along on some level, you have so much in common.

    4. All you Crap-Spewing WHINNING ANONA'S are so full of it. You know nothing and have convienced yourselves that somehow, you have value here; you don't!!

      I agree with Chris, thier breakdowns ask me to see (imagine) as much conjecture as Fasanos stuff!

      Actually, you cowards know your a waste, thats why you use the ANONA.

    5. "leon W" might as well be "ANONA" Post your entire name you hypocrite.

    6. Christopher Noel,

      You're bitching about "someone else's" analysis even after you depended on "someone else" to foot the bill for your equipment? That's rich.

    7. Who the "F" is Leon W? That's not a full name and does NOT allow one to identify "specifically " who you are. You're an idiot for posting that drivel Leon W and a hypocrite to boot. Are you seriously THAT dumb?

    8. Leon W + Christopher Noel= manwich

    9. If you're talking about the one where the guy says: "science is an attitude of questioning, not doubting but questioning" then yes I have seen that particular video. I haven't seen the full unedited clip though (where he's not being interviewed while the footage is playing) . Do you know where I could view it? As far as the clip I mention above goes: I'm not so sure on that comparison to this one. There's just an "innocence" about the Georgia Hey Bigfoot footage that lends tons more credibility than the Hoffman footage.

    10. Watch a pathetic fb/fb and then come back and reply. They are a joke

    11. Chris Noel I DID NOT USE ANY OF YOUR ENHANCEMENTS. I took the original youtube video and did all the enhancements myself. I Went frame by frame, it's fine if you don't like my analysis but to say I own anything to you or FB/FB is a stretch.This is one of the better BF videos...yeah it could be real but it could also be a fake.
      It's Sad you would attack me as I have said many good things about you in the past.

    12. Tom, for reasons known only to themselves, there are those who are less than pleased with your analysis of the Idaho footage. Maybe Noel here is one of them. I do not understand why, since I think fake or erroneous evidence raises credibility issues and weakens potential good evidence like this kid's video.

    13. Thanks...I have caught some heat over the Idaho video....but it still looks like a bear.Some people have "squatch fever" and see bigfoot everywhere. Oh well...what can ya do.

    14. You're welcome. Could be squatch fever or some monetary related issue. Whatever reason, whoever argues that the bear is a sasquatch is weakening their credibility and will be subject to ridicule if somehow this clip garners a broader or more mainstream viewing public.

  6. Yet another "researcher" more concerned about credit than information sharing and group analysis. What is wrong with all of you people? If this thing is real, don't you want as many people looking at it to confirm valid points. Nice "community" mindset Christopher. Ridiculous...

  7. Soooo he was just randomly looking for Bigfoot by his house? I mean do you guys ever think aboit that stuff? Its not like he saw it and ran to get his camera, so the thing was just randoly walking by

    1. They were probably outside and saw it prior. They may have noticed something strange around there before but never had the chance to get it on film. This time they were ready? Ever think of that?

    2. Yeah I did think of that and realized how that would be such bs it wouldnt make me change my opinion. Kid with Camera with no parents around and him knowing exactly where to point the camera and shouting hey Bigfoot. Easy to see parents playing a trick here.

      If your a believer stop reaching for evidence.

    3. Reaching for evidence? Its there. You're reaching for reasons as to why it couldn't be legit. Valid reasons as to why it's not legit is one thing but you are reaching. Proof of you reaching is you stating: "so he's just randomly filming" . Again, YOU DONT KNOW if he was randomly filming. Another thing you said is there are "NO parents around" when you can clearly hear a mother speaking.

      I'm a hard core skeptic and will and have called BS on tons of footage, PG Film being just one example of BS.

      Back to my point. Your original post is invalid due to you not knowing the circumstances as to why and when he or she broke out the camera. Proof as to you "reaching".

    4. The story is that the kid saw the bigfoot starting to come down the hill and he grabbed his family's HD flip camcorder that was in the room and took the footage.

    5. Anon 3:01,

      Don't let the truth get in the way of broski's thought process and agenda.

    6. The kid's mom was with him. Know what you're talking about sucka

  8. Greed and avarice are human traits that probably should be evolved out of us at this point. Sad that the one place you can ALWAYS find them is on a ****ing page devoted to Sasquatch. Makes you wonder if these creatures are as petty and argumentative as we are since we are the "more advanced" of the two.

    The Sasquatch people are in no danger from us because all we're concerned with is the pomp and circumstance it seems. Hilarious or sickening?

    Cheers, Cliff

    1. So true...

      No wonder Sasquatch avoids humans most of the time.

    2. Its appears somebody isn't totally into greed, I found this today.

  9. Sally here - I recognize that Bigfoot. He's the one we had to ask to leave from Melba's birthday party. He ate the whole cake, candles and all. He bullied all the other Bigfoots and took their party hats.

  10. Replies
    1. Yes you are, but promote it elsewhere not here.

    2. Hardcore skeptic here, I don't think you can "honestly" say that about this particular video after you take the time to seriously breakdown this footage. Again, a hardcore skeptic I am but this video is inexplicable as far as pinning it as a hoax.

    3. Why do you say it's "fake and gay?"

    4. Do NOT use "gay" as a put down, you bigot.

    5. I agree. if you look to the right you can see a dog walking in the brush at about 1:47 right ahead of where the "man" is walking. Not a Bigfoot, but a dad playing tricks on his kids

  11. I don't care about credit personally; I care about class and politeness. I am always careful to be clear about my sources, and so is FB/FB. To use the phrase "Ostman's pads," for instance, without acknowledging that this concept (as a tool of video analysis) was originated by FB/FB, is just an effort to sound more insightful than you are. Not that Crypto Crew's video even shows anything remotely related to Ostman's pads anyway. This is what I mean by shoddy.

    1. The idea of white pads comes from witnesses first, and the use of such as a feature of possible identification as old as the witness accounts. As for this group trying to sound "more insightful" than they are? FB/FB can claim that award as firsties if you desire. Should all who mention a wood knock mention Matt Moneymaker who claims that as his "I posted this first" research contribution? Should all chatter analysis reference to the Sierra Sounds or the newer Nelson view? It is endless, the claims to first and foremost, and has no value added (perhaps though, the proponents of such claims do hope so) and is devisive to the community outside your circle. Copyright if you must, otherwise it is assumed shared for the benefit of the advancement of the "science" about Sasquatch, which appears in this case to be a random YouTube posted by kids.

    2. Is this a fucking serious comment Chris? You're complaining about the use of the term Ostman's Pads? Get a life man, seriously. I will NEVER and I mean NEVER take any video OR anything else you say seriously AGAIN. Unreal.

    3. Chris Noel please go away. You suck!

  12. If this was a hoax its a very good one.It looks real as it walks down and reachs out.

  13. You'll notice that FB/FB always acknowledges and thanks sources, and that's the standard I suggest we all use. But in truth, I don't wish to piss people off, and I do believe that we're all in this together, which is why I post openly and am happy whenever researchers find anything of value in my work. I just now talked to the FB/FB guys, and their attitude is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think I should just go with that and chill out!

    1. Absolutely! And I do agree with citing sources that are relevant, and BFers often chose not to for the wrong reasons. The distinction here is the source, which is your or FB/FB claimed technique of analytical thinking, not the product. What can be first about critical thinking, all of the elements of their "reliable" critical thinking comes from witnesses first (or should) and others who have so analyzed before. Did Munns miss the white pads on Patty? The exception, and perhaps prompting your response, is of your enhancement as being directly lifted. Is your enhancement novel or unattainable easily via the software? The video source is identified, the kids. So, it amounts to splitting, or spitting hairs on low end evidence, really low end. Your work directly with Bfs is much more important, and keep it up. Be sure to cite Robert Morgan, among others, for your techniques and inspiration.

    2. fb/fb isa joke they will find bigfoot in everyones backyard..Oops it is a blobsquatch

    3. Just for the record FB/FB has use some of my stuff before and not given me credit or credited my name wrong...big deal.

  14. Yes, I very clearly cite Robert Morgan in my book.
    Of course I am not claiming that FB/FB invented critical thinking; how stupid do you think I am? What I am saying is that the current video under discussion takes the exact form of an FB/FB analysis, minus the analysis. It uses the "confirms on" method, and then lists the traits (all of which can be found on FB/FB lists), but neglects to actually point out any of these traits as they are exhibited in what they choose to show of the video itself. Or do you disagree, Anonymous? And incidentally, why do 95% of you post as Anonymous, anyway?

    1. Good for you on the citations in your book. So, you want FB/FB to be formally acknowledged as inventing a particular format/narrative of analysis on independant YouTubes, which contains words like "confirms on?" (don't bother that you resist a different format, as their video progresses, so not FB/FB's really is it? they didn't follow the formula). If so,then maybe you and your friends are correct. Imitation is flattery. It's epidemic with media advertsing. ("I've fallen and can't get up...") Kudos then. But, you are asking them to cite to a secondary source's method, the FB/FB way of doing it, a bit of a stretch if you ask me. Primary sources, I agree - always. The posts here are anonymous, I think, because the Bigfooters are so quick to insult rather than analyze, it takes away the personality issues and focuses one on content. Just my two cents.

  15. I'll tell you guys what. I'm very skeptical about Sasquatch BUT this video REALLY got me excited (and still does) when I watched it for the first time. I like to think I'm pretty tough to fool whether it be by conversation (sighting accounts being retold) or by video. I seriously can and will call BS on just about all of the videos out there. Theres only a handful of vids out there that I have no "other" explanation for and this happens to be one of those vids. There's just something about this video that makes me go "hmmmmm" and that's a good thing. This is coming from a "hardcore skeptic".

    1. It does have a certain quality... have you ever seen the "Harry (or was it Harvey) Hoffman (might be wrong on last name too) WTF?" Bigfoot video? If not, go find it, worth a few youtube searches, if it's still posted. Hard to imagine anyone is in a suit in that one...imagine some here might inform us otherwise though..:)

    2. If you're talking about the one where the guy says: "science is an attitude of questioning, not doubting but questioning" then yes I have seen that particular video. I haven't seen the full unedited clip though (where he's not being interviewed while the footage is playing) . Do you know where I could view it? As far as the clip I mention above goes: I'm not so sure on that comparison to this one. There's just an "innocence" about the Georgia Hey Bigfoot footage that lends tons more credibility than the Hoffman footage. My opinion.

  16. chris noel reminds me of a three year old girl...

  17. While I find this video intriguing, it really irritates me because the kid filming couldn't just focus on the subject "the entire" time, however, after it leaves the kid magically has a steady hand and films absolutely nothing for like 30 seconds. So frigging irritating.

  18. Stupid Kid -__-, that kid makes me sick
    just film, zoom in on the subject and subject
    & shut up, this would have been great footage right
    next to patty. but the stupid kid had to yell, smh.

  19. This is f'ing lame. No biggy east of the Rockies.

    - Russ

    1. Lmfao! What a retarded comment. Retarded doesn't actually even begin to describe that comment.

    2. Not retarted just reality. Come out west and I'll show you a hotspot right outside Estacada, Oregon. Hell it'll blow your mind.

      The rest of this stuff is a biproduct of teevee and commerce. Moneymaker, et al.

      - Russ

    3. No not "reality" at all. Its just your ignorant opinion. Good lord, you sound like a habituator too. "I got a hotspots" but don't have ANY evidence. I immediately regret my decision of responding to one of you.

    4. LOL, you're right about that. I don't have any evidence (ie - photos of bigfoot steaks) on hand at the moment.

  20. This is one of the best clips since the PGF. Here's why it seems convincing to me.

    1) It is very difficult to get a kid to act this well. If this was a hoax, the kid likely didn't know that it was a hoax. It's just like a kid to yell, "Hey Bigfoot!" If this was a hoax to be filmed, the kid would have to be in on it.

    2) The subject's arm is long, definitely longer than a human arm. How was this accomplished with a grabbing hand? Even though it is distant and not entirely clear, it sure looks like it reaches up and grabs a branch.

    3) Some bigfoot sightings may be attributed to misidentification of known animals. There is no way that this could be a misidentified known animal. There is no way that this is a black bear.

    4) You can hear the mom and sister talking in the background. If someone they knew was in a costume (dad, brother, neighbor, etc.), would a mom really let her young child knowingly pull of a hoax and let her child lie about it? Maybe, but this is unlikely.

    Although this clip is better than most, it still leaves bigfoot firmly in the inconclusive camp. It's too bad that the kid yelled at it. Who knows, if it was legitimate, it may have come further down the hill, resulting in perhaps some even better footage.

    1. Exactly my thoughts. This is the real deal in my opinion but the reality is this footage remains inconclusive due to it being scared off.

    2. Yeah, this is one of the few clips that doesn't seem bogus.

  21. The fact that people really believe in Bigfoot cracks me up so much!!!! You realize how silly it makes you look right? I hope for your sake you keep this quiet so you don't lose your jobs.

    1. Bobo, I just put the cheeseburgers on the grill and and rolled a j. When ya comin over brah? Don't bring Matt.

    2. You don't think it would be cool to find a Sasquatch? It seems like you are interested as well by using two known researcher names as a handle. Be careful, you don't want your employer knowing you watch Bigfoot shows and visit and post on Bigfoot Websites now do you?

    3. Is Moneymaker a Bogart or something?

    4. Think Matt's show jumped the cheeseburger last season :)

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