FB/FB Breakdown of Turkey Hunter Bigfoot Footage From Hancock, Maryland

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the FB/FB breakdown of the "Turkey Hunter Bigfoot" video from Maryland. According to FB/FB, the thing that spooked the turkey hunter was definitely a sasquatch.

What's most interesting about this breakdown video is that their position on Bigfoot has now changed from "Ape" to "Human" camp. The sasquatch in the video can be heard saying "uhhh", which is something that requires "holding of breath". FB/FB says chimps and gorillas can't hold their breath, only humans can. "Sasquatch are likely human of some sort," says the FB/FB guy.

Watch the breakdown below:


  1. Rise, pause, fall. Boom, there it is.

  2. domt worry ketchums nonexistent paper will prove justin smeja's nonexistent shooting and videos like this are real


    1. Comparing the two OOF'S of Sierra Sounds, specifically the OOF to that of this recording really has me excited. The sharpness in vocal is very convincing and doubt it can be mimic-ed easily. Really, it would need a sound engineer to get a hold of the original recording to detect voice over or a mechanical 'placed source' of the vocal at the spot where the BF (ALLEGED) is taped (IPHONE). Can it be fraud? Further tests are needed I believe. What say you? Anayway, the above comment about Smeja and Ketchum is kinda funny.

    2. Why does the person say listen right before the OOF like he knows its going to make a noise. Looks staged to me.

    3. He didnt say listen, he was whispering and repeating what he said but stopped when whatever that was made the oof sound. "What is-" "oof"

  3. I needed to share this and thought this would be the best place. I have just finished watching an advanced copy of Adrien Erickson’s “Sasquatch the Quest” and the movie is amazing. ( I was provided this copy to determine if I would financially back a scheduled showing in my area).

    Here are a few things that jumped out. Matilda became much more comfortable with the researchers as the film went on, leading to the picture of her sleeping in the open.

    Juvenile Bigfoot were extremely playful and enjoyed playing with children’s toys, and they were especially fond of beach balls.

    Eventually the researchers found what was called a den and it had inside it things the Sasquatch had salvaged from the trash including tin cans, pieces of plastic tarp a few broomsticks, and pieces of an old fishing net.

    The researchers would leave out certain items in an attempt to ascertain if the Bigfoots had a working knowledge of how to use them. One Bigfoot knew how to use a lighter and actually was seen smoking cigarettes that were left out near the lighter. They were also able to use a hatchet and shovel.

    The Bigfoots appeared to prefer processed food like peanut butter and candy as opposed to fruits and vegetables that were left on the same table. In addition they used rocks to kill both turkeys and raccoons. They quickly learned how to season meat with salt and pepper when these spices were left in the same area.

    While the Kentucky Sasquatch seemed to want to interact with the researchers, the Sasquatch in Golden Provincial Park kept their distance. They were videoed watching researchers from a good distance away and never came any closer than 50 feet according to the audio.

    1. I don't know whether to call bullshit or not...

    2. Okay, here we go... Strap-hangers to the back! let's enjoy this...

    3. An adequate response would be, "Cool story bro. Now show us the vid."

    4. can you share screen shots? would you back it? what is the official release date?

    5. let me guess anon above is Justin Smeja and he got ericksons film to compare facial structure of the young. oh and melba has Justins steak and Matildas tampons.

      LOL "Bigfoot will watch porn if a dvd player is left nearby"...too fucking funny

    6. Oh no, if they're like the Bonobos they don't need any porn.

    7. ummm, call bullshit. fb/fb wiull find bigfoot in my yard..Total idiot

    8. @Anon 2:19,

      Lol! Good to see another person who appreciates the epicosity of the Bonobos! =D

    9. Is it true also that when curlers were left out, they had actually figured out how to curl their hair? I thought I also heard that they didn't really like watching reality tv, but ended up really enjoying Monday Night football when the patriots or the Broncos were playing.

      Anyways, if this is serious, then that's super cool. Either way, I can't wait to watch the Erickson thing. I have big hopes. If your post is true than it's going to exceed my expectations.

    10. come on !!! smoking ? plllleaaasee ,
      that might be worse than the georgia hoax.
      like ericson would send a copy of millions of dollars of work to a guy that might invest in his area.
      Holy Snake OIL Saleman, Batman!

    11. I heard the Kentucky Squatches prefer menthol cigarettes too...

      Good info.

    12. According to Matt Moneymaker.. Matilda and the sleeping Squatch are two different animals..

  4. Ok I'll bite: if the movie exists, WTF is he waiting on? All he has to do is release 2-3 clips and if they are legit people will buy the shit out of it to see the rest....the way its going now, and with all the tie ins to Ketchum, etc it just seems like bullshit. and more bullshit.

    1. correct=more bullshit.

    2. Please god someone release a vid of a Bigfoot with a Marlboro dangling from the corner of his mouth.

    3. It's not Bigfoot but you'll definitely get a kick out of this, closest thing we have to Bigfoot smoking.He even hides his cigarettes when zookeepers come around LOL.


    4. Oops found another one of a gorilla smoking
      they have such human behaviors, lol.


    5. Cheetah, the chimp from the Tarzan movies was retired and living a pretty good life in Palm Springs, CA, when I lived there from mid 80S to mid 90s. He was a smoker, preferred cigars, drank lots of high balls, and painted and had his paintings sold. If you want one of these creatures to open up maybe they should put some LSD in the peanut butter.


  5. It is not BS. I have signed non disclosure documents related to disclosing any video or still shots. I was specifically told I could talk about what I saw in order to create a "buzz" and to generate interest by those not normally interested in Bigfoot.

    As I said I was shown an advance copy for purposes of determining if I would back the project financially. Adrien Erickson is very concerned that he be the only one to disclose actual video in any forum.

    1. One of Team Tazer's podcasts might be a good venue?

    2. Nah, SWP thinks Matilda's a rag doll remember.

    3. You did not say there is actual footage of any of the activities. You only say as the filming went on Matilda became more comforatble leading to the photo. Well done sleight of hand, you are earning your pay.

    4. I don't know what you know but I know Dr. John Bindernagle saw parts of the movie a few years ago and said it is remarkable and wished Adrian who is a friend of John's would release it.


    5. bindernagle actually went to the site in kentucky I believe where he saw the sasquatch with his own eyes. When the NDAs are no longer applicable Im sure he will speak about it. Im sure the skeptics will say hes just a liar. right.
      They tried to get john green to come there as well but I think he was dealing with cancer treatment at the time...

    6. There is no "Matilda". That was the name that the artist gave the paining that's on the Sasquatch the Quest site. Erickson even clarified it and said it was just a picture and not related.
      Good imagination, but...FAIL!

      Bigfooting is loaded with attention seekers and liars, with a little white trash sprinkled over it.

    7. "A few years ago"!! So, they have actual film (non-blurry black blob type film, I assume) of what would be one of the discoveries of all-time and they have shown nothing? If they had something as long as the PGF showing genuine BFs they could show it and make a fortune. Why so 'cloak and dagger'? Put up or shut up! BF or BS, you have 'proof', prove it!

  6. If Adrien wanted to generate buzz, a short definitive clip will generate more buzz than a neglected wife would get from a jackrabbit.

  7. if the erickson film is that good , there is no question that it would make money. People are still talking about teh PG film . This sounds like hype to me. If it exists publish it, people will decide if it is real.

  8. If hard video evidence of BF was out there, tv networks and movie studios would be beating a path to Erickson's door.

    There is no advance copy, no disclosure agreement, and no such thing as BF. If PT Barnum were still alive, he'd love to sell you tickets to a mermaid or a bearded woman.

    1. But there are bearded women!

    2. Some mermaids even have beards.


    3. Mmmmm...bearded clams....

    4. I would think that anyone of the History, Discovery, Science or Nat. Geo channels would jump at the chance.


  9. @anon 1:42 could you expand? you can't make those claims as anonymous and not expect to be called out and ridiculed. I call bullshit.

    1. LOL - you guys call out EVERYTHING as bullshit so what difference does it make if the poster is anon or not, Mr Anon?

      This blog is great with popcorn. :)

    2. Naturally something like these descriptions will sound ridiculous to most people - sleeping bigfoots, playing bigfoots and smoking bigfoots (well Patty wasn't exactly smoking hot).

      But for crying out loud if they exist, and we've all heard the stories of their humanlike curiosity, you can't seriously say another intelligent primate perhaps even human wouldn't do any of this.

      As weird and harmless as it all sounds of course they could so maybe we better get used to this new realization the sooner the better, and let ridiculing trolls become the REAL jokes they already are.

    3. Read it carefully. The film is amazing...blah blah.Matilda became comfortable...bla....leading to the PICTURE...then you will be shown tangential evidence(empty plates? buttss on the forest ground?) and have explained to you how the evidence implies the activities. Its very good verbal slight of hand.

    4. The cigarette sounds like a far fetched idea, but they have taught monkeys how to smoke.

  10. Chimps and gorillas can't hold their breath? Where do these morons come up with this shit?

    1. 451, I actually googled that, literally for every article saying they don't another says they do. It's a conundrum.

    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q916J6rzqno&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Chimp holding it's breath in a pool. They also hold their breath then blow it out in explosive noises. No idea why people think they can't.

  11. They might be right. I was watching Orangutan Island with my kids and they said the orangs cant swim. If they could hold their breath maybe they would go for it! I also learned from the show that its possible to get clear footage of a great ape.

  12. Look closer and you'll see the shadow of the guy's full face camo hood under the chin. I't this guy's hunting partner. Please, not a BF. Not even a good impersonation. Tell this guy to go back and film a person in the same spot. Better yet get someone to film him in his hunting outfit. Bet they are the same.

    1. This video is way too inconclusive to say for sure if it is a BF, Guy with Full Face Camo, or someone in a suite. Anyone one says this is one thing or another for sure is full of shit. In order to confirm any video, it had better be as good if not better than Patterson/Gimlin. Not like that Hovey Bullshit. It has to Clearly show muscle movement, gate, hip action, arm length, facial features, etc. Everything else is Pure Speculation!

  13. Where's the yellow outline? I could'nt see it :(

  14. Everything is a Bigfoot as far as FB/FB is concerned. I don't watch their breakdowns anymore. If kids can fool them, anyone can.

  15. Has FB/FB ever NOT found BF? Just curious...

  16. Yes, I remember once they actually did not think one was real. Amazing...

  17. Today I'm thinking about the small woman. I still believe. But while i'm waiting i will just think about the small woman in the bikini. I wish FB/FB would do a seven point confirmation breakdown. I can only confirm on 2 points. 1. she is small 2. she is in a bikini. Your help on the rest would be appreciated.

  18. Wheres the video? It's not here anymore. Fuckballs

    1. There is actually a video of the big woman and the small woman. I would love to see it.

  19. So glad I was wearing my boots when I read that line of shit!!!

  20. That whole Matilda story above in the comments sounds like frequently used bigfoot hoax lines. Why can't a teaser trailer be released, as is done with all major motion pictures? The fact that there is only talk and no trailer leads to the conclusion that the story is another hoax.

    It'll probably be like that hoaxed Sylvanic horse manure documentary.

  21. To the person who said they saw the Erickson film, did it have Matilda moving and/or the juveniles filmed playing? Or was it snapshots/photographs with narration?

  22. Let's for a second imagine we have never seen chimpanzees before and suddenly someone releases a 30 min video of a family of chimpanzees playing around, fairly close up, HD, mix in some photos, some clear footage, some not so clear, etc, would we really need DNA papers to prove to ourselves what we were watching was real?

  23. FB/FB needs to stop analyzing videos, he is terrible at it.

  24. Maybe if footage emerged of a BF running down a deer...

  25. Ok forum owner. Check IP's of the anon posting of the vids and track it down. I can on my other forums. You can even grab mine..

  26. My dog - Who has NEVER reacted to anything on my laptop/tv/etc. actually got up and started her "Im a guard dog" bark when he did the "OOF!" ... nothing crazy just thought it would be interesting to share.

  27. I really do not understand why FB/FB gets so much flak. The vast majority of their claims regarding the videos they analyze are accurate from what the video depicts. Much of the time the minute details are almost impossible to see without blowing the screen size up to max, and sometimes having to insert the video into software on your own to slow down and stabilize. Every time I have done this, that I can remember, I have noticed the same things these guys point out.

    But sometimes I do not see some of these details immediately, and only after they point them out am I able to focus in and finally concur with their analyses. Most people do not have the patience or time to do this, and I think this is a big part of the reason. If some of you would actually pick the videos apart as well as FB2, which is what I'm going to call them from now on, lol, you would realize that your criticisms are not well founded at all.

    It is interesting that someone mentioned their dog going into a sort of guard mode upon hearing the sound. I have my volume turned up way louder than usual, and my game-hunting rat terrier was very interested in it as well. But he has never had an encounter, so there is no way he knew wht it was. But he thought it was an animal for sure, and he did not look the way he does when he wants to go after something. So I dunno, just thought I would corroborate what someone else said from my experience about 5 or 10 minutes ago.

    1. Hi, that is interesting and I would say that it´s indicating a real non human source. If somone dresses up in a suit dogs feel their smell and ignore them as being nonhuman because they are used to clothing and smell is more inportant to them as dogs, when a dog hears something which might be made by a human they will not react so...I´m surprised why no one shows BF material to an primate like gorilla or chimpanzee and preferably one which heve learnt some sort of communication like sign language and ask them what they think about it, my guess is that they will not like BF at all...

  28. Sounds like an excited squatch! So, what does Bigfoot and a Timex have in common? They both come in quartz! Ba-dum-chhhee

  29. this is the first time I have every looked at anything on here. watched a few of the videos before this one and then when I watched this one my outside dog went nuts barking and growling. then I was just reading the comments and saw that someone else's dog had done the same thing. cool!

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  31. I just watched the video and my dog didn't do anything....but I saw my beta fish surface to take a breath.

    Coincidence? I'd like to think not.

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  33. I just love the Ron Moorhead "Sierra Sounds" that were recorded...wouldn`t like to meet that thing EVER.

  34. The "oof" doesn`t sound like much to me...it just sounds like a low level cough or something...wwhy this fb/fb guy has to make something of it is beyond me and is his usual hallmark of nonsense and bollocks...now,the sierra sounds are something else.

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