House Belonging To SnowWalkerPrime's Nephew Burnt To The Ground Last Sunday

On Sunday, April 15, 2012, a house on Merchant Road in Hampden was burnt to the ground. A dog was in the house at the time and firefighters were not able to save the dog. The house belonged to SnowWalkerPrime's nephew. Currently, he does not have a place to live and the guy plans on living in a tent. A fundraising page has been set up on Facebook and you can click here to show your support.


SnowWalkerPrime caught the whole thing on tape and he managed to rescue the chickens too:


  1. Thanks Shawn for posting this. It's not Bigfoot related, so I was surprised to see it up here. Snowman lost his 15 yr old dog in the fire. Which was really sad. The pet pig was at the farm with him, and we managed to save his pet duck and laying hens. Other than that, everything in the house was burned or melted. His friends are working on a plan to help him rebuild, and we're setting up a big tent for him to live in, in the meantime. We are grateful no human lives were lost. Really grateful. It was scary how fast the fire consumed the house. SWP

    1. Thanks shawn for posting this!!
      It had everything to do with bigfoot!
      It didnt promote any known looser in the bigfoot world.
      It didnt promote an obvious scam to try and get donation money.
      It isnt from the same people that you post every day.
      It isnt an attempt to try and gain anyone any youtube views or subscribers
      It isnt disrespectful to your audience
      It isnt disrespectful to yourself and others who have given you stories in the past.
      It isnt going to cost you tons of viewers.
      And it definetly isnt going to put you in the same group as the known hoaxers and disgraceful human beings in this field.
      Yes thank you shawn. This unbelievable piece of journalism is everything we have come to expect from you. You really have confirmed our opinions of you.

  2. i feel bad for that dude, but what kills me is the loss of his dog! being a dog lover myself i'd bet that dog was his best friend. cause i know mine used to be before she lost her battle against father time. also very glad that kid didn't get burned in the house fire.

  3. bigfoot playing with matches again

  4. Melissa hovey had a hand in this

  5. 1) This has nothing to do with Bigfoot but my condolences to the folks for their loss.

    2) Before some nutjob comes forth to claim bigfoot involvement, shut your hole you brain dead hick.

    3) Does anyone know of Hovey's wherebouts at the time?

  6. Sorry to hear that. I am glad he escaped safely and my heart breaks for the loss of his pup. It helps to have relatives who don't mind rolling up their sleeves and helping. Here's hoping he has a new home as soon as possible.

  7. This is certainly an unfortunate incident and I feel bad for the guy, but come on. He has nowhere to live, but a tent? Does his family not like him or something? It seems that someone could take him in until he gets a check from his homeowners insurance.

    1. The house wasn't insured.

    2. I'd be happy living in a tent to stay on my property as I clean it up. I'd be willing to bet he wants it that himself, and turned down a number of offers. He can still go get a nice hot shower now and then...

  8. And then why did Shawn post it????Is this bigfoot related stupid ass

    1. Maybe because that's what friends do for friends? Try finding a few and you might understand that concept. Shawn can post whatever the hell he wants on HIS blog.

    2. thanks rick dyers gay brother. And yes their friends and buinsess partners. But look at who they are, hummmmm, the biggest bunch of hoaxers, lyers, and scum to ever hit the bigfoot community. Think about that, they are an embarassment to the bigfoot community??? That says it all. Shawn your pathetic

  9. I'm really sorry to hear about this and it's great no human lives were lost. I have a dog so I can only imagine what the guy is going through.
    I hope he's able to have a full rebuild done.
    Even with a tragic story like this, the idiots manage to crawl out of the soil in to daylight and spew their ignorant rants. Some people are so sad and pathetic.

  10. wow i don't agree with SWP or TTB but some of these comments are just disgusting.. you people really don't have a heart saying some of the shit i see.. if you don't have a heart then you need to get the hell out of the BF community because there's no space for the non sense.. shame on you

  11. plant a ficus tree for buddha

    1. I dont care about buddha, but if he was enlightened under a ficus tree and the dog was named buddha you should plant a ficus in his honor

  12. Let teamtazerretards pay for it

  13. i am detrimental to in which guy, but just what eliminates use is the losing of his pet! being a pet partner personally i'd wager which pet had been his best friend. trigger i am aware acquire was once before your woman dropped the girl combat towards daddy occasion. also very delighted that little one did not find burned up at home hearth.
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