Watch What Bigfooting Is Like Without A Camera Crew Following You Around

Bart Cutino, BFRO member, shared this video with us showing the different techniques/strategies they employ under very limited time (under a week). Unlike the Bigfoot researchers you see on TV, these guys all have regular jobs to go back home to, so they understand the constraints between everyday life and Bigfooting.

In the field with California's North Coast researchers Robert Leiterman, Bart Cutino and Rowdy Kelley:


  1. And this is why Finding Bigfoot is the way it is, "made for TV". Real Bigfooting is boring and very geeky. Plus everything is green.

  2. I know both these guys (bart and lieterman) well and have grown to respect them as good researchers and people. last year they video documented an aggressive tree damage bluff display and unlike many researchers who see bigfoots everywhere they are knowledgeable, no BS and carefully document and share there ongoing research activities. i know besides him being so passionate about tis subject, bart works in the financial world (hope i got that right) and is now father to not one, but two young deaf children, yet somehow still manages to get out quite a bit and contribute to bigfootin in lots of ways. thanks for shawn for sharing!

  3. Good job guys. What software do you use to edit the video? Sony Vegas?

  4. Did you have Thermal & IR with Bobo or only audio ?

  5. Bart and Robert are great field researchers. The thing is, Robert and Bart are close friends and associates of Matt and Bobo, and probably learned most of these techniques from hanging out in the field with Bobo and the BFRO. I know, as these guys are friends of mine, too, and I've been out in the woods with all of them. What you see on the TV show is stuff that the TV producers want them to do, for the camera, and for entertainment value and drama.

    1. i see from his blog that RL is finally figuring out who the trusted keeper of sierra killings boots is (bart). I've known this as a fact for a long time as I also know both he and smeja don't trust ketchum as far as they can throw her. I also know for a fact that bart will only allow completely independent examination of the boots because of non-circum nature to allged shootings and importance as evid. (Barts own words) he also hinted on Mnbrt show. Personally I really have a hard time believing 2 guys can kill a sasquatch and leave the body but if somehow they did, at least someone very reputable is not blindly following ketchum and praising her big study.

      by the way, good video and I like their work, however to be honest they need to make some new material and ditch some of the old tired bfro techniques imo. i guess as shawn said though when you can't be out long do to responsibilities. peace!!!!

  6. granted this isn't the most entertaining vid, but kudos to all of these guys for keeping it real

    1. You want entertaining watch Finding Bigfoot, Now you can see just how much of Finding Bigfoot is left up to the producers to make it entertaining, it's not always entertaining in the real world of research.But all of them give it a good try.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video guys. I don`t feel so defeated now. I wish I had half that gear!
    If any of you ever make it to Alberta, I`d be happy to point you to some interesting areas.
    Keep up the search.

  8. Excellent guys!! I enjoy following what these guys are up too as Bart is one of the more respected players in the field in my opinion and from what I've seen and heard, never takes a night off while in the woods.


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