The Extinct? Podcast Episode 1 [Podcast]

This is it ladies and gentlemen, the secret project we've been working on. Michael Merchant (SnowWalkerPrime), Damian Bravo (Sasquatch Lives?), Ro Sahebi (Extinct?) and Bigfoot Evidence have been discussing about a radio podcast show for some time now and this is the first of many shows to come. Unfortunately, I was unable to make it to this recording, but I'll try my best to make it next time.

Topics: Sierra Kills, Bigfoot Genetic Mutuation, Mushrooms

Watch below:


  1. Freaking awesome--and you know I have a crush on SWP. This is really cool.

    1. Autumn...really? He is so...unsure of himself?? False bravado? Dunno. Just a vibe. Think you did better with the obnoxious Naturalist dude.

    2. Okay, am I insane or is that SWP in the Harley Hoffman video on Youtube?

    3. Come to think of it, I've never seen them together at the same time.

  2. These guys are cool. I enjoyed listening to them. I can agree on a lot of what they say and their thought line. But a lot of their comments are off base in regards to the sierra event. They are just being armchair quarter backs and don't realize what's going on behind the scene. If they tried to get information somewhere besides the internet and talked to the many people involved they might realize there might be something to this

  3. This show was fun to make, but we missed Shawn's presence... next time buddy!

    To address the above comment... this is a weekly show, I totally agree that there is always more to the story, and anyone involved is more than welcome to contact us and tell their side of the story. We have reached out to some people in regard to some stories, but I think it took doing the first episode to get people to take notice. If we are wrong... please, please, please come on the show and tell us so. We are very open to the idea :)

  4. Now...That was a Jam Session!

  5. Ro does a great job, very entertaining and good to hear them discuss SOME importatnt topics. Can't wait for the next one.

  6. cant wait to see the photos hes posting tomorrow.

    1. The picture is in the interview which was released this afternoon:

  7. Friggin' awesome!!!

    Well done, guys!!!

  8. Very enjoyable group to listen to, thanks guys!

  9. I hope these guys take over the Sas world. They are REAL and...hilarious!!!!


  10. You guys sound like such stoners. But seriously enjoyed the whole hour. Keep up the the good work, really refreshing to see that you aren't pushing a specific Bigfoot doctrine and keeping all the possibilities on the table. Haven't read much on here lately but was happy to see this posted here today. Thanks, John

  11. Not bad. The humor is funny. Keepin it real and talking about things that go through our minds.
    Just be sure you don't burn any bridges.
    Some stories may be real, and all of them may not be...but if they are...
    ~Lindsay Broughton

  12. Hey, will this be available on iTunes for download?

  13. I don't understand know one really knows anything about these creatures other then they walk around, how do you know they are such loving creatures. Please don't compare them to humans because we are killing each other at an unGodly rate. We know nothing about these creatures folks.

  14. Awesome job. Really enjoyed listening. Waiting for the next show. Thanks foe doing this

  15. This was great. I'll certainly be tuning in in the future.

  16. Hope you'll still be posting the podcast here, Shawn. Agree they sort of went into stoners-around-the-campfire mode the last 15 or so... maybe 45 minutes would be better. Or don't make it a rule that it must be 60 min if you guys are fading.

    Also, there wasn't any of the "a lot happened this week" as promised at the beginning. The Sierra Kills topic was well beaten to death a long time ago as we await Dr Ketchum's report. Still something to talk about for sure, but not for 30 min.

  17. Notice how Snowball is totally "knowledgable" on the subject of Mushrooms. I knew there was an alternate reason for the biology degree. Dude, send me some of that killer bud your growing up there, but I'll leave the tripping to you, the effects are showing!

    I don't really care Dude, but it makes Matts theory on bigfoot and cows------ A lot less wierd.

    You guys go down the same hypothosizing path, thats ok------ But you bang on others for the same.

    You should do a show about psycodelics, a true expert!

    1. Rick, it is called the study of Mycology. I am a regional field expert in edible mushrooms. In case you're keeping track, I've taken grad level course in Entomology (study of insects) and Mycology (study of fungus/Mushrooms) and various other sciency classes. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot)

    2. Yes, Yes ----- you been eating Mushrooms

      But, you know all the exact chemicals in the hallucinagenics!

  18. This was really cool. Bigfoot wonk at its finest! Keep it coming!

  19. Audio version now available on iTUNES:

  20. Many good observations and some great talk here, however SWP you made a statement that rang so true. If bigfoots were like chimps we would not be safe in the woods. I wonder if these creatures are more advanced then humans in the sense about warfare among themselves? Just have never heard any stories about this.



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