Why The Finding Bigfoot Show Is Good For Your Town's Businesses

This Saturday, representatives from the Finding Bigfoot show will be in Rutland County, Vermont to do a town hall meeting. The exact location has not been announced yet, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear about it. According to reports, the production crew is already proving beneficial for Rutland-area businesses.

Besides attracting large crowds to town hall meetings, the Finding Bigfoot production crew are known to bring a ton of business to an area. The two week stay usually results in a lot of people spending a lot of dough. Rutland County, Chamber of Commerce executive VP Tom Donahue says the show's crew is already spending money, staying at local hotels and getting food from local eateries.

"They bring a lot of people with them to do this production for two weeks," he said. "When these companies come in, whether it's a movie or a TV program, they spend a lot of money."

Before heading out to an area, the show's producers have also been known to hire "trackers" as well. According to Bigfoot Lunch Club, a woodsman named Jan. W. Morse, who lives in Michigan was paid $200.00 for an afternoon meeting with a production assistant. Apparently, the assistant was looking for someone who could explain tracking techniques to the regulars of the show. Morse politely declined because he didn't want to be in "some goofy show looking for a Squatch!".

[via rutlandherald.typepad.com via www.bigfootlunchclub.com]


  1. I stopped watching the show. It's become very boring.

  2. Much like those paranormal ghost shows I compare it to paranormal state or paranormal cops I believe it was, dumb and rigged. A BFRO hallmark.

  3. That's the owl the Sasquatch Detective was convinced is a Bigfoot. What a moron....lol

    1. Thank you..... I said that was an owl landing and I got put over the barrel on this site. I even described the outline of the owl and was bashed.

      Anyway I'm glad this show pumps money into these towns because the show doesn't do much at all anymore.

      Bigfoots Broski

    2. Yep,I agree. It is an owl.

  4. @Anon 04:52. Well, because it's Not Finding Bigfoot. There is no way a production crew and cast could find an animal so elusive. What would be required is beyond the abilities of a television show, it would be a few dedicated individuals exercising completely different woods etiquette. I don't think anyone is shocked by this; I do think that the show popularizes the phenomenon and makes it more socially acceptable to report a sighting or what have you.

    1. To add: local municipalities are not the only ones monetizing this IMO.

    2. When the circus comes to town everyone knows it. When Finding Bigfoot comes to the forest all the animals and sasquatch knows. I don't even think they could sneak up on road kill, let alone a savy woods dweller such as myself. Have you seen what they bring with them. There not exactly light on their feet.

  5. Matt needs tracking instruction, WTF? I thought he was the consumate outdoors expert?

    "Unable to sneak up on road kill", now that is funny. Don't care who you are, well Matt would take exception.

    And yes, Aegolius acadicus in the picture.

  6. i like the show, im with swamp squatchers ,there is a lot of stuff no one understands about these creatures, but i do know there is so much that goes on behind the cameras that the public dont know that is real , i give them a hand, and yes they are in their way helping these small towns, so im waitting on next episode

  7. You people can't be for real with this owl bullshit are you.When this photo first surfaced I looked at it with a high resolution magnifiying device and you can clearly see a young squatch underneath and its hand gripping the mothers left arm.Print the photo off in 8x10 and you will see for yourselves.


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