Bigfoot Community News: Cliff Barackman Teases London Tracks, Moneymaker Claims 3 Bigfoot Videos, More Sasquatch Hair Samples From Randy Brisson

Cliff Barackman Teases London Tracks:

Finding Bigfoot's Cliff Barackman tells us he's been very busy documenting the London Tracks that was discovered on February 14, 2012 near a logging road in London, Oregon. Barackman believes the purported Bigfoot tracks is one of most significant findings in the last 40 years. He just spent over four days cleaning and photographing the tracks. "Now that I have assembled much of the necessary data and documentation, the analysis can begin," he wrote on his blog today.

"Just to whet your appetite for what's to come, here is a short teaser I put together for your enjoyment."

Matt Moneymaker Claims 3 Bigfoot Videos:

A follower on Twitter asked Matt Moneymaker if he has ever caught video of Bigfoot before. His answer was straight up "yes" and he claims to have footage from three separate occasions. So, where are the tapes you ask? Who knows! But you have to believe a man when he gives you a straight answer like that. There's really no way around it.

More Sasquatch Hair Samples From Randy Brisson:

Thanks to The Crypto Crew for posting this Sasquatch hair sample photo from Randy Brisson. Brisson is a member of the Erickson Project and he has been actively sending hair samples Dr. Melba Ketchum for DNA testing. "Randy also stated that he was recently yelled at by a sasquatch while out in the woods and that some rogue researchers have been in there at night and it has irritated the sasquatch," Tom wrote on his blog today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. they will investigate the footage in the next season of finding bigfoot. Everyone will agree its real for some reason, even renae!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hes not credible. at all. hes a fat potsmoking lawyer who started a website and organization to make money, turned that into a TV deal, and is now somehow looked to as the champion of the bigfoot cause. He is as credible as Arla or Melba Ill say that

    4. Moneymaker is far more intelligent and accomplished than any of the useless dweeb trolls who post on this board.

      Shawn, I pity you. It must be hard to see your blog be take over by these types of losers.

    5. Hey, OkieSasquatchArtist:

      You're a real winner aren't you. First of all, the word is spelled "ridiculous" not "rediculous".

      Secondly, if you think Moneymaker claims that "all dead carcasses are bigfoot kills" and "al howls are bigfoot howls" then you're even dumber than the dumb impression you've already created for yourself.

      Apparently you've never been with him in the field, and apparently you aren't aware that the producers of the show ONLY include the scenes where he's saying something is bigfoot-related, and none of vast majority of instances where he identifies some kill or howl as something else. They don't think those moments are exciting enough to include in the show.

      No, Moneymaker is not a representation of the bigfoot community, if that includes stupid Okie hicks like you.

      BTW, I've seen all three pieces of footage that Moneymaker has gotten. All are legit, but only one is long enough to show to an audience. He was paid to get that footage so he doesn't own it (never did - work for hire), therefore he cannot show it.

    6. Good post anon 3:32. Just what do we know about OkieSasquatchArtists ALLEGED bigfoot encounter?

    7. Both of the anonymous posts above are MM himself. I for one always enjoy reading your comments Okie, so don't let Moneymaker deter you. He's just upset you called him a kook. Unrelated: The Kentucky pancake footage was supposedly shot by MM and he sold it to Erickson.

    8. People who thrash the show come across as envious, sorry to say. The cast is a little zany( they are looking for bigfoot, after all), but likable in the end. Anon 325, dont feel bad for Shawn. He is no dope, and knows some people visit the site because of the show. Its probably the same "serious" and/or self important jealous few that are trashing Matt over and over.

    9. Yep, MM was definitely in the house.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Smell the glove, Okie. You'll never approach the credibility and knowledge of Moneymaker. I used to wonder about some of the things he says, but then my own observations and conversations with witnesses tend to support even the strangest things he claims about them.

      Yep, squatches don't attack cattle, and it's probably for the same reason they don't attack humans: They don't want to provoke humans to attack them. I've talked to several ranchers who have had sightings on their land. They have found deer kills, but the cows are never bothered. I think MM is right about it: Cows ARE people food and squatches don't want to challenge that.

      You should pay close attention to what he says. He's a very smart guy who has spent more time in the field in more places than any bigfoot researcher, living or dead.

      You can't hold a candle to him.

    12. To Okie. I'm sure you know I believe your sighting and there are many here that do also.
      I hope you do not believe that it was Matt Moneymaker posting on here. Whatever people want to think of Matt, he is one hard working man, and immensely dedicated to this passion. As for your encounter that you submitted, the BFRO has a huge backlog. I talked personally with Don Peer that does the Michigan research last summer, and at that time he personally had a backlog of 125 cases. Most of their researchers are professional people that are busy with work and family, and can only do so much, and they want to personally go see the people that submit reports to get a feel if genuine.


    13. To Okie. lllegitimi non carborundum


    14. Thanks Chuck-I won't! On another note, I normally try to be professional with people. Soooo I'm going to delete my comments at my earliest convenience-my phone won't let me so it will have to be when I get back to my computer. For the record, the bfro, imo is full of credible people, but my disdain for mr. squatch matt moneymaker will not change. Sorry about any feelings/egos that were damaged. I will make an effort to not rant with a personal attack. After all, most of us are all here for the same thing.

  2. Were there any hairs found in or around any of those tracks? odds seem pretty good that something could be found with all of those prints

    1. what would it matter if there were hairs?

      they couldnt be used to prove bigfoot, as the complete joke that has become of the DNA shows us.

      the same goes for the footprint casts, its fun and all but will do nothing to prove the species.

  3. Why do you have to believe a man, when he gives you a straight answer like that?

  4. Same bullshit, different day.

  5. the track way is either a human walking bare foot or a stomper made hoax

    as for moneymaker well where are these videos?

    your organisation is out to prove bigfoot but you hide evidence?

    fuck you.

    1. I see ... so when members of the BFRO decide to not publish evidence that dirtbags like you will say is not proof, and will rant about that, then you'll say they are "hiding evidence".

      Go play somewhere else.

      BTW, those London tracks are legit, you moron.

    2. @3:53 oh im sorry I didnt realise you were there to watch the bigfoot make the tracks

  6. Just because MM believes he has Bigfoot on film doesn't mean the average person would agree. So I would take the claim with a grain of salt. Remember it's always a "squatch" in MMland.

    1. So you're saying that MM never debunks anything, and never concludes some incident is a misinterpretation?

      And you're more credible than him? ...

    2. Its not they he doesn't ever debunk, but his standards and conclusions aren't always what many would agree with. I think that criticism has been brought up by those who watch his television show many times.

    3. And do you think the losers who make comments like yours were able to see everything he said and pointed out in support of his conclusions? Or do you think, perhaps, the editors only showed the most superficial summaries of his analyses of things? Do you think that TV series is a documentary series where everything is clearly laid out?

      It's a show for kids, but that is apparently over the heads of the people who post on this blog most frequently.

      Moneymaker has a huge following of amateur bigfoot researchers who know far more than the dummy trolls who post on this forum. That wouldn't happen if his standards were not a whole lot higher than most people.

    4. Oh ... so now you're saying "Its not they [sic] he doesn't ever debunk, but his standards and conclusions aren't always what many would agree with."

      A little while ago you said "Remember it's always a 'squatch' in MMland."

      So which statement is the false one?

    5. I don't agree with MM on everything he claims is Sasquatch related, be it kills, howls, prints etc etc. However, one thing I am sure of and that is: he's far more credible than Patterson or Gimlin ever was/is.

    6. Agreed but when looking at where's the evidence for Bigfoot on the bfro website they claim the pgf as one of the reasons. All other reasons then lose all credibility. The pgf hoax has held bigfooting back for way too long. The first research group that states the pgf is a hoax I will back 100% as it shows they are logical thinkers who don't use the pgf circular reasoning.

    7. So what exactly is your proof that the PGF is fake? It's not just your subjective belief is it? And I hope it's not just what some other turd proclaims? Gee, I hope not. I hope you have some "proof" that is is fake, if you're going to make claims like that.

      Let's see your proof.

    8. Proof? You show me proof that its real. I'll play though. For starters, how about Patterson drawing a female Squatch just prior to the footage. How about him being almost broke and needing a money shot. Lets talk. bout why the gluteus maximus doesn't flex or even MOVE while walking. How about the horizontal line on the hip (costume scrunching). Lets talk about how the whole rear end region "shifts" near the infamous frame when the head turns. Lets talk about Patterson NOT having a reputation as a straight up person. Lets talk about Gimlin out right lying to Long about being arrested and his Mom and Dad having to bail him out. I'm sorry but anyone who lies about something as easily verifiable as that will LIE about anything, period.

    9. Well, for starters, lets talk about Patterson drawing a female Sasquatch just prior to the footage. Lets talk about how he was practically broke and needing a "money shot" for his documentary. Lets talk about how Patterson didn't exactly have a reputations as an upstanding citizen around town. Lets talk about how Gimlin outright lied to Long about being arrested and his Mom and Dad having to bail him out. If Gimlin will lie about something as easily verifiable as that then what else will he lie about? Lets talk about how the gluteus maximus never flexes or moves at all during the walk. Lets talk about how the whole rear-end shifts near the infamous frame where the head turns. Lets talk about the horizontal line running across the hip near that aforementioned frame (costume scrunching).

    10. "Remember it's always a "squatch" in MMland."

      It's called a generalization. The point is that his standards aren't known for being very skeptical. I'm certain you are intelligent enough to understand the point given the two posts- even if you don't agree.

  7. I do not think Cliff Barackman is a good researcher. He may be a good guy and all that but he is just a credulous believer trying to make the evidence fit his pre-determined conclusion. In this video he joins the ranks of all the teasers and posers who have gone before. There were plenty of hoaxed tracks without adding these to the mess.

    1. I kinda feel sorry for the guy. He sounds 100% credible. But like all credible people he has not seen a bigfoot. Maybe there is a pattern there. Interesting.

  8. Sorry to WHET on CLiffs parade but did anybody else notice the gait was fairly normal. Not the 8 foot separation of steps we se the investigators usually get? It looked like at one point of the video Cliff was over stepping the BF tracks. In other words his gait was LONGER than BigFoots gait. Now there is nothing to say we didnt have a Juvey walking but still I expected a MUCH larger gait.

    1. I agree. Only thing I could think of is he was running so he was getting a longer stride. I always wondered if Squatches are all upper body with short legs and big feet why is their gait so long

    2. Steps were between 42 inches to 54 inches outside of human range and in a straight line. All will be explained after season 3 wraps up. Quite a few good researches involved in this.


    3. 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft? Dude if I was trying to fake something I could easily make those steps and I'm 6ft3. I do hope this is legit as I respect Cliff

  9. When you grow too old for Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, there's always still Bigfoot.

    1. So Shawn, do you think these idiot trolls are drunk losers or just kids who get out their aggressions here because they'd get smacked around if they did it in person.

      Guys like Moneymaker will make themselves available to the public all over the country, yet none of these dweeb trolls would ever say anything like that to his face. MM would take you trolls to the cleaners so fast you wouldn't even know what hit you. He's not exactly a little wimpy guy, unlike the loser trolls who need to throw in their two cents for every post on Shawn's blog.

      Go say your crap directly to Moneymaker. I'd love to see what he does to you. I've seen him knock out guys twice his size.

    2. so mr bleeber above, does it hurt you when people post rational comments, you know lets say "wheres the proof?"

      hint: there is no proof of bigfoot.

      hint 2: just ask any real scientist

    3. "Proof" is a subjective thing, my dear idiot. You would probably dispute any evidence and say it's not proof, no matter what it is. Are you the standard bearer of what constitutes proof.

      Lots of scientists have seen enough evidence to say there is enough evidence to establish the existence of these animals. For example, Dr. Daris Swindler of Washington State Univ. was (now deceased) one of the top primatologists in the world, and he had seen enough evidence to say it was proof, collectively. Apparently you were not aware of that.

      Go play somewhere else you nitwit.

    4. proof is proof. you know where other species are proven and you know bigfoot isnt proven that kinda thing

    5. "Proof is proof" I can tell you know NOTHING about the concept of proof. You didn't go to college and you have way too much time on your hands now. Proof is a subjective concept and a moving target. Look it up. Until then, shut the fuck up.

    6. Just had a look on the database of established species. Bigfoot isn't there, probably because there's no proof.

    7. "Just had a look on the database of established species. Bigfoot isn't there, probably because there's no proof." Wrong, wrong, wrong.

      Sasquatches do not have a taxonomic classification because no specimen has been dissected yet. That is what is required.

      There is plenty of proof for any scientist who wants to visit the lab of Dr. Jeff Meldrum. He has a large university lab full of proof. Maybe you should read his books before puking your stupidity out on this blog.

    8. books? I'm guessing they aren't free

    9. Moneymaker = German for ass whooping SOB

    10. Anon 4:44: I read the wiki entry on architeuthis and there was one list of over a dozen species, some only identified by beaks found in sperm whales. However, its noted that malacologists disagree and there was another list with only 3! If your right, maybe thats the list of dissected species. Is the longer list there simply because some scientists made credible, although not universally agreed upon, arguments naming a species. If thats the case, then in the same sense bigfoot was named!

  10. I have seen one. Twas in the Black Woods near Pinewood. I was shagging an ale Maid from the Boar's Head Inn and the beast caught the scent of her whiffy hole. The beast was horny as a hoot owl and barely as tall as Dudley Moore...

  11. The sasquatch yelled at Randy because Randy was squating over a log dropping a turd. Nobody likes it when somebody shits in their yard.

  12. "moneymaker" - that pretty much sums up bigfoot research.

    1. FYI, he didn't change his name to Moneymaker. It's a German name like Shoemaker. See

      If you see the movie "The Avengers" you will see one of his relatives, Heidi Moneymaker, performing some of the stunts. She has been in lots of movies and TV shows. Check out her demo reel on YouTube:

      I wouldn't mess with her either ...

    2. "Here comes Moneymaker .." She is amazing to watch. I found this one also:

    3. Wait a minute ... that's video evidence. Everyone knows video evidence can be faked, so those videos shouldn't be consider real.

  13. Unfortunately, tracks are too easily-faked to be considered evidence without any corroborating data (such as a sighting in the area.)

    1. There were excellent tracks found AND two witnesses AND film for.....guess what?? Patterson/Gimlin!

  14. "Tracks are too easily faked to be considered evidence" ?? Where did you hear that one?

    So no tracks of anything have ever been considered evidence by any scientist or any court? Is that what you're saying?

    Is every poster on this blog as stupid as this person? Do loser trolls just come here to show how stupid there are? Are they all handicapped shut-ins or something like that? I mean, not just mentally handicapped, but physically handicapped too?

    Too bad there is some kind of spray to control this infestation of idiots.

    1. Track ARE easily faked. They have been faked in the past so it CAN happen.

    2. "Track ARE easily faked. They have been faked in the past so it CAN happen."

      Oh, OK ... because some tracks have been fake in the past ... that means that no tracks can be considered valid evidence.

      So therefore, because some archeological finds have been faked in the past, then it CAN happen ... and thus no archeological finds can be considered evidence or proof of anything.

      Y'know ... I always wondered about all that King Tuts tomb stuff. I know some of those guys made so money off that stuff too -- more proof that is was all fake, right?

      You need to go find a different blog to pollute, you dumbshit.

    3. Archaeological finds can be verified, some plaster casts of an impression in the ground can not verify what made the impression.

    4. Hey, Dufus: Look up the "Laetoli tracks" ... then go to bed.

      Let me help you with that:

    5. Not sure what point you are trying to make with millions of years old hominid tracks?

    6. I think I've made the point quite clear. You don't know what you're talking about with respect to track evidence.

      Tracks are easily faked, right? Therefore impressions of tracks are not evidence, right? How you do know these tracks are millions of years old? Their age could be faked too, right?

      Maybe scientists can examine the context of a track find to determine their authenticity. Maybe real scientists don't just default dismissively to some arbitrary rules made up by uneducated laymen who will stupidly declare that certain categories of evidence as unreliable.

      Maybe you should go elsewhere to argue about other things you don't know squat about.

    7. These tracks have been dated using the scientific method. The same method that let's you look at this blog through a computer connected to the internet.

    8. So, let's assume tracks by themselves are evidence of bigfoot. Now what?

  15. I just hope these prints are either determined to be authentic non-human prints by a Sasquatch OR determined to be hoaxes/misidentification.

    I hope to the high heavens that ALL THAT ARE INVOLVED with this study agree as a TEAM. The worst thing that can happen is to have people DIVIDED on the authenticity. I know that's WISHFUL THINKING on my end but maybe, just maybe that will happen this time

    1. If these are determined to be Sasquatch then what? Nothing.

    2. What do you mean by "nothing"? You don't think (if they're determined to be legit non-human prints that are not hoaxed) that means anything? I mean come on, I want a body, dead or alive before I go all in on Sasquatch myself but this (if proven legit) would be at minimum, very intriguing stuff. No?

    3. not really there's already plenty of casts professed to be real but nothing has come of it

    4. "not really there's already plenty of casts professed to be real but nothing has come of it"

      What exactly do you think is supposed to "come of it". Do you think you should see an announcement on the evening news? Should the president be talking about it? Should there be hearings in Congress?

      Have you not seen any of the Nat Geo documentaries on subject? Under what dirty little rock do you hide?

  16. Autumn Forest likes to dig at MM often but she sure took advantage of the opportunity for a photo op with MM.

  17. Its a long way to the top if you want to be a Troll. Its a long way to the top if you want to be a Troll. Yeh its a long way to the top of my cock if you want it ALLLLLL. Such a long way.

    1. RIP Bon Scott....Lvin easy,livin free..season ticket on a one way ride

  18. What's worse for a Bigfoot researcher to be:

    1. Hunting for something that doesn't exist.

    2. Outsmarted by a hairy creature that lives in the woods.

    1 of those statements has to be true.

  19. Whats worse is a sad piece of shit Anona who spends hours every day spewing the same random "i don't believe" garbage over and over----- with no point.

    Let me explain something to you ass wipe, this thing with bigfoot goes on / is expanding because people are having REAL encounters. People aren't chasing the moon over a few faked tracks and bold face lies!!!!

    Has there been falsehoods, lies and hoaxing? Yes, absolutely. But this mistery isn't growing because of that crap. Why dont you find the nearest townhall put on by FB and go and look into the eyes of the people telling the stories. Would I believe them ALL, probably not. But most will be the truth.

    If you believe what you say, you are truly, truly fucked up in the head to feel the nead to be so nasty about something you don't believe in anyway.

    Someone must take a nice big dump in your cheerios every morning!

  20. I think is a nice guy, and he`s intelligent. If the tracks were hoaxed I believe someone on the team will figure that out.
    Anything I`ve ever seen on Matt is from Finding Bigfoot so I don`t know how serious he really is in actually finding Bigfoot. He appears, to me at least, to have a huge ego. The "cows are people food" comment some time ago really made me think about his credibility.

    AnonymousMay 7, 2012 03:32 PM:

    You say you know much, but you post anonymously. Zero credibility. Sorry about that. If I posted anonymously stating the exact same thing, you'd call me on it.
    Matt doesn't share any solid evidence as far as I can find out.

    1. So Matt has never gotten any tracks or recordings? Or are those are all fake too -- all the evidence he has gotten that you have never heard of.

      Why not ask Meldrum if Moneymaker has ever gotten any solid evidence. Are your scientific credentials better than Meldrum's?

      Like most everyone else here, you don't know what you're talking about.

    2. Don't put words in my mouth that I did not say.
      I have heard that Matt has casts but they are locked away and he doesn't share them. This is what I READ and HEARD. I am NOT stating it as FACT. I hope that's clear enough for you.
      Recordings? Like the one that was pulled? The one I never got a chance to hear?
      Has Matt recorded on his own or did he acquire recordings from others?
      I'm not friends with Dr. Meldrum, so how would I go about asking him?

      I stated my OPINION, I didn't state it as the Gospel truth, now did I?
      Read what I wrote and ignore what you hear, okay?

    3. Just to be extra clear. YOU have zero credibility because you post nameless.
      I was not implying MM had zero credibility. At least he uses his name.

  21. Wow, the bigfooties are really getting sensitive. Think this has anything to do with the fact that their messiah Melba is still jerking them around without a single shred of evidence released? It's only going to get worse, boys and girls, when this time next year you're still making excuses for her.

    1. Word, its hysterical! . Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

  22. so many people so many oppinions about mm .dont know him personally but im sure thanks to him and the show finding bf. there are more people wanting to findout if bf is real or not, more people paying attention to whole bf research, moer people comming forward with their sightings,more people comming to all these bf sights, so hes good for business, and people will never forget who he is like him or hate him im sure he dont care as long as u keep putting his name out there. people get all kinds of shit for telling about sightings,pics video how is all a hoax, be he goes on the tv gets mad haters talkn shit every time he says anything so hes still doin it cause hes got balls.of course the show is silly but it has to be you cant take a production crew in the woods to find anything with light and bunch of people being loud. its just an example what bfrs do it would be a boring show if they showed a few people no lights being quiet sittin in the forest.i say goodjob mm finding bf if nothing else hes brought bf to the mainstream you all should be happy the show is bringing more people to the bf world

    1. The clown speaks with the wisdom of our ancestors. His words carry truth like the wind carries the great eagle. He stands proudly like the bear, while others run like the weasel, for he knows his cause is great. His medicine is strong like the buffalo.

      We shall smoke from the pipe and make chants of praise, for his wisdom shines brightly like the rising sun.

      (Chief) No Shadow

    2. Thanks o' great and wondrous Chief, that made my night! XD!!!

  23. to all the haters at least mm and the cast of the show if they dont find anything to prove the existance of bf they atleast promote getting off your ass and go explore the forest, the state and federal lands in your state you pry wont find bf but you might find beautiful land you havent seen before maby you will find peace tranquility and appreation of the beautiful land this country has to offer 1 thing is for sure if you arent out there you wont ever see and with america being overweight some exercise will do all good. so enough with the 3 rd grade bs be adults if you dont like mm or finding bf quit hanging on his every word and ignore him like big kids , so go see the vast wilderness near you maby you will get lucky enough to see bf

  24. "The clown speaks with the wisdom of our ancestors. His words carry truth like the wind carries the great eagle. He stands proudly like the bear, while others run like the weasel, for he knows his cause is great. His medicine is strong like the buffalo.

    We shall smoke from the pipe and make chants of praise, for his wisdom shines brightly like the rising sun.

    (Chief) No Shadow"

    Are you teasing Native Americans? Or are you talking about a heyoka?

  25. My suggestion to all bigfooters is to take a paintball gun with you. Think you see something? Then shoot a few paintballs at it while your partner films the spot. If something is there then it should respond. Any exploded paintballs will also act as markers for follow up inspection.


    1. good idea but i'm sure the naysayers will come up with some excuse like infringing on bigfoots rights by shooting him with anything even a paintball

  26. moneywanker spouting his nonsense as usual like everyone else wants to know where is the video matt. of course it's all bs and smokescreens anyone who ever listened to him for two minutes knows he's a biscardi in the making

    1. If you weren't a troll newbie then you would have seen all his videos already. He has shown them to lots of people.

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