Finding Bigfoot Investigating Michigan Sightings This Week

The Finding Bigfoot team will be holding a town hall meeting tomorrow in Northern Michigan. They will be in the area conducting investigations until April 11. According BFRO investigators, Michigan is probably one of the hottest spots in the country for Bigfoot activities, outside of the Pacific Northwest.

‘Finding Bigfoot’ filming for several days in area
By Tim Barnum

HOUGHTON LAKE — The Animal Planet series “Finding Bigfoot” plans to record a town hall meeting at the Houghton Lake Playhouse April 5, which will give the cast of the show leads on investigations in search of the elusive sasquatch.

Josh Jurgess, a production assistant for the show, said the expedition that begins with the Houghton Lake town hall, where witnesses can share stories about their Bigfoot sightings, is the first time the show has filmed in Michigan.

Jurgess added The Bigfoot Field Research Organization, which includes the members of the show’s cast, has listed several potential sightings in the area.

“There’s been numerous sightings in Northern Michigan,” he said. “It’s really exciting that we’re going to be doing some investigations.”

True to the show’s form, Jurgess said the cast and crew of the show will conduct investigations at night in locations consistent with sightings in the region.

BFRO investigator Don Peer, who investigates sightings in Northern Michigan, said he has lobbied for the show to visit Michigan.

“I’ve been trying to get them here for a while,” he said. “Because Michigan’s probably one of the hottest spots in the country, outside the Pacific Northwest.”

Those who attend the meeting April 5 will likely appear on the show when it airs, according to Jurgess.

“Basically, everyone’s going to have to sign an appearance release,” he said.

Seating at the town hall begins at 6 p.m. and the cameras start rolling around 7 p.m., Jurgess said. He added depending on the number of eyewitness testimonies, the town hall could go late into the night.

“It could go till about 10:30 p.m.,” he said.

The “Finding Bigfoot” gang will be in the area until April 11 conducting its investigation, Jurgess said.

Peer said he conducted an expedition in the area last year.

“We did an actual expedition last year,” he said. “We had real good results. That was in Oscoda County, in the Huron National Forest.”

Phil Shaw, a West Branch resident and Bigfoot enthusiast, said he will “absolutely” be at the town hall in Houghton Lake. Shaw said he is glad the show is filming nearby.

“It just gives more publicity to the possible existence,” he said. “I think that people will realize that really, there’s a lot of evidence that these creatures exist right here in Michigan.”

Shaw said he is sure there are sasquatch in the area. He said Saint Helen resident Jim Finlayson has photos of a Bigfoot footprint; and several stick structures and broken trees in the vicinity of where Finlayson snapped the print photo are further evidence of sasquatch presence.

“I’m convinced they exist,” he said. “I’ve gathered over 25 incidents of what I consider Bigfoot activity.”

In an article in the Ogemaw Herald in July 2009, Shaw said he believes he and his wife saw a sasquatch in 2006 while on vacation in New Bruns­wick, Canada.

Shaw had one request for people attending the meeting who do not believe in Bigfoot.

“Have an open mind,” he said.

While at the meeting, Peer said he hopes to hear reports of sightings or instances of Bigfoot activity that has not yet been reported to the BFRO.

Michigan also holds an annual Bigfoot Bash sponsored by the Michigan Magazine Museum. During their second annual event, The Kid On Vacation Connor and The Dad traveled to Comins and interviewed some folks:


  1. Cute video. The best part of the Finding Bigfoot show is the eye witness reports. Love that part. SWP

  2. Unrelated: Dr. Ketchum is no longer on the Erickson website as team member, is this new or am I lost?

    1. She commented on her facebook page about that a month or so ago.

  3. I met Don Peer and a few of his research friends last summer at the Bigfoot Bash. They are very serious guys and spend a lot of time in the woods and also investigation of BFRO Michigan Reports. It is his passion and love and they do a tremendous job. His teenage son actually had an actual sighting. Maybe it will make the show. I go to the Huron National Forest whenever I can and have found a tepee structure and have heard long distance wales at night, and my nephews and myself had stones thrown at our camp one night in the Oscoda area they are talking about. In the same forest only in Iosco County is where my friend Rob had a close sighting while bowhunting that scared him so bad that he has never hunted again. He never thought much about Bigfoot before, but he knows now.

    Best of luck to all who take part.


    1. I actually wish Finding Bigfoot would spend more time on witness encounters.

      Chuck about your friend Rob, seems like that often happens to hard, tough seasoned hunters who have met Bigfoot.

  4. When I was a kid we had a cabin on Ocqueoc Lake by Hammond Bay, Michigan. My brother and cousin went to town, leaving me in the cabin as it got dark. Since the windows were uncovered, I kept glancing at them, my imagination running wild with images of monsters peeking in. Finally, I decided to do something to take my mind off of being in an isolated cabin in the pitch black woods, so I decided to sweep the floor. I collected the dirt in my dustpan, opened the front door to throw it out when something right in front of me let out the loudest, most blood curdling scream ever. I almost fainted, but managed to slam and lock the door before racing for a rifle. I never did know what it was.

  5. Good story,that would have been the last time I stayed there by myself for sure.

  6. Anyone know where I can find good sighting information related to Michigan besides bfro?

    1. Oregon Bigfoot has a few. Even better ones are on the Gulf Coast Bigfoot. Really good one takes place in the Upper Peninsula near Trout Lake, at an old abandoned house along a railroad track.


  7. Looking foward to this episode!..The Foley swamp near Mio, is infamous for bigfoot sightings!....Ken


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