Government and Logging Industry Denying Existence of Bigfoot? Joe Sasquatch Thinks So

Before we tell you what Joe Sasquatch thinks about the logging industry and our government, here a short bio of him so that you can understand where he's coming from:
"I'm a sasquatch and I was born in Northern Minnesota. When I was about 5 years old my parents and I migrated to the Star Lake / Sayner area in Vilas county in northern Wisconsin. A few years later my parents meet a tragic faith. I was lucky to be found by a professor and his wife who raised and educated me in secret."

Every once in a while, Joe returns from the woods to tell us what he thinks about us humans. In his latest blog entry at, he writes that the logging companies and the government have been working together to make sure that sasquatches are not found. He believes that the main reason the government denies the existence of sasquatch is to protect the logging industry.

Joe tells us that the Bluff Creek event in 1967 was one of the pivotal moments in history about the government cover-up of Bigfoot:

Then the big day in 67 really opened the floodgates. There were people all over the forest, looking behind every tree and under every rock.

The logging industry knew that if sasquatch was proven to be real it would have great consequences to them and any others businesses connected to logging. So the loggers and the sasquatchs came to an agreement. The sasquatchs would stay as far away from towns so not to be seen and in return the loggers wood leave food for them during hard times which would eliminate the need for them to go to towns for food. The government was brought into the loop and seeing what was at stake, they got the National Park service involved. They were used to deflect any encounters of saquatch by the public by saying it was a misidentfied animal, mostly bears. If someone saw a sasquatch they were told it was a bear. If they heard a sasquatch it was a cougar, owl or any other number of animals. Footprints were deformed overlapping cougar and or bear tracks.When tracks were found by park rangers they were eliminated. When bodies were found they were buried. Yes there have been a few bodies buried.

With all the sasquatch searchers/hunters in the forest now, it's getting harder to hide us. It's only a matter of time. They will continue to hide us as long as possible because once we are proven to be real, a lot of businesses from logging, trucking, housing, and many others involved directly and indirectly will suffer and that wiil impact the nation. Remember the owls in the pacific northwest. We are all over the place from Washington to Florida. What do you think will happen when we become protected / endangered species or humans? Think about it. Oh yeah lets not forget about Canada. Asia, Russia, Australia. We are everywhere.
You can read the full story here:


  1. Actually it wouldn't.... one of the biggest footer myths of all is this silly idea that the existence of Bigfoot would somehow effect logging. However, being that most of all logging in the USA is of the clear cut and replant variety, it would actually create MORE habitat (as evidence for several other species will confirm). Loggers come ,clear some acreage, then replant new trees, they move to a different area, wash,rinse, repeat. This happens in areas with several protected species and would continue regardless. Oh , if there was a 10 acre patch of "habitat" they would leave it alone, but they would then be allowed to log a different spot to replace it. Don't let conspiracy theory's and silly made up "science" send you in improper directions.

    Facts: The USA
    s logging industry produces about $3.8 Billion in annual revenue, it appears to be quite a bit, HOWEVER,porn makes over 4 times this much per year. Logging would not have to "shut down" because of a species.It's not as impactful as the footers would make you believe

    1. Imagine if they made logging porn, that would make huge amounts of cash.

    2. The wildlife in Yellowstone did great after the fire a decade ago.

    3. dude tell that to the eco-nazi's, wild-life nazi's ect. ect. they would be the one's to shut it down. try asking the farmers in california! have you heard of the delta smelt? they (peta)are completely shutting down the farm industry there. what about those bastards trying as i type this to shut down the oil fields in texas because of some local little lizard. for you to worry about porn oh by the way cali is now trying to shut down filming porn in certain counties. gov moonbeam brown(democrat)and the pigs! finestein and boxer all super liberals by the way will make our country into the old soviet union. i think those bozo's would shut down big parts of the woods. they would say something like "we don't know their roaming habitat" so all must be shut down till the study is complete. don't doubt it man.

    4. Nick Brick, this isn't about who's making the most money the logging industry would still be against the idea of sasquatches existing anyway, they fear the public reaction and consequences for their jobs. You'll never see them release any bigfoot photos they might have, and they do, but the species seems to be doing fine even with this industry so the cause for alarm as far as both parties are concerned, is probably exaggerated.

    5. @yeti spaghetti "Wildlife nazi's ...?"

      You're stupid enough to think that the people and organizations that care for and look out for well being of wildlife and their habits are the same as the nazis that killed millions and millions of people ...?

      What an ignorant piece of shite you are, Dude. Here's to you and yours sipping on oil-laced water from here on out. Cheers retard :)

    6. Umm no, who the eff is Jeff Sauber?

      BTW, I think it's weak to post here under anon. grow a pair , especially if you are going to attack me personally. Trust me, none of you would have the balls to do it in person.

    7. @ANONA 9:47

      Ya, eco-nazis. They started with the little stuff and ended up on people.

      Kinda like where you know who's death panel under gov run health care will go.
      Except that you know who and all his chronies where so stupid that the only thing he ever did is going to get bounced by the panel of Robes! ha ha ha

      ya ----eco-nazis

      You make the false assumption that whinny pussies such as yourself ANONA, care more about the environment. No, it's just that we(conservatives)are smart enough, and hard working enough to know how to utlize the environment.

      You on the other hand, and your kind seek to take from others what you cannot earn. Control what does not belong to you. And propegate the situation of bigger GOV.
      NO PART OF THE GOVERNMENT, has accomplished good for the outdoors like the private hunting and fishing groops, powered also by conservative farmers and land owners who contribute.

      I agree we need fish and game to regulate, but you eco-nazis (sierra club / green peace, blah blah blah) actually strive to embed yourselves into these organizations. It starts with the "INDOCTRANATION" that happens at your typical state university.

      No what you ECO-NAZIS PREACH, is far worse, far more controling, far more limiting to our freedoms, and far more space cadet (global warming) then any religion.

      Oh, except one whos terrorist's drove a couple planes into the side of two buildings you might of heard of.

      You whacks are always screaming "seperation" when it comes to Christianity, but when the ONE religion who believes in the intigration of
      Religion/government (sha----)
      You pukes and the ACLU back them?

      You know who was allied with Hitler in World War II, the same guys you back now!

      Ya, ECO-NAZIS.

    8. Wow, Leon, now that your buddy Santorum has decided to fold up his tent and go back to scamming people on a local level, who are you going to blindly follow?

      What religion are you talking about? You make about as much sense as your self-serving theocratic dictators.

      "Fishing groops," "your kind," "seperation", "intigration?" Please, read some books before you embarrass yourself anymore.

      And "death panels?" Really??? Are you that stupid that you are still quoting Palin's drivel? Wow. Maybe we are doomed as a society if there are others out there like you.

  2. Look out Joe Sasquatch, Justin Smeja's gonna put a cap in yo' ass!

  3. The industry plants 3 tree for every one they cut. If Joe is having problems with hiding then why doesn't he just hide in the forest that was PLANTED 20 or 30 or 40 or 80 years ago? Other critters don't seem to have an issue with it.

  4. Let's see, if a tree is cut down that an owl once used to take a dump from, it is loss of habitat. While logging still goes on it has drastically changed from the way it use to be. For the better in my book. There are more deer now than ever in history. The snags and brush left after logging creates more habitat for mice and other small prey animals. The coyote and predator populations are at all time highs too. But when bigfoot is proving to exist, if it does, logging will change. The costs to log will go up drastically. This country has knee jerk reactions to everything. Hurry up jump on the bandwagon before it leaves us behind. Never mind studies or fact based science. This country uses feel good science and politics. Never mind that more harm than good may come from it. Loggers will be required to leave more trees behind. Roads will closed or not put in. Nevermind that roads give animals more food sources and energy saving paths to follow. Ever drive a old logging road? Look at how many animal tracks are using it and how many are seen on it. But some nutjob with a degree in science will always say roads are bad. So yes, logging will be changed by bigfoot. It will cost more and that means anything using timber products will cost more. Will the changes be for the better of all? Doubtful.

    1. 7:18s bottom line - something will cost him more in the future so to hell with everything else.

      The mindset of bashing the educated - one of the Right's greatest brainwashing hallmarks (Thanks Rove!). Who do you want to help make the big decisions - the brightest person in the room (scientist) or some self-serving politician elected with Brand X's unlimited resources?

      Your "roads are good for animals theory" is just too ridiculous to comment on.

    2. Who says the scientist aren't self-serving?

    3. Anon @ 10:28: It feels good to know that there are like minded people interested in this subject. Why listen to the guy in the lab coat? Much easier to listen to the rich guy telling you what to do on Sunday morning and all your worries are put to bed.

    4. BackinAction: Look at who profits the most from their views on the subject. Do you honestly believe the majority of scientists believe we have a man-made climate change problem because they are financially motivated? Now look at the coal and oil industry and tell me that their position has nothing to do with their potential profits. You're a fool if you believe they are worried about anything other than the bottom line.

  5. Some people are so ignorant of the real long term impacts of logging.

    1. Take your stump humpin ass on dowm the road, it's a renewable resource get educated before you post otherwise shut your trap!

    2. So then, educate us ignorants.

      Every time a logger cuts down a tree, God kills a baby Sasquatch.

    3. never mind the animals spay the liberalsThursday, April 19, 2012 at 8:19:00 AM PDT

      tree huggers beware we have guns and chainsaws! take your eco nazi crap back to your university's with your pig liberals and go f-yourself! oh by the way i'm not paying for your contraceptives either! occupy this a-hole!

    4. Your comment suggests that your education as a young person was very lacking, most likely due to the unusually small number of neurons in your head.

    5. It never fails to amaze me how the right-wing nutjobs suddenly appear when issues of the environment are raised. It's almost like they're sleeper cells just waiting to be activated by Beck or Limbaugh. Corporate America sure is good at brainwashing. It really is scary. Just look at Anon 8:19's response. This guy needs a padded room.

    6. They existed before Beck and Limbaugh, don't blame them.

  6. Whatever you do, don't visit the guy's website, 10 minutes later and the eyestrain is still killing me. Picture, in your mind, a dark page, a bright white square in the middle, and tiny tiny black text in the white square. The resulting residual image lasts, the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. When I first broched this subject on the secret Sasquatch Preservation site. I was told to shut-up or Be banned. they banned me. The subject of land use/logging is just part of the larger discussion that will develope as a natural result of Sasquatch being "outed" (if or when) this occures. There are several reasons that I have come up with to explain the very shrill, unreasoned reaction I've gotten simply by bringing the subject up.A sample is above, the author appears to be suggesting that logging is actually good for the enviroment and all the little critters. Logging is only one of a number of activities that humans engage in that lead to "loss of habitat". I was told that the population of Sasquatch is healthy and stable and that loss of habitat is a non-issue. This contention may in fact be true, however the author cannot present evidence to support this claim; If it is NOT true and infact their population is not stable then loss of habitat IS an important issue. Further, to make the statement that "we" are not going to ask for any land use restrictions assumes their group will have any say on the subject and completely disregards the political reality of how such decisions are made in our country. I suggest to any person or group that is in a position to prove the existance of this creature think long and hard as to wheather this is thr right thing to do. Fame and fortune aside, if this creature exists,is this the right thing to do? I thank the author of this article for putting it out there its very timly as I was banned recently for suggesting it's important. could expand much more on these thoughts but my typing finger is very tired,.

  8. Let me put it this way. In the PNW, lichen, moss, mushrooms, salamanders, and certain other species require old growth to survive both in Winter and in Summer. In the Summer's heat, NOTHING survives the sun beating down on clearcuts on up to mid age plantations. Lichen and shrooms require shade during Summer. Well you see, lichen and mushrooms are what ungulates require for food throughout Winter. Without it they die and grow weak. In addition, during the Winter when the snows fall, whatever does grow in young growth is completely unaccessible to them because it is packed under deep snow. Whereas with old growth, the upper canopies protect the earth below from snow and these food items remain available to said ungulates all Winter long. Plus they have bare earth to sleep on so they don't freeze to death, something which IS NOT available in those 'valuable' rejuvenating clear-cuts. Now you're educated too unless you have your blinders on.

    1. So, if they harvest young to mid growth, they won't have any impact?

    2. Thank you for a well informed, educated lesson. Unfortunately several responders in this thread will call it bs.

    3. yea but they dont cut down the entire forests of north america in 1 go.

    4. What ever happened to everything in moderation? Clear felling is only good for regrowing trees and not much else except the opportunistic critters than can use that space. There are always victims of clear felling but it needs to carefully managed. One would like to think that care is taken but it generally is not universal. Too much polarisation of opinions on both sides and the there is no solution to that except to keep large tracts totally protected or at worst selectively log old growth forests. As usual there is little understanding about the difference between conservation and preservation. Both are needed to retain the biodiversity that maybe one day we will need because we discover a cure for some human disease in some innocuous plant or animal or some other unthought of but useful scientific discovery. If you do not care for your environment it will eventually come back to bite you in the rear in one way or the other. We need to keep it all in balance and not rape and pillage just because we are greedy and/or stupid. The trick is to keep the practices sustainable but we don't do that very well - do we?

  9. Oh and I don't need to be anonymous to state this either.

  10. Here's a little more to ponder. For all that lichen and fungus to grow to any reasonable health and to support said ungulates (deer & elk), they require a humid & well shaded environment out of the hot sun. The forests of the PNW used to be considered a Temperate Rain Forest many decades ago. There used to be a carpet of green forest stretching for 100,000 square miles up here. This forest acted like a giant sponge in the Winter, and throughout the hot Summer months, it would slowly release moisture into the atmosphere. These forests were also much less susceptible to fire as well because the canopies were very irregular and fire had a much more difficult time reaching into the canopies. Not to mention the thick bark also aided in protecting the tree. As an ex wildland firefighter of many years, this is very evident and easy to understand for me.

    But its the positive effects this once forested region once had on much of the nation that people don't fully understand. This 'sponge' as it once was, used to provide moisture into the clouds throughout Summer and essentially 'seed' them for added rainfall to the east. This is no longer the case as the forests quickly dry up in early Summer.

    Sure, all that logging provided jobs. I too worked in the industry. I've laid out logging units and worked in a mill as well. So take what I have to say however you wish but I can't be labeled as just some tree hugger. There was a cost to the environment that few have the insight to fully understand. I am an avid hunter as well and enjoy my elk meat throughout the year almost every year. Ironically there are many other ex forestry people who realize just how much we have affected our environment. Ya sure again its THE JOBS, but we've lost something so magnificent in that venture.

  11. Sorry for calling some people ignorant too.

  12. hump my stump into a bloody lump!

  13. Thank you Dave. You make your case with beautiful clarity.

  14. "A few years later my parents meet a tragic faith"

    A tragic faith? What's that, like scientology or something?

  15. The photo on the right side of the page with the article, "Erickson Project: Two Dead Bigfoot..."

    Who is that guy, and why did they take a picture of him taking a dump?

  16. and you wonder why science doesnt take bigfooting seriously

    1. Because most of mainstream science is a bunch of Government controlled status quo pussy wackos.

  17. I'm going to go out on a limb here Dave and say that I am certain that you believe in anthropological global warming. It's obvious that you're one of 'those' kind of kooks.

    1. WTF is anthropological global warming? I'll have to go look that one up so hold your kook banner back a while. lol

  18. Very well said Dave. You touched on so many great points. I am a PNW person myself, and I feel the exact way you do.

    I am also a hunter/fisherman, and enjoy our beautiful mountains and outdoors as much as I possibly can. It always blows me away, even in my short time in this world, how much landscapes and habits have changed and been lost. Always gets me thinking about how destructive our species really is............. Smartest species on the planet, eh?


  19. Who do you think tells the rich guy how to make shit out of stuff(plastic, alloies, composites, lubricants, energy), idots!

  20. This blog is the most persuasive evidence available that the United States is populated by morons, imbeciles and cretins.God save us all.

    1. This particular posting is proving your point. Yes, God help us.

    2. Yes, funny isn't it some are still Bigfoot curious enough to come here.

  21. Nick b are u supposed to be the ultimate bad asset or something no matter what any anom posts I'm sure they are not a scareI'd of you

  22. And yes I have found proof the the phenomenon is real in my personal opinion they are just large apes and decendents of giant A......I have found and experienced proof from Georgia, Florida and California and I don't find it to be any great mystery anymore ...accually when I am in a very remote area I'm accually surprised if I don't find " their " signs.......facto friendo

  23. And yes I have found proof the the phenomenon is real in my personal opinion they are just large apes and decendents of giant A......I have found and experienced proof from Georgia, Florida and California and I don't find it to be any great mystery anymore ...accually when I am in a very remote area I'm accually surprised if I don't find " their " signs.......facto friendo

  24. Nick b are u supposed to be the ultimate bad asset or something no matter what any anom posts I'm sure they are not a scareI'd of you


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