Oregon BLM Sets Up New Blog To Showcase Pacific Northwest, Not Shy About Bigfoot At All

The Oregon Bureau of Land Management announced on Twitter today that their new blog site is up and running. At the top of their main page is a drawing of Bigfoot on a raft encouraging people to explore the Northwest.

Also on the front page are photos, stories and videos of the Northwest-- including one video of recent sightings by people of the Oregon BLM. According to Matt Moneymaker last November, the locations mentioned in the video all happens to be active squatchy areas. "BLM Oregon is tuned into bigfoot. The areas they recommend to bigfooters are all good bigfooting areas," said Matt.

Is this more evidence that the government is aware of Bigfoot? Or is it just coincidence? Watch the video again and judge for yourself:

The Oregon BLM, after allegedly receiving a grainy photo from a mysterious source decided to send researchers out to investigate.


  1. I love it! The government must know, so they are conditioning us through commercialism. Just like the Jerky commercials and the superbowl auto commercial from Canada!

    Makes sense, couldnt possibly be just catchy advertising but it must be a government conspiracy!

  2. From the video: "We haven't detected them. It doesn't mean they are not there, it just means we haven't detected them."

    WHAT??? If you don't SEE it, it doesn't exist! EVERYONE knows that! For example I KNOW there are NO cougars in my state because I've never seen one. Obviously another myth perpetrated by cat-lovers. Sure they show you all these "clear" photos of cougars but they are just Photoshops - you can tell by the pixels. I wish they would come to their senses like us. Isn't stealing Saturday and renaming it Caturday enough for these people??


    1. Like how you prepare yourself, it's needed too. :) I'm sure they know, there's no way they can not know what people have encountered for centuries is actually there. So, now it's established they must have this knowledge let's then for argument's sake say Bigfoot's an ape and animal as we think of them being less intelligent species (not the case here though) and they're aware this wild species is there but not telling the public, you really think they'd keep something potentially dangerous like that not a widely known fact? No chance. So we know from sightings this species is there that we can safely assume, we can also assume many park rangers know too but inform you differently upon request so it leaves one other most realistic possibility what this species is. You guessed it. Unknown human. And that is why they've not told us yet.

    2. moron why cant it just be indians or hobos? why it have to be some unknown grandiose relic human? maybe someone lives in the fucking woods geez

    3. Ketchums study will prove it no woories. She says they are psychic shapeshifting apes AND she hangs out with them. In Oklahoma of all places cant wait to sequence their entire genome and splice it into the human fetous holy shit...my kid will rule the world with ape shapeshitting skills

      ketchum better be real she is sure pissing a lot of people off

    4. Oh no... your that scientist from Mars Attacks!: Surely if they are intelligent they come in peace.

      Basically you are saying that they haven't warned us about them because they aren't dangerous - they are human. Where is the evidence that humans are not dangerous? Not in our prisons or courts. I personally think humans are the most dangerous of all animals - intelligence IS a lethal weapon. Then sprinkle in a little crazy: Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Ridgeway, etc. humans invented the atomic bomb and humans are committing genocide now. Humans poach other species for decoration - remember why Diane Fossey died? We talk of Sasquatch as the apex predator. All predators are dangerous, even human.

    5. Um just above post intended as response to Anonymous May 1, 2012 03:46 PM. You monkeys are too damn fast for an old gorilla like me.

    6. Humans are dangerous yes, but most witnesses report the Sasquatch simply walking off. Doesn't sound too dangerous to me. Unless of course it's having a bad hair day and could get mighty mad then. Doesn't seem to happen too often, mostly it's more fright on the witness' part. Seriously though, they're strong so be alert and when in Rome do like they do and leave the scene.

    7. Or unless you are driving slowly down a remote road through dark forest late at night in Pennsylvania... they don't seem to like that either.

  3. Brilliant. Draw you squatchers from out of your mom's basement and turn you into tourism dollars! I love it. Book your plane tickets, dorks.

    1. Notice how all squatchers are fatty fat uglys who would have no life otherwise?

      Ask yourself what is Matt Moneymaker or Tim Fasanos IQ? Listen to justin Smeja talk then come tell us how pathetic it is to believe their stories? New nonbeliever here btw

    2. I think your name is Dale the hider from Truth.
      From a seriously ridiculous post as this it is quite plain that you are the one lacking in IQ.

  4. This isn't about the government "knowing and not being shy" of Sasquatch. This is about the "almighty dollar" and "tourism". Bigfoot is just another tool to utilize in the scheme. Of course, if people don't think rationally about this topic first, you could be construed into believing its some sort of "sign" that Big Brother "knows" and is trying gradually introduce him to the population. Tourism and the dollar, end of story.

    1. Typical it's always about money to those against the idea of these free beings. Strange that should be the first thought of theirs about a new species, kinda hypocritical really.

  5. Well above 4:33PM beat me to it but yes in this economy every tourism dollar counts. China has begun a tourism area for thier version of bigfoot. Just look at Roswell. It does not really matter what happened or did not happen there. It generates big bucks for that area. Smart business nothing more. By the way my I.Q. cannot be measured it is so low so save your breath. J.D.

  6. Marketing ploy, plain and simple. Just like almost everything else in bigfootery, the motivation is $$$$$

    1. Whoa, now the trolls are pretending to be good samaritans wanting to save the poor bigfooters. Gimme a break.

    2. Marketing campaign, plain and simple. FTFY.

  7. The whole Bigfoot craze started because people could not identify bears. Some people hoaxed some casts and a video and 50 years later people are still cashing in on the myth. There's a sucker born every minute.

    1. Yep you're one of them.

    2. I guess it is difficult to keep the scumbad trolls off this blog site.

  8. The Oregon BLM is leading edge on this, wonderful really.
    I sometimes think we could pass a "protection Bill" now, based on adopting Sasquatch as our National Treasure, mythical or not, and prohibit intentional harms like killing.

    Vote for Sasquatch our mascot/emblem of Freedom and Wild America.


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