New Footage: Bigfoot Filmed Walking In Background While Kid Falls Off Skateboard

This could be a new trend folks. Four new "Bigfoot" videos in less than 2 weeks.

Now that every child old enough to carry a cell phone around can record videos, it's more than likely that someone will inadvertently film a "Sasquatch". Thanks to TV shows like Finding Bigfoot where everything could be a Sasquatch, these kids were probably thinking the same thing when they saw a dark figure moving in the trees.

Here's the latest "Bigfoot" footage filmed by some 15 year old. While he was filming his friend who had just fallen off his skateboard, you can see a dark figure walking in the background, from right to left. This is unusual as most footage shows the Bigfoot moving from left to right.

In the video description the kid wrote this: "I was filming Arthur for a scooter stunt and I noticed something funny in the background if you know what it is leave a comment."


  1. Replies
    1. Nothing faked here! Looks so damned real. What a horrific fall that kid took. Does anyone know if he's still alive?

  2. I am usually the last one to say this, but FAKE! The fall that the kid takes is really bad acting, while he is on the ground he peeks over in that direction. Oh, and the stunt itself was a joke, kids half their age can do that. Just stupid all the way around, but at least they had their buddy far enough back so that you can barely see him. They just keep getting worse and worse.

  3. We'd better wait for Crypto Crew to break this down for us.

  4. Ugh douch*y kids...oh yeah and totally fake. lol

  5. when my son was 6 he could do a kick flip over that distance. That was a WEAK attempt at a stunt. The issue here is that when kids are thinking of a BIG IDEA of this sort, they forget about the details. They probably worked hard and getting the angle right and the distance right so that it would look a tiny bit better than a blobsquatch. Once they got all that down, and did the work on getting a costume guy (awfully close to the height of the young boys) they forgot about the most important detail. The stunt itself. After doing all that other work the immature teenage mind probably didnt want to do the extra work in making the STUNT look real. WHY? Because (in their mind) no one was going to pay attention to their STUNT! The veiwers were going to pay attention (again, in their minds) to the HUGELY IMPORTANT FIND of the Sqautch. Since no one would be looking at them, they would be looking at the sqautch because the kids put alot of effort into getting it on film and all, no one would be watching the measly stunt. I remember this in a video class in high school. All the students were trying to portray a story, or frame a picture that was important to their idea of the film. So when it came to the little details, like a couple eating in the kitchen, the kids were horrible at making sure the food looked real and that the people were really eating. They even forgot to put drink glasses out for the meal that was the unimportant scene in the overall story they were telling. Over and Over I caught what my teacher was saying. Like people getting dressed in a scene and not using real clothing that would be essential for people getting dressed in a scene. I remember one kid used a purple tie on a yellow shirt and the tie was made for a blueish shirt, and it clashed horribly. But in these kids minds, that was totally unimportant for what they were trying to convey so the over all effect suffered.
    Here we have the SAME EXACT thing. Amatuers not thinking the whole scene out. Not making EVERYTHING LOOK REAL.

    1. Thank-you Dr. Spock.,"not NeMoy". Criticizing kids who will probably get an A+ for their assignment?, Get off the lectern and let your Jr. college Associate professor have it back.

  6. why does the owner of this site continue to put this kind of crap on here? what purpose does it serve? i think i'm about done with blog if this continues. i don't get why you put clearly fake vids on here, its not bigfoot evidence, why put fasano, or dyer, or anybody else thats a known hoaxer on here, you are not looking for the so called truth, you are trying to swindle people into thinking they are gonna see something on this pathetic site. i'm going to unlike your page on facebook so i'm not drawn into your silly games you seem to enjoy playing. and i'm done with this blog. by putting this kind of dribble on your site make YOU just as bad as fasano, dyer, and stover the whiner.

    1. Wait!!! You guys are being unfair. You are not seeing that something unheard of took place. This time the Actor sucked but the cameraman actually got it right. Usually It's the camera guy who gives away the hoax by filming off center of the supposed true subject.

      If not for the bad acting of the kid, I would have thought they actually filmed a random guy walking out in the woods. lol

  7. Honestly for me it seems that the more I see put forth about bf the less convinced I am.
    I had more hope for discovery 20 yrs. ago than I do today. Sadly a boyhood dream is dying.


    1. I agree. I was a believer but the more I see less than convincing videos/blobsquatches and shows like Finding BF, the more skeptical I have become. I see how these characters have bf on the brain and simply cannot look at anything without thinking "squatch". Not to mention all of these "projects" and DNA papers that are hyped and then never pan out. I've lost faith.

    2. Hang in there, Go to "TimberGiantBigFoot",This guy has some really compelling videos.

  8. Fall was not authentic, and it seems to be a well populated area (fire hydrant is visable). Extremely small chance this is a real sasquatch.

    1. They've been seen in populated areas near woodlands, and also supposedly like watching people/kids from hiding places. That said, I also think this is a fake.

  9. That's Kinko the Klown, not Bigfoot.

  10. Big Clumpy gorilla suit legs. It's not steathy enough. Walk is all wrong. It was last year's Halloween costume.

    Oscar worthy acting for sure!

  11. It feels staged and planned to me. It just didn't feel authentic, the way the kids acted, etc.

  12. No Emmy nomination---not even for the clown in the suit

  13. Why do you even post this? Sorry, but REALLY?

  14. it was a black kid in a hoodie casing the joint! do you think them two punk white boy's would stick up for their stuff? i sure don't!

  15. That is actually the most hilarious thing I have seen in quite some time.

  16. This here is an example of how the BFRO and finding bigfoot have ruined the credibility of the subject. Due to the comedic nature of this show, now every bored kid and boy-adult is creating videos like this and posting them. Claiming they had no idea that their friend was dressed in a costume behind them. ITs so freakin rediculous and old now that even the immature kids who do them should be getting the message. Its stupid and old and not even funny anymore.
    So in fact what the BFRO has done, headed by moneymaker, is destroy any credibility that the animal exists. It doesnt matter what comes out now as far as video goes. Erickson could show a mugshot of a bigfoot and it wouldnt matter. Because in the news crews minds, they will associate any bigfoot news and pics with the trainwreck known as matt fat face moneymaker.
    So once again we should all give a great thanks to matt moneymaker and the rediculous organization that calls itself the BFRO. Every member, every supporter should be ashamed of themselves. Even if you had the best of intentions and were their when the organization had promise, you should still be ashamed. Because you let it turn in to what it is now. You could have left, or kicked moneymakers ass right out, or started a better group that threw his namem into the obscurity that it will shortly go into anyway. You should have acted and seen what a disaster this would become. But every one of you didnt do a damn thing but sit on your buts and stuff you face with popcorn as you watch that rediculous trainwreck of a show.
    Even the good guys on the show like Bobo, should be ashamed of themselves. He alreadly admitted to doing the show just for money. And so he has sold his soul so to speak. He may be getting paid well but he has made it a million times harder for anyone to take the subject of bigfoot seriously. So Bobo, congratulate yourself and i hope you sleep well. And im sure you do. but if you really had any interest in seeing this animal be proven, which i think you did, you have turned your back on that. You could have come forward and told how much of a hoax the show and moneymaker was, but you didnt. You have gone along with it, and now you are just as guilty as he.
    Are you happy with yourselves? Videos like this are now the future of bigfoot. Kids and adults making a hoax where they claim to have never noticed anything in the background. In typical facebook find nothing fashion. And they should be just as ashamed, not in that they are perpetuating a hoax, they are just to damn stupid to realize its a hoax.
    Yep its no wonder why everyone laughs when they hear the name bigfoot. Thanks alot.
    Oh and we gotta give a shout out to Rick Dyers gay ass brother! Hows the vaseline out their?

    1. Are you kidding! These kids are having fun and are too young to even care. That's what adults are for. Your rant was misdirected. If you have a beef with FB and the cast, then contact them and don't use THEIR video has a means to vent your personal opinions! Furthermore, these kids and their friends will be reading every comment written. Gay bashing and your hateful should be ashamed of yourself.

  17. Holy shit!! Its a bigfoot.

    Thats what came to my mind.

    1. Ha ha. No Budget Productions on Youtube.

  18. Any bigfoot video shot by teenage boys horsing around is going to be dismissed by everyone as fake.

  19. Make sure to set frame up the "bigfoot" queue "bigfoot. Fake

  20. i was there, its not fake, i swear on all the ice cream in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. These boys should take some drama club in school, because they SUCK as actors. Lets see, the one goober couldn't keep himself from taking that glance to his right, ever so slight, to see if his buddy was ready, but you got busted. And then that fall? I would be ashamed, I have seen my one legged, blind, 100 year old grandma take a better spill on her scooter! " Are you alright dude?....Oh yeah I..I think so" Ha!! Come on young feller, leave the pranking up to the big boys. Now go on home before I make you go and fetch me a switch, and do what your Daddy should have done!


  22. Kid needs to practice his falls to make them a bit more realistic. Not quite Oscar worthy.


  23. I looked at their video on youtube they said they werent trying to do any cool stunts on the scooter they were only joking about being good.I believe it's real who's with me!

  24. Way to go guys! I hope you all get A's. Sasquatch is an extremely interesting subject and I hope your teacher tells you guys about the real possibility of discovering a new hominid.

  25. OK i watched this over and over again and i think the bigfoot team from finding bigfoot should take a look at this cause you can tell its real based off its height and its hunch

  26. WOW, what a fall! Could that really have been faked? The speed the blood the gore from the true skater. It was as if a 3 year old child sped up and was skating then fell in SLOW motion! The kids acting is as bad as his fall! NOT EVEN CLOSE! Nice try for a teen who is trying to impress a blind person. LOL

  27. They're kids for Gods sake. Theyre having fun and being young. Of course it ain't Bigfoot but we could pretend it was fir their sake. Give someone a memory to last a lifetime. They didn't ask to be scrutinized they didn't claim it to be Bigfoot. nothing but a bunch of bullies on here with no sense of humor. Picking on kids, I would be ashamed.


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