Dr. Melba Ketchum Opens Up Platform To Discuss Sasquatch Species Protection

What makes it us humans? Is it our self-awareness and free moral agency? Is it our speech and symbolic cognition? Is it our nimble thumbs? Or is it conscience and our capacity to imagine? These are just a few of the traits that distinguish us from other species.

We know that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans and share nearly 99 percent of our DNA. Scientists are just beginning to understand which parts of the genome set our species apart. If rumors are correct and that Bigfoots are 1/3 of the way from human to chimp, then we might have a very complex social and political issue to deal with-- if these creatures are proven to exist.

Some researchers have been contemplating the likelihood that Bigfoots might be human and are beginning to take small steps toward some kind of legal protection. Once legally declared as humans, they should have the same rights and protections as we do.

Dr. Melba Ketchum is one of those firm believers in protection and have outlined some concerns for their safety, whether they are human or not. According to her publicist, Sally Ramey, until the DNA paper is published, an "umbrella" language is necessary for discussion.

Whatever my results show, it doesn't matter other than to prove that they exist. Protection should be put in place regardless of what they are. They have intelligence and should have the right to live their lives. All primates, and other animals too, have intelligence. Ex. The gorilla that can use sign language. They are not food animals and they are not a danger and their population is not having a negative impact so there is absolutely no reason to hunt them.

So far, the support for "Sasquatch Protection" on Dr. Ketchum's public Facebook page has been immense. Even Canadians are chiming in on the discussion. Sally Ramey is starting a new website and has recently formed a separate Facebook group where supporters can communicate:

Because my inbox has been inundated with people expressing interest in BF protection, I have formed a FB group and I will add all interested parties to the group. This will make communications MUCH more efficient. However, for me to do this you MUST friend me. A lot of you have, but those who have not - please send me a friend request.

Until the species is proven to exist, the biggest question for now is: How do we protect something that science does not recognize? Some believers wonder how it's even possible to enforce such protection. One commenter left a valid question:

How do we protect something that's existence hasn't been proven by modern science? I'm a firm believer the species known as Sasquatch, don't get me wrong, but how would this be accomplished? I know that some places like Skamania County have issued protection rights, but those vary on legitimacy if one was to shed light on it. So, in better terms, why are we trying to protect the species before we recieve legitimate proof of it's existence for the rest of the world to see?

Watch: Jane Goodall on what separates us from the apes


  1. No offense but "Mrs Ketchum...quit cutting the crap with all of this stuff and just release the damn report already...if not...quit the hype"

    1. My question to you is this, in plain and simple English, have you ever written a scientific journal yourself. if not quit your griping and just be patient. If you have ,please explain the process and the neccesary length of time it takes. I am familiar with it so leg me see if you can explain it to everyone.

    2. EXACTLY!! Sorry if the release of this paper is not on YOUR time frame. Have patience!

    3. This is all a Ketchum media circus. We were told in January to check back on Thursday for the release of the paper. Then it became check NBC every Thursday as the paper will be released any week now. Two months later no paper. I agree this whole thing is getting old and tired and now Ketchum is asking for money from us. I have seen this show before.

    4. I will gripe if I damn well please...gripe and continue to gripe some more. My gripe is not with the time involved in the paper etc.. My gripe is with the constant "baiting" and "hyping" of this whole thing. I think Ketchum should "clam it" until this is released and we have some results. We have been told a few times before when this would be released and it wasnt...its her fault not ours. We dont know what this paper is gonna be...for all we know it might not even be anything...I am betting on the latter frankly at this point...sorry

    5. Hopefully that was in plain enough English for you...or should I write this in Spanish?

    6. How in the hell did you arrive at the conclusion that YOUR time frame means anything.
      How did YOU decide that your oppinion means a damn thing about how SHE chooses to market her paper, her websight, herself.
      No-one owes you any explination you self-centered jack-ass.
      NO-ONE ever gave a release date.

      If YOU read her story, she explained completely the process were all waiting on.



      A lot of us like the updates, get a brain!

    7. you erase my comments but leave that racist shit up, FU!

    8. "AnonymousMar 16, 2012 10:37 AM
      This is all a Ketchum media circus. We were told in January to check back on Thursday for the release of the paper. Then it became check NBC every Thursday as the paper will be released any week now. Two months later no paper. I agree this whole thing is getting old and tired and now Ketchum is asking for money from us. I have seen this show before."

      Yeah this is the same crap that you or some other anom keeps spitting out... So I went to a sight that documented EVERYTHING that Dr.Ketchum publicly said. None of that EVER came from her. You seem to be getting this crap from Robert Lindsay's blog. So before spewing anymore of your poison, by all means please send a link with an exact quote by Melba Ketchum that she said any of this.

      The fact is in her OWN words, none of this was ever supposed to be made public to begin with. Lindsay's "Informant" was a disgruntled former associate of hers. DO THE MATH!!!

    9. It is a man in a monkey suit.

  2. I whole-heartedly believe that sasquatch exists. But, until scientific proof is obtained and the main-stream public realizes that the proof is irrefutable, it will be hard to protect a species that majority of the public looks at as mythical. Although 48% of people believe in the possible existence of this creature, the majority does not.

    Arguments will be made to protect unicorns, aliens, etc. etc. etc. by the "its a hoax" camp.

    1. Who isn't for protecting the unicorns? John

    2. The majority doesn't believe because they've been told by mainstream science what to believe, most people can't even think for themselves and they're indifferent to this subject anyway. So skeptics always use that convenient excuse and stupid argument that no one believes in Bigfoot, when most people have no damn clue that's why. Most people have other worries like keeping their job and money, it takes a passionate interest in the subject to know about it and that is precisely why the skeptics attack. Because you know. You know something they don't want you or anybody else to know, so they fight it. And our knowledge endager their position have you noticed, they're the only ones that attack while most people don't care. Should tell you that bigfooters have the long end of the stick, why else would somebody care at all about something supposedly mythical and harmless.

  3. This side stepping diversionary play is further evidence that the "report" is in trouble and probably already has been rejected and she doesn't want to admit it.

    If not Melba prove me wrong

    1. DNA alone will not prove the species any PHD worth thier salt knows this it's going to take a body live or dead. Live is the prefered choice.

    2. You're incorrect sadly, DNA is a body essentially as it is tissue from a body and you can't fake DNA it's either real or it isn't. In this case apparently showing up unknown human primate, what more do you want. The bloodthirsty lunatic fringe audience left don't believe it until they see it, but hey fuck them, proof is proof. Why do you suddenly want to act like some disbelieving Muslim, wanting to see Bin Laden's body or you won't believe he's dead? LOL Same with Gaddafi, Lybians wanted to see his body before they believed it too. Are you that gullible, suddenly science doesn't matter? If there's genuine DNA there's a body out there somewhere, many bodies obviously so one day we'll see a Sasquatch body in the flesh. That is just a matter of time, until then more good video will do and this DNA result.

    3. Actually Ed is making a perfectly sane point. Yes there are unknown animals, even primates, found on a yearly basis but none of them have the stigma surrounding them that Bigfoot does. The new species found often are identified by photographs and then there has to be a DNA test performed by either tranquilizing an animal and taking samples or outright killing a single specimen to properly study. With as many hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the name of Bigfoot no one in main stream society will take a picture, video, footprints, or a DNA study headed by a Veterinarian seriously. If the paper has been rejected then this exemplifies the point. If conservation of the species is your goal the smartest thing you could do would be to take a single specimen, call a news conference and allow them to photograph the body. Then announce that you want to donate the body to some entity not associated with bigfootery. My pick would be the Smithsonian as they have the resources to bring in whatever experts might be applicable to the study of a discovery such as this. Just don't try to make money off of it and allow real scientists to get their hands on it, and conservation seems inevitable. Yes, sometimes it is ok to kill one individual to protect an entire species. John

    4. Actually I have spoken to many professionals in thier respected fields bothe commercial and academic and DNA will not prove a spicies by its self .

      Do your home work and then come back becase I have, unless your just a stump Humper for Melba the bitch needs to get a clue because she has failed and she knows it!

    5. Ed, do you suppose were all Waiting on a paper that was turned in for review that says; "Aw shucks, i didn't find noth'in, can you just tell everyone I did"

      Were waiting people because she did find something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    6. "Ed SmithMar 16, 2012 03:11 PM
      Actually I have spoken to many professionals in thier respected fields bothe commercial and academic and DNA will not prove a spicies by its self .

      Do your home work and then come back becase I have, unless your just a stump Humper for Melba the bitch needs to get a clue because she has failed and she knows it!"

      #1 How do you know or how does anyone know? we have never before reversed documented anything by DNA. We documented species by specimen first then documented the DNA... I think to say DNA will not prove something is bulls**t considering the fact you can clone.

    7. The keystone specimen has not been presented to confirm any sample, the use of improper primers can skew results with out this specimen and thus tainted results and faulty report. Undefendable to science.

      A specimen must be quarried so to speak, in order to comfiest any species. These are not my rules.

    8. The keystone specimen has not been acquired to confirm any sample, the use of tainted primers will skew the results of the tests, faulty results + no keystone specimen = rejected report.

      Cloning is not validation, these are not my rules I have had plenty of professionals both private sourced and academic spell it out to me. The rest being a C-Change in our thinking

    9. The result being a C-Change in our thinking.

    10. Okay in her own words, she has more than one sample from various places.

      But again i ask "What rules?" How can their be rules on something that was never before done?

      If it were one sample, yes I can see how there is the possibility it is a genetic mutation. But she has many samples from different places that show the same thing. This cannot be a mutation.

      We use DNA to condemn or liberate convicts down to the individual. Why on earth would DNA of a whole species not be good enough as proof?

      Oh I saw somewhere that someone on here said "What respectable scientist would be asking for money for research." Hmmm this thought scares me. So in other words we do not have respectable scientists working on AIDS research, Cancer research, and MS? Because they are sure as hell asking for money left and right... No wonder no cure has been found yet.

    11. Ok one more time , the key stone specimen must be exsamined usually this thru vivisection ( not acceptable to us) thru X-rays CT scans and MRI this is achievable we have take to many institution s about this process and they shot it down, however on is opento it this is our route.

      But all of the institutions have said DNA by its self will not work even with video photos or other. DNA it not enough..

      Evenn with multi samples defective primer set skews the results.

    12. Sorry about typos I'm in a moving truck in the field

    13. A shame, but Ed doesn't have the first clue what he's talking about. Just about the worst thing you could possibly do with socalled crypto proof is bring in the Smithsonians, probably. According to Ivan Sanderson, they came and took away some enormous bones that air field workers had found during WW2 when drilling into a mountainside in South America, nothing was ever heard of the find again. Big mistake. Then later Robert Morgan spoke with a curator at the Smithsonian who told him they couldn't afford to have bigfoot proven real, as it'd disrupt people's religious beliefs. Words directly from the horse's mouth, government funded as they are. Not that it should matter one bit what the world's religious people think about the truth, this thing's too big and far reaching already meaning bigfoot inevitably will be proven one way or the other by Doctor Ketchum or somebody else. So she would do wise to keep her proof the heck away from those guys, or we may never see what she has.

    14. Anon @ 9:14, Ed said nothing of the Smithsonian, I did. I don't know what other governmental body you would want to study the find for confirmation then. The Smithsonian is hooked in with most Museums of Natural Science within the U.S. what all of you above seem to fail to realize is that Ed is doing his own work on the subject with his own team. Having a token specimen is only logical. Be still your bleeding hearts one moment and get out of the way of real science. John

  4. Protection? WTF I want answers about their human dna... they don't need any protection, their numbers are on the rise and we humans kill and cage everything we can get out hands on. The sas' were watching on the sidelines when we stormed this country and massacred the indians... lesson well learnt... we humans = death.

    Melba get your head out of your ass and give us the DNA dope!!!

    1. Anonumous at 6:29am

      Your first paragraph was excellent and a good post.

      Why did you have to discredit the post with your disrespectful last sentence?

      I don't understand.

  5. I would think they not be given the same rights. because then your going to have people filing for social security, un-employment benefits etc. Then your going to have the odd ball who is going to insist the little guys be placed in public schools..

    At this point they are wild animals, regardless of species.


    1. Good post and good points I suppose you could find a liberal/socialist disguised as a progressive to argue for it.

    2. Oh, I can for sure see this day coming. Thank God there are people like me who have no agenda. I only want to see one as a middle linebacker for the Detroit Lions.


    3. Yep, Pretty soon they will want Sasquatch to be the official state language.

    4. The problem is they couldn't work in the service industry. Who wants someone covered in hair serving their food?

  6. The only thing those that advocate for the protection of bigfoot want to protect is the money trough that believers continue to fill. How can something whose body has never been found dead or alive need protection? Dr. Ketchum will probably try to tell us, at some point,that bigfoot is indeed human and that is why we never realised what the dna recovered all along was. They need a way out of corner they have painted themselves into and the protection angle is as good as any.

    1. "Human" does not only mean "Homo Sapiens"

      "How can something whose body has never been found dead or alive"

      Are you sure about this? Plenty of Hominids in the fossil records and the bone structure matches. And it is proven at least four of them existed concurrent with Homo Sapiens. Where did they go? I find it more likely they simply went where we would not. Swamps, Forests, Jungles and mountains while Homo Sapiens stayed in the grasslands and plains and valleys. (The ideal spots for us.) Thus we would leave fossils because we stayed in the areas that made fossils. Jungles, forests, mountains and swamps will not make fossils.

      Look at the areas where large "New Species" have been found within the last twenty years. No fossil records at all, yet there they were... In the mountains, forests, jungles and swamps.
      Homo sapiens have never spread to these areas. That is why these areas are still rural. We colonize the edges and slowly moved inwards. We are simply not adapted for those environments.

      Makes perfect sense that what we are seeing are the very same things we do have fossils of.

  7. My best guess is that she's hawked her paper to multiple journals and failed multiple times. She is on her last journal and this is the end of the road, either it will pass, or fail. She's putting the cart before the horse and creating a diversion, in anticipation of the final fail. If she's a true scientist, she should be above doing this silly, touchy-feely, do-gooder crap.

    1. your first statements are right on the money, the whole thing reeks of damage control and spin, delay and covering for failure, and you don't see this sort of hand wringing from other sciences or papers. Next you'll hear about the paper being leaked and people being sued for posting it online, and the failure of the paper blamed on leaks. Either way, the blame will be placed somewhere other than where it belongs, on the science being performed, on the submitters and on the head of the project, Ketchum herself.

      But, the last sentence is bunk, loads of true scientists promote conservation and protection and there's nothing wrong with documentation going hand in hand with promotion of conservation.

  8. Replies
    1. I sure don't. Such negative outlook in the light of the greatest discovery in human history, seems to me even bigfooters are against their legend being taken away from them now and into reality. LOL Ahh that's just too bad isn't it, big bad auntie Melba's taking away your lollipop. Why don't you grow up, dammit. How totally pathetic and beyond ridiculous how most people post their inane crap showing this cluelessness, about what science is really dealing with here and how studies are performed and concluded in general. Dr. Ketchum's not stalling or trying to find ways out, she's deadly serious and thank God the field's finally found the right scientist for the job. I'd be extremely disappointed and surprised had she not tried to get protection for the species as I regard her a very caring and special person, have some faith in this people. Many of us know this species is fact already, no amount of bitching and moaning here's gonna stop the positive inevitable end result.

    2. How much did she pay you to write that drivel or are you Melba playing at your little game?

    3. Why don't you just go away now Ed, we get it you don't believe. Big deal. So, is your tosh here supposed to impress us? It's failing by a mile, let me tell you. Most here will never understand, why someone who doesn't think there's any truth to this still musters so much interest in it to throw big rocks about in the road. Leave that to the Bigfoots. Why don't you just shut up about it and wait for the outcome instead of pretending you know something here others don't, because you sure don't do you?

    4. Thanks Melba at least I'm getting my point across. Now just come clean and admit you failed.

  9. Prediction: She will blame her failure on science for being close minded.

    1. It’s probably smarter to wait and see.

  10. I would have to say it would be an uphill battle to try and get protection. Not because it's not "proven to exist" but because the law makers of the various governments would see it as a waste of their time better spent on "real" problems. It needs to be proven to get them to act. That being said, I know that in BC, Canada the Ogopogo (a BC lake monster) has protection in BC. The law states that if the animal does truly exist then it's obviously endangered and therefore needs protection. I am not sure but BC MAY have the same law for Bigfoot, but I am not sure. (I was born in BC and grew up there, that's how I know this).

    But on the subject of the good Doctor releasing her study, I have come to the conclusion that it must be done in such a way so that the negative people in this world won't do her harm. As I was pointing out in my article and followed response that I wrote in defense of Melissa Hovey's photo, there are far too many people in the BF "community" that react very negatively towards anything that they believe is a hoax or does not meet their standard. With the torch burning, lynch mob, "send them to jail" attitude that much of the BF "community" has, she needs to ensure everything is done to the "T" and can't leave any room for doubt or the "skeptics" will have a field day blasting her out of the water. Before I came to this realization, I was getting impatient too. It was the reaction to the Hovey photo that made me realize just how important it is for Dr. Ketchum to get it released through the correct scientific channels, no matter how long that takes. If it’s not done right all the same Hovey haters will react the same way towards her and her work.

    Chad W

    1. Judging from the comments I read on this blog. It would appear that the "torch burning, lynch mob" is already standing in the street with torches burning, ready to pounce on anyone and everyone. Especially Melba Ketchum.

      Why aren't they screaming for Adrian Erikson and David Paulides' blood? They are all part of this team. If there are other scientists that are working on the same things. (I've been told they exist. I've not heard them identified.)Why are those names not being thrown into the mix so that they too can be given over to the wrath of Bigfoot Evidence Blog pontificators?

      This species has been said to have always existed. Why is it so important that Melba Ketchum deliver her report, NOW? Instead of after the report is peer reviewed and either, accepted or rejected.

      If the report is rejected. That in itself does not make the work completely invalid. It simply leaves the Bigfoot question at status quo. No Harm, No Foul.
      Even rejected, the work is done and can be used as reference for future work.

      Is it simply a question of immediate gratification?
      Just trying to understand.

    2. There area lot of us who believe in Sasquatch and are not haters, we just dont believe is the BS that Ketchum is feeding everyone.

    3. Why aren't they screaming for Adrian Erikson and David Paulides' blood?

      Those guys are not trying to hawk a book and a movie while continuously asking the public for cash when their paper is most likely in serious trouble.

    4. Is she asking for cash? Where? I missed that.

      Is there a link you can direct me to so I can read about it?

    5. She is asking for cash for her Sasquatch protection scam on her FB page with out the proper accounting procedures and transparency in place. In addition to the cash needed for her book and movie.


    6. Scientists should not be involved in any way in asking for money. They should publish their work and let it speak for itself.

    7. Good grief, an actual itelligent comment. I had almost given up hope of seeing one after having to read through all the nonsense from all the muppets here who chose to not educate themselves and prefer to just vent their spleen because they have not got the patience or wit to wait for the science. Thank you Chad and the others that understand the process. As for the rest of you, never let truth stand in the way of a good mindless rant, hey! Clearly the probability distribution of IQ's has a very long tail at the low end.

    8. Please stop the false B.S. No money's being asked for. LOL The species will need protection by law once proven real, and that's something else entirely.

    9. I just finished a scientific peer reviewed article that will prove that Aliens are real. They are actually Human/Alien Hybrids with interesting mtDNA markers. My article should out any week now in a known Scientific journal.

      Since I and many others KNOW that Aliens are real with partial human DNA, we feel the need to protect them from any yahoo's out there they may want to harm them.

      I have started a Alien protection fund that will go towards legislation is protecting our Alien brothers. Please donate early and often as every donation helps this just cause.

      I will get back to you with the link for the "Protect Our Alien Brothers Fund"

      BTW, don't wait for my peer reviewed article to come out, as it will come out, any week now, before you make the donations

    10. You trying to be funny or you just naive about Bigfoots? And aliens can take care of themselves just like Bigfoots can.

    11. "Why aren't they screaming for Adrian Erikson and David Paulides' blood?

      Those guys are not trying to hawk a book and a movie while continuously asking the public for cash when their paper is most likely in serious trouble."

      Actually brainiac, David does have a new book out, along with the other 2 he's written. And...Erickson says he does have a movie ready to release when Ketchum's DNA paper is released.

  11. Bigfoot seems to have done an awful good job of protecting itself so far, right? If Bigfoot were proven top exist tomorrow and the woods filled up with hunters, I don't think they would have much luck. The push to protect something that either doesn't exist or is so elusive it has never been caught seems like a silly ruse.

  12. Shawn thanks for this post!
    And, whether or not the 'study" comes out in the fashion predicted (either side!) I don't think we have to wait for proof, or complete understanding to enact appropriate legislation.
    I do believe they have a right to live, and as a free roaming, thinking, self willed, big primate the exisitng laws are not apropriate.
    Granting the Sasquatch the right to live, free from torture, killing, or harassment seems like something we could all rally around?
    It does not follow that all the "rights" we have will flow to Sasuatch if given a the basic right to life.
    The distinctions in law are deep and long. In 1967 we had to pass laws to award minorites "more of American's Majority's rights!"
    Is it really so hard to envision that Sasquatches should have a basic right to life?
    Free from enslavement, or killing, or torture?
    This perhaps shall become a future division of the BF community?
    It won't be the old "ape" or "human" argument, but rather the right to life or not?
    I agree that without "proof" or a well received paper that kind of legislation won't happen. (I wonder could we pass a National Treasure/Mascot Bill as "un-discovered Sasquatch?"...doubt it, maybe the Colbert and his Superpack could take it on).

    1. Excellent post Apehuman. Good to see you posting.

    2. Known humans don't have all the rights you are speaking of, why would sasquatch? Regular US citizens can now be detained without a trial thanks to recent legislation, and you think sasquatch needs our protection? It's unfortunate we don't fight as hard for our own freedoms as we do for those of an as-yet unknown and unproven species.

  13. Perhaps the way to start the ball rolling is through state referendums that come up for the populace to vote on. States have circumvented the legislature very effectively this way. Who could vote no for protection, and the whole process would get awareness out in the public mind much quicker.


    1. I think that is a decent idea, b/c I don't see it as really politically popular to advance such legislation, and sponsers of any bills might be few. Maybe it will be a must, that we as citizens move our Government, I would sign such a petition. Maybe that group will assemble enough people like minded to take on such huge tasks? From drafting such ideas into Bills, and marketing the ideas, and getting signatures...and money? It does sound daunting, so I am glad to see something formal attempted with just that focus.

    2. I'd sign it in a heartbeat. I thought there was one state that already had them listed a protected? Anyone know?

    3. Hey Chuck,
      Can you give me any Proof at all that a Sasquatch has ever been harmed. If they exist, they have done a pretty good job at protecting themselves since no one has ever bagged one, unless you believe all the crazies out there who claim it all the time then have them disappear from their freezers.

      If Sasquatch exists I doubt they need our protection as they have eluded hunters for hundreds of years.

      This is nothing more than a smoke screen from ketchum. You know "dont pay any attention to the man behind the green curtain." Just give us money.

    4. blondie - there is a specific county (I think Wa.)with a specific ordinace and a few states with fairly tough statutory penalties for taking anything "not permited," but that's about it. So, pulling that kind of info into one site is good and that gets traffic?).
      There are a few groups that have taken steps in the past and are...but nothing that has gathered up most of the community...hoping this will?
      Seems to me Finding Bigfoot could promote this type of effort? Even if they all disagree on just what Sasquatch is?
      I must be delusional today? LOL I think we can actually.

    5. What? You have to prove it exists first though. You can't pass legislation on any effective level without absolute proof of the animals existence. The burden of proof lies with the believers, including all of us posting here. John

  14. Yes, we definitely need protection for a species that not only isn't proven to exist, but also hasn't been ever killed by a hunter. Great use of resources.

    1. It’s probably smarter to wait and see.

  15. This is the movement I've been hoping would begin. We hopefully learned a lot when we came to America and settled about how to treat those who lived here long before our arrival. I hope we can use what we learned and be humane co-existants with a population that should have the same protections we have.

    1. I so agree. They also were probably here before the Native Americans if one listens or reads their legends.

      What a great discussion here! No profanity, wonderful.

    2. mankind owes them a living

    3. Only real difference is you can walk into a Wal-Mart in Oklahoma and actually SEE or TOUCH a Native American. Now if I were to SEE Sassy in the automotive section...maybe.

    4. I agree with you, that should be how it works. I strongly doubt it will be the way it happens though. It's human nature to mess with people like this, especially when there is money to be gained or lost depending on it. Right and wrong are not absolutes when dealing with huge corporations, governments, etc. And laws can be sidestepped if enough money or the right persons are involved.

  16. I love Jane Goodall. She is patience personified. I wish she would take more of an active role in this research.

  17. I think the idea behind protection is that it would probley allow a select few the right to go study the sasquatch making it illegal for the average Joe to go out and do the same. There is always a motive behind these actions.

    1. That may happen anyway. That concern could be addressed speciffically in any Bill, better to get involved now than hoping it's allowed under exisitng ESA or USFW regulations.
      Some feel BFs choose to have relationships/friendships of sorts with some of us. Would be hard to limit BF on that ,right?
      Also, what restrictions make sense? No baiting? Most states have some baiting regulations already. Trail cams? hard to enforce that..so what really?
      Injurous, invasive, or harassing methods? Defining that, might make you feel more comfortable. What is invasive, injurous type research?
      We want professionals and their data, I do anyway. I want to read a study from the Goodall Institute, not JOE Bigfoot...
      So, I wouldn't be upset if amateurs who harrass, or injure (however defined) were forbidden to do so.

  18. What the hell are you goons talking about, signing bills, etc. There'll be no signing bills when this species is proven to exist, it'll be a natural given fact that they're protected. Goes without saying even. If they're human of some kind it's a crime to harm them. Period. Even apes no civilized modern nation will hunt, so forget about that shit. Man, this naivity is killing me. LOL

    1. Although your post is confident, it is not accurate.

    2. Gorillas are being poached to this day.


    3. The protection sought is more about the land it lives on than the animals themselves. John

    4. Particular groups of Humans always have and always will be persecuted, abused, and exploited. It is happening right now, today, with normal humans recognized by science. YOU are the naive one here, if you think it will magically be different with sasquatch.

      That said, I say wait till we have proof and know the nature of these sasquatch before we even begin discussing what to do about them. The facts may change everyone's preconceived notions about them.

    5. Africa is not a civilized modern continent Chuck, it's currently classified as belonging to the third world.

    6. Of course the facts will change most people's preconceived notions of what a Sasquatch is, there won't be any doubt what they are because there's only one thing they can be. Human. There are no wild bipedal apes anywhere on this planet I feel certain of that, but most people still have it in their heads it's an animal and as long as Matt Moneymaker goes around promoting that idea naivety on the loose shall rule supreme.

    7. Well, if you're certain...oh wait, that's right, you have no idea just like the rest of us.

  19. Here's an idea. Lets wait until there is proof bf exists before we make it part of anything.

    Can't believe how a wave of the wand can distract ppl from what this woman has promised. Ask for proof backed up by repeatable facts and results.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
    How many bottles of snake oil are we gonna buy before we turn our backs on those who treat us like puppets.

    The way they are wrapping you around thier fingers is by telling you 90% of a good story.
    Then we fill in the other 10% with our imagination and if fact making ourself part of the story.
    Demand 100% fact and proof. It's the only way and if they want your respect and support it's the least they can provide.


    1. To endlessly debate this Ketchum stuff is pointless until she provides her evidence. Let's see it, then discuss her and her findings. Until then, why keep discussing her? She may deliver the goods or she may string us along for years. Let's put the burden on her to produce something first.

    2. Good idea, except the impatient ones can't sit tight and just wait, everytime she has something new to say they start yelling out their negative gall or call blasting if you will. They act like ants unable to control themselves, it's really most hilarious the way they crawl all over this place.

  20. As a person in the science community, I will point out the fact that stalling has taken place. The results have not confirmed any human genomes at all, it is just a tactic to get protection laws passed and to start shutting down forest lands to all human access. Environmentalist, animal rights groups have joined forces with certain people who stand to gain from it.

    1. There's no evidence you are in the scientific community. Maybe you are just some person with an agenda trying to discredit the woman on a public forum.


    3. That scientists is a bloody moron. LOL

  21. Smith is right. This is looking worse by the day. Something is very wrong. Ketchum looks like she is trying to publicly drum up noise that puts pressure on the people behind the scenes to get the outcome she desires. There can't be any other reason.

    Where there's smoke....

    1. The only smoke here is coming from your rear end. Here we go again - another conspiracy theorist without a clue. Give us a break from this mindless drivel.

    2. Indeed, the impatience of the manic Lindsay troll crowd is getting to be fucking annoying by now just shut the fuck up already, wait for it like any other normal person can.

  22. It's very comfortable to comment by anonimouses... No responcibility for the comments, no obligations... Just very easy to write accusations and mockeries...

    Igor Burtsev, PhD (Hist.), Russia

  23. Why should we talk about how to protect them when we DO NOT know the nature of them, their culture, behaviors, etc? There are a number of reports of them behaving violently... so how can we say they do not have a negative impact? We know so little about them any talk of how to protect them (and protect us from them if need be) is foolish at this stage. We cannot assume our present concept of who and what they are is correct! Let's see them proven THEN start wondering what to do about it, when we have seen their true nature and can begin to devise a reaction.

    1. We know about them, their nature, behaviors etc more than even about some tribes of humans somewhere in Amazonia. But haughty "scientists" don't want to know that knowledge, they are satisfied with paradigma, that no other human like creatures can exist somewhere on the Globe besides of modern humans... We have thousands the reports of eyewitnesses, we have hundreds of their artifacts from all over the world - the stick structures, made by them in forests, the braids plated by them in horses' manes, some other artifacts, we have their soud-records, which were analysed, and researchers found that they can speak... And these DNA analyse will not add much info about them, I'm sure, the skeptics will not recognise the Forest Peoples even if they see the live or dead creature... But those thousands of eyewitnesses now start to rise their voices to recognize their existence and to protect them of killings or even capture...
      Igor Burtsev, a Russian hominologist

    2. That is very true Igor, but once the DNA proof is in that means science will have proven the existence of the Sasquatch species and what skeptics yelled for years to happen has finally happened then. Once we have that DNA proof, it'll only be the worst skeptics left you can never satisfy who'll be screaming for more blood i.e. a body. I suggest that kind of stubborness from some is best ignored from now on, science has spoken and they ought to prove their own trust by accepting it. There's no need for further bloodshed now proof is there, in particularly when these global species evidently are humans of some sort hurting one should be regarded a severe crime. How or when we get to see this species alive or dead is anybody's guess, but it will surely happen one day and until then more new video and this DNA must be sufficient. The daydreaming of the skeptics is over.

  24. I will never understand why people think these guys need our protection. They have been doing fine on their own despite "researchers" trying to kill them for decades. We'd have a body if they really needed protection, think about it.

    Without a doubt, the best way we can protect them is to stop pursuing them and trying to validate our beliefs by proving they exist. There's no benefit in it for the bigfoot, only for believers. All sasquatch ever do is try to live apart from us and not be seen -- why can't we honor their wishes and leave them alone?

    1. You are right, but not fully... We need not only to protect them, but to allow them to live in prosperity... Humans occupy more and more space on the globe, and we should RECOGNIZE them, to share with them our environment... We should find the ways of COEXISTENCE with them, not to harm each others... That is why we need to recognize the - not by the science, but by the Governemental bodies...
      Igor Burtsev, a Russian hominologist

    2. Someone needs to write some Bigfoot fiction called COEXISTENCE. The human race finally makes contact, and after several generations Sasquatch has been integrated into society. We keep the Sasquatch on reservations and they become dependent on weekly shipments of boos and meth. Then one day the supply trucks stop coming...

  25. I would not give up my cash to protect anything that has yet to be proven. I might as well light my money on fire.
    I have nothing bad to say about Dr. Ketchum, but if she's asking for money to protect a species when it is discovered, that sets off a bunch of warning lights.
    This is another "cart before the horse" scenario.
    I haven't read her page for the details, so I don't know what's involved.
    I believe Sasquatch exist and I'm all for protecting them WHEN they are discovered. At this point in time I will donate to a reputable organization. Until then, I will keep my hard earned money in my pocket.

    1. Isn't that a little contradictory? If you feel sure enough to say you think they exist, then you pretty much know within yourself that they do so what's the problem. I don't think she should be asking for money and indeed I've not seen her doing that, but I'm sure they exist too and will sign what needs to be signed if need be.

  26. Humans are notorious for destroying what is natural! Some species go extinct without our help, but plenty species have left this planet at the hands of man. It is naive to think that man can manage anything wild. The only thing that needs to be managed is mans impact on wild things! -- Brian B.

    1. Beavers destroy and create. Are beavers natural?

    2. The answer is an emphatic NO. Beavers are the scum of the earth. And what about Bigfoot? Running around the woods randomly knocking down defenseless trees! Throwing rocks all the time, hunting in the night. Only thing worse are Pandas with their smug smiles.

  27. lol all this talk about a mythical creature. Brb gonna check unicorn evidence

  28. Thanks Apehuman for answering my question in a post way up above.

    This has been a wonderful dialogue without profanity and with cool heads. (well almost without profanity)

  29. Blah blah blah more BS. First off you can't protect a creature that we cannot prove. While DNA is great it does not prove a thing. You definitely need a body of some sort. Also who said Bigfoot is not food! Has anyone ever tasted one? They could be the most amazing tasting thing ever. They could put In n Out to shame! All kidding aside release the paper or be quiet already.
    Bigfoots Broski

    1. Shut the f*ck up you stupid idiot, you're not even funny you're only drunk. You a cannibal? The Sasquatch species is human, so the what to do and what not to do question sort of answers itself there. You may not like that fact, but fact it is nevertheless. DNA is a body you dummy, it is proof since it can't be faked meaning your kind of skeptic is the one the world will just ignore in the future. Science has done what we wanted and proven it real, to some that's not enough but that's tuff you're the new lunatic fringe my freaky friend, DNA is 100% scientific proof. LOL

    2. Science hasn't proved anything about Bigfoot sir. Maybe you have already read this DNA paper from Misses Melba? Oh wait, it hasn't been released yet so you should probably keep your science has already proven this and that theories to your slf so you don't look stupid. Oh wait you believe in Bigfoot. Silly me. You are a dunsky. Wait I am gonna add a LOL for no other reason than I just can. Science has proved that I can. Ok I'm out.

    3. I'm afraid I must disappoint you there sir, it has been proven indeed by Dr. Ketchum it's just not been released yet. We actually have her word as a scienitist on that. Can you somehow wrap your head around that thought? Proven, not released. Not released doesn't equal not proven, how naive are some of you, don't you think they need to prove something in the lab to themselves as scientists first before they can release it? Don't tell me you're that naive not to see that A must come before B.

  30. why oh why? Here we go again with dr. ketchum as someone please explain to me why a supposed scientist attempting to publish this earth shattering paper is so incompetent making premature public suggestions??? Doesn't seem at all normal or genuine to me and also makes me wonder if the rumor is true that Bfro/Oly Pr researcher bart cutino is really protecting bloody boots & clothing articles from the sierras killings & purposely keeping them from ketchum for an eventual "real" geneticist/ lab to examine...only relevent of course if we are to assume smeja is being truthful about the shootings in the first place. If true, good for cutino as I surely wouldn't trust her either. don't know about you, but her kooky behavior & claims like bigfoots braiding horses, assoc with fb forest people loons etc, plus hood wink promises on fb about positive study results (with nothing published) is NOT a promising sign people.

    1. Whatever. zzzzz This Ketchum bashing is getting real old and boring now really fast, bunch of weirdo wiseguys around here.

    2. Just as boring as her with her silly Facebook posts. Piss or get off the pot already Dr.

    3. Weirdo wiseguys huh? Id say that leaking info and making believers think they got their bigfoots proven and in the bag on fb of all things is unprofessional and unbecoming of a so called scientist. You dont think bigfoots braiding horses, disappearing bigfoots, lying about association w arla williams, mindspeak dribble and mentioning her own sightings that took place AFTER she started this dna study is not weird??? Im sure there's more but is it even worth mentioning? Good luck as Its unfortunate for bigfooters their stuck with this person doing testing if thats even happening. Wow what a mess

  31. Three facts that apply to this situation.

    1. Spring and hope springs eternal.

    2. Hucksters are a mainstay of bigfooting.

    3. The beeleevers need #1 and feed #2

  32. This is silly.

    No one will listen until it's proven first.

    This entire topic is premature at best.

    Prove it first, then we can begin with this...

  33. Every time Dr. Ketchum has something new to say it's never good enough for the skeptics, and we have to go through all this bullshit again. I suggest it's best she keeps quiet from now on, until she's ready to say something more conclusive again. Maybe that conference in May, maybe that's when it'll all be revealed. Just hang in there people, this ain't going to come any faster by you crapping around nor is it going away anywhere.

  34. All this back and forth about the BODY!

    We have a guy that say's he shot not one, but two bigfoots'.

    A whole bunch of back and forth about Ketchum?

    We know they have been in contact.

    Would you have left a body??? espicially a small, easy to move body???

    If you shot something that was even slightly human LOOKING,
    would you go to Bigfooters and scientist,

    Who was contacted; bigfooters and a scientist named Melba!





  35. I agree leon, it's pure madness the way some react in the light of this coming discovery. It's a bunch of trolls and disenchanted bigfooters and jealous scientists basically, all rolled neatly into one big ball that's rolling and rolling down the hill, all sharing the same disappointment this whole reveal is either going too fast or too slow depending on their personal or professional agendas.

  36. It is fun though isn't it!

    A good brain stretchingfor all of us.

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