Cryptozoologist Adam Davies Will Be Part of a "Finding Bigfoot" Episode for the New Season

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

Recently Cryptozoologist and author Adam Davies posted on his Facebook page, he will be returning to Sumatra on May 12th, but this time he will be filming an episode with the crew of “Finding Bigfoot” on Animal Planet. He will return once again to search for the Orang-Pendek.

Adam is well known for his research on the Yeti and Orang-Pendek, which he believes are still alive, roaming in the Himalayas and the forest of Sumatra in Indonesia. Adam has literally traveled all over the world to places like Mongolia, China, the Congo, Norway, Russia India and many more!

Adam started tracking animals as a child and one of his favorite shows to watch as a teenager was “Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious Worlds”. It mentioned that Professor Ivan Mackerle was going to hunt the Mokele-Mbembe in the Congo and from that day on, Adam decided he was going to do the same.

His expeditions on the Orang-Pendek, he has brought back samples that have been confirmed to be of an unknown primate species. Sightings of the Orang-Pendek have been confirmed not only by the local inhabitants but by other professionals, including Debbie Martyr, now head of the Indonesian tiger conservation group, and wildlife photographer Jeremy Holden.

We wish him the best of luck in his new expedition and hope he returns with proof of the existence of another possible bipedal hominid. Once again the Global Bigfoot theory seems to be very possible. Reports of other Bigfoot like creatures can be found all over the world.


  1. What will the FB crew do when they won't be able to use the term "SQUATCH" while looking for Orang Pendek? Anyone have a suggestion for an Orang Pendek equivalent?

    1. Don't worry Matt will come up with something! I'm sure Bobo will still use squatch. orangsquatch?

    2. this is the best news yet! thanks juanita

  2. They will call it a Squatch anyway and say the Orang Pendek is not real.

  3. what the fuck is a cryptozoologist?

    seriously you are nothing, you have no credentials, you are just living in a fantasy world.

    its called cryptozoology because you are looking for something that dont fucking exist.

    and one more thing 2 seasons of finding bigfoot and they find yep you guessed it: FUCK ALL.

    1. I'm a Cryptorocketscientist. Zero education/credentials, but I'm searching for unknown rocket technology.

    2. Go away skeptic trolls. Close minded.morons. Cryptozoologists are true scientists,unlike the university trained status kwo "scientist". Cryptozoologist responsible for EVERY NEW discovery! Close minded troll idiots.

    3. theres being open minded and then theres believing in bigfoot.

    4. I suppose those chappies looking for the hitherto undiscovered, theoretical Higgs Bosun can be called CryptoPhysicists?

    5. A true skeptic. Uneducated, foolish, small vocabulary. This is why they revert to using the small four letter words that simpletons often do.

      Poor little uneducated fools.

    6. It seems as if the same skeptics that enjoy trolling this site, also daydream about penis and balls bouncing off of their chins, etc. They are simply angry little fart blossums who repeatedly got their ears flipped in school and never had a girlfriend. Now they hate everyone and everything.

  4. thats pretty funny!!! I must say.

  5. All critters, before being described to science fall under the study of Cryptozoology. It is the study of *unknown* animals. A sub set of the study of Biology. Your statement that Cryptozoolgy is "looking for something that don't fucking exist", is poor grammar, and is more of a refection of your ignorance than a statement of *fact*. If you have no interest in this subject, what the fuck are you doing here? SWP

    1. SWP has anything a cryptozoologist has looked for been accepted by science?

      lock ness monster?




    2. Komodo dragon, Prezwalski mongholian horse, mountain gorillas, platypus... the list is HUGE when speaking of animals which accepted science has considered impossible, only to have to eat their words and accept that these creatures do exist. All of these creatures are now well known, but at the time of their discovery, people ridiculed them as impossible. How many examples do you want?

    3. these were certainly not things that were present on some batshit insane cryptozoology blog. theres a huge difference.

    4. The difference is time and technology. There was no internet and blogs when these things were revealed. Doesn't mean there weren't narrow minded people scoffing at the idea. It is interesting seeing people deriding the possibility of the unknown and yet by their own attitude, "wasting" their time on these "batshit blogs". There are many cryptids which will never be proven to exist, but for anyone to make a blanket claim than none can exist simply reveals the ignorance and arrogance of those making such claims and puts them in a worse position than those claiming the existance of unidentified animals.

    5. Of course the lowland gorilla also. I read about the komodo dragon guy. He got stranded on the island I believe in WW2 and after being rescued told tales of these monstrous lizards. Know one would believe him and ridiculed him feverishly (sound familiar). Well one day some cryptologist went to the island and found the dragons. I doubt the guy was apologized to and we can pretty much expect the same.


  6. Look at the drawing of that track he is holding. The heel and toe on the bottom right side looks like a cock and balls.

    1. Good catch on noticing the cock and balls. I think we are dealing with a tripedal animal.

    2. It is funny how you see a penis and ball sack. Do you imagine it bouncing off of your chin as well?

  7. Debbie Martyr & Jeremy Holden have been working on a decade long camera trap project in Sumatra to find the cryptid. Holden has made discoveries world wide that have lead to reclassification of extinct animals (Sumatra jack rabbit considered extinct in 1916 until Holden's camera trap shot an image of it in 2004) and finding new species (Cambodian frog 2009). Holden believes the mistake North American Sasquatch hunters are making is they don't deploy enough traps and they place them near game trails. He believes Sad avoids game trails because of predator animals (cougars, man extra.). Camera traps will find the animal and with battery life, they can be deployed six months or more. ..Tim Fasano

  8. There's an orange in these woods.


  10. Did this guy have any credibility? If he did then being profiled on FB will remove it all.

    By the way is there any credible Bigfoot evidence today?

  11. Animal Planet should create a new sub channel called
    Fantasy Animal Planet.

    1. Agreed. Place all of the simple minded fools who post ignorance on the Fantasy Animal Planet. Call it "Finding Intelligence" It can be like the finding bigfoot show. They can interview these "critical thinking" nit-wits and prove how fool-hearty they are, then go out into the world to try to find people who actually have intelligence.

      Wow, now that sound like a great show. Many of the "skeptics" would be stars of that show.

    2. Only if by finding intelligent you mean finding the skeptics. Only the skeptics can keep Bigfoot believing boobs to yell "squatch" with every twig snapping.

  12. Matt. Little Man Ape Origin
    Bobo. Huh? I like bobo......
    Cliff. snicker
    Renae. LMAO At least its better than the cows.

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