Getting Started With Telepathic Bigfoot Research

I know, awesome headline right? (see click-baiting) Well, there is actually a serious discussion among the "Friends of Sasquatch" about researching Bigfoot telepathically. They claim it's a much friendlier and more humane way of research. The "Friends of Sasquatch" believe that non-telepathic Bigfoot researchers, who focus on scientific physical proof, should just give up because it hasn't worked.

According to an article from Friends of Sasquatch – Research blog, the current Bigfoot scene resembles "a huge tumble-jumble of people racing to be the one great almighty Bigfoot researcher with a gold star, who will go down in history as the discoverer of the Sasquatch species."

The author believes that research techniques such as knocking on trees and playing prerecorded Bigfoot screams will not bring the Bigfoots closer without first establishing a psychic connection. "It can be the pre-contact communication that lets a Bigfoot know we mean no harm, if in fact you mean no harm. If you did mean harm, the telepathic Bigfoot would pick up that vibe," wrote the author.

"Though it is true that a scientific approach is necessary, and vital, and that hard evidence is needed, I see telepathy as being a means to that end."

The author listed three reasons why Telepathic Bigfoot Research is the way of the future:

What Can Telepathic Bigfoot Research Do For You?

If you’re not telepathic, you might want to team up with someone who is. Having a psychic at your side could help you go in the right direction to actually have a sighting. I can stand in the woods and with my sixth sense, determine the most likely areas to find them. You could do that too, if you were to refine your character and habits, and start meditating. We are all capable of being psychic. As with anything else in life, it just depends on where we want to go, and what we choose to do.

A psychic can contact a nearby Bigfoot and ask for a face-to-face meeting. I will be honest, the most likely answer to that is “no”. But it doesn’t hurt to ask. As with habituation, it is better to create an ongoing communication telepathically before physical contact is attempted. The purpose is to promote trust and a mutually agreed upon meeting experience.

Why Bigfoot Should Refuse To Meet With Us

I believe it is better for Sasquatches to maintain their distance. Human beings could spread diseases to them. I am one of many Americans who still remember the demise of this continent’s native cultures due to diseases they were not able to fight off. I don’t want that to happen to Sasquatches. I know many Bigfoot researchers don’t care about the possible devastation that our interference could cause. Maybe Sasquatches have the right idea. Humans can be dangerous and should be avoided. Think about that before you try to get too close to one.

How To Get Involved in Telepathic Bigfoot Research

If you want to start investigating Bigfoot via telepathic means you will have to do it on your own. There are no workshops or classes for this. Development of psychic ability is something that is done quietly, by listening. Get some good books on psychic development. Experiment with your accuracy ratio. Meditate. Before long you’ll be able to discern the unspoken, unheard words that exist beyond the chatter of your own mind.

You can read the full article here.


  1. Yeah, lure a bigfoot into a trap using telepathy.

  2. How can you be friends with something that has never been proven to exist?

  3. These are the people who want to make claims and get attention without ever having to produce evidence. What a load of BS. No wonder this field is looked upon by most scientists as being full of nuts. It would help the cause greatly if they would just shut up and keep their "experiences" to themselves. I don't see how anyone could argue that if you told the average scientists that you speak telepathically to a bigfoot you are pretty much dead in the water as far as them listening from that point That is just fact.

    1. Yes. That is correct. This is bigfoot tabloid fodder.

    2. Yup. Tabloid fodder.

      I married bigfoot.

      Bigfoot kept me as his love slave.

      Half human half bigfoot child found.

      Telepathic bigfoot tells hunter that they want humans to leave them alone.

      Telepathic bigfoot tells woodsman that Biscardi, Standing, Brisson, Erickson, and Hovey are all hoaxing jackasses.

  4. Who is this person; a 200 year old vampire?

    One of the "many americans who remember the demise of this continent’s native cultures due to diseases they were not able to fight off"

    That happened over 200 years ago.

    Now everyone QUIET! I am calming my mind so I can hear voices.


  5. Sasquatching by way of the Mind is a very "One on One" Concept. You can liken it to masterbation only you will reach the reward in the end ! If these creatures are truly Flesh & Blood then we will deal with them like every other Creature on Earth ! If they are Aliens then Just Give Up ! Aliens would be thousands, even millions of years ahead of our species, we have no chance. I guarantee if these are Aliens the Feds will never let us see the Light until they give the Green Light ! TELEPATHY WHAT A CONCEPT ! Give us another 1000 years Maybe !

    1. I believe it helps in this study.

    2. Shrooms man, shrooms. With enough shrooms, not only can you communicate telepathically with squatches, you can see them any place that you want.

  6. Only one problem: Magneto (pictured) is not telepathic, but Prof. X is. :)

  7. A little bored last night and stumbled on this hour or less video of the Uri Gellar ESP experiments at Stanford in the 70's.
    Pretty interesting really. As much for the memory of how we used to communicate (emulsion film) as for the information.

    I think most of us have had those "huh?" moments, whether a weird coincidence in thinking and expressing with another the same thing. Or, when the phone rings, the "uh-oh!" feeling and it proves to be that kind of phone call.
    So, perhaps the psychic abilities of humans, however defined, does exist at some level. Therefore, if BFs are similar, why not?

    The problem, obviously, is translating that to others, in a trustworthy way. Can't imagine quite what that would be...beyond, psychically getting a BF to agree to come out for photos and DNA? Or permission to be "proven."

    I can say that R. Morgan's book, "A Bigfoot Observer's Field Guide," is a different approach and it worked for me. Why? The method is gentle and well suited for those who are willing to wait and stay attuned to one particular site. Do the morning and evening survey's for tracks, signs, etc and keep tabs on that relatively small well as talk to or sing to the Forest and invite interaction.
    You have to read the book. It may seem a bit "too much," for some of these hunters, but try it if you are serious...

    I finally wrote Morgan several years later to thank him, and his response was fairly simple, something to the effect, he thinks there may be a spiritual element involved, that intent makes a difference...

    hummm I can say I went out in faith (on his technique) and applied it and it worked. Am I that spiritual or psychic? I don't think so, but I am a softie emotionally, easily identifying with others pain/joy.

    I was bent on playing out experiments of various kinds and hoping to obtain good video. I believe Morgan recently spoke on a webpod show and expressed that idea again.

    He began his adventures with BFs a long, long time ago...and seems to have concluded BFs are extremely intelligent and humanlike some time ago. And, he has a new book I have not read, that may take that idea a few steps further, not sure..I should get a copy.
    This division between "animal" ruled by instinct and thinking/cognitive BFs has been around a long time.
    You will get further faster if you assume they are thinking, creative "humanlike" "animals." IMO

    1. Ape, I have read R.W.Morgans Bigfoot Observers Field Manual, it's great. I agree on your opinion of Bigfoot, quite a unique creature, or human...

    2. Thanks for the title correction.

    3. I sort of agree with apehuman on this one. I can't tell you how many times I was thinking of a specific syndicated TV show episode for some reason and within days (hours in some cases) I see that exact episode on TV.

  8. If Bigfoot are telepathic, why would they need to use howls, rock clacking and tree knocks for communication?
    This of course is accepting the hypothesis that Bigfoot use these methods to communicate with one another.
    I think Sasquatch are real, living beings but I doubt they have telepathic abilities. I can't prove it nor disprove it, it's just my opinion.

    1. Good points Sasquai....
      perhaps by analogy:
      Why can't I reproduce drawings hidden from me like Gellar?
      If this ability does exist it may be a variable or tentative as it is in humans....

    2. No, it's not really a good question. That's like saying if the military guy has the ability to talk over close circuit radio, why do they use red pin lights to flash at one another. Location location location You guys just don't it. If people have cell phones why do they have to dial a person's number or why do they need it. Can't they just call out in the cell phone for that that would be chaos. Telepathy is not magic guys. It's very focused and directional. It also does not take the place of field tactical communication or movement.

    3. LMFAO ANON 10:16,

      Your analogy isn't even in the same stratosphere as Sasquasi's. It was a great question and good luck preying on the weak minded/gullible people out there. People like you are no better than the ticks and fleas that feed off hosts. Telepathy is a crock of shit, its just an easy way to make claims/money WITHOUT having to show evidence.

  9. If I had a psychic friend, I would not bring them to the woods to find bigfoot as this article suggests. I would take them to the racetrack.

  10. What a load of BULLSHIT! People like this want to ride the "gravy train" of Bigfooting for all its worth WITHOUT EVER having to produce 1 speck of evidence. This is nothing more than a "Ms. Cleo Psychic Hotline" type scam. If you people are dumb enough to fall for this crap then there's no hope for man-kind.

    1. Agreed. I am amazed at the number of people that just eat this BS up! The crazier the stories, the more the nuts want. I wish there was a podcast that had the guts to have these people on and call them on their bullshit. I would laugh my ass off.

    2. Hell yeah Anon 10:36, I would actually PAY to see them humiliated and exposed for the frauds they ARE! However, I don't think it will EVER happen unfortunately. They won't allow themselves to be exposed, thus resulting in having that meal ticket snatched from them. Something like that (going head to head in front of an audience) is just WAAAAAAAAY too risky for them.

  11. Let's try remote viewing, really worked well for the military in finding Osama bin Laden.

  12. Maybe they should learn to communicate telepathically with other humans first before bringing it into the already controversial world of bigfooting.

  13. I would like to see 2 of these so called telepaths communicate with the same BF or each other and see if they have the same respsonse.

  14. Telepathy is real. It happened to me once as a sender. It was very powerful. Unfortunately, it was very random and has never happened again.


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