FB/FB Explains Why Sasquatch Can Easily Hide From Humans

The Facebook Find Bigfoot guy knows a lot of things about Bigfoot. In this video, he explains why a Sasquatch thinks and reacts faster than us puny humans. Bigfoots are strategically much smarter than us and their situational intelligence comes from their very close relationship to the Gibbon.

Instead of swinging from branch to branch, Sasquatch walk pulling on trees, kinda like how a Gibbon would move if it were on the ground. Their ability to quickly evade any type of danger explains why it's so hard for humans to find them.

Watch their video below:



  2. yea if its such a big hoax then why are you here running your pie hole with negative comments on every post?if you dont like it then leave..just cause you sit in the chair all day eating potato chips dont make you an authority on anything.get out in the woods DAILY and find out for yourself like we have..

  3. So the FB/FB guy thinks they are gibbon relatives? Hmm. I had not even considered that. Before this Ketchum DNA rumor, I was sure they would be proven to be an orangutan relative. I guess we will find out soon.

    1. If you read the old Albert Osterman story, the last comments that were made may shed some light on how he DNA results will turn out. This person may have some "inside information" about the study.

    2. Anonymous @ 7:55 Am, what makes you think the Osterman story will give us insight into the DNA results, people please, they results are not out and not info exist thta they ever will be, and just to let you guys know, if we do find out that BF is actually a real subhuman species, they will not tell us the truth for a long time. Why you may ask? because other scientist have to agree with the findings and do their own research to agree. We to stop thinking we all inside info on whats goign on with the DNA. Oh and the FB/FB do not know anything of whats going on either. If the community really belives their breakdownss and such, something is wrong.

  4. I can see a new parcour craze: the sasquatch style

  5. I think the FB/FB guys are running out of things to talk about, now they are making radical assumptions that they now how Sasquatch does his thing, I like the FB/FB guys, but this is retarded. Im sorry they do say a lot of good things but this is unfounded hogwash, I cut the video after 20 seconds, Now one knows how bigfoot evades us, I mean I can make a scientfic guess if they can, maybe they have radar like bats and have natural night vision, I mean that coul be a theory. Besides i have been a little disappointe with them, specially the blobsauqatches they are showing saying is a bigfoot. I think they are loosing sight of getting the clear photo or the nice video with clear frames, why do we in the FB community not say the same thing to them,when they put crappy photos and videos. If it was regular people with a bad video or photo, people on here would ridicule them, but if the FB/FB guys put them up, people say is a Sasquatch, but you can see the stuff they have is bad photos, bad videos,which are to far away an unfocused. I just want to know am I the only one seen this from the FB/FB guys?

  6. I dunno why this blog holds up FB/Fb like they have anything important to say about anything. I am tired of being lectured by these "bigfoot academic wannabees" with their hokey comparisons to Gibbons and other silly immature remarks and "know nothing" analysis. The only Gibbons they have ever seen are in the "zoo" or some National Geographic documentary and suddenly they are "experts" lecturing us about Bigfoot and Gibbon behavior and they go through film after photo of nothing more than hoaxes and other pure crap and anomolies of blobsquatch nonsense. FB/FB are completely absurd and juvenile...void of anything interesting or of merit...they should be boycotted from all squatch blogs.

  7. FB/FB has little credibility in my book. They analyze videos as legitimate that have previously been verified as hoax. They make assertions with absolutely no 'Verifiable' scientific artifacts, other than some very poor video footage. With the exception of Dr. Meldrum's assertions about a midtarsal break in the foot, there is little else that is scientifically verifiable. Everything else is purely assumption or speculation at best. By all means, speculate or assume. You are only a curious human after all. But please don't insult our intelligence by asserting that your assumptions are factual in any way. Please give us some intellectual respect and state 'These are my assumptions, speculations, best guess, etc.'


  8. This is one of those commentaries, that you want to write off by rationlizing that everyone including FB/FB, is entitled to there own opinion.

    Mystical? Magical? FB/FB really has to get out more often. Seeing one does not disprove that they do not have paranormal abilities. But hearing one breathing while it is right in front of you, is pretty powerful evidence for them having magical paranormal abilities, that obviously help them to escape detection by man. You can write that down on the palm of your hand, for the next time you go out listening for Bigfoot.

  9. they could be interested in 12 year olds making an outdoors film. oh ye,2 12 year olds did, they had a ghillie suit and pads. the funny part was fb/fb sayig how it met the desired oints on 6 points ie coned hed,rise fall, mid tarsel break, hands to knees etc....no retraction or admision from fb/fb,they just hoped it went away.i think they still have it as 27 out of 50.yet the kids make a film of how easily they fooled these idiots,self appointed experts

    lauhable wannabess. 'you look ridiculas' they have the nerve to sy on this one. throwing stones in glass houses comes to mind

  10. the gibbon footage is eactly the same animal/movement as the NY baby footage.

    what i dont ubdertand is 'fnding bigfoot' say no animals were allowed into the festival,as someone was bit the year before,that isnt in line with the video ive seen/heard people post that there was a guy there with a pet gibbon letting peole get their photo taken with it. its a no brainer

    If the erickson film doesnt show what is reported ive lost the 1% belief ive got that BF is real,theres no evidence

    as a layman its hard to peer review the ketchum paper as i know nothing about good or bad science,genomes,dna sequence etc... so i need hd film that i entrst on film experts to tell me if its tampered with or CGI'd in anyway.I led to believe its easy enough,if u know what to look for, to kow if its a rel animal/subject or CGI. so if the 'heaving carpet' stands up and growls then walks away my belied reverses from 1% doubt to 99% vbelief. i want so badly to be wrong! It would rock the world

    the only ther issue i have,as a Christian, is looking on this animal as a missing link and the gemeral THEORY we evolved from apes.Utter nonsense. the universe and people n it were created as was bigfoot and every other animla. laugh all u want thats my belief.it takes far more fath to believe we are in the exact spot from moon and sun so we dont frexze or fry and have evrything we need for life to go on.To think that came from gasses etc exploding is ridiculas,IMO.

    eitherway the bible
    le states that gigantiplipus[sp,u know the term i mean]is catered for in the bibe,hence why a bigfoot creature sits easily with my view of bigfoot and creator God.
    Its all or nothing,for me,with ericksons film. if this proves a hoax then is just the merry go round of hoaxed film and blobs for ever. zzzz

    If 10ft 800pd apemen and their families are walking about North America then surely common sense would tell us that this is almost impossi le not to have a body,bones,hd film etc etc...just blobs of a creature this side is dumb thinking. i hope its true and ericksonproves this animal/human is here. Doesnt change that fb/fb are a waste of time and their self elected position as judges isnt asked for


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