Skeptic Blames Finding Bigfoot TV Show For Two Men Trespassing On Someone's Property

Sharon Hill of wrote about an article where two men were caught illegally trespassing on a property owned by developers Haines & Kibblehouse in Montgomery County, PA. According Lebanon Daily News, the men were charged with criminal trespassing after they told police that they had heard something in the woods and decided to drive after it because they thought it was Bigfoot. When they drove their truck onto this person's property (who clearly had no-trespassing signs everywhere), their truck somehow got stuck. The owner of the property called police after one of the men started banging on his door asking for help around 5 o'clock in the morning.

Cornwall police charged Jesse L. Wenrich, 29, and Robert E. Zimmerman II, 48, both of 354 Boyd St., with criminal trespass for being on property owned by Montgomery County developers Haines & Kibblehouse along Iron Valley Road in the borough, police said.

A resident of the area called police about 5:05 a.m. and reported a man was banging on his door asking for help, according to a police report. The man told the resident that he was chasing a bear and got his truck stuck on the Haines & Kibblehouse property, which is posted with no-trespassing signs.

Police said the men told them they heard something in the woods, thought it was Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, and went looking for it. According to legend, Sasquatch inhabits forests mainly in the Pacific Northwest.

via Lebanon Daily News

After hearing the news, the skeptic, Sharon Hill wrote that she does not believe that there are Bigfoots in Cornwall and it's absurd that anyone would think that there are Bigfoots in such a well-populated area. Sounding rather disappointed that the reporter didn't make any snarky comments about the two men, Hill wrote: "Anyway, the reporter didn’t make too much fun of these guys, they did that on their own. I don’t know what to say except – I blame the TV show Finding Bigfoot. It’s making people reckless looking for monsters the same way that Ghost Hunters make people reckless in search of haunted spots."

After making the statement above, a commentor responded and said that blaming a TV show is like blaming violent videos for violence in kids/society:

I don’t know, blaming a TV show seems a bit far fetched. Such talk is akin to blaming violent video games for violence in kids/society, or even in an individual case (unless a direct link is proven). I don’t see a revenant link. True, people will emulate stuff from TV, as seen in backyard wrestling, “Jackass” wannabes, etc. If the report mentioned such a link, then fine. Since it seems the man first said he was chasing a bear to a resident, and then Bigfoot to the police, it more sounds like a bad excuse to get out of trouble.

- Russell B.

Hill, being the good skeptic, backed down and agreed with Russell's comment above and replied:

Agreed. I am exaggerating. I don’t know if they even watch the show. However there is no doubt at how influential TV paranormal hunters have been on people getting out there and trying it for themselves. This should be a warning that people really believe this stuff.

- Sharon Hill

[via via]


  1. Haha! The only thing that show is responsible for is wasting out time.

    1. THat show isn't the only thing on tv that might waste people's time. There is Sports, crime shows, all the reality shows, and so much more.

    2. Watching snowalkerprime videos is a waste of time.

  2. LOL! The guy in the picture looks like Rick Dyer in his younger days!

  3. those guys thought they saw Melbas paper go fluttering into those woods, but once again its proven to be elusive

    1. You are obsessed, get help for your OCD.

    2. Carry on, 4:08. Heh heh! Can't have any fun around here without a turd jumping into the punchbowl.

    3. They probably cant read, so what would they want with it?

  4. Replies
    1. Thats the kind of man that turns Sharon Lee on, I meant any man breathing.

  5. No No No! It's Joe Dirt!! It's Dirte'!!

  6. "This should be a warning that people really believe this stuff."

    Wow, can you believe it? Some people are actually open to the idea that there may be more out there than we currently know. Gee, imagine that. Next thing you know, they'll say the Earth isn't flat!

    "Close-mindedness is the death of progress."

    1. The funny thing is, she seemed to think it was odd for bigfoot to be in a well-populated area, not that it existed, period. So she's open to BF, just not in that area? Weird.

  7. Who the hell wears thier hair like that any more. I would like to hold the scum down while Mitt Rohmney cut his hair off. J.D.

  8. If this guy ran I would vote for him before I would Rohmney :/

    1. Because you're looking for a free ride, just like him.

    2. Free ride? lol I am as conservative as can be and no I do not want that commie in the Whitehouse either... That is why I think voting for Mullet-Man is the right choice lol. I am not going to vote "Republican" just because I am a conservative. I will vote for whoever can fix this mess and neither of the choices look good.

    3. Tzieth, im with you. i'm not voting for either of them

  9. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thought this was Joe Dirt.

  10. The Redneck said Bigfoot's got a purdy mouth.

  11. Can someone please Photoshop a mullet onto Patty?

    1. lmfao, I second that, I don't have the skills.

  12. I usually only spot Mullets during the Kentucky State Fair. Not quite as elusive a floppy titted, padded ass bigfoot.

  13. He'll take out your teef in one punch with those steel knuckles he's pimpin.

  14. Is having no tattoos the new 'tough'?

  15. Personally, I like the straw in his mouth. Wonder if he pulled it out of cowshit

  16. Personally, I like the straw in his mouth. Wonder if he pulled it out of a cow pie..This is why we call it Pensyltucky

  17. More than likely, this guy was out looking for a grow site, as in marijuana. A very convenient excuss huh!


  18. He's the father most of us never had.

    1. And we're just the kids that he knows of...

  19. We should pass around the heat and pay their fines. They were trying to help the cause...

  20. It's very sad when a blogger needs to blame a television show for a couple of people's poor judgement.
    Sensationalism is alive and well in the U.S. Without that tidbit, her story would be nothing.
    It would be really great if people could lay off the crap for awhile. If there is nothing to report, then don't report.

  21. In one fell swoop they've done just as much for Bigfoot research as the BFRO.

  22. Replies
    1. She looks like Jack Palance.

    2. yeah, anon at 8:08 probably has no

    3. He's the guy in the picture.

  23. He's Bigfooting's Hunk of the Year winner.

  24. The real question is does Sasquatch believe in Joe Dirt?

  25. joe dirt is real? wow


  26. Congratulations, all of you are officially retarded and stupid. This picture doesnt have anything to do with the article or statement. This is a picture the looser known as Shawn from picked up from the net and pasted it on the story to get attention. yes its funny to look at, but it shows how ignorant this Shawn character is towards the subject. Your a piece of crap Shawn, you and the rick dyer camp, along with all those other d bags you post daily. The only question here is, is this rick dyers gay brother?

  27. This is the same woman who had a problem when Steve Volk brought up the fact that James Randi's boyfriend, with the consent of James Randi, stole somebody else's identity - all while the both of them were claiming to be dedicating their lives to trying to expose frauds. Apparently, Sharon Hill does not think that such information is fair game when judging Randi's accomplishments and/or character:

    Her comments are under Idoubtit in the comments section. Fail.

  28. James Randi is a turd packer and his lover of 20 years is the director of JREF ???

    1. Randi's boyfriend used to be on the board of directors of JREF, if my memory serves me right.

    2. If you read the JREF's list of directors, his lover isn't listed anymore.

    3. Of course not. He's probably going to be in jail, or in Venezuela (or in jail in Venezuela) pretty soon.

    4. I wonder if Randi married his gay lover could the guy then avoid deportation. It would make one helluva' love story.

  29. AAhhhahahaa Bigfoot in Montg County. NOT. We're too developed. H&K developed it all. Just rednecks out 4 wheeling and got stuck.

  30. I recognize that picture ! Its from a training video I had in wildlife law enforcement : The horrors of Bigfoot on Meth.


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