Tim Fasano Now Says The Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Project Is Legit

Our old friend Tim Fasano, the Skunk Ape Hunter from Florida just put up a new video where he gives us an update on Rick Dyer's RV fire and apologizes for bashing the Ketchum DNA project.

Watch below:

Thanks to The Crypto Crew for the update.


  1. Wow! ...I didn't see that coming.
    David from the PAC/NW

  2. Wow again this jackass has to eat crow. I think he like it cause it doesn't seem to humble him in anyway.

  3. That was nice to hear, it's never too late to say you're sorry. I'm wondering something, if the Ketchum study proves the Sasquatch species not to be an ape will the hairy cousin in Florida be renamed Skunk Man?

  4. I sincerely hope they finally will be able to classify the animal other than human (but not holding my breath). My reasoning is the sooner this is accomplished the sooner the DNR opens up a season. I am looking forward to a hunt involving another species of "big game" in North America.

    1. seriously GOOD LORD they are not game they are living breathing HUMAN like beings that deserve to be left alone to live their life's just as we are. they are not hurting anything or anyone let it be !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Tim Fasano,

    Why should anyone care what you say?

  6. Forget it, anon anus 01:27. It'll be 100% illegal to kill any primate in America, whether ape or human. Grow up Elmer Fudd and face that fact, if not you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a weapon. It seems, in America any fucker can have a gun just like any geek can have a computer and spout ignorant bullshit all day, you can still break the laws though.

  7. Hey fat slob. No one cares if dyer is safe. No one cares if you live or die..Go make another hoax video like palmetto monster

  8. Tim Fasano is a guy looking for credability, if someone like Derek Randles takes the time to call Tim and explain the facts he will forget what Biscardi told him to say about Dr. Ketchum and do the right thing. If you want Tim to do the right thing call him !

  9. I'm sorry I missed the post that was removed.I have no context to go on.
    Tim is his own worst enemy,and it's really too bad.
    Despite what people say about him,and yes,I'm guilty of it as well,he does have potential.
    Sadly he's letting his competitive nature take over,and it shows.
    At least he issued an apology.I don't know how sincere it is though.

    1. Hey SN. His post was utterly belligerent, darn near foaming at the mouth. At least he has shown he is big enough to issue an apology, and to listen to somebody who knows something like Derek Randles, and not others who have been advising him. Yor are right about being his own worst enemy, and maybe next time will think before putting his foot in his mouth.


  10. Thes comments from supposed hunters (above and on several posts the last couple of days) are all BS. I myself do not hunt, but I live in Texas so almost everyone I know does hunt from time to time. If this DNA study proves their existence there is not a single hunter I know who's first reaction would be to go out and hunt one down. These guys posting here are full of it, a bunch of trolls is my guess. No responsible hunter wants to hunt down a rare animal. They leave that for millionaires who fly into private hunting lodges on helicopters. John

    1. Probably should have prefaced that with the fact that I do still believe a body, alive or dead, will be needed to for any full existence of the Sasquatch as an actual species. But I don't support this trophy hunting attitude. I am for taking one specimen and making it very public. The moment you try to do something like this privately, to make money, the moment you get tied up in NDAs and all the crap we keep waiting for. The bloodlust attitude is all wrong, if you are going to do it, do it for the preservation of the species. John

    2. When the DNA study proves it, there won't be a need to kill one. They scientists who have been too concerned about their own careers will all jump on the band wagon and go out into the woods to study them. With the habituation sites they won't need to kill one. They may however try to tranquilize them, weigh them, tag them etc.
      And it should be illegal to kill one of these extremely rare animals, hominid or not!

    3. With due respect I think it's pretty clear that if a Bigfoot wandered into a decent neighborhood it should be put down quickly and humanely before it could hurt our children. There's no reason Bigfoot should get so close to our kids. I've heard that they tackle and slaughter helpless deer and wild pigs. Anything that brutal isn't welcome around my children. I tried to get a law passed in my town so we could shoot wolves and cougars at will and guess what: it didn't pass because of the liberal media.

  11. I can understand some of your beliefs in regards to trophy hunts (not ethical. I also agree that no hunter would hunt one down immediately as we have left that to your own scientific community (term lightly used) and so-called researchers (term lightly used. So who engaged in as of now shooting an animal not currently listed as a big game species? Granted, I do not believe they actually shot a bigfoot but I will with-hold judgment. It is factual that if bigfoot numbers are found to be manageable/sustainable then tags will be issued. Why? I can envision tags selling for up to $250,000 which immediately goes into your local DNR budget. In these economic times you can bet your local DNR will hold a bidding process for a bigfoot tag. Hopefully, some of us guys can get lucky in a drawing and receive our chance to bring home a magnificent trophy.

    1. I think, in some sick way, that Bigfoots should be hunted and killed. This is probably instinct on my part, maybe something held over from the Cromagnon vs Neanderthal days, but I genuinely feel they should be destroyed on sight. I don't feel safe when I go picnicking with my family and I sometimes lie awake with concerns that Bigfoot might be outside. As bad as it sounds I would have to kill Bigfoot; there's no room for both species on this planet. The whole idea of an ultra intelligent man/ape creeping around my neighborhood freaks me out.

    2. Ok, this is what I'm talking about. I don't agree with you. John

    3. Funny, that may be what bigfoot thinks about you. When you go "gunnin" for him, he may suplex/powerbomb you into the grave.

  12. There's some pretty compelling information out there stating that all Bigfoot encounters are mistaken identity. Sometimes people even mistake a wolverine for Bigfoot. Psychologists have a word for it, which I've forgotten, but it's pretty amazing what people think they saw vs. what they actually saw.

    Same thing with eyewitness accounts that the police interview, they always get it wrong.

    It's too bad that Bigfoot isn't real because it would be pretty cool to have a thing like that walking around.

    Bears, wolverines, other people... I even heard of one where somebody thought a bird in flight was a Bigfoot. But I get what everyone on this site is talking about, it's like a game right? Like D&D and everyone plays along even though they know they're not warriors or dungeon masters?

    It's fun to comment about Bigfoot. I totally get it.

    1. I didn't realize I was commenting under the above comment, which makes my comment seem like a joke. It's not a joke. It's also not a joke because I commented on this topic from this guy who is a hoaxer. I wish I had commented on another page. I genuinely would like some answers.

    2. you totally don't get it, there is so much going
      on with this right now, that you are going to be eating your words with in the next 3 mths.

    3. It's not a gag, Vera. We're not roll playing, we all believe Bigfoot is real. We discuss the possibilities and the evidence here. there's nothing to "get."

    4. I was reading your encounter below and it is indeed fantastical, but I believe you bc it who would make up such a crazy story. You might have been seeing Siamese twin Bigfoots; this phenomenon happens with all types of primates so perhaps they're conjoined giving the appearance of a centaur-like creature. You can imagine how irritable a conjoined Bigfoot would be: getting harangued by humans and having a twin attached would lead to great stress on a creature.

    5. Vera, please read my comment below. Not trying to be nasty. I promise, this is no game. I understand how someone looking IN would question this. Most of us who havwe seen one,
      ---- still find it inconcievable.
      Ask yourself what exactly would make grown men and women go on some crazy snipe hunt if,
      ----- we didn'nsee, what we saw!!!!!

    6. Your funny. I bet you looked at you tiny pee-pee and realized that you had to be hallucinating because of its wee little size and came to the realization that it had to be a hallucination.

      If you are going to attempt to insight someone, atleast come up with a few empty scientific names to support your meager argument.

  13. I saw Bigfoot but it was a weird one. It had a, like... I'm even embarrassed to say it... a body of a horse, the lower half. It was like a centaur but the top part was simian. The feet were simian too, attached to horse-like legs.

    Has anyone seen this thing? Or seen the tracks, which were mind-blowing?

    I saw it while flyfishing. The simian part was bending down in the water the way a giraffe drinks, you know? I saw it and was confused as to what the hell I was looking at. I thought maybe it was horse and rider, but then it straightened up when it saw me. It screamed like it was calling out to another of its kind then slapped it's chest like a gorilla and raced off into the brush.

    I'm not a drinker or drug user and I'm being truthful: God's honest. It was only maybe 35 yards from me so I got a good look.

    I just don't even know who to report it to or what to make of it because it's so absurd sounding, like I'm making things up but I'm not.

    I told friends about it and I haven't heard the end of their teasing.

    It was the height of a man on horse back... but connected, you know? When it screamed the whole mouth opened up like when you see a gorilla bear its fangs. It made me take a deep involuntary gasp of air, which I have never done in my life.

    I know what I saw and it didn't make a lick of sense.

    1. I also have pictures of the tracks, trail and maybe the droppings of whatever this thing was. I will post or email them if it would help explain my experience. I'd love some peace of mind on this.

    2. i don't think it was a centaur.maybe one was hurt and the other was piggybacking because of an injury? That would explain the aggresion. I would like to see your pics. Can you post them in a public forum?

    3. i agree that they could have been piggybacking, like one helping another get some water. I've heard of apes doing that exact thing. Can you tell us where and when. I bet that was a frightening moment for you. You don't want to get on the wrong side of a bigfoot protecting another bigfoot. You might have almost been killed.

      I also agree it was unlikely that it was a centaur. taht would be a first? Do you have pictures of the tracks? Were they quadrupedal?

    4. I saw an episode of Fact or Faked with a group of mating manatees that, when joined together, looked like a sea monster. Maybe you're the first person to witness Bigfoots mating? There's just no way that there's a subspecies of Bigfoot with horse legs - that's too far out.

      I do believe your story, though.


    5. I believe you chris. But let me throw this out. I've had three seperate encounters, each with a different person, and in each case, we saw or heard the same thing. If I had been by myself, I really would have struggled to believe my own eyes. I always had a second party verifier.
      Just seeing one of these creatures, especially a big-one, can absolutly throw a monkey wrench into ones thought process. Some peoples minds will distort the true image into something more acceptable "horse and rider" vs. 900lbs / 10ft tall sasquatch walking on all fours. Other minds would just erase such an event. People on the BFRO often mention that watching a T.V.show may bring back a childhood memory. I do believe you saw one, and it would be OK and normal if your mind had a hard time replaying such a shocking event!
      For those of us who have had the EXPERIENCE!!!!!
      YOU WILL never LET SOMEONE convence you that there is not a core truth to the phenomena of Bigfoot.

    6. Thanks for that. i will admit I was completely freaked out so I guess anything is possible.

      My mind's eyes keeps telling me Bigfoot with horse body, which i know sounds completely unbelievable.

      Maybe my brain went into panic mode or something.

    7. let me ask a few questions chris.
      1. there is know way you saw a moose right, female , no antlers. I ask because a moose has a very similar body to a horse. I'll asume you elliminated that!
      2. it walked in on all fours, beat its chest with its front/arms legs, and then left on the two rear legs. Is this all correct?
      3. did the rear look more like feet and the front like hands, or did you not really get two make a distinction?
      4. did you see ears? Did you see the mouth, how wide was it?
      5. The noise it made, was it
      a bellow
      a roar,
      or a combination?
      6. if you were standing right there and looking at it, would you have been looking at his
      eye to eye
      7. what state were you in?

    8. No problem:

      1. No way it was a moose, I see them all the time.
      2. It had six discernible limbs; four on the ground and two beating its chest. It had black hair and black skin, like a gorilla. It ran off on four legs with two arms held high like when an ape walks for balance. i know it sounds crazy.
      3) It looked like it had hands for feet with thumb sticking out. I know this sounds impossibly detailed but it was standing on light colored pebbles and really stood out.
      4) I don't remember the ears. The mouth looked like a big gorilla when it bares its fangs or yawns, like you see at the zoo.
      5)The sound went low to high, like those really loud monkeys in South America.
      6)It's hard to judge but I think my eye level would be just above the naval area.
      7) I was just fishing. I was wide awake and sober, no caffeine, alcohol or drugs, no mental illness or fantasies.

      The sun was low in the sky and the creature was black. There was plenty of light, though. I'm telling you I gasped involuntarily and almost vomited I was so scared. have you ever seen a cat jump off the ground when it gets scared? I did that.

      It didn't look like anything I've ever even heard of.

      i understand people panic and see things and imagine all sorts of stuff, but this lasted several seconds, like maybe 7. I had a good look at it, and a chance to get scared, recover and understand what I saw. When that thing screamed my knees went almost completely out from under me.

      To anyone who is embarrassed to talk about their Bigfoot encounter: relax, just think how I feel. My story is much more difficult to tell because of how ridiculous it sounds.

      Thanks everybody.

    9. Chris, someone else posted a comment about mating manatees and it got me thinking that the mixed-up Bigfoot you saw might have been a male & female "linked" together, like what happens to dogs when they are mating. It could explain their behavior, and maybe one of them was bending down for a drink but the couldn't separated. I can see how that would look like what you've described.

      It's nice (and interesting) to hear a drastically different encounter story.

      I'm convinced it was a mated pair. I hope they're all right.

    10. Could it have been fasano on all fours getting his rectum blown out by one of his many hillbilly friends?
      I too believe you saw something. Would like to see any pictures you took

    11. Wow chris, still think you saw a squatch, but how wierd. The size and scream makes me think it was a squatch. If not for those, I would think maybe some other cryptid or dimentional being. There are other things we yet don't understand. Maybe it was two matting? Or maybe it was totting half a moose for dinner. Very, very strangee.

      P.S. Maybe the back two legs were Tim Fasano. Usually his heads up his own ass, maybe this time, it was up Bigfoots ass. Sorry chris, just had to give him a shot. ha ha ha

    12. Also. of my three encounters, I took a FUUULLLL volume scream from 30-50 feet, this one was unseen. that was by far my scariest encounter. I could feel the reverberation in the volume. It instantly put me and the other guy in terror/flight mode. We both ran three hundred yards back to my truck. This guy was a hunting partner, more of a hunter than me. We had both called up many animals at night. This happened in north Texas.
      We were not hunting at the time and it was four in the afternoon.
      When anyone hears a big one scream at full volume, they will know two things.
      1. there is no commonly known animal that makes a noise like that.
      2. Whatever makes a noise that loud, is absolutely huge, and not human and supreme in his territory.

      You ever heard that saying, FEET DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!! There you go, ha ha ha

    13. P.S. Chris, I meant (what state) your location.
      7. what state, your answering the way you did kind of prooves a point.
      When a lot of people have a sighting, you are now living in another place that didn't excist ------- i.e. before the sighting.
      It makes you think in whole new way.
      Your responce leand on (state of mind, awarness,comprehension, rational)
      Having a sighting makes us go down the check list of all this mental factors to PROVE to ourselves we saw something unbelievable!!!!!!!!!

      You definitely saw something that TURNED ON YOUR LIGHT SWITCH.
      Just a bit of knowledge, you'll be replaying this for years to come, that's OK!

    14. Chris, I like the Siamese Twin theory the best. I was wondering if you are not an artist yourself, because that would be awesome, could someone please take Chris's original description and come up with a composite drawing. I just think it would be cool to see is all, and I am not an artist. Hope someone does it, cool story. John

  14. "It is factual that if bigfoot numbers are found to be manageable/sustainable then tags will be issued. Why? I can envision tags selling for up to $250,000 which immediately goes into your local DNR budget."
    that is total BS, then why is do they have an endangered species list with very big fines and prison time ? BF would be one of the rarest species in the world, And tou think the DNR will give out tags for one just to make money ? There's a better chance they will give out tags for people caught J walking then a tag for bigfoot.

  15. Do you not understand manageable/sustainable? Your argument would have more credibility if you argued on current population density (<5000?). However, we still have no proveable evidence of existance of bigfoot so I guess all we can do is argue about those in the position of pro-kill. The ironic nature of the beast is many in the community/belief in existance of bigfoot squarely support "no body/no evidence".

    1. I think since no one has ever actually seen Bigfoot it probably doesn't exist. People have been around a long time and you would think someone would have seen Bigfoot by now.

    2. Yet another ignorant skeptic shows how little he knows. I love how skeptics assume that their lack of knowledge and ignorant assumptions are claimed as facts. It boggles the mind. Stanton Friedman likes to describe skeptics like this, this way "Don't bother me with the facts, I have already made up my mind"

    3. I'm a big fan of Stanton Friedman also. I have heard him say this quite a few times and it rings true.


  16. Chris's experience above is an interesting one and much more compelling than the usual "Bigfoot looked in my truck window" story. Think about it: maybe Bigfoots are skilled at mimicking the appearance of other animals, maybe one was in mid-"transformation" (for lack of a better word.)

    I'd love to see Chris's pictures and ask him to take a lie detector test (no offense.) Otherwise I think this is an authentic encounter.

  17. Funny, I posted this yesterday on his other topic, sooo predictable....
    In his usual fashion Fatsano has now retracted his dumb comments and likely asked for them to be removed, he will ask for forgivness and say he has turned over a new leaf, like hes done 5 times before. Im sooo sick of this twit. Im wishing he would go away, but I still stay subbed to him on utube incase he blows up, I want to see it....
    Mike in PNW

  18. timmy glad to see you started taking your meds again....

  19. Good God Fasano is so lame. Jesus Christ. Facepalm.

  20. If you have followed Tampa Tim from his early posts on Youtube you would see a pattern here. Tim has done this thing to Derek Randles, Steve Kulls, Timbergiant, etc.....after losing all his credability early on he found that attacking people then apologizing was away to keep attention upon him. Sure he looks like a jerk, but publicity good or bad PAYs bigtime in todays world !

  21. time to eat that black crow timmy! oh yea while i'm enjoying another timbo moment! i'm wondering if you still got the hots for that 6'ft.lesbo renea on the find bigfoot show? man that's another timbo moment gone wild! yikes, timmy you didn't see that one in your cab's rear view mirror? don't forget to eat your veggies with that deep fried crow little timmy boy.

  22. Yesterday's anon 8:14, you're nuts my little scared family man. This planet doesn't belong to your kind alone, this is a new important discovery so you'll just have to live with it and it's worked fine for us all so far. Besides, people are so damn ignorant about this whole Bigfoot subject it completely boggles the mind in the most painfully embarrassing manner. Stop listening to the Matt Moneymakers out there, these elusive forest beings aren't apes/animals but a hairy peaceful people. The original longhaired tree hugging hippie. That is (t)all.

  23. Why on earth would anyone take anything Fasano speaks as truth? The guy is of the same ilk as Biscardi,Dyer,Marx etc. publicity seekers and hoaxers. Fasano is a sad,sad man. Sad that people like Tim are the ones that the news organizations seem to go after when talking of this subject...guess they figure that if they get the craziest,wackiest and most ignorant person around it will bring in better ratings. Sigh.

  24. Would someone just shot one and prove they exist and be done with all this BS and waste of time. Human or ape, one death would move this ahead fast and save the rest.


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