Dr. Jeff Meldrum to deliver the talk “Sasquatch on the Oregon Trail” on June 1 and 2 in Montpelier

For all you lucky people living near Oregon Montpelier, The famous Idaho State University Associate Professor of biological sciences Jeffrey Meldrum is heading your way in a couple of weeks. Dr. Meldrum will give a lecture on "Sasquatch on the Oregon Trail" on June 1-2 at 7:30pm. The lecture will be at the Allinger Community Theatre at the National Oregon/California Trail Center, located at 340 N. Fourth St.

According to the website, OregonTrailCenter.org, Dr. Meldrum will give the same lecture both nights to accommodate all who wish to come. He will be available to sign books, answer questions and visit with people between 12 noon and 5 p.m. both days in the lobby of the National Oregon/California Trail Center prior to his lectures.

Tickets are $10. For tickets, call (208) 847-3800 or visit www.oregontrailcenter.org.


  1. Pretty sure montpelier is in Idaho not Oregon. And to top it off it's in the far southeast corner of Idaho, nowhere near Oregon. Lucky us here in Oregon

  2. $10 a ticket is a bargain for live theatre these days. In NYC, you'd pay 30x that amount to see someone perform a staged reading of fiction.

  3. Nope. I would not pay 30x that amount. Why? Because I think NYC is a large cesspool and they'd have to pay me 3000x to get me to go there. From those I have met from there, they seem to be less cosmopolitan than a dirt farmer in Eastern Oregon.

    However, that is a good thing. It means they are less likely to come to Oregon. They are terrified they might get out of range of a cell phone tower.

  4. Now John that's not nice. I used to think that way and I lived in upstate NY for 25 years. After I moved to Washington State I had to go to NYC for work. I had a blast. Took the train in from Long Island and tromped around Grand Central Station, went to Macey's (it was close to Xmas) and rode the wooden escalator in Macey's and realized Maureen O'hara and John Payne rode it in Miracle on 42nd Street and then I cruised down to Times Square and then over to Roosevelt Center and saw the Christmas Tree and the people skating on the big rink all around 11 pm. And there was the Empire State Building in lights and I realized again here was the town that suffered through 9/11 and it was like the hair stood up on my neck and what a great place. An American place.

  5. When I think of NYC I think it is as "American" as Tijuana is "Mexican." It both of them should be fenced off and declared not to be a part of the nation they are in.

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote of "London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained." NYC is no more "American" than London.

    It and Texas have a lot in common; particularly in regard to egotistical provincialism.

    That you want to recommend it because of terrorists attacking it is sick. It is a place where you are denied natural rights to defend yourself and a vote on the laws you live under. Those things are protected and provided for under the Oregon Constitution.

    NYC would have sunk long ago on its own filth if it were not for the rest of the US having to support it with Federal dollars.

    1. wow not sure what happened in your life to hate NYC but dang it must of been a doozy.

    2. Nup! Black is black. White is white. Don't confuse the argument with all this shades of grey crap.

    3. What happened John? Every publisher in town blew you off? Couldn't find an agent that would touch you with a fifty foot pole? Maybe you should make note in your vita of all the brilliant commentary you add to bigfoot blogs.......asshole

  6. JLS seems like one of those people who's gotten his ideas about NYC from tv dramas.

  7. Dude we're all Americans and not everybody has the luxury of living in a place as wild and beautiful as Oregon. Probably half of the people living in the states had a relative that came through Ellis Island. Mine came earlier. From England in 1700's and Alsace Lorraine in the late 1600's. Just because the denser population has led to some different conditions, politically and socially, doesn't mean they're not still our countrymen. A lot people from NYC have died to defend this country in every battle since our founding. Probably more than from all of Oregon put together.

  8. Jeff is in the same category as dyer, snowpacker, and fatsino. Oh yeah where is rick dyers gay brother?


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