Hot Damn! Check Out These Chicks Of Bigfoot

Experts say that women have a better chance at finding Bigfoot than men because women are less threatening to Bigfoot. While scouring the internet looking for women Bigfooters, we came across some unique groups of females. Here are two that we thought were interesting:

Bigfoot Chicks On Facebook:

Not much is known about the two women in the photo above, except they call themselves the "Bigfoot Chicks". The woman on the left is Melissa and next to her is Angela. To learn more, you can visit their Facebook page at

Last week, the Extinct? podcast show sent them an invitation and they both agreed to come on as guests on June 2. You do not want to miss it, so mark your calendars everyone!

"Bigger is better"

Meet Melissa of the Bigfoot Chicks.

Meet Angela of the Bigfoot Chicks

Bigfoot Seekers:

This all-women Bigfoot research group looks like they mean business. All of these ladies are strong-willed and can hold their own when it comes to finding Bigfoot. They're located in New England and their alleged East Greenwhich Bigfoot footage was featured on the Rhode Island episode of Finding Bigfoot last season. You can visit their website at


  1. A bigfooters dream! ...a girl who likes his bigfooting hobby! Yessir

  2. Somehow, I think that putting "chicks of bigfoot" on one's resume wouldn't be a plus.

    1. I love how under the story about the "hot" women of bigfooting is the banner "You may also like-" and then a picture of Henry May. I just don't get the connection.

    2. I just don't get the connection.

      Bigger is better, Says it all :)

      You can't get much bigger than good ol'Henry

  3. Are the chicks of bigfoot like bigfoot's harem or something?

    1. You know what they say about guys with big feet...

    2. I don't understand it, but some attractive women hook up with guys that don't look much different than a squatch and smell just as bad.

    3. These chicks aren't attractive.

    4. Well, the fact that they hunt squatch is attractive.

    5. The only thing attractive about this; is it is going to piss off Hovey, Sally, Sharon and the other old school Bigfoot girls.

    6. What the heck is "old school bigfoot girls?"

    7. Hovey and the oldies make these chicks look like Angelina Jolie.

    8. None of these girls hold a candle to Autumn Williams. Yummy!

    9. Why would you want to put a candle there?

  4. Talk about cashing in on this new bigfoot craze.

    1. Exactly. If these girls aren't self promoting for a T.V. show; I'll eat my Squatch hat.

    2. And at this very moment, Fasano is driving around Tampa in search of squatchy-looking girls so he can film a pilot first.

  5. Are these the hybrid squatches we've been hearing about???

    1. 451, you should be at the Cartoon Network forum not here this is for grown ups.

    2. Hmm, I may look into that, seeing as how your average Cartoon Network audience member probably has a higher reading comprehension than your typical 'footer. Thanks for the suggestion.

    3. Ha! Thanks, you're good peeps Broski.

    4. Ha ha! I don't usually agree with you 451, but that was funny.

    5. Now he's dissin' cartoons. Jeez.

  6. Do they have hairy breasts?

    1. I hope not, that's one thing not so attractive about the wild Sasquatch women.

  7. Soccer moms we've all heard of, now we got Sasquatch moms too.

  8. What's with the bigfoot chick with the cowboy hat and gut?

    1. She is the sergeant at arms of Melba's bigfoot protection group.

    2. She looks like she'd beat the tar out of you if you suggested that bigfoot doesn't exist.

    3. That group of three look like they do squatchin behind the trailer court they live in. Really, does the one think her flabby gut hanging out looks sexy?

    4. Alcohol boys, alcohol!!! Then you'd shag it. The one on the far left I think I could do sober though.

    5. Methin' with Sasquatch. John

  9. 1 hot one and many skanksquatches. Beer goggles required. Bobo might even get lucky.

  10. Seriously, is there some informal competition among 'footers to out-white trash each other? What's the grand prize, the gorilla suit used in the PG film and a carton of Winston Lights?

    1. No 451, your prize is a free membership to no less than 4 cartoon network forums of your own choosing.

  11. Hooters Bigfooters would be great.

  12. I will take a sowsquatch anytime.

  13. I thought you said hot girls? But the better question should be where in the world is rick dyers gay brother?

  14. They are called the Snatchquatches.

  15. Hey they should hang out in the woods act drunk and stupid and may be bigfoot will think he can score and come out to pick them up,then that guy from to catch a predator can jump out and say what are you doing here!

  16. Which one will be next ears number 1 female bigfoot researcher?

    1. Fasano: " Soooooo what your saying is that I have got a chance."

  17. Once again, a serious subject taken over the top. I expect more entertainment out of this than anything substantial.
    Television is mind numbingly boring these days. Just once I'd like to watch something that's a bit more intellectual and informative.
    I might as well watch Tree House.

    1. It's more like a new low for this Bigfoot blog, what is this, the Bigboob blog now?

    2. You must have some insider info, Anon. That new blog is in Phase Two of the chick takeover of all that is Sasquatch.

  18. So these are the dedicated researchers who will finally prove bigfoots existance. O.k.

    1. Make all the fun you want, but compared to Alexmidnightwanker they are ivy league anthropologists flush with NSF grant money

  19. Do they know that all a horney male squatch requires is a hole and a heartbeat, and the heartbeat is optional?

    1. Assuming these women are actresses not actual researchers, yeah... wonder if anyone told them about all that.

  20. Bigfoot says skunk ape gets the fat one.

  21. Bigfoot tinks hoomin woman ugly. They need more fur. No hair skin and smell like flower. Me loves Patty's floppy sagging hairy boobs. She good skunk skankape.

  22. "I like walking in the woods at night; I like being scared". Pick me for a T.V. show.

  23. Welcome to the free for all girls. Make your money off of all the morons while you can.

  24. Their Facebook page started in April 2012, so they clearly have been at this long enough to claim the title "Bigfooter."
    Their entries so far are all about themselves, another good indication they are real Bigfooters.


    I will never, ever, admit to knowing anything about any of this.

    Never, ever, ever.

    Bigfoot Chicks do not exist.

    1. Pretty clear their intent is to get exposed (on T.V.) and not find Bigfoot. They're been at this for a total of ONE MONTH? The only thing I can see they produced; is several promo reels. What are their qualifications? If hunting Aliens was popular, they'd be the Alien girls. Or Ghost girls. And of course those new shiny leather jackets are perfect for camping out in the woods. Drop these girls off in the woods, alone; and they'd be whimpering inside of 5 minutes, dead within a week.

    2. I never even read this message.

  25. Once upon a time in the land of squatch, their lived 3 hoaxers: rick dyer, tim fatsino, and snowpacker prime. After a hard days work at the unemployment office they came home to find someone asleep in their beds. So the first one in, snowpacker cried, rick that kinda looks like you. The second hoaxer in, tim fatsino, cried,, oh my broski hes holding fatback, yummm. And the last one in, rick dyer, cried, oh me oh my, its my gay ass brother asleep in our beds. What shall we do. As he looked around he saw snowpacker stroking his scumstash, and fatsino licking his lips. And with that rick dyer proclaimed, oh hell lets jump in with him. And they lived on welfare forever after. the end

    1. Lol that was funny I just hope when you said Broski you weren't referring to me. If I was gay I could do a lot better than that man. Funny shit regardless

    2. Pretty stupid listing "snowpacker prime" as a hoaxer. What's he hoaxed?

    3. Witness interviews? Who knows, that beard was fake probably.

    4. Alex, you sound sore that "snowwalker prime" handed you, your ass in a hand basket. If you are going to insist upon spreading misinformation; the least you could do is post your name; you coward.

    5. He doesn't really need to post his name anymore, does he? We know it's him with the same old boring stuff. Blah blah Fatsino, blah blah snowpacker, blah blah Ricky's gay brother. He's full of crap, and this continued fixation suggests he might be struggling to accept his own tendencies. It's OK! Really!

      But yes, please do tell us what SWP has hoaxed?

    6. Hello snowpacker, thanks for responding! Lets see what have you hoaxed, just for starters. Number one, most if not all of your witness interviews. Second, your scum bag face hoaxed a fire and then tried to ask for donations to get free money. Your not fooling anyone by the way. Next we have your outdoor knowledge in general, you have none, your lying and thus a hoax. next we have the impression you give that your a man. But all in all, its that every video your dumn ass makes is propaganda and lies.
      And the joke really is on all you retards. Im glad i can post on these morons day in and out and have it blamed on some deuche named alex. Keep it coming, i hope you continue to blame this dbag whoever he is, it just shows how much of a dumn ass you are.

    7. Who the hell is this Alex you guys keep on about?

    8. Dumn is actually spelled dumb. Irony is beautiful. John

  26. these chicks probably suck, but maybe we can at least be done with hovey and lee.

    1. But Hovey is the number one female bigfoot researcher! Do you think now she may actually be "number two"?

    2. About the only upside to this circus.

    3. I bet these chicks can get $3.00 for their autographs.

    4. I wonder what you'll get for a fiver?

    5. Sally here,

      We can now confirm that Arla got a handy and back door access from the chicks of bigfoot for a fiver. The bigfoots watched telepathically.

  27. They are not the Dixie Chicks.
    They are the Bigfoot Chicks.
    Big Feet and Big Dix.

  28. If Not Finding Bigfoot had hot chicks running in the woods in slow motion and on thermals I would watch and not make fun of them. Otherwise we get fat bastards and a chick that is more man than the rest.

    1. Ranae is still hotter than 80% of these chicks.

    2. Ranae is the only female researcher with a shred of sense and qualifications to match. She is after all a Biologists. How many Biologists are out in the field studying this? Not enough.

    3. Biologists would be handy if we found and had access to these animals. Until we find them we probably need trackers and people with high tech gizmos.

  29. Girls Gone Wild. Call us.


  30. 451 is James Randi's gay lover ?

    1. No, he's just pretending to be one of his little purple helmeted soldiers of truth.

    2. Very likely one of those jealous nobodies white loser troll trash for sure.

    3. Wow, you guys are homophobes too? Way to live up to the backwoods bigfoot bleever stereotype!

    4. Not our fault 451 if you're so randy dandy is it, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?

  31. I live in New England and we don't have girls like that around here. Two of them are wearing chaps like its the wild west and they all look like trailor trash. The one in the middle has meth face. Please God, don't tell me this is serious.

    1. i think the one with a gut and the chaps in the middle wears the strap on

    2. Well, if one of them has to she's the one I would pick. I don't think I could watch if she was the catcher.

  32. This section is now flooded with sexism, please stop. Why can not a woman be mentioned here before it turns insulting and rude? Okey, they may or may not be serious "researchers" (what is that anyway?). There is however no reason to start calling them this and that, "the one who is hot is going to be on tv just because of that and the other one is ugly..."do you hear yourselves? What ever a woman does here she is judged by her looks and it doesn´t matter if people thik she looks good or bad she will still have it against her. Awful.


    1. I got back on this post because this same thing was bugging me, and found you said something JN.
      Glad to see it.
      I don't understand why anyone feels compelled to actually come on here and make downright mean statements about a person's appearance. Men or women, and that goes for the name calling of certain 'researchers' or hoaxers or whatever they are. If you want to say something about their work or lack of it, fine, but why do people stoop to throwing out below the belt remarks and cheap shots?
      And I do think that most women are a little more sensitive to attacks on appearance, so why do you just feel the need to hurt their feelings for no reason? You have your opinions about someones level of attractiveness, or lack of it, but why can't you just think it and not type it?
      If you don't think a woman is attractive, then it's okay for you (you is plural here and in general, not pinpointing any single "you")to make sure you tell them so? Is that what you do in real life to every woman in your life? Is that what you hope happens to your mothers, sisters, friends? They can't show their picture without it being a beauty contest? If you don't think they are "hot", they are not a human being with feelings and worth in life? Because that's what it sounds like.

    2. Men cannot be mentioned here without it turning insulting and rude either. I think your "sexism" is in your mind more than on the site.

    3. Why do they resort to cheap shots? Usually because the researcher is putting forth a concept that scares the poster or they do not agree with, and they have no way to fight back with facts or intelligence so they lash out like a small child with name-calling. Quite simple to understand, really.

    4. Regarding sexism: the media is to blame. They are the ones offering up shows based purely on the "hey, it's chicks looking for bigfoot" premise with no substance beyond their looks. What else would people talk about regarding this show?

    5. You make very good points, JN, and people shouldn't be judged by looks alone. BUT... look at the photos again, and tell me those ladies weren't purposely dressed and posed to impart a 'sexy' image. No different than a hooker on the stroll, or a cook wearing a chef's jacket and hat -- this is the marketing THEY have chosen to 'sell' themselves and their product (a TV show).

    6. Not as hot as Henry May!

    7. JN, are you joking? The first video opens up with the woman making dick jokes and degrading the man that was with them and his small 'bat' wasn't enough, because 'size matters'. For fuck sake lady, you opened yourself up right there. So women don't sit around and talk about what guy is ugly or hot and what their social standing is? lmfao JN from Sweden, get a clue it's you, women, that think they can have their cake and eat it too, without suffering the consequences of ridicule. These women (BFchicks) are trying to be like men with dirty jokes and trying to be tough, 'I like it out in the woods at night and want to get scarred' sheesh. If you can't take the heat ladies, go elsewhere.

    8. JN's right, this rudeness has always been troll tactic to offend bigfooters hoping naively that way everything bigfoot will somehow disappear off the face of the earth if they just insult you long enough.
      Don't they know by now it doesn't work. LOL

    9. Busted. In fact, that is on Page 14 of the top-secret Handbook for Skeptics & Trolls. There's not a single rude or disparaging comment from a believer up top here - they're such polite gentlemen. Impossible. I bet you are the same clueless dope with the "trolls are really MIB" theory.

    10. It has nothing to do with bigfooters 7:48. Read 7:36's post. Hes right these women are trying market themselves as sexy. Women do it all the time. As a woman, I think it's ridiculous and trashy. If they were serious researchers they wouldn't be using sec to sell themselves. So if they're ridiculed or called ugly I don't feel bad because they asked for it.

    11. I agree that media is to blame to some extent, but the more people are running on those balls the more crap the networks will produce. The problem can never be that women are talking about sex and taking control of the subject of female sexuality in media. The problem is that men are trying to bring them down because they can not handle the fact that women can be sexual beings without submission to men´s rules and ideals. This is my opinion in short.


    12. Aha JN from Sweden, you just gave yourself up, An ultra liberal feminist. This forum is about the subject of Bigfoot but you have to come here and make it about feminism. Please give your opinion on Bigfoot, if you have one. Don't be so sensitive, clearly you aren't a looker, now go on back to your girlfriend.

    13. JN-no woman can be a serious researcher. They only thing chicks can do for this field is feed and service the men when they get back to their tents after a hard day a'squatchin.

    14. Anon 12:07: Look at the comments above, not a lot about bigfoot but a lot about how these women look. That is what I reacted on, from then I have just explained what I think as a response to other comments about my post. I have plenty of opinions on bigfoot and I have given them partly previously on this blog. I am no ultra nothing but just your standard Swedish socialdemocrat, married with 3 kids by the way.


    15. All or most Swedes are Socialdemocrats, aren't they? No offense just surprised this Breivik fella's Norwegian and not Swedish, you seem to have loads of immigration problems too being PC ignored. But sorry not the place for this topic here.

    16. Anon 1:12: It is hard not to react on what you wrote but this is not the place as you said. Answer: about 30-40% vote socialdemocrat.


  33. Pure marketing in action folks. If people will watch a bigfoot show, MORE people will watch one about cute chicks. Give me a break! No way I'm even clicking that link to their advertisement on facebook.

  34. Weren't these chicks trying to find ghosts? I guess its time to jump on the new Bigfoot fad.

    1. Shameless self promoting. And as distasteful as it is, for posters to comment on the looks of these girls. They did indeed bring it upon themselves. Ranae from Finding Bigfoot isn't selling her looks; she doesn't have to. She is a capable field Biologist. The most qualified member of the whole Finding Bigfoot team. These girls, as near as I can tell. Have no qualifications making them valid researchers. They are trying to sell their "looks", and as a prior poster indicated; they are inviting this feedback with their attempt at dirty jokes. It is a sad, sad day for Bigfootery. How about focusing on some real researchers who are actually producing material of value for a change?

    2. Please name a few and their sites so I or we can follow them. As at present this entire field is filled with kooks, frauds, bullshitters, lunatics and more.

      Please show us 'ONE' researcher worth following.

    3. REDCHUN, who avoids these sideshows and shitfights, and makes no claims.

    4. The guy gets out, but still no dice.

    5. I think REDCHUN is worth following too.

  35. If they are Bigfoot hunters they should have at least Photo or film of a family of them since that is how the Bigfoot is found in family groups. so for there scammers and not very pretty at all.Don't get scammed

  36. I thought you had to be at least attractive to be on TV? Oh hold on MM, Bobo mmmh! my point, these slappers are raw as f'ck and fat to boot.

    c'mon, ghost hunters, aliens and oh shit yeah bigfoots popular lets try that. I pity any guy walking past them with a wallet.

    I really don't want to say this, but I'd rather see....................on TV :)

    Meg Ryan, now theres a bigfoot chick.

  37. The blonde Bigfoot Chick Melissa scores 3 out of 10 on her BS delivery. She'd never make it through Customs with those dodgy eyes.

  38. These chicks?!

    Hot damn what?

  39. Seriously, the only thing these chicks seem qualified to hunt are Big Macs. Jesus.

  40. Its going to be an absolute riot watching this latest "joke in the field of Bigfooting" rake in the cash from the craze. I guarantee you that these girls will have a following. What a joke. Losers.

  41. I don't know anything about the 3 from the northeast.I do know the Bigfoot Chicks..Both have been serious researchers for years.

    1. If they're serious researchers why are they making dick jokes?

    2. So what?They can't make an attempt at being funny?I would like to see pictures of all you people and your wives/husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends.I bet you're not worthy of the attention from any of these 5 women and I bet you and your other halves might be top contenders for People of Walmart.

  42. As long as they do not have a tattoo on the small of thier back that says EXIT ONLY they are qualified to be bigfoot researchers. Another plus would be not having the word Ouch! in thier vocabulary.


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