What Makes a Bigfoot Researcher Credible?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Youtube poster "olinselot" shares his perspective on the world of Bigfoot research in this upload set inside his backyard tent. The effect is quite 'Blair-witchy', if you will, sans the flashlight under the chin. He begins with what can only be described as a rant directed at those who claim paranormal or extraterrestrial qualities attributed to the sasquatch species, saying such ideas are damaging to the quest and hinder support from the mainstream public and the scientific community. He pleads for those who perpetuate such claims to simply stop.

Moving on to the entree offered in the title, "Are Bigfoot Researchers Credible?", he back-peddles again to the appetizer, the subject of paranormalists that is. Clearly, this is a sore spot and is evidenced by his frustrated revisits to the subject. It seems we fill up on the appetizer and there's no room left for the meat. Despite that, he clearly shows a passion for the subject, and plans to start his own field research soon. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, he may bring to the hunt, and we know whatever is found will be firmly grounded in the physical world. Understood.


  1. What makes a bigfoot researcher credible?

    At this point, the only thing that would make a bigfoot researcher credible is providing a specimen (live or dead) to science. Anything else, forget it.

    1. Best post ever made on this site.

    2. Same guy. LOL Worst post ever actually.

    3. Shawn....

      You posted this question just to stir these folks up.

      Look what you've started.

      Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?? :), :)

  2. Credibility comes from -
    your intelligence foremost,
    your lack of need for attention and publicity,
    the company you keep in the BF world,
    having the ability to debunk and be skeptical,
    and...not using the word Squatch.

    1. here! here! anything squatch need not apply.

  3. A credible researcher doesn't open their mouth until they actually have concrete proof of something. It's ok to say hey we heard a strange howl in the woods and recorded it but were not sure what it is. A non credible person will claim they heard a Squatch howl or found a Squatch lair when they have absolutely 0 proof.
    Bigfoots Broski

  4. What Makes a Bigfoot Researcher Credible? Girth evidently.

    1. I thought about how to respond to this juvenile fat joke, but honestly it's just so ignorant and not funny at all.

    2. Anon 11:37 what's the matter? Anon above you hit the nail on the head and now your butt hurt about it. lol

  5. Credibility is earned. You dont say "I am a Researcher therefore I am". Part of the problem with Credibility in this field is the background of many of the "researchers" is sketchy at best. The only one I know of with any kind of scientific background is the Prof from Idaho State. But he is on SO many shows now, I think he is over doing it. It would help if the researcher was from the field of science or engineering. We have WAY too many "Mediums", Fortune tellers etc. Thats the reason the mainstream Science doenst accept many of the articles published in the field. Even if you are a scientist you dont just become a researcher. You have to contribute. If you are a true researcher then pick some Big Foot topics that need help and "research". Do your homework, "CONTRIBUTE" in some meaningful way. Publicity, and the number of TV shows or PodCasts doesnt earn you credibility. That comes by way of the importance of your work and your contributions to the field. THEN and ONLY then when OTHER researchers that are respected in this field come to you and ask for your input or help, then you will know that you have earned some token of respect in this field. Putting on some camo's and going into the mountains at night with a night vision scope from the Department store does NOT put you on top of the Researcher list.
    Its the total weight of your work and the importance of you input that lets OTHERS give you the title of researcher.

  6. Pretty good vid. Keep in mind that the groop of people who most report the dissapering or phase shifting are slao the the groop of people who have far and away the most experience and greatest comfort level in the woods, our wonderful Native American Peoples. I think that they would be the least "shocked" to see one, and therefor the least likely to spin the "fight or flight" into an errord report, thats a bit of a problem for your theory.

    Also, I tend to seperate the idea of the Fancyful / loving flower planting giant mystical furball,
    A mystical, potentually spiritual or even demonic being that is here to decieve or potential cause harm.
    I personally don't find absolutes in any of it, but I will listen to most of it with an open mind.

    I personally have had three encounters, each with a different person, in two states. I know they are real. My encounters did not included anything outside the normal physical realm. But Anything is possible.

    I know what your saying, But these people who have had sightings with "the exxxtra's" need a place also to talk about it. Many facts such as lack of photo's, trailcam failure, lack of bodies and many, many, many wierd sightings only adds to the mystery and intrigue.
    For years, average people, from all walks of life got sucked into this phenomanon through strange sithings and experiences. These people have begged scientists to get involved, now that the science minded are showing up late, they want to start disecting the issue, which means you would have us dismiss certain people.
    I think not!
    Most people can't even handled someone with a deep southern drawl without calling them a hillbilly, a drunk or stupid------------- None of which is true based on an accent.
    No, if you got a story, I want to hear it, I may call you crazy later, but I will try and help you through it, even if it envolves the spiritual!

    Especially if it envolves the spiritual?

    All are welcome!

    1. Well said. I would like to clarify that I myself am spiritual and have personal experiences in that area that have changed my life. Attaching spiritual qualities to an animal or hominid in the forest is really another story. The point I really wanted to make in the video was that when I see a deer run over a hillside and I follow it up there - and once I get there I can't see it anymore - logic tells me that It ran in a direction I didn't expect or it took cover in thick bushes. I don't start telling everyone that deer can fly or travel to other dimensions! I certainly don't assume a UFO came and picked them up. Even if I believed in inter-dimensional travel and UFO's ghosts I don't automatically jump to those conclusions. It's my opinion that nobody should.

    2. Have you ever read Autumn Williams story where she claims to have called one by chanting.
      Very interesting story, I invited her to do it one more time, I'd like to give whatever shows up a little spiritual test. She never responded to numerous requests.

      It's funny, Autumn and her mother are one place where it all collides. Bigfoot, aliens/saucers, claims of controld contact through chanting and of coarse long term contactee's.

      Ya man, see i don't really know about that.

      I met a guy recently who gave a very interesting theory that we are seeing both true 95% real animal bigfoots, but ocasionally (5%)what is turmed "familiar spirits" a type of demon which use mimicry to deceive and manipulate.
      This may account for the variations like the Michigan Dogman, 6 fingers / toes, maybe even those glowing red eyes, most say goldish /green.

      It's like the Ghost Hunters Show showing up and they recoerd "Kill Zack", I got news for those boys, that ain't ghost or spirts, that's demonic, they know your name dude!

      I have been in the presence of someone who was under demonic controll / influence --- I don't think it was a full possesion and there is a difference. Anyway, the point is, there is an foul odour that occurs in the pressence of a Demon that is horrific and unforgetable. Although My Bigfoot encounters did not involve any odour, the discription of the smell by some makes me think that it is similar?

    3. These guys are covered in hair, even if you lived out in the wild all year you'd smell too.

  7. After the reactions to anyone with a hi resolution photo or video, when ever posted on here. I would say any researcher that has not produced any video of a big foot. As soon as ANY researcher and I mean ANY researcher produces a hi-res photo/video, they are instantly labeled a hoaxer and everyone HATES them.
    It seams to be the unwritten law here in this "community".
    A community is a group of people that work together, but in the BF "community" it seems that everyone works against each other.
    Chad W

    1. Nope, your assessment is incorrect. The problem is that every picture or video yet produced can be explained as a hoax. They are always fuzzy, or taken from behind or the product of a "why were they filming right now?" sort of problem.

      Look, Bigfoot is a cryptid, an unknown to science creature. EVERY piece of evidence must be able to withstand hardcore scrutiny or it's completely worthless. Good evidence stands alone. Suspicious evidence can be dismissed.

      When one makes the claim that deviates from the understood, one must be prepared to deliver evidence to substantiate said claim. Don't go frothing at the mouth towards us skeptics for having the nerve to not accept what you say at face value.... Scientists don't treat each other with kid gloves. Why should research into a ,so far, non-existent animal be any different?

      In other words, stop treating Bigfoot research like a belief system and more like a scientific system.

    2. extraordinary claims call for extraordinary proof.Living in the Green Swamp area ,I have twice experienced phenomena that may have been related to our Skunk Ape.But without irrefutable evidence of the animal,those experiences are simply "campfire stories".Unlike Matt Moneymaker,I don't assume every unidentified sound and shadow is a "Squatch".I WANT to believe.........

    3. Actually no, Nick. That this species has been put in the crypto box is totally misleading, just because they hide well doesn't mean they're animals.
      Quite the contrary, cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals is it not, but much indicates here that may not be what this particular species is.
      Also it's totally false to say every video's easily explained as fuzzy hoaxes, wtf do you mean and what planet are you from! LOL
      It's certainly okay if you want to be skeptical and feel you need that to balance your life, but to say flatout false stuff is not so cool an argument.

    4. Very good reply Nick,
      I don't completely agree. But it was a good reply,

      While I don't agree that every video or picture or recording is a hoax. I do agree that MOST could be explained in terms of being a hoax.

      I also agree that many in this community treat the Bigfoot issue as a Belief rather than a scientific possibility. This isn't healthy.

      Being skeptical is cool and separates you from the "flat earthers" who say otherwise.
      You and I don't always agree. However I will defend your stance against unfettered "belief". I also agree that most of what is called "Sasquatch Fact" is really Sasquatch speculation. As is the ultimate question of Sasquatch's existence itself.

    5. The point I was trying to make was that when researchers like Todd Standing and Melissa Hovey released their photos/videos not only did the skeptics accuse them of hoaxing but most of the other big researchers and believers acused them of hoaxing. In other words, just about everyone believers and skeptics instantly disrespected them and in some cases spewed hate towards them even calling for Melissa to go to jail.
      In otherwords if a researcher wants to remain respected they can't release any hi-res photos or videos or they will be instantly called hoaxes by everyone, not just the skeptics.
      Chad W

    6. proof wont come from video, photoshop is just too easy....

      ask Driver Operator, or Hoxey

    7. Good post, Chad. We haven't seen the best footage yet probably, and many hesitate knowing the atmosphere is so hostile with everybody calling you a faker no matter what. Sure there are many obvious fakes out there, but a few unexplained remain left no matter how hard the professional skeptics try to discredit and slander.



    1. I never said I was credible. So for all the people that film in front of their webcam in their office - they aren't credible at all? At the beginning of my "backyard camping" series I explained that I was going to film in my backyard simply because I was tired of being in front of my computer all day. I have little kids at home still so I can't go up in the mountains for a month, just on weekends. Dave Canteburry - one of the leading outdoor survival experts films all his videos in a yurt behind his house. Basically his backyard. Does that make him not credible? You know what doesn't make you credible is putting a monkey suit in a freezer and then commenting on other people's websites and posting a link to our own bigfoottracker website trying to promote it. ha ha ha. Nice try Rick.

    2. If you are promoting Bigfoottracker website then you probably are Rick Dyer. You have the worst video quality on your youtube videos! They are almost all filmed in your back yard too so you can't say much to this guy.

    3. In the fridge maybe numb nuts?

    4. Rick, don't get mad because he's calling you out! You are NOT credible. Period! You never will be!

  9. Good video. Very reasonable and rational. Many people choose to argue against the rational because belief is anything but.

    1. Many try and rationalize the un-rational as a mental-health protection device. I just heard a story at a recent FB town hall where a lady has been trying to tell herself for years that she saw a bear, but she finally ALLOWED herself the freedom to acknowledge that a bear could not do what this thing did, nor did it look like a bear. She looked at it dead in the face through a plate glass window, 9 feet up on the outside where it would have been standing and the forearms were up against the glass----- peeping Bigfoot!!
      This lady had been carrying this thought for years and finally had to come to the Finding Bigfoot meeting. It is a rare place where one can not only tell your story, but your actually cool if you got a good one.

  10. Good video. Sane and clear. Could be a little more concise, but then it's OK to chat. You've obviously done some armchair research and perhaps read the relevant books, and thought about the sasquatch subject intelligently. I am glad you are just starting some field research, which is great. May I recommend you don't make the automatic assumption that some potentially 'paranormal' aspects are worthless delusions. By doing so you are undermining your own research from the outset. I am not saying stop being sceptical of the wilder claims, but do keep an open mind. An open mind includes accepting the possibilty that there are some reported features of bigfoot behaviour and capabilities that don't fit comfortably in the realms of orthodox science. Good luck.

    1. Excellent comment Anonymous Apr 9, 2012 02:27 AM. That is exactly the problem with so many in this field. Just because someone didn't experience it don't limit yourself by dismissing things that don't fit into what you think should be or not be. Especially things that are repeatedly brought up by people from different demographics.

    2. Just because Bigfoots have been spotted near UFO sightings doesn't mean Bigfoots are aliens, but simply that they're curious of it much like they're curious of us and we are of the UFO.

      I don't think there's a connection between the two, but I think both are real so I won't flatout say no either. We won't know until we find (either) one.

    3. Right, just keep an open mind. I completely appreciate that people want to approach this from that perspective, and thats good.
      What isn't good is when they think that they have some sort of right to declare truth.

      There are WAY too many things that are unexplainable on this planet for science to think it's the end-all in the discovery process.

      Here is the simple point. If you are science minded and hear something that you can't or won't wrap your head around, for whatever personal reasons you choose, thats fine. For those of us that have had experiences / strange occurances, we would appreciate if you do not so quickly scream
      Many of us are just collecting data also.
      Just a wider measure on the bell curve.
      And over a much longer time frame.

      Much of what you say is true, but much of what you call trash, you cannot prove unreal. The shades of grey are endless.

      Why must people condem so quickly, is this a speed contest to slam others.

  11. If your organization is constantly pimping out youtube videos of little or no value than you and your org are in the game for no other reason than your own self glorification.

    Take a look and see what groups are doing this, it's pretty obvious.

    1. Great point , content doesnt NOT equal quality. Some see things that way, a video a day puts my name at the top of the heap. Its Quality not quantity.

    2. Why, that goes without saying. Most videos are obvious fakes, only a small handful show the real thing.

  12. There's such a thing as a credible bigfoot researcher? Who knew?

  13. Leon, your first sentence is straight to the point and what is most needed in this field. I dont know of another field in science/biology/technology where counterparts are so quick to disassemble their fellow researchers in the same field. Not one. I can not figure this out. The only aspect that makes sense to me is that maybe they figure only one or two are going to cash in and therefore they have to "trash their competition". This is not science, that is Cryptid Story wars. Fit for Cable TV.
    Really in this field that urge to "trash your competition" only drives on more hoaxers. Which right now is the bane of this field. A REAL scientist or researcher would take the good out of another's report and look for the truth in their statements and either see how it fits with ones own experiences or use the material to add to your data base in areas of research you have no data in. For instance, if someone from Florida is doing research in the swamps, a fellow researcher in Northern California should just add that data to his compilation, instead of trying to prove the Floridian as a hoaxer. Unless you have direct proof that the other researcher is out to deceive others then accept it as more evidence.
    Leons point is so valid that I know of one webforum is SO quick to punish others that dont bow down to the chosen few "moderators" or should I say cryptid experts that anyone with a view point that differs gets banned just for either asking questions or differing in opinion. I wont mention any names but to be banned from this forum is now becoming a badge of honor amongst serious researchers. It uses Bigfoot in its name and it is a Forum.com This rush to QUASH others does NOTHING for this field but set it back in research and delay any acceptance by mainstream media and mainstream Science.


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