The Fantastical Abilities of Sasquatch, UFO’s, Forest People & The Cain Connection

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

Presently, many things have been said on how Bigfoot/Sasquatch has incredible and sometimes seemingly magical powers, which has baffled the minds of both who support the existence of Sasquatch and the skeptics. Habituators claim that they communicate with Sasquatch and that he is able to read their thoughts to gain great knowledge. Other of these storied abilities even includes the capability to phase through objects, travel great distances and to other dimensions at will and even work as security to protect UFO’s when they land. In some other cases there is a religion overtone, where certain religious aspects are included by certain groups, claiming that Bigfoot is from the tribe of Cain, which in the bible was cursed to roam the earth, punished by the creator of all and Bigfoot mission is to destroy the souls of man.

Science is and has always been the study and search of the unknown bringing knowledge and information from obscurity to the fore front of this our reality, to logically and empirically explain what to some is the unexplainable. Within the last 44 years of the quest to find the unquestionable truth to prove the existence of Sasquatch, many controversies have surged creating fragments where sides have been created simply by opposing each other’s ideas, theories and at times research. We can all agree one thing and that is that without unquestionable scientific proof a discovery will never become mainstream. To be accepted by peers within each field of study the findings must be duplicated and confirmed to be factual independently and published in a respectable journal.

As science advances, new discoveries are made and brought to light by dedicated researchers worldwide. As in every field of research, we have people that are experts; these experts have particular titles and credibility proven with a chronological list of particular achievements recognized and accepted by their peers in their respective fields of study. But even today, certain research and ideas are consider taboo and even ridicule by science and the general public, thought as crazy and absurd. UFO’s, ESP (Extra sensory perception) and certain other non-traditional beliefs are included.

ESP, Telepathy and Clairvoyance:

The ESP that some habituators say they experience when in contact with Sasquatch is being confused with telepathy or clairvoyance. If I can surmise what is happening to them, based on some of their own accounts, it is that both of these types of paranormal powers are being used by Bigfoot. By definition, Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was coined in 1882 by the Frederic W. H. Myers, who was the founder of the Society for Psychical Research in the early stages of this paranormal study.

The term clairvoyance is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. In some cases touch must be done to get information from the person, object or thing. In science fiction novels and comics’ beings with this ability are called ”Empaths”.

A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly"). Claims for the existence of paranormal and psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, are highly controversial even by today’s scientific standards. Parapsychologists are those who explore this possibility, but the existence of the paranormal is not generally accepted by the scientific community. It is agreed by a great percentage of scientists that neither telepathy nor clairvoyance is possible; simply put, they both lack replicable results in humans. This has been the conclusion from well-controlled experiments which have been performed in many tests since 1882. Now if habiatuators are the exception to the rule, then the habiatuators, which are claiming this phenomenon, have yet to show any viable data to support their statements.

The work done on neuroimaging has allowed researchers to perform some early forms of mind reading. In this research images of the human brain are scan to foresee future events in the brain that could possibly show the health risk for a person, in other words, a scientific way of reading your brain. You will find these types of mind reading in computerized axial tomography (CAT or CT scanning) and Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

UFO Security:

In 1952, the US Air Force began an internal investigation on the phenomenon of UFO’s and their possible existence code name Project Blue Book. In the end, the investigation was shut down in 1969 and the official stance of the Air force has always been that UFO’s do not exist. While researching to find information for this article, one very important factor that I found interesting. A few years after the 1967 event of the Patterson/Gimlin film, an internationally known UFO investigator Stan Gordon, recognized as an authority on the subject of the UFO and Bigfoot phenomenon, gained prominence from his first hand investigation into the well-remembered 1973 Bigfoot/UFO series of sightings and encounters which occurred in Pennsylvania.

This outbreak supposedly of Bigfoot showing himself with UFO’s brought worldwide attention to the subject and was a major news story in the media for several weeks. It seems that this was the first time the national and international public heard of this Bigfoot/UFO connection. This possibly could be responsible for creating the mainstream belief that Bigfoot came from a different planet and was extraterrestrial in nature which later became part of the subculture of Ufology, rearing its head at certain points through the years and becoming part of the “Ancient Aliens” following, which has exponentially grown today. In story that I recently listened to a man states in his encounter with a UFO, several Bigfoot where posted outside and look like they were watching the spaceship like security guards.

In 1976, several years after the US Air Force shuts down “Project Blue Book”, the cult series “The Six Million Dollar Man” brought the subject of Bigfoot, UFO’s and aliens to International audiences once again. In the story line, two geologist friends of Steve Austin disappear in California while placing earthquake sensors in the woods. A giant footprint is found nearby, leading to speculation of the involvement of a Sasquatch (Played by wrestling Icon Andre the Giant). The following year in 1977 another sequel of this installment of the television series brought back the Alien Bigfoot and made those particular episodes cult classics of the 1970 television miniseries era.

It is fascinating that many of the popular Bigfooters, Ufologist and generations of Bigfoot and UFO followers that are still alive today and just like me, grew up during those several decades and maybe where influence by the events that have unfolded since the Roswell incident and the Patty film. Also since the early days of filmmaking, fantastical UFO encounters have always been part of the Americana subculture.

The Forest People and Habituators:

Bigfoot/Sasquatch is known by many names but in 2012 some interesting names are been used by some groups to describe the creature, which supposedly exist in the continent of North America. The supposedly species is being called forest people or feral humans. The self-proclaimed habituators of Bigfoot believe with a 100% certainty that what they are communing with on a regular basis are “human like” and have extra sensory abilities. Yet other witnesses to Bigfoot stated, what they saw, was a creature closely resembling a giant primate.

They believe these “beings” are sentient and highly evolved, with their own culture and history, which is more advance than ours. Many public figures in the Bigfoot community believe in this paranormal connection, yet none of them have or will staked their reputations by showing documented evidence of these claims.

In many countries, the legends of forest people have been around since ancient writings. Are these ancient texts describing the very evolution of humans? We know that in the Hominid three, several species and subspecies of Homo evolved and are now extinct or introgressed, and only one species remains. Examples include Homo erectus (which inhabited Asia, Africa, and Europe) and Neanderthals (either Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) (which inhabited Europe and Asia). The relations of wild man and feral woman tribes living within the forest have been documented by scholars or explorers of the time and include many fantastical stories. They have been described as giants, ogres, pigmies and even hairy monsters. Could Bigfoot be the explanation for those stories and these myth and legends which have been ingrained in certain beliefs of different cultures?

It seems that we all have a fascination for the unexplained and the quest for the truth even if far-fetched. In the end, anyone, even habituators with an encounter or strange experience or event, would naturally want to understand and make sense of something that may have changed their lives forever. Yet, without undeniable and factual proof of your personal event or even if you experience it with other witnesses, it just becomes another glossy story in the quest for the truth of Sasquatch. Without factual scientific evidence as proof, we can only make assumptions and conjectures.

Why Cain?

In my quest to find answer to the connection of Bigfoot to certain religious undertones, I found an article posted by another blog of a belief by some members of certain groups in the Bigfoot community, which believe that Bigfoot is a decedent of Cain. For those of you not familiar with the story, simply put, Cain is jealous of his brother Abel, kills him and is cursed by the all-powerful creator of everything to roam the earth for eternity and never die; this of course is based on certain religious belief.

Below is an excerpt from a letter written by a particular important figure of a certain religious denomination, which I will not mention, if you know which religion it is, fine, if not input the name of the letter in any search engine to get more information. I even place the page from the book where you can find the information, I do not want anyone to think I am talking negative in any way about this particular religion, I just find fascinating this story’s relevance to what some believe about Bigfoot.

“On the sad character Cain, an interesting story comes to us from Lycurgus A. Wilson’s book on the life of David W. Patten. From the book I quote an extract from a letter by Abraham O. Smoot giving his recollection of David Patten’s account of meeting “a very remarkable person who had represented himself as being Cain.”

“As I was riding along the road on my mule I suddenly noticed a very strange personage walking beside me… His head was about even with my shoulders as I sat in my saddle. He wore no clothing, but was covered with hair. His skin was very dark. I asked him where he dwelt and he replied that he had no home, that he was a wanderer in the earth and traveled to and fro. He said he was a very miserable creature, which he had earnestly sought death during his sojourn upon the earth, but that he could not die, and his mission was to destroy the souls of men. About the time he expressed himself thus, I rebuked him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the holy priesthood, and commanded him to go hence, and he immediately departed out of my sight…” (Miracle of Forgiveness, Spencer W. Kimball, pg 127, 1969)

It amazing how influential a story can be on the beliefs and ideals of certain people, even when it is not part of their particular beliefs. Time and time again, as I searched deeper into these subjects, I found actual events that could have affected and propagated a bias view on what exactly Bigfoot should be. Also these events could have been used by people who had ulterior motives, to propagate lies and misinformation to sell books or create a fan base for a television production or a movie. Also you have all these events created in the Sasquatch pop-culture that never actually happened or where misconstrued through the years and now are considered by many to be de facto truth, even with no known evidence or documentation supporting the events.

It is 2012; man has made amazing achievements since the creation of the Atom bomb. Science has brought us closer every day to understanding the world around us and our own origins. Yet why is Bigfoot so elusive? Those that want to think that the creature Bigfoot is roaming free in the wilderness of North America do it with a combination of their own personal experience and the influence of a pop-culture that has intertwine many different views and ideals. If the creature does actually exist and eventually shown to the world, I sometimes wonder if I am just like many others that have already created what Sasquatch should be, based on their own experiences in this quest to find the truth.

Damian Bravo

Contributing writer for:


  1. this is the best news yet! thanks tiana

  2. great article Damian thanks for posting Shawn

  3. Bigfoot is the only creature that walks this earth man cannot tame. This creature has to be something completely alien to this world that man cannot kill, capture or photograph ! THINK ABOUT THAT !

  4. I loved the part about the bigfoots providing security for the aliens; it reminded me of the Altamont concert of 69 when the hells angels provided security for the Rolling Stones

  5. Does this mean if you mess with Bigfoot, you can expect "Avenge Seven Fold"?

    The unacknowledged bipeds in my area do not ride in UFOs, do not appear shrouded in a paranormal mist, have not been spotted with unicorns or leprechauns, and prob. have no ESP skills higher than the average person.

    They are just another animal in the woods, like myself, a bear or a gator. They are damn smart, which might explain the elusiveness.

    Damien & Shawn, please see MM for some video that will be coming in next week. I think you will find it very interesting.

    No Shadow

    1. Damian, I apologize for spelling your name wrong. It's an old habit, from knowing a person who spells it the other way.

      No Shadow

    2. an overt plug and marketing, BFers have no shame

    3. Who's plugging and marketing what?

      No Shadow

    4. If you are refering to the video I was talking about, it is not intended for the public and I am not plugging or marketing anything. I ain't selling anything, and I don't want any followers, or anything else. I was just attempting to get a message to certain people (DB & Shawn), as my email account is acting all screwy. I am sorry to disappoint you, if you might have thought that I was trying to "build-up" to something.

      No Shadow

  6. Damian this is one of your better articles. i enjoyed the depth of background and like always it seems BFers need to have scientific explained, again and again and again. But, for those who directly expereince some of these claims scientific method loses it's appeal as it cannot follow where they go. Neither can it for Religion or anything we find outside experimental design. That goes for psychic abilities too, the science in it's infancy. So? The "Forest People" could be right, or not. However, if one seperates what we can test through scientific method it makes most Bigfooters behave like "blievers" rather than scientists. Ane xample might be the widely held beleif Bigfoots "wood knock" and yet noone has witnessed this, just heard it. Stick structures another example. In fact we have almost nothing that fits into scientific method (perhaps b/c amatuers aren't designing appropriate experiments) with maybe the exception of the direct comparison of track casts, and that only compares track casts, it doesn't illuminate who left them. The BF community needs more education Damian and this article shows you can do that. leave thedrama and educate BFers. You might find they hate you even more, smarty pants.

    1. Wood knocking has been directly observed by at least several witness in my readings.


  7. Dr. Matthew Johnson was on my show ( past Tuesday and he said something that he's never said publicly: that there were/are paranormal aspects to his encounters. He told me that he's talked to these creatures, and as crazy as all this may sound, I know Matt personally and have no trouble believing it when he says that he was told by a bigfoot that bigfoot is a descendant of Cain. I'm no expert on that subject, but if you go listen to Matt's appearance on my show, in the archives, it might just get you to thinking. Does that mean all bigfoot sightings have a paranormal aspect to them? No, and many sightings are "uneventful." Nonetheless, I'm not afraid to publicly propose this paranormal possibility and for those who would vilify me for doing so, I'll just say I'd rather seek the truth with an open mind, as opposed to running from it with a closed one.

    1. I agree 100%. Over a long period of time with one "set" of BF's there were a few very strange trips, the data of which is difficult to push into, by then, my developed idea of who/what BFs are. I have posted those in BFF, as well as here over the last few months of waiting and listening so publically to this hoped for " DNA study."
      Three things I still find surprising and without common reference in the natural world: their apparent ability to 'see" in the 900nm range based on my data (not entirely conclusive but persuasive), also the incredible eyeshine that actually cast a perceptible "track" over the items the BF was viewing in my tentrailer, and third a a startling dream of just a few seconds that awoken me to find a BF at the trailer window at around 2am on another moonless night. The only alternative to a BF that night was an 8foot person with LEDs taped to glasses, wandering far from a vehicle in a rugged remote forest at 2am (could happen, a hermit or such, right?).
      The first, the "sees IR," we apparently can do, some of us, and those who are put on super high doses of Vitamin A (see WWII experiments - I haven't followed up on that claim by another).
      The second, the "projecting" eyeshine, I am willing to believe there is a natural explanation, such as reflectivity even on a moonless night, or even bioluminescence or a synergistic relationship with an insect! However, it was really beyond anything I expected from a relict (my guess who they are) hominid.
      But, the dream, and the close range BF with that amazing projecting eyeshine, and the relatedness of the content of the dream to their presence through the trip to that point, raises the often ridiculed questions. Is it a physicological/primal normal response of my brain bio-chem to awaken me b/c pheremones, smell, or sound triggered my senses? Or,is there is something to the "psychic" claim?
      Both might be reasonable, and also another explanation not now considered plausible, and I just haven't considered (insert joke as anons below)
      Both explanations do have some demonstrated data as occurring in humans, but the methods to illuminate Psychic Ability are not available to BFers (and barely scientists) scientific PETscans out there or cooperative subjects.
      Currently, I am just noting those events and placing in the "temp folder" for lack of more data. I go with the simplest explanation (assuming my assessment these are the same BFs is correct) that they are like us, but b/c less reliant on material culture and wild their evolutionary track now bestows "suprasenses," in that they evolved to mazimize nightime eyesight and methods of communicating that would help their hidden species, a natural selection of those that succeed quietly and hidden....
      I no longer "blow off" some of thes stuff I used to hear, but then prior to 2008 I "blew off" the reality of Bigfoots...a lesson learned I hope!

    2. A great post Apeman. While my feelings about telepathy are pretty transparent. You bring up a number of excellent points, and you present a well thought out and logical argument. Well done. SWP

    3. I concur with SMP on your post Apehuman, very well put together.

      I think that any association the Sasquatch has with Aliens (this is strictly an opinion) is probably in the same format that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of humans have had with the Alien Abduction and Missing Time phenomena. This subject has been researched about with humans quite a bit and published in many books. Two of the best are the late Budd Hopkins and Dr Edward Mack of the Harvard Medical School.

      On April 4 while traveling to Chicago overnight I was listening to Coast to Coast AM. It was an intriguing interview with a physicist named Russell Targ that has published what he says is definitive proof of psychic and so called paranormal powers of humans. Russell Targ was a pioneer in laser development and its applications. He cofounded the previously secret program at the Stanford Research Institute investigating psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. He now specializes in the area know as remote viewing and was instrumental in the military and CIA top secret(then) programs in trying to apply remote viewing. His findings can be found in publications such as Nature, The proceedings of the institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. I also think he has just written a book, but not sure.

      I think many scientist are on board about Human psychic abilities, but only a handful will publicly say so for the obvious reasons. I personally believe in these powers and only wish I had more of them. Does Bigfoot have psychic abilities? I do not know but if humans do then why not.


    4. Thanks!And nice post of yours as well.

    5. I'm going to post on the reasonable thread here-i enjoy both ape and alpha write ups because both are sensible and speculate without bias. I think that sasquatch has the ability to instill emotions into people or animals in their immediate area. I'm only speculating, and have come to this conclusion because many times I've heard stories of hunters becoming so frightened that they drop their guns or dont even think about firing before they turn to run. I've heard of dogs becoming distressed when sasquatch is in the immediate area as well as other animals. interestingly, I've never heard of cows or horses becoming alert or distressed when sasquatch enters the area. This may explain the belief that some share, that sasquai view cows and horses as non-threatening and animals that are possessions of man. Sure dogs are pets, but dogs can be threatening at times as well.

    6. You may be on to something OKie from Broken Bow.
      A town with that name must be filled with Bigfoots. There have been some instances when people were brought to the ground by maybe infrasound. I listened about a month ago to an event when all three witness were brought to the ground and it was a while before they could move again. I have heard of cows getting nervous and the whole heard going to the other side of the pasture a number of times. I have heard of several events of horses getting spooked, refusing to move forward and turning around against the riders wishes. Roger Patterson's horse bolted and he fell to the ground upon encountering Patty and I believe Bob Gimlin's horse also got spooked. I think you may be right though that the Sasquatch do not view cows and horses as very threatening. One does not read of horses and cows being killed like dogs are. Man they absolutely hate dogs. Just maybe in the wild they view wolves as a threat to their babies and children.


  8. How would the Sasquatch being a descendent of Cain ( in other words, a 40th generation family member)make the Sasquatch paranormal? I ask this because I had an encounter with a Squatch a few years back. My wife was critically ill at the time. (She is fine now.) The creature came within 50 yards from me and starting screaming/roaring. Another answered it. Two days later the same creature (or another just like it) showed back up at my home and woke me up at two in the morning hollering. Over the next few months I/we had several encounters. Prior to this, nothing.

    The only feelings or emotion I could recall was shock and fear. I have tried to make sense of what happened to me. I have even tried to convince myself that none of this happened, but I know better. It happened, my kids heard the creature too.

    1. I would love to talk with you about this sighting you had, if you are interested in sharing it will the community. Please contact me at It is interesting to me; that many of the *legit* sightings involve an element of fear. One would think, this would be a normal, and the most reasonable reaction to such an encounter. SWP

    2. To Anon at 8:28. I too had a similar encounter at my best friends house, however only once. He had other experiences but I was not their at the time. It was on Sept. 1, 1996 in the boonies of Midland County, MI. My friend had 10 acres like most people in his area where the house is close to a road and the rest of their properties are all joined in heavily forested areas that eventually connect to one of several rivers that traverse this area. Anyway at appx. 3 AM this creature absolutely screamed and roared through Mikes 8 foot wide open window for about 5 seconds and absolutely scarred the living hell out of Mike and Myself. It was so loud our chests and walls reverberated with the force of the noice. I know exactly the emotions you have and are feeling.


    3. Yes, took one of those screams at a wildlife refuge in Texas at about dusk, fall of 1984.

      Good article Damien

      Also, Awsome post Apehuman

  9. One of your best posts yet Damian. Well done. SWP

  10. ApeHuman, Thanks for posting that info. I think it is healthy to be open minded.

    I am certainly no scientist, but I have been tinkering with the eyesight thing quite a bit. I believe that at least one type (I believe there are two types in my area) can see into the IR to some degree. Perhaps as high as 900 nanometer wave length. They could, and likely would accomplish this through specialized opsin protein sequencing, just as New World Apes and Old World Apes developed different eysight capabilities through opsin sequencing primarily based on dietary and mating concerns.

    I have no clue about the eyeshine.

    No Shadow

    1. nice input, thanks. and it does raise the question of more than one hidden species, but again that pushes the envelop in some ways...away from the simplest explanation. It might be a characteristic that comes with maturity or only in some individuals. I can say my expereinces raised more questions than they answered! With the exception that there is definately a "Bigfoot!"

    2. All of the sightings in my state are of one of two types that are not seen in the same areas. They are mutually exclusive in that they are described as having different physical attributes and appearance based on where you see them. One kind over here, another over there, so to speak. The reddish-orange/rust colored type most certainly have trichromatic vision (They are red because they can see red) whereas the darker colored animals in a different region prob. have dichromatic vision, thus my previous New World/Old World ape reference. IMHO. I don't like to push the envelope. I like to tear it up, burn it and bury the ashes.

      No Shadow

    3. lol, well, I guess by definition all BFers are in that camp, it's not a topic well received among the conservative and conventional, none of them are reading this though are they?

  11. It's this kind of pseudo-science bullshit that makes the topic of bigfoot unworthy of serious consideration for most people. I'm pretty disappointed to see this blog starting down this path.

    1. Man are you sure you read the article or are you commenting about the post by other people, were is the author talking about or implying pseudo-science. He is explaning how people have combine certain non science ideas into a myth or legend of something not yet prove to exist, the author is not a scientist or claiming to be one.

      He i s relating stories and conjectures that have propogated in the BF world, that have no proven truth to them. This is a great article and think you need to read it again because you missed the whole point of what the author is stateting.

      We understand the BF pop-culture and how through the years myths and stories have become facts and how they were propogated by the masses that believe in those things. Good job Damian, keep writing good stuff liek you do.

  12. Now wait a second, some of you think Bigfoot is an alien? But aren't you all waiting for Ketchum's DNA paper to prove Bigfoot is real? You do understand that DNA as we can analyze it, is unique to this planet right? We share much of it with single celled critters.

    So if Ketchum actually delivers real DNA evidence of Bigfoot, this will also PROVE that it isn't an alien.

    1. Well now, we would have to have alien DNA to know that, you got some?

    2. If the ancient alien theory is correct and they are in their fourth season on the history channel so folks are watching, it would be possible that humans are a hybrid species made possible through genetic manipulation. If we are a hybrid (Remember the ancient Hebrew text which is the true Bible use plural not singular in the statement in Genesis - Let us make man in our image), then it is quite possible the Sasquatch is also. Before people just dismiss this as not possible the stories of the hybrid human for the purpose of mostly slave labor for the Annunaki came from the stone text of ancient Sumaria 3000 plus years BCE and was passed down through generations to evolving cultures in the Middle East,Egypt, Greece and Rome to name a few, and then faded from history in the Dark Ages and after the Library of Alexandria was destroyed. These ancient cultures worshipped multiple gods that had amazing powers which we view as myth today but they viewed as fact.

      Not saying I by into all this but I sure can not dismiss it either and I did a lot of study on this in the early to mid 1990's. There is just so much of our ancient past that we do not know even though some people think they do know.

  13. So you are using a fictional document (the bible) to rationalize the possibility of an as yet discovered species is part alien?


    It's witches and Goblins that made Sasquatch. (sound stupid? equally as plausible as your scenario)


      There really is no question that the man, Jesus Christ was a real person walking this planet, NONE.
      Your only question is, was he the son of God.
      Quit making stupid statments without doing your homework.

  14. Hi I do not have an opinion either way on the mind speak stuff. But may be Damian can post chapter 13 of The Fire Officers Guide To Disaster Control. This is a govt document and you will see a warning about mind altering effects near crashed Ufos. J.D.

  15. It's this kind of stuff that makes bigfoot and we bigfoot believers look like a bunch of naive jackasses. This is grocery store tabloid cover story bigfoot crap.

    The idea that bigfoot is a descendant of Cain is asinine pure and simple. Why go farther than what the bible says about Cain.

    If Dr. Johnson did in fact make this claim, then I will immediately dismiss his well known Oregon Trails family bigfoot encounter story as a bunch of
    hooey from an imaginative mind out of touch with reality, a mind that perhaps should consider visiting one of his colleagues for a few sessions.

    To believe that bigfoot is telepathic, transported by UFOs, and is a descendant of Cain, you need to ask yourself if these beliefs have any plausible evidence to support them. I think that if you look at this objectively (if you are able to do so), you will see that these beliefs are nothing but subjective nonsense.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself.

      Dr. Grover Krantz spoke out against this mystic connection guff associated with bigfoot. Others have as well. It definitely detracts from the seriousness of the subject.

      If the millions of people who are on the fence regarding the existence of bigfoot are to take bigfoot research seriously, then they need to be kept away from laughable stuff like this.

    2. It does to the religio-scientific communitty who believes in science as GOD. It does'nt to the open minded!

      The strait answer, WE DON'T KNOW!!!!!

  16. Folks, the bottom line is that whenever the DNA paper is out, there will be LOTS of theories and ideas about BF origins, many of which will incorporate ideas already stated here and others that will suggest even more concepts that will be considered strange to some and plausible to others. If BF is proven real, a lot of people are going to have to rationalize their existence through whatever belief system they have. So get ready for a wild ride.

  17. Bigfoot can morph into many other living creatures. Sasquatches are shape shifters that can communicate telepathically. They get this ability from aliens who drop them off to gather data on earth's environment. The old Six Million Dollar Man show bigfoot episodes weren't actually that far off.

    When you think it's a deer, it could be a squatch. When you think it's a groundhog, it could be a squatch. They always morph (usually into a deer) before they cautiously approach a camera trap.

    The only way to see an unmorphed sasquatch is to surprise it. If they detect the presence of a human, they almost always immediately change form. This is why almost all sightings occur upwind of the observer.



    Does anyone have experiences with or opinions about the three-toed variety? Or about natural "eyeshine" versus self-luminous eyes? Or why tracks can begin and end in soft mud without rhyme or reason? Last but not least... regarding BF that become transparent or vanish in plain sight?

    Yours in research,
    Robert A. Goerman

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -- Theodore Roosevelt

  19. Erik Beckjord wrote much about such abilities adn incredible power...

  20. I was told that the Russians too, Igor Burtsev and his friends, wrote something about such abilities of Russian Bigfoot, but couldn't find anything on that with google. Found the page of a German group in English with many reports about Russian Bigfoot, including new eyewitness accounts:

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