You Know You've Made It As A Bigfoot Researcher When You Can Get Dr. John Bindernagel To Subscribe To Your YouTube Channel

We've been hearing a rumor from several sources that the Bigfoot researcher from Canada, TimberGiantBigfoot, is currently filming a pilot for a new TV show about Bigfoot. Word on the street is that he's got some prominent researcher(s) joining his hunt, possibly validating his research.

For months now, many of his viewers have noticed that his updates were getting sparser and fewer every week. The lack of explanation to why he went absent for a days, sometimes weeks, may have sparked the recent rumor of him doing a TV show. The latest update was posted two days ago, showing a short clip of him and Dr. John Bindernagel meeting up in the field.

According to several followers on YouTube, one other Bigfoot researcher has also been suspiciously absent without offering any explanation. This researcher cited "long days at work" as his reason for the slow updates.

Click here to watch the video. (Video embedding is disabled by TimberGiantBigfoot)


  1. If all of this is true, I wonder which network approached him. Has anyone messaged Jim asking him to verify or deny these rumors?
    I don't know of many Canadian Bigfoot researchers who are active and on YouTube. Does anyone have an idea who this might be?
    I'm curious.

    1. SN I hear it was some kind of a special, kinda like those Discovery Channel does. I am not saying that's what's going on but I did read or hear somewhere that's what it was.

  2. What a JOKE! This is the same guy that posted the stuffed animal bear head as a bf shaking the bushes! ANOTHER HOAXER looking for fame.

    1. Is that you Fasano? You just cant stand to see Jim get any attention, can you?

    2. ABSOLUTELY a fraud! That stuffed bear head was his crowning hoaxer moment! And guess what? The video was dramatically edited after everybody saw thru the BS!

    3. Yep definitely Tim and Ricks crowd.

    4. Geez, you're boring with your continuous lame comments thinking you know the posters, Blondie. They're a waste of space. Let push come to shove with TGBF the fraud... I've saved his ORIGINAL first posting of that bigfoot bush video. His current version is very, very different and massively edited from that original. If you support TGBF you are promoting him dragging his own kids into his lies.

    5. We know its you Tim. Give it up.

    6. Blah blah blah. You should know by now that Fasano can't spell.

    7. Fatasano just cant stand anyone else finding anything when he cant. And he(Fatasno) is the hoaxer just to draw people to his page. Give up Fatasano.

  3. Tim stovar absent filming also

    1. I thought Tim Stover said he refused to do any T.V. shows. In fact, I remember watching one of his YouTube videos where he said that himself.

  4. If Stover were filming a show there is NO WAY he could keep his "Im so great, look at me" mouth shut. Hes not filming hes hiding!

  5. John Jacob BindernagelShmidt, his name is my name too!!!

    1. In this case, it's John Jacob BindernagelSchit... can't even believe that give that TGBF fraud 2 seconds of attention. He has dragged those boys deep into his hoaxing for YouTube $$$ and the oldest has admitted to his friends its all a scam. Father of the Year.

    2. Oh no it is not a lie, Blondie. Want to cough up your email addy here?

    3. There goes Fasano weeping again. we know its you Tim . enough already. geeesh

    4. Why would I cough up my email addy to Anonymous?

      I'm old enough to be your mother, don't think you'd want to ask me out? (although I do still look pretty good for my age, I've been told.)

    5. Where is a "rolling eyes" smiley when I need one? How sad and strange that you want to publicly describe yourself that way. No self-respect, and as demonstrated, no common sense, as in believing everything you see at YouTube, of all places.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Please don't project your feelings of no self-respect and lack of common sense on to me.

      What is sad and strange about telling the truth, unless you're older than I am?

      So, did you ask for my addy to ask me out? LOL

    8. Guess not, Blondie. You got him on that one. LOL
      You're not old enough to be my mother. No way.

    9. Well lets just say I'll never see 50 again. :) There's an awful lot of young whippersnappers around in this field plus a lot idiotic trolls who are so transparent it's unbelievable!

  6. Wow, if this is true, Sasquatching will have become a joke. What's next? Timbergiant, Tim Fasano, Joe Black doing a show together? Fuck me! What a joke!

    1. Uh,WILL have become a joke?

    2. Only joke is the trolls' sideshow.

    3. Oooooh, good burn! On second thought, I am forced to admit that Bigfoot research is filled with quality investigation and science. Boy, you got me there!

  7. Nothing to get your panties in a twist.

  8. I like timbergiantbigfoot's work. He just goes out and films. He knows his area specifically and notices changes. That's what it takes to be a good researcher. Know your woods, know your area of study, having the ability to recognize changes and/or additions and talking your way through it.

    I would watch a show with timbergiantbigfoot.

    1. Agreed! I've been watching his video's for a while now. I always look forward to what he brings to the table.

    2. Suckers............ ask his oldest son what is real and what isn't. Total YouTube scam!

    3. I would love to see a show with Timbergiantbigfoot.

    4. The anonymous commenter who's posting (every 3 minutes, look at the time stamps) that timbergiant is a hoaxer is obviously either Fatsano or some other "researcher" who's jealous. My bet is it's fat little Timmy because he always drags Jim's kids into it. Tim, you're a sad man. If you put this much effort into your work you'd probably have followers too, but instead you waste your time trying to tear down honest researchers.

    5. No, not Timmy, who I also don't like, but at least Fasano isn't using his own kids to further a YouTube and Paypal scam.

    6. Tim you're sadly misinformed. Timbergiant doesn't make any money from his youtube videos. I wouldn't care if he did, he deserves to. In order to generate any income off of youtube you'd have to have millions of views a day. Try again.

    7. Are you totally clueless about YouTube? Millions of views/day?! NOBODY at YouTube gets millions of views per day. YES HE MAKES MONEY from YouTube. #1 from Google AdSense, #2 from suckers' donations, and he applied to be a YouTube Partner for bigger ad money last month. That's being tracked. Check out SocialBlade dot com for his stats.

    8. We've already been through this before. There is only one person who has ever brought up TGBF's kids and that is TF.

    9. There are plenty who have discussed this fraud. You obviously only watch YouTube for your information. You need to get out more.

    10. I also would watch a show with Timbergiant and his kids. He is one of the few out there that is truthful and just shows what he films.
      My You tube name squatchlady

  9. Bindernagel is a nice guy.
    He even visited Alex Hearn, so he is not too picky. Maybe he is getting tired of waiting on Finding Bigfoot.

  10. if you wanna have a good laugh at the worst bigfoot video "tracker" on the web, look up trackersthename on youtube. He films randomly and then claims there are 15 squatches "closing in" and he even has a group of bootlicks to confirm it all. If you say you can't see what he's talking about, he bans you.

    trackersthename, thank me for the comedy later

  11. i like timbergiantbigfoot, mainly because the haters are known hoaxers, i've never seen anything faked in his vids.

    1. That's because the REAL Ontario researchers point out his BS at like 5:00 am. Jim has to wake up pretty early every day now to delete negative comments (then he blocks the sender). He's a TOTAL FRAUD!

    2. Never seen anything faked? How about the "boar tooth gift" after he said, "Oh! Where's my bike?" Suckers send him money and he really needs to spend it on acting lessons.

      How about his fear of a moose attack? There are NO MOOSE within at least 200 km of that faker! He's in a farmland suburb of Hamilton, Ontario with a VERY narrow strip of park-land trail running past his place. I feel so sorry for his sons... makes me sick that he uses them in his lies, especially the teenager. Don't promote that BS!

    3. Jealous, eh? I'd say big time green eyed monster.

    4. Not the least bit jealous. That's the best comeback you have to my stating the TRUTH? Prove me wrong!

    5. The only thing that's for certain is that everyone who's against the idea of bigfoot is the true fraud, just see them fight that losing battle here daily.

  12. Replies
    1. I also agree with Blondie and anon 7:29. Ive never seen anything in any of Timbergiants videos showing him hoaxing. All that say so are just so damn jealous and are probably to scared to get out in the woods to even look for evidence. Or its just the skeptics spouting off, or its Tim Fasamo being a cry baby again.


    2. Yeah, that's scary territory where TGBF does his 'research'. Have you never noticed the little kids get dragged along riding bikes with training wheels and wearing Crocs? At least he made them wear their helmets when little rocks were lobbed at them on the trail, I'm sure by the kid that wasn't there that day, but then was. Oh wait, that was edited out.

    3. Squatchladypa, it seems to be all about money to one person, has to be TF.

  13. There is only one person who brings up Jims kids and that's Tim Fasano, who has no shame. This is based on past history of statements here in this blog.

    Timbergiantbigfoot must really be onto something for Fasano to spout the same stuff over and over.

    I know it's hard for Tim Fasano because TGBF has something he can never have. It's called integrity.

    1. There you go again with another lame edition of BLONDIE'S NAME GAME. Trust me, you DO NOT see the many, many truly honest researchers who are criticizing this guy, because just like Fasano, TGBF deletes their questions and blocks them. Never ask questions and believe whatever you want, though. Did you send him those trailcams?

    2. "Honest" researchers don't have time to waste talking shit about other researchers on blogs because they're out doing their own work.

    3. A good many "honest" researchers have asked to visit Jim's area and he always turns them away. He was probably offered a nice appearance fee for meeting with Bindernagel (who will never take the time to review the whole body of this hoaxer's work).

    4. This is my answer to "Blondie's Name Game" poster, it's already been stated and I'll just quote.


      AnonymousMay 7, 2012 08:53 PM
      "Honest" researchers don't have time to waste talking shit about other researchers on blogs because they're out doing their own work.

    5. If you are unable to understand that NO YouTube researcher has nothing but a band of cheerleaders such as yourself, then so be it. Buy his T-Shirts -- it helps Bryce play hockey.

    6. Who in his right mind would not block trolls. It's common sense.

    7. There's a big difference between 'pissing contest' posts between researchers like Dyer & Fasano, and others who ask simple, sincere, and logical questions (booted by TGBF).

      He is NOT interested in help finding anything but more viewers for his channel. What does it tell you when a YouTube guy BUYS ADS for his channel?

    8. Anon should leave his kids out of it. They are not public figures to my knowledge.

    9. Which is precisely my point. It wouldn't bother me a bit if he hoaxed all day long, but to me it's wrong that he involves his boys. HE is the one that calls them by name publicly on the internet. Write him with your concerns.

    10. And you and TF are the ones who continue to broadcast it here.

  14. Blondie... stop for a moment and pretend you are 15-yr old Bryce having to shake a bush, and bounce a stuffed animal just over the top of it. IN THE ORIGINAL footage, Bryce walked away from, and wouldn't even talk to TGBF afterwards.

    1. Sorry Blondie, but you've bought it hook, line, and sinker. Be sure to click TGBF's Paypal button or buy a T-Shirt. Actually I think his wife put the kabosh on that Paypal. So you were the big campaigner trying to HINT HINT HINT "Oh if ohly Jim had an HD cam!"?

  15. LOL nope wasn't me,although I'd love one. Got any spares handy?

    The only thing I've communicated to him, was don't let anyone know where you are and protect your family because there are some serious haters out there. Oh, I also suggested that he trust NO ONE!

    1. Ooooh that's exactly what a cult leader LOVES to hear! Good job!

    2. You're a nutjob, Blondie. Like some band of "haters" is going to storm Hamilton, Ontario with burning torches in search of a Bigfoot liar? I simply feel sorry for his boys, and for blind-follower suckers like you.

    3. LOL,whatever floats your boat or fuels your taxi. ;)

    4. The fact that you know what town he lives in just proves Blondie's point. I think we know who know who the nutjob is.

  16. I admire the honest,dedicated researchers who are out working in the rain, mud, heat amid the bugs who are sincere. I follow a couple of others one never hears about who have results and I think are great researchers. They are low key individuals.I have tremendous respect for THEM. The ones that have not attacked others and are diligently networking quietly among themselves and other respected members of the Bigfoot community. There are researchers with integrity out there who are not snakes and antagonists. Those are the ones I respect.

    1. And so do I, Miss Blondie, but unfortunately TGBF isn't one of those. Did you check out those YouTube stats yet? That is ENTIRELY what his game is about. I was once charmed by that guy too, until things started just not adding up, and he began editing his vids following logical questions (which were later deleted). Trust me, it's a game with honest researchers to see how fast TGBF will delete their comments.

    2. Is this pick on Blondie night? I happen to agree with all she says, and i feel sorry for all you haters out there that have nothing better to do than spout off about things you don't happen to agree with.. Just because Blondie doesn't agree with you is no reason to pick at her like you all are.


    3. Hey Squatchladypa, Where have you been? Haven't seen you here in a while.

      I know you've seen the horrible things posted on TGBF's U Tube site before he started editing them out. It was bad!

      Someone here is sure obsessed with TGBF aren't they?

    4. Nah! Just fed up the crap that is being dished out! Some of you are just a sorry lot. Know nothing; learnt all you know from the internet and sit around all day passing wind on the couch. It wouldn't be so bad if you actually had some experiences of real things to contribute rather than tear people down all day. Then again, you've never seen or heard one so they don't exist.

  17. Now let’s be honest here for a minute. On one hand Jim does seem to be honest and straight forward on the other he does things that make him look either like a “hoaxer” or plain old delusional. I personally don’t have an issue with him but I do agree with some here that Jim is up to something. What that is, who knows?
    In my opinion and having lived 5 miles away from Dundas for 25 years before moving to Sudbury, I know the area he is “allegedly” researching if that truly is his location. I would have to say I don’t believe his findings or assumptions he has made are truthful. I haven’t seen one shred of actual evidence that was witnessed or confirmed by another adult or researcher. I still watch his video’s not for research but more for the entertainment aspect of them.
    I’m sad to say the only “Legend” Jim has ever found in that area is Dr Bindernagel.

    1. I've been dying to ask you about those bags you found. Did you ever determine what was in them?

    2. Having been a local to that area, would you agree with Jim's concern that he might be attacked by moose in his forest?

    3. Ahhh young pot plants, ut oh. But, it was strange wasn't it?

      I have never heard TGBF say he might be attacked by moose in his forest except jokingly.

    4. He must have been joking because the poster was right about having to head North about 200 kms to start finding Moose. That is if Dundas is truly his research area.

    5. No, he was not joking about the moose, and yes, he is in the Dundas area. That was a while back, but more recently I think a moose may have trapped him in his garage one night. What a hack!

    6. For someone so sure in their criticism of Jim, stating so much as fact, I do not understand why you would hide behind Anonymous, a most cowardly way to attack someone! That is unless TF is having help here from an Ontario researcher?

      Hmmm perhaps that's the answer?

  18. Trust me if I thought he had anything I would spend a lot more time visiting my family and a fellow researcher in Dundas. I would walk in the front door and head right out the back door into Jim's alleged research area. lol

    1. Don't get me wrong I hope I'm completely wrong about Jim, but I would challenge him to prove me wrong.

    2. I respect your opinion and I respect the work you do but I have a different one.

      I lived in Ontario for a year and I loved it. I'm from North Carolina so they all gave me a hard time for the southern accent but everyone was so warm and welcoming. It was a great year.

    3. Having Dr Bindernagel in there is a start but he needs to start bringing more adults with him to confirm what he his seeing and hearing. Blobsquatching his video's after the fact doesn't cut it.

    4. This is such a cut throat group I really don't blame him for not wanting to bring others in, however, I'm glad he has chosen someone like Dr. Bindernagel to start the process. I wish him luck. I have seen a few things in his videos I cannot explain and it'so obvious to me.There's one video that leaves me with a very uneasy feeling. Anyway...

      I wish YOU luck too. I just found your new blog the other day. Good luck with "Squatchers".

    5. I agree with Timothy Ervick. I like TGBF for entertainment value, but don't believe he has anything to show; there was one video (the tree push) where something seemed to be scampering away but that damn poor quality. He now has an HD camera AND new software but won't use either. During a recent video he said he even had his HD camera with him but was having 'software' problems ( He's been claiming software problems for at least 6 months even though he got new software in March - I know this for a fact. So instead of using the equipment he has, he chooses to film/upload in low resolution and lead the viewers imagination with pareidolia.

      I have no problems with people following whoever they want, offering whatever funds they want - how you spend your entertainment dollar is your business. I prefer to support legit effort and prefer to investigate sources privately. I'm not Tim F, I don't care if TGBF brings his kids along (because I suspect there is nothing to harm them), and no, I won't tell you who I am. :)

    6. I like Jim and I like his videos. I love the "New Creature" video where you can see something swinging from tree to tree in the top right corner. Seems like that wouldn't be easy to hoax. Its definately not your average man in a monkey suit.

    7. Sorry...the video is "New area, same creature"

    8. Yep, I'm a fan of TGBF's too. Would enjoy watching him anytime on tv.

    9. Not so hard to film a "new creature" swinging in trees, or to record large animal sounds when you live near African Lion Safari. Those were monkeys.

    10. Timbergiantbigfoot already did.

    11. Hi Blondie,
      That's actually an old blog. Our new one is
      and our new site is

  19. Does anyone remember Tgbf 10 min Rock Clacking video you want to see a video his kids are involved watch that one. The kid never stops clacking for 10 minutes its hillarious. ! Even Timber tries to change the subject and he talks about something else. ! Funny

    1. I love it when he tells the kids "shhhhsh! shhhhhsh! what was that? did you hear that? shhhhh!" ... then continues on with HIS non-stop jabbering.

  20. He has not shown anything! ANYONE CAN POINT TO A DISTANT BLURRY SHADOW! in the woods anywhere! See that! right there!

  21. There is a lot of "copy and paste" going on in the world of basic cable. Finding Bigfoot is deemed a hit by those who specialize in niche stations. Definitely gonna see more bigfoot programming.

  22. Just think. If Fasano had a personality he might get approached by a network too..They could edit out his phlegm hacking and scratching his ass. Almost make him look respectible

  23. I thought the other researcher that hadnt posted for ages was realityghost........

    1. His last few have been more gun vids. There's a guy I wouldn't let near my daughter. Creeeeepy.

  24. realityghost decided to sell his videosnon amazon. It is all about the money

  25. You can't get much better more knowledgeable support than Bindernagel in this field. Good luck to them both.

  26. Dr. Bindernagel was the most sincere and kindest of all the Bigname BF experts I contacted.
    It would be an honor for anyone to have his attention in this field.
    Congratulations Timberlandgiant (one of the few I subscribe to).

    1. yeah I wrote the name wrong, too many bigfoots in too many penames...wonder which other YouTuber I have spliced his onename into? LOl Sorry...let me write it correctly? TimberGiantBigfoot...right?

    2. Ahhh Apehuman, a voice of reason. That's what I though too. It's taken me a couple of years to get TGBF's name straight that's why I use the initials. I can't wait to see the results of Dr. B's visit.

    3. Thought,spelling t-h-o-u-g-h-t

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. LOL thanks, anon, I do wish we had an edit button here.

  27. That is wonderful that Dr. Bindernagel is visiting Jim. He's one of my favorite researchers that I subscribe to. Congratulations Jim.

    1. I suspect from spraking to the director of this cable show that Dr. Bindernagle is interviewing Bigfoot researchers who are popular on youtube and evaluating their evidence and technique showing good and bad from all.

    2. Oh great a source, please share with us some information on this cable show and tell us more. Who is the director or is this top secret?

  28. I hate it when honest, kind, sinceer people like Bindernagel get duped by hoaxers. They are too kind to see through the lies.

  29. I have great respect for Dr.Bindernagel and personally do not think he'd waste his time on frauds and fakes no matter the venue. I like all the Ontario researchers and subscribe to Jim. I have seen nothing in his video's that screams hoax to me.

    I have watched all the video's referenced above and have seen none of the acusatory claims made by anonymous. I'm concerned that there are definitely biased unfair statements made by persons with an obivious agenda against Jim.

    After the Tim Fasano fiasco with Jim I don't think Jim can be to careful. He's not a fool and Fasano turned on him faster than spit on grease.Why would anyone turn around and say "Here stab me in the back again"?

    1. fasano is a bag of dog shit

    2. You know TF and I might have a lot of differences but there's no reason for saying things like anon at 3:04pm. Calling names is in poor taste and not necessary.

      Plus, it strikes me as very cowardly hide behind Anonymous and do such. Please do better.

  30. 113 comments,

    Shawn doing his happy dance.

  31. Hello All:

    It is my pleasure to say that I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel and boy did he have alot to say about TimberGiant Bigfoot. First off Jack said TGBF is a real "man's man" who can drink anyone under the table. He also said that TGBF should kick "that scrawny runt Fasano's lilly white ass from Florida to the Yukon".

    I said "Jack why did you subscribe to his channel" his response was "what the fuck else to I have to do? My wife cancelled our cable". He went on to say "Robert Lindsey does not have a channel and god only knows if Adrien will ever get that movie released".

    I asked him if he thought TGBF was legit and his response was "as legit as anyone who claims to see hairy men walking naked in the woods 2 to 3 times per week". He also said that he subscribes to SusanFarns and that Mitch has the best youtube channel going".

    1. The famous, I just got off the phone with _____
      post. Absolutely worthless waste of my time reading.

    2. I live for "I just got off the phone with ____ " posts.

    3. thanks for your opinion tim

  32. One of the impressive things about Dr. Bindernagel is that he would never say those things to others. He is such a gentleman.

  33. I guess what I'm trying to say is any researcher whether amateur or professional is trying to prove something to someone or maybe just to themselves. Some will see his video's and say he has done a good job proving something. Others would say the exact opposite. In my opinion I believe he needs to do more to prove "to others" what he is talking about.

    I believe I've seen a Sasquatch! but in order to have others believe me I need to bring much more to the table. Blobsquatch video's and only my eyewitness testimony isn't going to do it. It's a start but many more steps need to be taken. It's never wrong to ask a researcher to prove what they are saying.

    If most researchers found evidence and started taking those next steps we will be on the right track and much closer to our goal.

    1. Having Dr. Bindernagel at his research site is a great thing but it doesn't prove anything about Jim's claims. Until Dr. Bindernagel confirms or witnesses something there, he's just a visitor.

  34. I was 100% convinced that Timbergiant was the real deal last year. I have watched EVERY SINGLE video now and I have noticed some inconsistencies.
    Sometimes you believe him and sometimes you don't. He says odd things that don't add up or are contradictory. ( stories, times, places etc )
    I truly think he believes in what he may have seen, it's just that it seems like he's putting on a big show too.
    He also won't allow more than one skeptical point of view on his videos. It appears that 95% of everyone agrees with him. That's not good science and makes me more skeptical of his overall character.
    Everybody loves the heroic underdog. I know I do. I just don't know if he truly is one or not. I'm beginning to have real doubts.
    Are people allowed to give honest opinions and observations on here of all places? Or are they just called Tim Fasano all the time when someone else doesn't agree? I mean seriously. Must be some kind of a game called 'agree or Tim Fasano'.


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