Photos Of The Day: Autumn Forest Goes To Finding Bigfoot Town Hall, Bigfoot Wildlife Sightings
Below are photos of Autumn Forest at the Finding Bigfoot Town Hall Meeting in Payson, AZ. She's appears in every photo! You can read her review here.
Article from
Monster Mob
Hundreds crowd into the Oxbow to hear 19 people recount sightings of the Mogollon Monster
Hundreds of people filled a haunted saloon to overflowing Thursday night to listen to a parade of Rim Country residents describe close encounters of the Bigfoot kind as the TV cameras rolled.
Nineteen people recounted sightings of the Mogollon Monster, including one not far from The Home Depot in Payson.
The Animal Planet show “Finding Bigfoot” organized the “town hall” in the historic Oxbow Saloon to record firsthand accounts of sightings of the 6- to 8-foot-tall, shaggy, upright-walking creature.
Show host Matt Moneymaker said the event drew one of the biggest crowds and the most sightings in the show’s history. The show’s producers didn’t know when the Payson episode might run. The show features field expeditions to places with reported sightings — and re-enactments of reported encounters.
The cameras rolled for two hours as the people who claimed actual sightings told their tales. Another 20 people raised their hands at the outset when asked whether they’d heard the cry of the Mogollon Monster. An additional 30 people raised their hands when asked if someone they knew personally had described a sighting.
The genial hosts talked each witness through their sighting, keeping the show moving and the mood light. The show hosts included Moneymaker, biologist Ranae Holland and “Bobo” James Faye.
Tyler Peters led off with the sighing of a gigantic creature in the forest near Oxbow Estates, where he and his friend were setting off firecrackers. They heard screams off in the woods and set out to investigate early in February when they spotted a tall, black figure he estimated at 7 to 8 feet tall about 100 yards from the nearest house.
“I thought it was a Bigfoot right away,” said Peters.
Kevin Brownwell said he saw the creature 25 years ago while hunting elk near Pine. He spotted the creature following him at a distance of about 200 yards.
“I would have paid more attention, but I was freaking out at the time. I’ve hunted bear and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen.”
Then nine months ago he went back roading up Four Peaks in the snow. He was actually looking for his cell phone, which he lost when he’d gotten stuck.
He told friends about the tracks.
“Everyone was saying, ‘maybe Bigfoot will call you on your phone.’”
So he took the doubters back up the mountain and photographed the tracks in the snow. He said he wears a size 12 boot, but these tracks where nearly 12 inches longer and four inches wider than his own.
Mickey Decker said he spotted a huge creature near his house in Christopher Creek in June of 2000. He said the motion sensor light of his neighbor often came on when deer, elk and other creatures moved past the house. He liked to sneak up on animals that had activated the light to enjoy the wildlife. One night he crept up the slope behind his house when that light went on, only to confront a “giant man, very hairy,” at a distance of about 50 feet.
Startled, the creature roared. “It was a scream, a growl, a howl. I turned and ran as fast as I could.”
William Newell and his 6-year-old son Remington, who live in Tonto Basin, got the biggest applause of the night — thanks to Remington’s commentary perched safely in his father’s arms.
Newell said he had crossed Apache Lake on a hunting trip and followed three coatimundi up a hill with his son tagging along behind, when he spotted a frightening figure on a ridgeline 250 yards away.
“This thing started screaming and shaking this mesquite tree. It definitely wasn’t a bear. Then it just walked off,” said Newell.
Chirping up from his daddy’s arms, Remington explained. “It was this big thing. It looked like a Bigfoot. That’s why I ran back to the boat so I could get back to my truck.”
The crowed laughed and clapped.
So Remington cupped his hands to his mouth and imitated the howl of the Mogollon Monster.
More applause.
John Hughes, a Lower Round Valley teenager, said he had his encounter playing basketball at night under the lights in his back yard. The ball rolled down the driveway and when he went to retrieve it, he found himself staring into yellow eyes set in the wrinkled face of a cinnamon-brown creature that towered over his 6-foot fence.
“I ran back to the house as fast as I could,” said Hughes.
“Have you seen anything since that night?” asked Holland.
“No. We moved,” said Hughes, getting another big laugh from the audience.
Todd Gilchrist, Shawn Makil and Kristine Kitchens showed up with the enormous plaster cast of a footprint they found on the road to Young, after they rounded a corner on the dirt road in the darkness and saw a towering figure standing some 20 feet off the road, illuminated by the headlights.
“I was scared to death,” said Kitchens. “This thing was humongous. I never, ever, never thought I would see such a thing.”
Steve Vallie said he had two sightings staying at a campsite near Knoll Lake where several friends had also reported encounters. He went equipped with a night vision scope and “sound traps” to record calls of the creature.
In one case, he glimpsed the creature running between a gap in the trees near the campsite.
In the second case, he and his nephew used “tree knocks” and calls to try to find one of the creatures. At one point, they got an answering whoop. They shifted through the forest trying to get a glimpse of the creature, which trailed them back to camp.
“We started hearing this very, very light footprint — like a ninja,” said Vallie.
They finally turned in time to see the creature step behind a tree, leaving only its hand visible. They stood and stared at that hand through their night vision scope for about three minutes, before the creature slipped away. Vallie said the spot on the trunk where the creature rested its hand was 69 inches above the ground.
David Bingle of Pinetop, a linguist and former Naval Intelligence officer, said he was driving at about 45 miles an hour along Highway 260 and mile marker 301 when he saw something running at terrific speed alongside the road. The creature then went down on all fours as though it were bending to pick up something as he flashed past in the car.
He had a second encounter in May of last year when he heard a scream in the forest. “I heard something that sounded like it had (linguistic) structure,” said Bingle. “Then it stopped.”
But the sighting that came closest to home came from Benny Rodriguez and Josh Higgens, who said they live near Home Depot.
“We started climbing this hill and started hearing kind of heavy breathing and grunting sounds,” said Rodriguez.
They then spotted a creature standing 8 to 9 feet tall, with black hair and black eyes in a gray, wrinkled face. “It was doing something with the tree,” said Rodriguez. “It kind of freaked us out. It started really coming closer, so we went faster the other way.
“Do you have anything to add?” Moneymaker asked Higgens.
“He pretty much covered it.”
“It was definitely Bigfoot,” said Rodriquez.
“A bigfoot,” corrected Moneymaker.
The one skeptical note of the evening was sounded by Margarette Young, an East Verde Estates writer of children’s books, who opened with “I am a fairy.”
She said “I live by a river. Sometimes I walk in the moonlight. I’ve seen fairies and magic fireflies. I believe I’ve seen what you’re all talking about. You’ll never find it. You’ll never see a video. You’ll never collect hair. You’re all describing a hobgoblin. I believe it’s a spirit.”
“But we do have a video,” said Bobo patiently.
“But it’s a hobgoblin,” said Young.
“Then we have a video of a hobgoblin,” quipped Bobo.
Big laugh.
And a good time had by all.
Hundreds crowd into the Oxbow to hear 19 people recount sightings of the Mogollon Monster
Hundreds of people filled a haunted saloon to overflowing Thursday night to listen to a parade of Rim Country residents describe close encounters of the Bigfoot kind as the TV cameras rolled.
Nineteen people recounted sightings of the Mogollon Monster, including one not far from The Home Depot in Payson.
The Animal Planet show “Finding Bigfoot” organized the “town hall” in the historic Oxbow Saloon to record firsthand accounts of sightings of the 6- to 8-foot-tall, shaggy, upright-walking creature.
Show host Matt Moneymaker said the event drew one of the biggest crowds and the most sightings in the show’s history. The show’s producers didn’t know when the Payson episode might run. The show features field expeditions to places with reported sightings — and re-enactments of reported encounters.
The cameras rolled for two hours as the people who claimed actual sightings told their tales. Another 20 people raised their hands at the outset when asked whether they’d heard the cry of the Mogollon Monster. An additional 30 people raised their hands when asked if someone they knew personally had described a sighting.
The genial hosts talked each witness through their sighting, keeping the show moving and the mood light. The show hosts included Moneymaker, biologist Ranae Holland and “Bobo” James Faye.
Tyler Peters led off with the sighing of a gigantic creature in the forest near Oxbow Estates, where he and his friend were setting off firecrackers. They heard screams off in the woods and set out to investigate early in February when they spotted a tall, black figure he estimated at 7 to 8 feet tall about 100 yards from the nearest house.
“I thought it was a Bigfoot right away,” said Peters.
Kevin Brownwell said he saw the creature 25 years ago while hunting elk near Pine. He spotted the creature following him at a distance of about 200 yards.
“I would have paid more attention, but I was freaking out at the time. I’ve hunted bear and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen.”
Then nine months ago he went back roading up Four Peaks in the snow. He was actually looking for his cell phone, which he lost when he’d gotten stuck.
He told friends about the tracks.
“Everyone was saying, ‘maybe Bigfoot will call you on your phone.’”
So he took the doubters back up the mountain and photographed the tracks in the snow. He said he wears a size 12 boot, but these tracks where nearly 12 inches longer and four inches wider than his own.
Mickey Decker said he spotted a huge creature near his house in Christopher Creek in June of 2000. He said the motion sensor light of his neighbor often came on when deer, elk and other creatures moved past the house. He liked to sneak up on animals that had activated the light to enjoy the wildlife. One night he crept up the slope behind his house when that light went on, only to confront a “giant man, very hairy,” at a distance of about 50 feet.
Startled, the creature roared. “It was a scream, a growl, a howl. I turned and ran as fast as I could.”
William Newell and his 6-year-old son Remington, who live in Tonto Basin, got the biggest applause of the night — thanks to Remington’s commentary perched safely in his father’s arms.
Newell said he had crossed Apache Lake on a hunting trip and followed three coatimundi up a hill with his son tagging along behind, when he spotted a frightening figure on a ridgeline 250 yards away.
“This thing started screaming and shaking this mesquite tree. It definitely wasn’t a bear. Then it just walked off,” said Newell.
Chirping up from his daddy’s arms, Remington explained. “It was this big thing. It looked like a Bigfoot. That’s why I ran back to the boat so I could get back to my truck.”
The crowed laughed and clapped.
So Remington cupped his hands to his mouth and imitated the howl of the Mogollon Monster.
More applause.
John Hughes, a Lower Round Valley teenager, said he had his encounter playing basketball at night under the lights in his back yard. The ball rolled down the driveway and when he went to retrieve it, he found himself staring into yellow eyes set in the wrinkled face of a cinnamon-brown creature that towered over his 6-foot fence.
“I ran back to the house as fast as I could,” said Hughes.
“Have you seen anything since that night?” asked Holland.
“No. We moved,” said Hughes, getting another big laugh from the audience.
Todd Gilchrist, Shawn Makil and Kristine Kitchens showed up with the enormous plaster cast of a footprint they found on the road to Young, after they rounded a corner on the dirt road in the darkness and saw a towering figure standing some 20 feet off the road, illuminated by the headlights.
“I was scared to death,” said Kitchens. “This thing was humongous. I never, ever, never thought I would see such a thing.”
Steve Vallie said he had two sightings staying at a campsite near Knoll Lake where several friends had also reported encounters. He went equipped with a night vision scope and “sound traps” to record calls of the creature.
In one case, he glimpsed the creature running between a gap in the trees near the campsite.
In the second case, he and his nephew used “tree knocks” and calls to try to find one of the creatures. At one point, they got an answering whoop. They shifted through the forest trying to get a glimpse of the creature, which trailed them back to camp.
“We started hearing this very, very light footprint — like a ninja,” said Vallie.
They finally turned in time to see the creature step behind a tree, leaving only its hand visible. They stood and stared at that hand through their night vision scope for about three minutes, before the creature slipped away. Vallie said the spot on the trunk where the creature rested its hand was 69 inches above the ground.
David Bingle of Pinetop, a linguist and former Naval Intelligence officer, said he was driving at about 45 miles an hour along Highway 260 and mile marker 301 when he saw something running at terrific speed alongside the road. The creature then went down on all fours as though it were bending to pick up something as he flashed past in the car.
He had a second encounter in May of last year when he heard a scream in the forest. “I heard something that sounded like it had (linguistic) structure,” said Bingle. “Then it stopped.”
But the sighting that came closest to home came from Benny Rodriguez and Josh Higgens, who said they live near Home Depot.
“We started climbing this hill and started hearing kind of heavy breathing and grunting sounds,” said Rodriguez.
They then spotted a creature standing 8 to 9 feet tall, with black hair and black eyes in a gray, wrinkled face. “It was doing something with the tree,” said Rodriguez. “It kind of freaked us out. It started really coming closer, so we went faster the other way.
“Do you have anything to add?” Moneymaker asked Higgens.
“He pretty much covered it.”
“It was definitely Bigfoot,” said Rodriquez.
“A bigfoot,” corrected Moneymaker.
The one skeptical note of the evening was sounded by Margarette Young, an East Verde Estates writer of children’s books, who opened with “I am a fairy.”
She said “I live by a river. Sometimes I walk in the moonlight. I’ve seen fairies and magic fireflies. I believe I’ve seen what you’re all talking about. You’ll never find it. You’ll never see a video. You’ll never collect hair. You’re all describing a hobgoblin. I believe it’s a spirit.”
“But we do have a video,” said Bobo patiently.
“But it’s a hobgoblin,” said Young.
“Then we have a video of a hobgoblin,” quipped Bobo.
Big laugh.
And a good time had by all.
Below: Two of the wildlife sightings at Rock Creek Park Nature Center are Bigfoot. Conspiracy?
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Well i always thought this lady really had no clue of what she was talking about. As she is constantly chiming in on every post. And at least half of the ones i have read are just the typical ignorant armachair skeptic comments we all are so sick of hearing. And seeing these pictures with the laughing stock of the bigfoot community, MM, confirms any doubt. If anyone should be looked for to provide bigfoot advice thats named Autumn, it would be Autumn Williams. At least she knows what she is talking about and doesnt just throw out random ideas and comments about things she has no clue about.
ReplyDeleteNameless people have no right to express themselves. Grow a pair and give your name and face, you sad sack.
DeletePull that stick out of yer ass Anon. John
DeleteOf course they do (have a right to express themselves). This is a free country, dear. Don't take things so personally!
DeleteI never thought of Autumn as a skeptic because she has had her own experience with Bigfoot.
DeleteSkeptics aren't the only ones who question evidence. Just because some people believe Sasquatch exist doesn't mean all evidence presented is accepted as facts.
Growin bullocks! It's what Gordon Ramsey taught me to do!
DeleteAnyway, Autumnforest has a pair bigger than many men in the BF community or otherwise. You go girl!
DeleteThe word "skeptic" has a different meaning with regard to BF. I concider myself skeptical of MOST things (especially when pertaining to people's motives), yet I am a proponent of BF's existance... just not certain claims. Being skeptical of things doesn't equate to disbelief. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with the baseless claims that come from BF's common opponents ("HOAX", "MAN IN SUIT", "THAT'S A BEAR", "LIAR!"), as those are childishly argumentative and offer nothing else.
DeleteKeep it comin' and keep us honest, Autum!
Intelligent, BF-loving redhead? Yeah, I'm in... ;)
David from the PAC/NW
DeleteJeez it's getting a little loony around here if Autumn gets stuck with the tag of an "armchair skeptic".
ReplyDeleteThanks. Yes, well, it only takes one loon--a cowardly one.
DeleteBut then again, don't let it bring you down. I catch all kinds of hell on her for daring to ask for empirical evidence and critical thinking. i'm still alive and enjoying life, so apparently being called names on the internet isn't so important!! :-p
ReplyDelete*her* should be here
Deletebigfooting chicks are hot
ReplyDeleteBigfootin' gals do it in the woods.
DeleteDown for some wood knockin'!!! lol, jk
DeleteThanks for the report, Autumn. Sounds fun. Was the Waite clan there?
ReplyDeleteGreat write up Autumn. Much more information here than we get off the show. I just love the teenager John Hughes frightening experience playing basketball. I have been saying for some time now some days these creatures are going to wind up in the NFL and NBA. Apparently one bigfoot is already getting lessons.
Lol Now we know where all those basketballs go that disappear when they go over the roof.
DeleteAll they gotta do is get Lamar Odoms wife in the league. She is eseentially a hairless sasquatch. (only im sure BF is prettier)
Hi Autumn, I knew you were on an adventure. Glad you're back. Hope you had fun.
ReplyDeleteAlso Autumn, You got MM to smile. That's a rare sight.
DeleteThanks for all the info Autumn. I'm happy you got to meet Matt and Ranae. It must have been a cool experience being at a Town Hall meeting.
ReplyDeleteI'd hit it. :-) ride the ripple?
DeleteHey!!!!! Autumn is the bomb and never presents herself, her ideas, or her logic in a pathetic, self serving, unrealistic way. It's always focused and to the point- take the time to actually check out what she's about by visiting her blog and check yourself before you come her blasting......Just saying
ReplyDeleteHey Autumn, did Ranae grab your ass when the pic was snapped? Did Money and Bobo smoke you out afterwards?
ReplyDeleteUmmm???? Too easy. So I shall just retire for the evening.
Totally not my story....This was part Karl's Story, part mine....They messed it up BAD!
ReplyDelete"Steve Vallie said he had two sightings staying at a campsite near Knoll Lake where several friends had also reported encounters. He went equipped with a night vision scope and “sound traps” to record calls of the creature.
In one case, he glimpsed the creature running between a gap in the trees near the campsite.
In the second case, he and his nephew used “tree knocks” and calls to try to find one of the creatures. At one point, they got an answering whoop. They shifted through the forest trying to get a glimpse of the creature, which trailed them back to camp.
“We started hearing this very, very light footprint — like a ninja,” said Vallie.
They finally turned in time to see the creature step behind a tree, leaving only its hand visible. They stood and stared at that hand through their night vision scope for about three minutes, before the creature slipped away. Vallie said the spot on the trunk where the creature rested its hand was 69 inches above the ground."
AutumnForest.....Great review, and THANK YOU for the wonderful compliment. It was great to sit with you as well. I was also quite honored!
ReplyDeleteFascinating, we have an article written by Pete Aleshire and photos of ; well photos of Autumn. And then more photos of Autumn. If Autumn is a writer why did Pete author this post? Was she looking for the Ghost of Bigfoot? Autumn seems to enjoy leaving a trail of snarky comments and advice on this forum, and given her frequent criticism towards posters on this site; it is surprising to me, to find this post so devoid of substance.
ReplyDeleteI believe that is your OPINION only. I love her quick wit and once again it is easy to HIDE behind Anonymous and say these things.
DeleteI suspect you're jealous, scorned or a recepient of her well deserved criticism. And frankly the post only appears to be devoid of substance to only a few trolls.
LOL so transparent.
Jealous jealous jealous. Can't you guys find any other reason to criticize a logical question? And who are you, exactly? You scorn anonymous posters while posting under the name BLONDIE? 'LOL so transparent' (another useless term tossed out by the vocabulary-challenged).
DeleteYes I use Blondie because that's what I've been called all my life.
DeleteCan't you find some kind of name to post under if you're so determined to critique others.
You can go back through the topics and find my posts but who can find yours? There are tons of anonymous posts. Sorry you don't think your posts are worthy of individualization. It's my opinion that says a lot.
You're pretty funny at least you're post at 9:36 am made me smile.
Oh good grief let me correct the sentence before the last one in my post.. was supposed to be-IN MY OPINION that says a lot.
DeleteIf you don't care about using an identifying name that's your business but don't come down on me because I have chosen one(my nickname to those who know me) to use over and over. At least, if someone takes an issue with what I say they know who to address it to.
You have a good day Mrs,Mr or Ms Anonymous at 9:36 am.
It is a beautiful day here and I'm spending it outside.
You're the one accusing others of HIDING behind "Anonymous" (because they are so obviously 'jealous' of those you support). Since it's so important to you, why are you still not saying who YOU are?
DeleteMy name is Emiliee Katz. What's yours?
DeleteYou're not getting my phone number, address or social security number.
See Shawn I told you no one would be able to figure out I'm your Mother but I guess the jig is up now. Sorry honey.
My name is Anonymous. I find it sad to see your (and Autumn's) double standard with regard to remarks from my brethren Anons. When you agree, it's "Great post!" (quoting you)... or as above, Autumn early on announced "Nameless people have no right to express themselves..." BEFORE her "kisses" response to some bollucks comment and her flirty "bigfootin' gals do it in the woods" responses to Anons. Be consistent or shut up about it.
DeletePS: I actually complimented Autumn above, but guess I need to flirt before she'll answer my question.
Yep just like I thought!
DeleteIf I used Anonymous no one would know about my consistency would they?
DeleteYou, yourself have just proven why it is good to have an identifying posting name.
You can go back and identify contradictions of others but by staying safe with anonymous no one can accuse you of that, isn’t that a bit cowardly? That is my objection.
One definitely can’t be held accountable with a million other Anons.
If I use anonymous and then no one can point to contradictions I make!
Naw, I don’t mind being held accountable. I’ve even been known to change my mind before by information presented.
No sense discussing it further if you don't see the hypocrisy of your user name "Blondie" calling out an Anon... UNLESS the Anon agrees with you. Then it's quite alright.
ReplyDeleteYet another (all be it different) Sad Sack here wondering if MM and Ranea complimented AF on her rack? AF Rock'n the Cleav!
ReplyDeleteWow. Funny how after this article all people seem to want to do is talk about Autumn!