FB/FB breaks down Srasburg Virginia Bigfoot sighting

This latest breakdown video by FB/FB analyzes a video from Stasburg, VA. The alleged Sasquatch was filmed at different locations as the filmer kept trying to get a closer look. FB/FB notices that the creature in the footage has an obviously large cranium vault (the space in the skull within the neurocranium, occupied by the brain).

They believe that the cranial vault, super-thick brow ridge, and large cheek bones give protection against tree impact for bipedal forest running. It is a self-preservation tool only seen in Homo says FB/FB.

Watch below:

#68 of 76 Bigfoot is seen hiding behind a Log by a stream near Strasburg VA
Posted 9/24/11 by spastictadpole this is a great example of what a Sasquatch is. Strategically smarter and more patient than modern humans. You can see the cranial vault and brow ridge as it hides behind a tree. The left knee is seen out to the side of the downed tree. The voice of the filmer is fantastic as he tries to move closer. Deshaker and zoom has been applied to the original video for ease of viewing


  1. Another reason not to visit FB/FB.

  2. Just curious, on this "Bigfoot Evidence" blog, has there ever actually been any solid evidence for the existence of bigfoot?

    1. Nope but thats not the blogs fault, they can only report on what people have. Unfortunately in bigfooting its just speculation, hoaxes, talk of hidden "evidence", drama, wild claims, lying habituators, phony doctors and tall stories.

    2. Depends what you'd call "solid."

  3. Is this guy fucking serious?

    He even states at the start hes looking at a "little black dot". How the fuck does he them confirm on brow ridge etc. What the fuck. There is no hope for mankind.

  4. I tried to keep an open mind (I always do) when watching bigfoot clips. This one was intriguing; however, certain things will immediately be brought up by skeptics:

    As with most bigfoot clips, there is not enough closeness to make out any detail. This could have been a costume or something else that happened to look like a sasquatch to the film maker.

    He claims to have seen head movement a few times. Did anyone see any head moving on the clip? I didn't.

    If this was done intentionally as a hoax, it's very convenient for a hoaxer to put bigfoot on the other side of the river. This way it's still far enough away to preclude getting any detail in the shot.

    I know that this is easy to say, but if I had been the guy filming this and I seriously believed this to be a legitimate sasquatch and not a hoax, I would have picked up a rock or branch and threw it at what I thought was a bigfoot. He was obviously close enough for the bigfoot to know he was there; otherwise, the bigfoot wouldn't be trying to hide and not move. The guy should have thrown something at it or better yet starting wading in the water toward it.

    Since this is another entirely inconclusive clip, it of course will do nothing to prove bigfoot's existence. It will only entertain those who already believe that bigfoot is real.

    The guy should have went after the sasquatch. Maybe we would have finally had proof for the existence of sasquatch (perhaps in the camera found with his remains).

    1. You would throw a rock at a 7ft plus monster?

    2. Go after it and throw rocks? Don't you think that could be taken as an aggressive gesture?
      People always say what they would do in a situation like this, but those people are not in that situation.
      The guy was alone from what I can tell, so do you think he would want to risk provoking something much faster, stronger and larger than he is? This is assuming the thing was a Sasquatch.

  5. Replies
    1. Yup. Hmmm? I wonder why it didn't move.

  6. There is no way he could make out any cranial vault from that range or any brow ridge. The narrator is articulating what he "thinks" is there rather than a more truthful dissertation of what actually was there.
    Sagittal crests and nuchal crests are barely visible under such a head of hair as the Sasquatch sports. Those are gorilla traits.

    The narrator is, in essence spreading misinformation. Too many researchers with video cameras do the same thing; the dot in the video may well be a Sasquatch but you can't really state what it's doing much less what it looks like. The narrator assumes he's hiding when in fact the data tells us they often sleep in and around wood piles...in this scene, the rushing river water would have drowned out the approach of the cameraman. Why didn't the cameraman go down to the river's edge and film across river?

    What he describes are ape like features anyway but the Sasquatch is not an ape - sagittal crests and nuchal crests can be observed in the cranial morphology of extinct hominids, most noticeably in the robust australopithecines....but that doesn't mean you can discern anything under a head of hair, not from that distance and the data clear shows that the Sasquatch has piles of long hair on their head...usually described as "wild" - "dreadlocks-like," "stingy," curly or straight and hair that is often described as "shoulder length."
    My two cents worth..:)
    Bobbie Short

  7. I am wondering if FB/FB actually believe what they are telling people, or if they're in a list of others who like to string people along.
    I gave up on these guys quite awhile ago because they seem to see things in blurry images that no other human can see.
    I could see a black dot and that was it. Could be a shadow, could be a root, could be many things. I think Sasquatch exists but I don't believe everything I see is a Sasquatch.
    I still think Tom at TCC does a more critical breakdown and analysis of videos than these guys do, but that's my opinion.

  8. I am with most of you guys I did not see the head move or could make out any features at all. And I would have gotten a lot closer and at least had it focuses in right just another blurry shot with something black in the background that could be anything.

  9. fb/fb sees bigfoot in their morning cereal. Just like Joebblack1963..Any correlation?

  10. This is stupid. A brow ridge? A big cranial cavity? WTF is this guy smoking? It would have to be PCP to see the shit he says he see's. I'm with the other guy who said:" there is no hope for man-kind".


  12. Sorry. As soon as the guy who took the footage starts talking, it loses all credibility.

  13. Man, the bigfoot stayed still and waited him out. If you check back in a few months, I'm sure he'll still be there, hiding behind the brush, still as ever.

  14. Its so small and far away. I cant see anything that would serve as the basis of a debate or worthy of analyses. Does anybody have a reason for thinking this might be a bigfoot?

  15. Replies
    1. If you're on iOS, you probably won't be able to play it since it's an embedded Facebook video.

    2. That's a shame, you get to see a small black thing behind a fallen log that doesnt move.

  16. it 's not such a big deal , iv'e seen a sasquatch. it's not easy to spot them but a camera does no justice. the naked eye does not lie!

  17. This is not only absurd, it´s borderline psychotic. Cranial vault...my goodness.


  18. So this is it? We have a video of a brush pile, and it's considered a bigfoot sighting? One that FB/FB can conclusively identify as a bigfoot sighting? Really? I think the guy filmed a brush pile.

  19. yeah right.... by show of hands how many of you could make out the brow ridge and a cranial cavity??? huh anyone? lol i guess not, get your facts right FBFB, what a waste of time this was, i do believe there was an animal there, that black mass has fur/hair on it.

  20. Really. When you have looked at as many Bigfoot videos as FBFB has, you become adept at interpolating visual data. Before you comment on what and how big of a fool that I am, understand that neither FBFB nor I is out to prove to you that Sasquatch exists... it does, and in large numbers. You naysayers don't seem to get that we don't give a hoot what you think about our beliefs. You either believe, or you don't. The vast majority of believers have spent a lot of time and effort researching the available data before concluding that there is indeed an undiscovered American Great Ape. Those of us lucky enough to have seen it up close and personal most definitely need no further data points. This clip is about the ethology of the Sasquatch... and in that light it is a valid and interesting video. No, it isn't clear and it doesn't prove to anyone that Sasquatch exists... but that was never the intent.

  21. for the record I LOVE FB/FB...... I love how people can talk so much (CRAP) about an issue but never try to go at it them selves. If you have a negative opinion on the issue then put up your own analyse of the video. Then we can comment on your attempts why we agree or disagree. JUST SAYING!!!!!!!!!
    FB/FB Keep up the good work!


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