Little moments like this is the reason why MonsterQuest still rocks

MonsterQuest-- O Brother, Where Art Thou?

That initial Bigfoot episodes on History Channel's Monster Quest was fairly good, but after the "good" ones were shown, they were basically scraping the bottom of the barrel for content. Melissa Hovey, with her all-female Bigfoot expedition gave the show a little bit of a boost, but that was about it for the Bigfoot episodes.

There was also the Snelgrove Lake incident in 2003 where a fishing cabin was visited by Bigfoot a few times and DNA samples were scraped off a wooden board loaded with screws. During the filming of that episode, the MonsterQuest team believed they were "attacked" one night after hearing rocks and sticks being thrown at their cabin. The crew nearly wet their pants that night.

Before the show went off the air completely, there was one episode where the film crew was attacked by a rock-throwing Bigfoot in Washington State. This incident was captured on tape while filming on location at a remote spot on the slopes Mount St. Hellen.

Watch below:


  1. I would like to make sweet love to Melissa Hovey! I love her voice!

  2. Their were rocks thrown in the Kentucky episode also.


  3. I would throw rocks at hovey

  4. If that sasquatch had been bolder that video might have become one of the most amazing documents in existence. :)

    Not conclusive evidence of course, but a fun clip.

    1. It was broad daylight. They should have hauled ass in the general direction of the source of the rock. A human intent on harm would have come a hell of a lot closer, and an animal chucking stuff to keep you away is telling you it wants no trouble by the very act. Of course an environmental source like 451 mentions below is equally benign. No reason not boogie towards it. Wimps.

  5. Yes because throwing rocks from the dark woods cannot possibly be a human...must be a Squatch.

    1. The Snelgrove Lake episode was really good. The location was exceptionally remote(they had to fly in), 2 professors were on the scene and another well-regarded prof did the dna study.

    2. Do your research, Ive been to Snellgrove to fish, and hest there are a lot of people there, mostly natives. Could've been anyone throwing rocks..geez

    3. Tony, anon above is right. TV portrayed Snellgrove as middle of nowhere, in fact the island is FULL of Indian kids due to the innuit school o. the island. Couldve been 3-4 indian kids, much more likely than bigfoot. And the screw board was just a bear plain and simple.

    4. Thanks Anons: I didnt know anything about the area. I was not expecting much from the blood sample since Disotell seemed underwhelmed.

    5. Okay sasquatch, lets play a game, you throw rocks at me, and i will throw bullets at you, whoever is alive after the first throw wIns =D

  6. The wiki entry on Monsterquest states it was not cancelled due to bad ratings. Given the success of FB, History might order new episodes. I would not be surprised if they came up with a bigfoot- only show instead. Cable channels copy off each other. I read an article where the Animal Planet people were pissed because History's Mudcats ripped off their Hillbilly Handfishing. Possible entry on History- "Southern Sasquatch"? I'm thinking some crazy combo of "Finding Bigfoot" and "Swamp People".

    1. PS-I meant a professionally produced show, using members of an established org like the BFRO. If they pick up that homemade show Shawn posted the other day, I would be very surprised.

    2. BFRO brought us Finding Bigfoot and it sucks.

    3. I want more Swamp Squatchers!

    4. Anon 946; I think it was the other way around: the production company had an idea for a bigfoot show then casted bfro people.

  7. I wonder how many sherpas it took to pack in all of the strap ons for the all woman episode.

  8. So, you're wandering around the woods near an active volcano, which has blown rocks, ash, and debris into the canopy, and when a gust of wind blows one of the pieces out of the tree, you claim you're being "attacked by bigfoot." Are these people schizophrenic? Seriously, if a rock or pine cone falls near you and you immediately assume you're being assaulted by a mythical beast, you should probably seek immediate psychiatric care. Just sayin'

    1. So gravity is more likely to propel a single rock, in an arc, a great distance away from it's resting place in the tree, on this windless day.
      No telling if the thrown rock matches those of the last eruption either.

    2. Good skeptics don't insult the people they are trying to convince, they simply present the facts and let others draw conclusions. Trolls insult; 451 is a troll.

      Nowhere in the video does the crew specifically announce they are being "attacked by bigfoot" - please provide a time reference 451 to substantiate your claim. They do mention past reports but since they are filming a show *about* Bigfoot, that's contextually relevant. They also mention the rock in tree theory. In the end they have no explanation, as logical an answer short of searching for the source. We don't know their schedule; time is money on production work.

      The article mentions "attacked", but the subjects of the article do not. Of course fact-finding (listening to the video) takes effort and that is a 4-letter word to trolls. I'm guessing eliciting an emotional response produces a high for trolls similar to having sex for normal people; it's as close as they can get. There is no rational explanation for this behavior. I almost feel pity for it.

    3. Damn dude, its just silly comments about a silly subject... Chillax

  9. Cute for so many reasons.
    An improvement over the Snell Grobe lake crew who threw rocks back at night.
    But, no real follow up, no eagerness to investigate, no calling out in a firendly voice, "Who's there? Is that Oh-mah? "
    Think a gorilla suit might have influenced the Sas's perception (I am giving them the benefit here, it was a BF) of what they were doing out there with a big hairy "skin?"
    Rock throwing is also a documented behavior in humans when their terriotry is threatened, (or in revolutions, and riots, and among kids....remeber those dirt clod fights?).
    But, it can be like that, when one is out there unarmed, and fairly certain a vistor is close...tough to take the next step, while reaming vulnerable, approachable/friendly, especially on a dark night. Can't fault a film crew here I suppose. But, next time we expect more.
    But, MQ was cancelled right?
    We have FB now? I have yet to see it, beside that little "FB in 2 mins" here...I will have to catch at least one rerun.

  10. Don't forget the White Hall NY episode with the police officer witnesses! Awesome episode!

    1. I like that episode too. The cop was sincere as all hell, but that does not mean he was right. He was not a forest ranger, so although he is from a rural area he might not have tons of experience identifying animals at night. Maybe he does, I don't know.

  11. I must agree with a few of the posters of have made the comment that humans throw rocks too. Much more likely that was the case rather than thinking it was our beloved bigfoot.

  12. It can't be Bigfoot!! It had to be people following the camera crew out into the woods, or lodged rocks falling out of trees after the eruption, or a vortex opening up and a rock falling out, But it just can not, absolutely, positively be Bigfoot, because we all know that Bigfoot is just a mass delusion and does not exist.

    1. Not really a mass delusion considering only a small fraction of the population believes in it. More like a small, insignificant fringe delusion.

    2. In my house its 25% : wife, son and daughter think I'm nuts

  13. Keep it up. All you guys throwing computer bombs at each other is just what Shawn wants.
    The more of you who come here and bad mouth each other and everything about Bigfoot is just what Shawn needs.
    He makes good advertising money off your visits and inane comments.
    The more you click...The more he makes.

    1. This site generates income? Cool, how so? Maybe I'll make one too.

      So, how come nobody has commented on the bigfoot suit in this clip? Don't recall seeing that particular BF head/mask before.


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