Other Catchphrases "Finding Bigfoot" Should Use Besides 'Squatch' [Humor]

During our last Finding Bigfoot live blogging session with Autumn Forest, we counted a total of 46 "squatch" being used in a span of one hour. Excluding commercials, that's 1 "squatch" per minute!

If you're getting tired of hearing the same word being used over and over again, Erik from jkire.com came up with some popular catchphrases the show could use:

The following are some phrases I wish were catchphrases on the Animal Planet show, Finding Bigfoot.

“Those are some big feet!”

“Squatch out!”

“Something’s afoot. A bigfoot.”

“Wowie Yowie!”

“You know what they say about bigfoot…”

- erik j skinner


  1. That's "SQUATCHTASTIC" You read it here first folks, so if MM or the team uses it you know where it came from.

    1. Squatch what you're saying if I were you, MM may have already copyrighted that word.

  2. In my upcoming film, Baby Bigfoot in New York, we call the title character Ba'squatch.

    It's my own clever invention.

    The Ba'squatch has a taste for human blood, but not just any humans: baby humans. I'm sure you can imagine what a gibbon-sized baby Sasquatch with the strength of thousands could do to the soft flesh of a child.

    Sure, it's going to have some gore, but we're trying to keep everything as close to reality as possible.

    Did you know that Bigfoots capture deer and cook the meat in boiling cauldrons of natural spring water? This is the sort of stuff we bring to the public's attention in my film. Also the fact that porcupines hide Bigfoot bones by eating them? My research team says it's symbiosis, like those things that dangle off sharks.

    Science baffles me and freaks me out so I always use the best consultants. I have a few openings for anyone who has expertise in this field. No pay but you'll get screen credit and I'll see if I can get you into a great party we hold every year at the W hotel in San Diego.

    Let me know.

    1. got to admit basquatch is pretty good. whne does it come out?

    2. @ Karl: I would like to consult for screen credit. I know a lot about Sasquatch. How do we reach you? Your IMDb page doesn't have a contact # and I don't have IMDb Pro.

      I also like the Ba'squatch name. Very clever.

    3. Sounds sick! I'd watch it.

    4. Send your qualifications to babybigfootin newyork@gmail.com

    5. I have absolutely no qualifications but I like to learn stuff. And I can generate a lot of publicity and hype among young people. Good enough?

  3. Here a squatch, there a squatch, everywhere a squatch, squatch!

    Squatch it!

  4. This season can be summed up as "No Squatch", and the audience is getting "Squatched Out".


  5. Animal Planet: NO EVIDENCE, JUST SQUATCH!!!

  6. I think it's very squatchable, and if you would listen to some of the blog radio stations you would know the whole show is scripted the crew says what the producers want them to say and they film for almost 16 hrs a day so the editing dept puts in all those squatch words.

  7. The picture that goes with the title to this thread would have been much more accurate if it would have had matt asking where his sandwich was? and let that be it. Because we all know hes always lookin for more food. That or Hey wheres my drugs? That would be even better as it depicts his lifestyle perfectly!
    Moneymaker belongs in rehab and not anywhere close to the woods. when will people learn to give this man nothing but the change of a channel. He is a disgrace to the bigfoot community and when the news breaks about everything you can bet moneymakers pitty party that he is not included will be huge. He is already being shunned by the true researchers and if he thinks he will get one ounce of credit for the species discover he is dead wrong. The only thing he will get is the booby award and maybe an extra ham sandwich for a horrible tv show that embarrassed his colleagues. Take a bow moneymaker, you have done a great job embarrassing your country.

  8. Is that a baby bigfoot in your pants or are you just glad to see me?

  9. Matt Lipschitz? No wonder he changed his last name.

  10. Some of you may know how much I despise that term. In fact, way back in season 1, I reviewed the show after the second episode. That's where I first developed my distaste. I can remember emailing Shawn about it.

    Add to that every sign and occurrence "having to be a squatch" and it becomes literally sickening.

    I'm glad to see more people joining the party.

    Scott McMan

    1. I wuldn't watch if they stopped saying "Squatch." It makes the show... that and all the evidence they uncover - it's tight!


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